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  1. Hm ok. Wonder why it works. Thanks. There are a few things in here that I would like to add like the sd functions. It would be nice to replace the use of all the external files I'm using now. AS for the others. Yes there are a few in there that look interesting. Also it seems to run fine now. Not sure why. I rebooted and then it would run fine.
  2. A few issues here. 1) when running the app I get nothing no error's nothing. I'm running it from within scite so I can watch for any funny output. I am already running and have never upgraded to the newer versions. 2) what about the file size limitations of ntfs. I thought it was only 4 gb. I could be wrong and don't remember the exact size of this. Now for some comments. No it's not the largest I have been working on a program I call buster for a few years. I have never released it. In the past I have used eraser and a few other methods for secure file erasure in my app. It also supports copy lock and secure delete from systernals. After running across your secure delete stuff I have not looked over it as carefully as I should but on first look it looks sound enough. Do you mind if I use it for my app also? Thanks for some ideas and the nice app.
  3. Sorry for the delay I have been off line. It is a function or more like a udf that I use on my own scripts not something native to autoit. I simply make my own function _Debug and from there echo the contents to the console. It's handy for debuggingand does not require a bunch of popup windows for debugging.
  4. besides unless you are using webdav or something similar you can not write to http. Smoke was right you need to access the files through ftp if you would like to work with them and in that case you would edit it local and then upload it to the server. Webdav will allow you to publish through http but you need a web server that has that feature installed and seeing as how microsoft has dropped frontpage as a product I'm not sure if webdav as a protocol will last much longer.
  5. I can't answer your question directly but I can tell you from experience that it takes an awfully long time to time out. I can also tell you that if you are using a wireless connection that your adapter may be droping the connection every now and then. Both of these things happen to me here. I also have a downloader script modified from some other work here that is very fault tollerent and so far works the best for me when having this kind of issue.
  6. no problem. This project isn't much I have quite a few others that are at least this bit and a few that are larger. No problem email me with any questions. I can't think of anything else besides debug that would be nice to have. Since I know if all the _debug() lines are removed first then it should automaticly remove the function also. Thanks.
  7. thank you. ALso I didn't look at your code yet but I do use debugging functions to output debugging info to the console window of scite. Another nice idea for the preprocessor would be if it would strip debugging lines from the finished product. This would save me from having to go through and do it all by hand. my function calls look like this _Debug(@ScriptLineNumber, "WhichPlugin = " & $WhichPlugin) This helps me to see were my code is messing up at so I sprinkle them all over when I'm trying to figure out what is going on.
  8. sent. A few notes. It's a work in progress. I used to have some custom scripts for pebuilder that were all batch file stuff. I'm converting it all over to autoit. A good portion of the work is done but I'm still mostly working on the gui front end stuff yet. Not everything is complete though. What is there works perfectly. The back end stuff for actually controling barts pe is not added yet however. It does work comletely as far as it goes for now and has no currently known bugs. The gui stuff I have used for another app I made and so I still need to change the lang files and stuff but that will be last for me to do after everything else is done. Thanks Also note I'm most likely going to gpl it but I have not decided on a license yet so please don't give it out. Not that you would but thanks anyway.
  9. I have a fairly good sized project that uses multiple children gui's. When I use this script on it for some reason the child gui stuff does not get included in the _pre version. Another thing that was missed is that (and I did not look through every line of code) almost all of my globals were missing. I have a singe include with most of my globals in it. This is an interesting concept though. Another I didn't find the issues that wooltown did.
  10. tried new code. Good news the icons work when compiled. Bad news none of the menu entires work. I'll try sticking my debuging info into this new one and see were it takes me.
  11. no I added nothing at all. I ran it right out of the zip with no modifications. I did later add a bunch of debuging lines to the code to try and track were the issues were comming from but that was more or less it.
  12. ok after much trouble shooting. I'm currently running which is newer then the last beta so the beta does not matter right now. I have been running since about a day or two after it hit the net. The only reason it was not sooner is becuase of the server overload I was unable to download it. current beta is only I found the issue though it's that $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() is never getting any information other than 0 and some negative values. It is never returning the handle of any of the controls. This not only includes the exit and edit but every single menu item. Clicking on anything does nothing. The icons show up properly running the latest release but when compiled with the latest release the icons do not show up. If there is naything else you would like to know just ask. Thanks. Oh and in my debuging I already messed with the switch to see what was going on. Thats how I discovered that no handles were being returned. So far many other things I do work fine and I have not had any of these issues so I'm kind of at a loss as to know why this one app acts like this. If I have time today I'll see if I can but hunt a little more. If you would like like my version that outputs debuging info let me know and I'll post it here.
  13. I am running the latest. I also have the issue of having to kill it with task manager to shut it down.
  14. I like it only thing is that when you compile it the icons dont show up.
  15. ok if you must know it would great if you included the includes it needs to run as not everybody like me may have a copy of the menu udf lying around. So all I get is an error sue to the missing udf.
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