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About saywell

  • Birthday April 20

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    Health Informatics
    learning autoit!

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  1. Thank, Melba. I see the logic. Perhaps File Edit Line would have covered both. Or a File Delete Line function separately? I'll look at the array read/write method. Regards, William
  2. Hi, M23 I've just returned to AutoIt scripting after several years' absence. I need to delete a number of lines from the middle section of a text file, thus keeping the first few lines and the last few lines. Has your function seen the light of day yet, as it seems to have the option to do just what I need? Regards, William
  3. Thanks Jos - That works as intended from the scripting point of view. Reply-to address added correctly. Sadly gmail's servers ignore the reply-to address when sending automatic responses [anti-spam]. But at least a manual reply works to that address, so still some benefit. William
  4. Is there any way to add a reply-to address? My users send photos via a shared gmail account, but I'd like to set up an auto-response in my email account to automagically send a 'received' message to the sender's own email account. Thanks, William
  5. This seems to work for tif and jpeg files [change the extension in 2 places to switch between file types for this demo] William #Include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> #Include <String.au3> Global $sInImage= FileOpenDialog ("Test File","C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\SBACC Comp nov2013\possibles","All(*.*)") Global $Testfile = StringReplace ($sInImage,".tif",".txt") RunWait (@ScriptDir&'\i_view32.exe "'& $sInImage & '" /info="'&$Testfile&'"','') $file= FileOpen($Testfile) $text = FileRead($file) FileClose($file) $adimensions = _StringBetween($text,"Image dimensions =","Pixels") $aHtWid = StringSplit ($adimensions[0]," x ",1) $wid = StringStripWS($aHtWid[1],8) $ht = StringStripWS($aHtWid[2],8) MsgBox (0,"Wid x Ht", $wid&"x"&$ht) FileDelete ($Testfile) exit
  6. Thanks, BrewManNH. Looks like the info is inaccessible for scripting, then. I'll look into getting it from the irfanview command line - though a bit messier as this will only write the data to a file, as far as I can make out. But it should be easy to read it back into autoit. Regards, William
  7. Mouseover shows dimensions, but this isn't listed in the array. Nor in the file properties shown in irfanview - though the width and height are shown in the EXIF data. If I right click on the file in explorer ==> properties ==> Summary tab, the width and height are listed there. Is there any way to retrieve the dimensions - which would be just as easy to work with? Regards, William
  8. I get a msgbox with null entry. the array shows the property names in Col zero, but only some of the values in col 1. The dates are all there, the camera model is shown, and the total pixels, but nothing in height or width . If I mouseover the file in windows explorer, it displays them without a problem. William
  9. I've had a problem with image files. With tif and jpeg files the following code shows a null field for the dimensions. Is it my error, a bug, or what? Running XP SP3 William Global $Testfile= FileOpenDialog ("Test File","C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\SBACC Comp nov2013\possibles","All(*.*)") Global $sProperties = _FileGetProperty ($Testfile,"width",300) MsgBox (0,"width", $sProperties) Global $aProperties = _FileGetProperty ($Testfile,"",300) _ArrayDisplay ($aProperties)
  10. Is there any way this udf could be adapted to get a list of emails from a gmail account - to and from addresses and subject line would be good even if full content impractical? William
  11. What about using _PathSplit ? William
  12. Look at Melba23's - it's great, and will do what you want. William
  13. For some reason neither pasting nor url create button will work [XP, Chrome]. Google 'get size unformatted drive' and the first hit is a thread here with some possibilities. William
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