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Sure! I can test it
Thank you very much!
Any news about this?
It's attached. It's a simple PPT presentation with a "%quote" string to be replaced in each page. Thank you Powerpoint presentation test.pptx
How do I use this piece of code with _PPT_TextFindReplace?
If I manually paste the data that the script copies in the Clipboard, it works. However, I tried replicating the same with the following script, and it doesn't keep the formatting. For $numeroRiga = $rigaInizio To $rigaFine ; lettura da excel Local $oRange = $oExcel.Worksheets(1).Range("B"&$numeroRiga) Global $quote = _Excel_RangeCopyPaste($oExcel.Worksheets(1), $oRange) ; scrittura su powerpoint _PPT_TextFindReplace($oPresentation, "%quote%", ClipGet(), $numeroRiga-1) If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, $appName, "Error replacing text." & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Next Am I doing something wrong?
What about the formatting issue?
Update: If I insert _PPT_ErrorNotify(4) after _PPT_Open, the script works without me having to click Ok multiple times on the MsgBox that pops up.
If I add _PPT_ErrorNotify(2) after _PPT_Open, the script works perfectly. I just have to click Ok on every message that appears, and it works! This is the message: --------------------------- PowerPoint UDF - Debug Info --------------------------- COM Error Encountered in Compiler.au3 UDF version = PowerPoint: 2021-08-31 @AutoItVersion = @AutoItX64 = 0 @Compiled = 0 @OSArch = X64 @OSVersion = WIN_10 Scriptline = 2405 NumberHex = 0x80020009 Number = -2147352567 WinDescription = Eccezione. Description = Valore specificato fuori dei valori previsti. Source = HelpFile = HelpContext = 0 LastDllError = 0 --------------------------- OK --------------------------- So how do I solve this problem? I cannot click Ok for each replaced string! Another problem that I have is that my Excel file has some formatting in it (bold, italic, etc.). The formatting is not preserved in the PowerPoint file. So why _PPT_TextFindReplace is not passing the formatting?
Hello @water! I have a problem with the replace function of this UDF. Basically, I have a PowerPoint with several copies of the first slide. In each slide there's the text "%quote%". I want to read an Excel row range and populate each slide in PowerPoint with the corresponding row content of Excel. I'm using this script. For $numeroRiga = $rigaInizio To $rigaFine ; lettura da excel Global $quote = _Excel_RangeRead($oExcel, Default, "B"&$numeroRiga, 3) ; scrittura su powerpoint _PPT_TextFindReplace($oPresentation, "%quote%", $quote, $numeroRiga-1) If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, $appName, "Error replacing text." & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Next The problem is that it only replaces the first occurrence and then in the console appears the following error: "...\PowerPoint.au3" (2405) : ==> The requested action with this object has failed.: $oTextRange = $oShapeTextFrame.TextRange $oTextRange = $oShapeTextFrame^ ERROR How can I solve this problem?
@Nine Thank you! It works!
If I want to click on the button "Spagnolo" for example, I need to get the button which has 'dl-value=ES', so I need a way to get the 'dl-value' value.
@FrancescoDiMuro It doesn't return anything
<div class="lmt__language_select__menu" dl-test="translator-source-lang-list" style="left: 87px;"> <button dl-value="auto" tabindex="100">Qualsiasi lingua (rileva)</button> <button dl-value="IT" tabindex="100">Italiano</button> <button dl-value="EN" tabindex="100">Inglese</button> <button dl-value="DE" tabindex="100">Tedesco</button> <button dl-value="FR" tabindex="100">Francese</button> <button dl-value="ES" tabindex="100">Spagnolo</button> <button dl-value="PT" tabindex="100">Portoghese</button> <button dl-value="NL" tabindex="100">Olandese</button> <button dl-value="PL" tabindex="100">Polacco</button> <button dl-value="RU" tabindex="100">Russo</button> </div> Hello! I would like to use IE to click a button in the div. I need to get the object of the div by 'dl-test' attribute and then the object of the button by 'dl-value'. Is there a function to do this? I tried the following, but it isn't working #include <IE.au3> $oIE = _IECreate() _IENavigate($oIE, 'https://www.deepl.com/it/translator#es/it', 1) Local $oInputs = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, "button") Local $sTxt = "" For $oInput In $oInputs $sTxt &= $oInput.type & - $oInput.GetAttribute("dl-value") &@CRLF Next MsgBox(0, "", "Form: " & $oInput.form.name & @CRLF & @CRLF & " Types :" & @CRLF & $sTxt)
Thank you!