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Everything posted by LazyCoder

  1. I think I will. But I like to understand how things work. Now I know I can manage "human" elapsed time and CPU elapsed time using system date/hour and timers. Good to know. Thanks a lot.
  2. How couldn't I get it?... Must be tired today. Here we go: HotKeySet("^{F9}", "Terminate") Func Terminate() Exit EndFunc ;==>Terminate ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; MAIN ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $iDelay = 7200000 ; 2h = 7200000 ms $tBegin = TimerInit() $tDiff = 0 While (1) If $tDiff > $iDelay Then MsgBox(48, "REMINDER", 'Get-Water("Fontain") !!!!!') $tBegin = TimerInit() ; reinit timer for next pop-up EndIf Sleep(1) $tDiff = TimerDiff($tBegin) WEnd Quite simple...
  3. I made a little script to remind me, every 2 hours, to drink (yes, I'm the camel kind of programmer...) thanks to a pop-up. But at some point, my computer went to sleep mode. OK. Nothing strange there. But when the computer woke up, I was expecting the pop-up to show. But nothing. It came later. So I guess the timer is a local count of CPU cycles?! But did I hit something: I happened not to have the pop-up in the defined "timer time" or at all. I'm having trouble to reproduce this issue, so I'm looking for some more information about timer behavior. Anyone?
  4. Yes, Java is a mess to me (though I did program in Java... shame on me) but it's a price I'm ready to pay to have a good debugging capable tool. I sincerely hope so, or I'll have to try to make this eclipse plugin on my own...
  5. The idea would be to have the whole stuff working, of course. We already have chroma-coding using Scite or PSPad, we already have syntax checking using AU3Check (launched through Scite or PSPad), we already have auto-completion using Scite or PSPad, we benefit output redirection using Scite or PSPad and we even have code-folding and pop-up help using Scite. That's right. We can even launch or compile the scripts through PSPad or Scite... But what about real runtime debug capabilities? What about breakpoints? What about working and mostly debugging with something else than the MsgBox function? What about having your own functions referenced inside your scripts? (I think Scite partially make it... right?) What about right-clicking on such included function of an/your UDF and being able to leap easily to it? Well, maybe the gains are minor for most of you... Maybe should I be glad that PSPad can manage projets... Maybe...
  6. @w0uter You use Scite? That's great, it a good tool, but it doesn't offer what I'm lookinkg for. I regularly use Pspad but it doesn't exactly offer what I need. @Locodarwin You're right, I hesitated and seem to have chosen the wrong forum, finally... Anyway, it doesn't matter for me how big the IDE is as long as the script I make are ligthweigth. Eclipse uses Java because it's made with it? Great, Scite uses C (or is ti C++) because it's made with... so. (yes, ok, I'm almost joking, I know the main difference, just wanna say: is that such a big deal?) Finally as my nickname says, I'm a lazy man, but maybe I'll work on that AutoIt Eclipse plugin. But my first reaction will always be the same: ask if someone invented the wheel before even getting my tools out of the box...
  7. We are always looking for the best tools for code edition, GUI creation, debugging infos... Wouldn't it be nice to have an eclipse plugin to do all that inside a powerfull and yet free tool such as eclipse? Has anyone already worked on such an idea? I already dream of me coding in Java, C++, VBS and AutoIt, packing my apps with NSIS, all this inside eclipse IDE... So, what do you think of such a dream? Will we share it?
  8. You're absolutely right I knew that but I let it that way for the differences of behavior between v3.1.1.0 (I made a mistake earlier) and v3.1.1.56 to be more obvious. My point was not this but the following (I should have been more accurate): For case 2), with v3.1.1.56: - Launch the script and press TAB key twice => 1st element has the focus - Press TAB key twice again => you graphically have the focus again BUT $iMsg <> $agItem[$iIndex2] ??? How can that be you receive no message? Well, anyway, for those who need a multi-selector, here is mine... Note that in v3.1.1.0, this only really work using the mouse! Enjoy. Test_MultiCheckbxOK.au3
  9. Hello, As many people here I wanted to create an easy multi-select treeview. Maybe that's not the best way to do it (should I use several checkboxes?), but never mind, I think my problem is interesting anyway. Read and test my following test script and do the following: 1 - Try by making your selections using the mouse only: everything's alright 2 - Try making your selections using the keyboard only (arrows keys to switch between checkboxes and space key to validate): problem are coming Moreover versions v3.1.0.14 and v3.1.1.56 do behave differently in case 2)... Is that a bug for you or is my chec/uncheck management so strange? Test_MultiCheckbx.au3
  10. archrival uses ipconfig output in its script and try to match some language specific string (aka "localized"). Thus, if you do not use an English/US Windows version, the StringInStr won't match anything, finally giving you this error. For instance, "IP address" is "Adresse IP" in French... Anoying, but as archrival directly gave his source code, feel free to adapt or correct this. Anyway, thanks to archrival for sharing!
  11. _IsPressed is a UDF (user defined function) not a built-in function. Moreover, it's not provided within autoit installer (or I'm blind). At least, if you had read the WHOLE thread you would have known that and more: ezzetabi's _IsPressed function is written at the very beginning of this thread: HERE So copy it within your code or in an external file (IsPressed.au3 for instance) you'll include and you're done! Enjoy!
  12. Damn! CyberSlug got me!
  13. Simply rename your file (or copy it and launch the copy) to app.csv and everything should be just fine. Note that I'm unsure it will work really fine if your delimiter is a semi-colon instead of the usual comma...
  14. Updated (v1.0.4.8): - updated Au3Check v1.26 - added link to AutoIt Homepage and Forum in PSPad Online help menu
  15. I think there is no editor-war in what you say: the "compiler directives" can be used by different elements, and not specificaly by the editor. For instance, I use some directive to use compileau3. I launch this utility through PSPad, but at first, I used to use Notepad as editor and use batch files (and then right-click pop-up actions made thanks to some registry editing) to launch and/or compile my scripts... Thus, you can't say "compiler directives" are strictly editor-related features. ANYWAY, I agree with you: compiler directives sould stay compiler properties... Additional features like the one provided by CompileAu3 should best be inside comments for instance: #ce #Compiler_AUT2EXE = C:\AutoIt\Aut2Exe\Aut2Exe.exe #Compiler_Icon = C:\Icons\StarWars\AT ST.ico ; ... Add as many CompileAu3 (or other tools) directives here ... #csand parsed someway by each tool... This would be clearer. Finally I do not have any requirement myself: I use few "compiler directives" and do not intend (for the moment at least) to produce some tool using them, so...
  16. StringRegExp can do it for you: the pattern you're looking for IS EXACTLY the text you want, and it's case sensitive...
  17. Updated (v1.0.4.4): - updated Au3Check v1.25 - changed Au3Check install dir to allow CompileAu3 to launch is own checking (sorry I missed that before) @JdeB: I know that, but if I use my sequence, PSPad is able to redirect Au3Check output to a LOG window that I can use to correct my code by double-clicking on the error line. CompileAu3 treats Au3Check a transparent way and thus do not provide this output. Moreover, CompileAu3 first shows its window, before any syntax checking, while I consider more logical and efficient to check file first and then display CompileAu3 console... But that's purely personal. Thanks for your help and advices.
  18. Yes, I think this should. Thank you!
  19. Updated to v1.0.4.2 to include Au3Check v1.24...
  20. Well, this time I've searched a lot, but I didn't find a way to define a min size for the column of my ListView! Having 40 columns in a small window, the result isn't very readable as is. And I let you check what you've got when you deal with ~100 columns... ListViewSort2.zip
  21. Thank you very much ezzetabi. With _IsPressed I can make it! Sorry I made 3 posts for nothing. I was in such a urge that I didn't take time to do what we always must do: search the forum before believing your pb is a brand new one... LazyCoder (ashamed...)
  22. I've just found the _IsPressed UDF... I'm gonna try it soon.
  23. I was working on my little gui, a listview I can sort on one column, and wanted to be able to sort it according to a second column but to be able to do so, I need to manage a CTRL-click event... I tried to use HotKeySet with CTRLDOWN, CTRLUP to toggle a flag correctly and even with RCTRL, LCTRL... But no way, I can't catch this information. Indeed, I discovered HotKeySet("{RCTRL}", "ToggleControleState") doesn't work. Certainly because *CTRL* alone are not managed... Any idea to help me?
  24. Func _ArraySort(ByRef $a_Array, $i_Decending = 0, $i_Base = 0, $i_Ubound = 0, $i_Dim = 1, $i_SortIndex = 0) You can simply call _ArraySort($myArray, 0, 0, 0, 2) and have your array sorted in ascending order according to the first 'column' of your 2D array (see it as a matrix). Or call _ArraySort($myArray, 1, 0, 0 ,2) to have it sorted in descending order. Or call _ArraySort($myArray, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3) to have it sorted in ascending order according to the 3rd 'column' of your 2D array. Does it help? If you need more arrays related tools or informations, let's have a look here...
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