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Everything posted by Dreamfire

  1. Hi, Since today, exe's are being flagged as having a trojan by Windows Defender (Fuery.B!cl) Version: - SciTE Version 3.7.3
  2. Awesome solution, this will definitely come in handy!
  3. Thanks @argumentum Some countries/companies do not allow access to such services for censorship/security reasons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Firewall - It's not just security. It's defence.
  4. Could the latest release be attached to the forum thread? Some people (like me) may not be allowed to download from Google Drive
  5. Hi BBs19, What would be the font setting to use in order to maintain overall consistency with the created controls (checkbox/radio/toggle). I'd like to for example add a label control but want the text to look the same as your controls.
  6. Hi all, Because i wanted to download and read remote files through proxy servers and if needed use advanced authentication methods (e.g. NTLM), i made some useful functions that utilize standalone wget or curl executables (included). http://publictoolsrepo.sourceforge.net/apps/wget-curl.zip - i was unable to attach it #include <Array.au3> #include 'udf_wget_curl.au3' ; gui examples ; =============================================================================================================================== ; a simple input window Dim $sVALUE = __gui_create_input_dialog('this is the title of the window', 'this is the text shown on the window', 'name', '', False, -1, -1, False, FileRead('randomtext.txt'), 'a optional default value') ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $sVALUE = ' & $sVALUE & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console ; a simple input window with the screen dimmed and the field is passworded Dim $sVALUE = __gui_create_input_dialog('another nice popup', 'this one shows the screen dimmed and the size of the window is relative to the text length' & @CRLF & 'this one shows the screen dimmed and the size of the window is relative to the text length', 'password? :)', '', True, -1, -1, True) ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $sVALUE = ' & $sVALUE & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console ; a simple combo window Dim $sVALUE = __gui_create_combo_dialog('the title', 'the text', 'choose your food', '', False, -1, -1, False, '', 'Pizza|Burger|Raw Code', '') ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $sVALUE = ' & $sVALUE & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console ; a auth window :) Dim $aRESULT = __gui_create_auth_dialog('this looks legit', 'your data is safe with me ;)', 0, True, False, False) _ArrayDisplay($aRESULT) ; a progress window example Dim $aPROGRESS = __gui_progress_create('text displayed', 10, -1, 10, 'this footnote text is optional!') Sleep(1000) __gui_progress_set_bar_amount($aPROGRESS, 20, 'test updated :)') Sleep(1000) __gui_progress_set_bar_amount($aPROGRESS, 40, 'test updated :) and another') Sleep(1000) __gui_progress_set_bar_amount($aPROGRESS, 60, 'test updated :) and another and another') Sleep(1000) __gui_progress_set_bar_amount($aPROGRESS, 80, 'test updated :) and another and another and another') Sleep(1000) __gui_progress_destroy($aPROGRESS) ; wget-curl examples ; =============================================================================================================================== ; download a file with progess __wget_download_start('http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/10MB.zip', @ScriptDir, 'randomtext.txt', 'a file for you') ; read a remote file :) Dim $sFILE = __wget_read_remote_file('http://publictoolsrepo.sourceforge.net/apps/randomtext.txt') ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $sFILE = ' & $sFILE & @CRLF) ;### Debug ConsoleAs a bonus i also included some of my GUI functions that are used by it. Most functions are written and designed using a modular approach so they should be easily implementable. The following dependencies are also included and i would like to credit the authors. GIFAnimation - trancexx ResourcesEx - Zedna (original) guinness (current) _StringSize - Melba23
  7. Could you also add the download as attachment to the thread or another host as well. I am unable to download this somehow (not sure if i am the only one).
  8. I am sure that you can work with the original files. (thanks Dizzy) If you need any specific help just pm me. *Some features do not work within Windows 8
  9. Give me an hour a couple hours and i will put the a new link up. I need to dive into my backups to find it I dont have the binaries anymore so im gonna have to recheck the code real quick and re-release it. It seems that i am missing to much include files so im not able to re-release it.
  10. Thanks ProgAndy, your method solved my issue also > http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=116139
  11. So by using _WinINet_InternetSetOptionEx() it worked. SOLVED - THREAD MAY BE LOCKED
  12. do not pay attention to this post, this actually a college of my who was trying to be funny, he did not succeed
  13. It has more signs of a memory/graphic bug, that might be caused by to much _controlsetstate functions being executed when a user switches panel or triggers an actions. I am unable to pin-point the exact location in the multiple loops that might cause the problem, bear in mind that there are right now 8 panels that in itself has its own loop with triggers to functions and control states.
  14. Func __panel_start_1($hWIN, $oCLOSE, $oMINIMIZE, $aMAIN_BUTTON) ;========== FUNCTION START Dim $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER Local $aHEADER Local $aCONTROL_1 Local $eMSG ;========== If $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER <> -1 Then Return 0 $aHEADER = __create_header('Storingen en mededelingen') ;========== $aCONTROL_1 = __control_start_1() ;========== __ladida_get($aCONTROL_1) __mededelingen_get($aCONTROL_1) ;~ __aantal_tickets($aCONTROL_1, $hWIN) ;========== While 1 $eMSG = GUIGetMsg() Select ;========== MAIN Case $eMSG = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Or $eMSG = $oCLOSE Exit Case $eMSG = $oMINIMIZE GUISetState(@SW_MINIMIZE, $hWIN) Case $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER <> -1 ExitLoop ;========== TRIGGER Case $eMSG = $aMAIN_BUTTON[1] $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER = 1 Case $eMSG = $aMAIN_BUTTON[2] $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER = 2 Case $eMSG = $aMAIN_BUTTON[3] $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER = 3 Case $eMSG = $aMAIN_BUTTON[8] $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER = 8 Case $eMSG = $aMAIN_BUTTON[9] $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER = 9 Case $eMSG = $aMAIN_BUTTON[15] $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER = 15 Case $eMSG = $aMAIN_BUTTON[16] $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER = 16 ;========== PANEL Case $eMSG = $aCONTROL_1[1] If _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectionMark(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL_1[0])) <> -1 Then _IECreate('http://ladida.agora.kpn.org/Incident/IncidentOverzicht.aspx?iid=' & _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL_1[0]), _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectionMark(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL_1[0])), 7), 0, 4, 0, 1) Case $eMSG = $aCONTROL_1[5] If GUICtrlRead($aCONTROL_1[4]) <> '' Then __mededelingen_add($aCONTROL_1) Case $eMSG = $aCONTROL_1[6] If _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectionMark(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL_1[3])) <> -1 Then __mededelingen_remove($aCONTROL_1, _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL_1[3]), _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectionMark(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL_1[3])), 3)) Case $eMSG = $aCONTROL_1[7] __mededelingen_get($aCONTROL_1) EndSelect WEnd ;========== __control_delete_array($aHEADER) __control_delete_array($aCONTROL_1) __check_version($iVERSION, $hWIN) ;========== FUNCTION END EndFunc #cs --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== CONTROLS =============================================================================== #ce --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func __control_start_1($iHIDE = 0) ;========== FUNCTION START Local $aCONTROL[50] ;========== $aCONTROL[0] = __create_listview(160, 60, 'netwerk|omschrijving|actie door|melder|starttijd|verwachte eindtijd|eindtijd|id', '', 826, 150) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL[0]), 0, 70) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL[0]), 1, 230) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL[0]), 2, 100) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL[0]), 3, 70) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL[0]), 4, 70) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL[0]), 5, 110) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL[0]), 6, 70) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL[0]), 7, 40) $aCONTROL[1] = __create_button(160, 220, 'storing details') $aCONTROL[2] = __create_line(160, 250) ;========== $aCONTROL[3] = __create_listview(160, 260, 'melder|mededeling|log tijd|id', '', 826, 100) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL[3]), 0, 70) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL[3]), 1, 590) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL[3]), 2, 110) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth(GUICtrlGetHandle($aCONTROL[3]), 3, 40) $aCONTROL[4] = __create_input(160, 370, '', 'hier kun je text invullen voor een mededeling', 430) $aCONTROL[5] = __create_button(600, 370, 'toevoegen') $aCONTROL[6] = __create_button(730, 370, 'verwijderen') $aCONTROL[7] = __create_button(860, 370, 'refresh') $aCONTROL[8] = __create_line(160, 400) ;~ $aCONTROL[9] = __create_label(160, 410, 'aantal tickets') ;~ GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') ;~ $aCONTROL[10] = __create_label_left(290, 410) ;~ GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, 'Tahoma') ;========== If $iHIDE = 1 Then __control_hide_array($aCONTROL) ;========== FUNCTION END Return $aCONTROL EndFunc This is the panel start function, its the main panel thats being drawn at startup, it in itself has a loop. I sadly cannot show you all the functions because of work related information. The program has multiple functions that are used by employees for creating/editing incident tickets and does various tasks to make things easier.
  15. Func __main() ;========== FUNCTION START Global $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER = -1 Local $hWIN Local $oCLOSE Local $oMINIMIZE Local $iWIDTH = 1000 Local $iHEIGHT = 600 Local $aMAIN_BUTTON[18] Local $hRGN Local $cBORDER = 0x2C4EB6 Local $eMSG ;========== $hWIN = GUICreate('Unitt - v1.3.8', $iWIDTH, $iHEIGHT, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_POPUP,$WS_SYSMENU,$WS_MINIMIZEBOX)) GUISetFont(8, 400, 0, 'Tahoma', $hWIN) GUISetBkColor(0xD4E7FE, $hWIN) $oCLOSE = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(985, 6, 9, 9) _GUICtrl_SetOnHover(-1, '__main_close_over', '__main_close_out') $oMINIMIZE = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(970, 6, 9, 9) _GUICtrl_SetOnHover(-1, '__main_minimize_over', '__main_minimize_out') GUICtrlCreateLabel(' Universal ticket tool', 0, 0, $iWIDTH, 20, BitOR($SS_LEFT,$SS_CENTERIMAGE), $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $cBORDER) GUICtrlCreatePic('', 985, 6, 9, 9) _ResourceSetImageToCtrl(-1, 'EXIT_1') GUICtrlCreatePic('', 970, 6, 9, 9) _ResourceSetImageToCtrl(-1, 'MINIMIZE_1') GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, 0, 1, $iHEIGHT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $cBORDER) GUICtrlCreateGraphic($iWIDTH - 1, 0, 1, $iHEIGHT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $cBORDER) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, $iHEIGHT - 1, $iWIDTH, 1) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $cBORDER) ;========== $aMAIN_BUTTON[1] = __main_button(10, 30, 'Nieuw ticket') $aMAIN_BUTTON[2] = __main_button(10, 60, 'Monteur inplannen') $aMAIN_BUTTON[3] = __main_button(10, 90, 'Klantafspraken') $aMAIN_BUTTON[4] = __main_button_disabled(10, 120, 'Ticket sluiten') $aMAIN_BUTTON[5] = __main_button_disabled(10, 150, 'Quick tools') $aMAIN_BUTTON[6] = __main_button_disabled(10, 180, 'Technische analyse') $aMAIN_BUTTON[7] = __main_button_disabled(10, 210, 'Administratieve analyse') $aMAIN_BUTTON[8] = __main_button(10, 240, 'Processleider') $aMAIN_BUTTON[9] = __main_button(10, 270, 'Mailchecker') $aMAIN_BUTTON[10] = __main_button_disabled(10, 300, 'Snelheid wijzigen') $aMAIN_BUTTON[11] = __main_button_disabled(10, 330, 'Customer selfcare') ;~ $aMAIN_BUTTON[12] = __main_button_disabled(10, 360, '12') ;~ $aMAIN_BUTTON[13] = __main_button_disabled(10, 390, '13') ;~ $aMAIN_BUTTON[14] = __main_button_disabled(10, 420, '14') $aMAIN_BUTTON[17] = __create_line(9, 450, 128) $aMAIN_BUTTON[15] = __main_button(10, 460, 'Instellingen') $aMAIN_BUTTON[16] = __main_button(10, 490, 'Informatie') ;========== GUICtrlCreatePic('', 1, 20, 150, 579, BitOR($WS_CLIPSIBLINGS,$WS_DISABLED)) _ResourceSetImageToCtrl(-1, 'SIDE') GUICtrlCreateGraphic(151, 20, 1, 579) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $cBORDER) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(152, 20, 1, 579) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x86bbfc) GUICtrlCreateLabel('versie 1.3.8 ontworpen door NULL', 439, 558, 274, 34, BitOR($SS_CENTER,$SS_CENTERIMAGE)) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xa3a4a4) $hRGN = _WinAPI_CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, 1001, 601, 2, 1) _WinAPI_SetWindowRgn($hWIN, $hRGN) ;========== GUISetState() ;========== While 1 $eMSG = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $eMSG = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Or $eMSG = $oCLOSE Exit Case $eMSG = $oMINIMIZE GUISetState(@SW_MINIMIZE, $hWIN) Case $eMSG = $aMAIN_BUTTON[1] Or $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER = 1 __panel_nieuw_ticket_1($hWIN, $oCLOSE, $oMINIMIZE, $aMAIN_BUTTON) Case $eMSG = $aMAIN_BUTTON[2] Or $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER = 2 __panel_monteur_inplannen_1($hWIN, $oCLOSE, $oMINIMIZE, $aMAIN_BUTTON) Case $eMSG = $aMAIN_BUTTON[3] Or $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER = 3 __panel_klantafspraken_1($hWIN, $oCLOSE, $oMINIMIZE, $aMAIN_BUTTON) Case $eMSG = $aMAIN_BUTTON[8] Or $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER = 8 __panel_processleider_1($hWIN, $oCLOSE, $oMINIMIZE, $aMAIN_BUTTON) Case $eMSG = $aMAIN_BUTTON[9] Or $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER = 9 __panel_mailchecker_1($hWIN, $oCLOSE, $oMINIMIZE, $aMAIN_BUTTON) Case $eMSG = $aMAIN_BUTTON[15] Or $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER = 15 __panel_instellingen_1($hWIN, $oCLOSE, $oMINIMIZE, $aMAIN_BUTTON) Case $eMSG = $aMAIN_BUTTON[16] Or $iMAIN_BUTTON_TRIGGER = 16 __panel_informatie_1($hWIN, $oCLOSE, $oMINIMIZE, $aMAIN_BUTTON) EndSelect __panel_start_1($hWIN, $oCLOSE, $oMINIMIZE, $aMAIN_BUTTON) WEnd ;========== FUNCTION END SetError(0, 0, 1) EndFunc This is how it looks, and works fine for a most of the time. But sometimes it will happen that after accessing the program after a while of using (like alt-tabbing or focusing the window) it goes haywire! And its even affecting other programs and windows. It looks like this, as you can see controls and kinda disappeared and the way to solve this problem is to close the program and reopen it again. If anyone has simmulair problems and know of any solutions please respond.
  16. Are all the experts on vacation Still need a solution for this!
  17. I did try this also, but its more complicated than that. $iOPTION_SET = _WinINet_InternetSetOption($iWN_OPEN_REQUEST, $INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, $SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_REVOCATION) This returns true so that should mean that it set the option. but when i try to check this by calling the following before and after i set the option $iQUERY_OPTION = _WinINet_InternetQueryOption($iWN_OPEN_REQUEST, $INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS) In both cases i get a huge binary return that stays the same (0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000+a few more hundred zeros) So it looks likes it did not set the option, but i think i can not be sure of that. I use Fiddler, but if you can tell me how to check that with Wireshark i'l try it out.
  18. Hi guys, I'm breaking my head over this and could use some assistance. #include 'WinINet.au3' _WinINet_Startup() $iWN_OPEN = _WinINet_InternetOpen('AutoIT', $INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG) ;=== $INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG required for proxy settings $iWN_CONNECT = _WinINet_InternetConnect($iWN_OPEN, $INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 'HOSTNAME_GOES_HERE_BUT_ITS_NOT_ACCESSABLE_FROM_OUTSIDE_THE_WORKPLACE', $INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT) ;=== $INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT for secure (port 443) $iWN_OPEN_REQUEST = _WinINet_HttpOpenRequest($iWN_CONNECT, 'POST', '', $INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE) ;=== $INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE for https option ;== $iWN_ADD_HEADER = _WinINet_HttpAddRequestHeaders($iWN_OPEN_REQUEST, 'Authorization: Basic THIS_YOU_DONT_NEED_TO_KNOW_EITHER' & @CRLF, BitOR($HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE,$HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD)) $iWN_ADD_HEADER = _WinINet_HttpAddRequestHeaders($iWN_OPEN_REQUEST, 'Content-Length: 4' & @CRLF, BitOR($HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE,$HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD)) $iWN_ADD_HEADER = _WinINet_HttpAddRequestHeaders($iWN_OPEN_REQUEST, 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' & @CRLF, BitOR($HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE,$HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD)) $iWN_ADD_HEADER = _WinINet_HttpAddRequestHeaders($iWN_OPEN_REQUEST, 'Accept: */*' & @CRLF, BitOR($HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE,$HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD)) $iWN_ADD_HEADER = _WinINet_HttpAddRequestHeaders($iWN_OPEN_REQUEST, 'Connection: Keep-Alive' & @CRLF, BitOR($HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE,$HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD)) ;== ; #1 HELP NEEDED HERE ; THIS IS WHAT I CANT GET TO WORK / I DONT UNDERSTAND THE DLLSTRUCT SYSTEM ECT ; I WANT TO ADD >>> $SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CA <<< TO THE HANDLE, SO IT WIL IGNORE THE CERTIFICATE ERROR AND COMPLETE THE REQUEST $iOPTION = _WinINet_InternetSetOption($iWN_OPEN_REQUEST, $SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CA, ???) ;== ; THIS IS WHERE IT GOES WRONG (AND I KNOW WHY > ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_CA (SEE #1) $iWN_SEND_REQUEST = _WinINet_HttpSendRequest($iWN_OPEN_REQUEST, Default, StringToBinary('test')) ;== $iDATA_AVAILABLE = _WinINet_InternetQueryDataAvailable($iWN_OPEN_REQUEST) _WinINet_InternetCloseHandle($iWN_OPEN_REQUEST) _WinINet_InternetCloseHandle($iWN_CONNECT) _WinINet_InternetCloseHandle($iWN_OPEN) _WinINet_Shutdown() Information about solution method here, only i can't figure out how to make that work in AutoIt > http://support.microsoft.com/kb/182888
  19. Does this not work? $O_WIN_CHILD = GUICreate($S_TITLE, $I_WIDTH, $I_HEIGHT, -1, -1, $H_STYLE, $H_EX_STYLE, $O_WIN) ;=== where $O_WIN is the parent window
  20. Tahoma 8px
  21. Button and other control colors are all found in the control funtions i made, GUI colors can be found in the main_gui. I did not use Koda to create the GUI, i just made it myself. For any specific questions, feel free to ask.
  22. here you go main_gui.au3
  23. *bump* no more feedback?
  24. Dankje voor de grammar correctie
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