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  1. Hello, I try to monitor my website with autoit sending get and post requests. It works super fine on my computer but once i migrate the script on my server, http request dont work anymore. My errfunc handler returns error 80072f05 which means, google says : My clock is fine, whatsup with this ssl certificate thing ? My website is not https. Thanks in advance, JB
  2. Would it be possible to know the data sent for a POST request ?
  3. my mistake too, didnt saw the error. Thanks dude.
  4. Hey, so for multiple file we do like this: $ZipFile = FileSaveDialog("New Archive", "", "Archive files (*.zip)", 2, "", $hGUI) If $ZipFile = "" Then Exit $FileToZip = FileOpenDialog("Add file(s)", "", "All files (*.*)", 4, "", $hGUI) If $FileToZip = "" Then Exit .................. $aFiles = StringSplit($FileToZip, "|") If UBound($aFiles) > 1 Then For $i = 2 To $aFiles[0] _ZIP_Archive($ZipFile, $aFiles[1] & "\" & $aFiles[$i]) Next Else _ZIP_Archive($ZipFile, $aFiles[1]) EndIf It's ok now for multiple files, but strangely the loop doesnt word for one file and evrything is correct. (well the box show that it suceed but the archieve isnt create). im on vista. Why? Thanks... !
  5. You mean Tools> Internet Options >> connections tab >>"Lan Settings" >> Use a proxy server for your LAN" ? Is it possible to configure it with autoit thanks
  6. Hello. I read that HttpSetProxy() works only for inetget. So there is no way to hit a webpage with a proxy, i mean HttpSetProxy(2, $proxy) $url = "http://google.com/" $object_IE = _iecreate($url,0,0,1) Thanks
  7. Hello everyone I fetch a txt file from internet and i want to get a number that is in. This number is never the same so i use _StringBetween Here's for example the line html code: <a href="daoc://" onmouseover="Tip('You must have DAoC Portal installed for this link to work!')">Connect</a></td><td class="">12</td> I do so: $String = FileRead($file) $player1 = _StringBetween($String, '<a href="daoc://" onmouseover="Tip(''You must have DAoC Portal installed for this link to work!'')">Connect</a></td><td class="">', '</td>') MsgBox(0,"",$player1) But i recieve nothing in the msgbox. PS: i cant use something smaller than : '<a href="daoc://" onmouseover="Tip(''You must have DAoC Portal installed for this link to work!'')">Connect</a></td><td class="">' Cause there is similar sentence in the txt. Quotes problem? Thanks to use easy english words CU
  8. your both right, thanks both Next time i will be more clearly sorry for this cu
  9. Hello everyone here's my problem FileWrite(GUICtrlRead($path0)&'\Desktop.ini', '[.ShellClassInfo]'& @CRLF &'IconFile='(GUICtrlRead($path1)& @CRLF &'IconIndex=0') Thanks for ya help
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