Hey, so for multiple file we do like this:
$ZipFile = FileSaveDialog("New Archive", "", "Archive files (*.zip)", 2, "", $hGUI)
If $ZipFile = "" Then Exit
$FileToZip = FileOpenDialog("Add file(s)", "", "All files (*.*)", 4, "", $hGUI)
If $FileToZip = "" Then Exit
$aFiles = StringSplit($FileToZip, "|")
If UBound($aFiles) > 1 Then
For $i = 2 To $aFiles[0]
_ZIP_Archive($ZipFile, $aFiles[1] & "\" & $aFiles[$i])
_ZIP_Archive($ZipFile, $aFiles[1])
It's ok now for multiple files, but strangely the loop doesnt word for one file and evrything is correct. (well the box show that it suceed but the archieve isnt create). im on vista. Why?
Thanks... !