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Everything posted by rosmild

  1. Yes, now it works fine!!! Many thanks rosmild
  2. Hi Taietel, many thanks, you've done a really good job!! I've just a little problem, if I try to launch pdf creation by a button in a GUI, pdf was created but GUI closed. rosmild
  3. Hi Yoriz, It seems to be a very nice job, but I'm not able to donwload your files. matteo
  4. Hi, probably you are not interested in, but I've just made this script to extract rows from csv files and write in dbf files: Global $Dbf Global $File_in = "C:\input.csv" Global $File_out = "output" Func OpenDBFConn($Path) $Conn = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection") $Conn.Open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & $Path & ";" & _ "Extended Properties=""DBASE IV;"";" ) Return $Conn EndFunc $Dbf = OpenDBFConn("c:\") $Dbf.Execute ("Create Table " & $File_out & " (code char(4), codeclient char(10), Doc_number char(10), sender char(50), email char(50))") $file = FileOpen($File_in, 0) $lineCount = 0 If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf While 1 $lineCount += 1 $line = FileReadLine($file) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop If $lineCount > 1 Then $field = StringSplit($line, ";") $Dbf.Execute ("Insert into " & $File_out & " Values('" & $field[1] & "','" & $field[2] & "','" & $field[3] & "','" & $field[4] & "','" & $field[5] & "')") EndIf Wend FileClose($file) Rosmild
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