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About dmob

  • Birthday 01/04/1966

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    Durban, South Africa

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  1. Create the array before the While loop. Copy the values into the array before Return.
  2. How I needed this months ago; I use SQLite functions to do same, which is a bit cumbersome at times for simple get/save.. Will defo try this, thank you for sharing.
  3. I had similar problem, searched the forum and found the reasons behind it. In the end I used this lil gem by AspirinJunkie: ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _xlsx_2Array ; Description ...: reads single worksheets of an Excel xlsx-file into an array ; Syntax ........: _xlsx_2Array(Const $sFile [, Const $sSheetNr = 1 [, $dRowFrom = 1 [, $dRowTo = Default]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sFile - path-string of the xlsx-file ; $sSheetNr - number (1-based) of the target worksheet ; $dRowFrom - row number (1-based) where to start the extraction ; $dRowTo - row number (1-based) where to stop the extraction ; Return values .: Success - Return 2D-Array with the worksheet content ; Failure - Return False and set @error to: ; @error = 1 - error importing shared-string list (@extended = @error of __xlsx_readSharedStrings) ; = 2 - error reading cell-values (@extended = @error of __xlsx_readCells) ; = 3 - error unpacking the xlsx-file (@extended = @error of __unzip) ; Author ........: AspirinJunkie ; Last changed ..: 2020-07-27 ; ================================================================================================= Func _xlsx_2Array(Const $sFile, Const $sSheetNr = 1, $dRowFrom = 1, $dRowTo = Default) Local $pthWorkDir = @TempDir & "\xlsxWork\" Local $pthStrings = $pthWorkDir & "xl\sharedStrings.xml" ; correct wrong values for $dRowFrom and $dRowTo If $dRowFrom < 1 Or Not IsInt($dRowFrom) Then $dRowFrom = 1 If $dRowFrom > $dRowTo Then $dRowFrom = 1 $dRowTo = Default EndIf ; how many sheets ;~ Local $sRead = FileRead($sFile) ;~ cw("$sRead: " & $sRead) ;~ If @error Then cw("FileRead.Err: " & @error & " Ext: " & @extended) ;~ Local $aTotSheets = StringRegExp($sRead, "sheet.xml sheet" & $sSheetNr & ".xml", 1) ;~ If @error Then cw("StringRegExp.Err: " & @error & " Ext: " & @extended) ;~ If IsArray($aTotSheets) Then a2c($aTotSheets, "$aTotSheets") ; unpack xlsx-file __unzip($sFile, $pthWorkDir, "shared*.xml sheet.xml sheet" & $sSheetNr & ".xml") If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, False) Local $pthSheet = FileExists($pthWorkDir & "xl\worksheets\sheet.xml") ? $pthWorkDir & "xl\worksheets\sheet.xml" : $pthWorkDir & "xl\worksheets\sheet" & $sSheetNr & ".xml" ; read strings into an 1D-array Local $aStrings = __xlsx_readSharedStrings($pthStrings) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, False) ; read all cells into an 2D-array Local $aCells = __xlsx_readCells($pthSheet, $aStrings, $dRowFrom, $dRowTo) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, False) ; remove temporary data DirRemove($pthWorkDir, 1) Return $aCells EndFunc ;==>_xlsx_2Array #Region xlsx specific helper functions ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __xlsx_readCells ; Description ...: import xlsx worksheet values ; Syntax ........: __xlsx_readCells(Const $sFile, ByRef $aStrings [, $dRowFrom = 1 [, $dRowTo = Default]]) ; Parameters ....: $sFile - path-string of the worksheet-xml ; $aStrings - array with shared strings (return value of __xlsx_readSharedStrings) ; $dRowFrom - row number (1-based) where to start the extraction ; $dRowTo - row number (1-based) where to stop the extraction ; Return values .: Success - Return 2D-Array with the worksheet content ; Failure - Return False and set @error to: ; @error = 1 - cannot create XMLDOM-Object ; = 2 - cannot open worksheet file ; = 3 - cannot extract cell objects out of the xml-structure ; = 4 - cannot determine worksheet dimensions ; = 5 - wrong string id in shared-string value ; Author ........: AspirinJunkie ; Last changed ..: 2020-07-27 ; ================================================================================================= Func __xlsx_readCells(Const $sFile, ByRef $aStrings, Const $dRowFrom = 1, $dRowTo = Default) Local $oXML = __xlsx_getXMLObject() If Not $oXML.load($sFile) Then Return SetError(2, 0, False) ; determine the namespace prefix: Local $sPre = $oXML.documentElement.prefix If $sPre <> "" Then $sPre &= ":" ; select the cell-nodes (but only if they have a value-child) Local $oCells = $oXML.selectNodes('/' & $sPre & 'worksheet/' & $sPre & 'sheetData/' & $sPre & 'row/' & $sPre & 'c[' & $sPre & 'v]') If Not IsObj($oCells) Then Return SetError(3, 0, False) ; determine dimensions: Local $dColumnMax = 1, $dRowMax = 1, $sR, $aCoords For $oCell In $oCells $sR = $oCell.GetAttribute("r") $aCoords = __xlsx_CellstringToRowColumn($sR) $oCell.SetAttribute("zeile", $aCoords[1]) $oCell.SetAttribute("spalte", $aCoords[0]) If $aCoords[0] > $dColumnMax Then $dColumnMax = $aCoords[0] If $aCoords[1] > $dRowMax Then $dRowMax = $aCoords[1] Next ; create output array If $dRowTo <> Default Then $dRowMax = $dRowTo > $dRowMax ? $dRowMax : $dRowTo Local $aRet[$dRowMax - $dRowFrom + 1][$dColumnMax] ; read cell values Local $i = 0, $sTmp, $sValue For $oCell In $oCells $i += 1 Local $dRow = $oCell.GetAttribute("zeile") If $dRow < $dRowFrom Or $dRow > $dRowMax Then ContinueLoop If $oCell.GetAttribute("t") = "s" Then ; value = shared string-id $sTmp = Int(__xmlSingleText($oCell, $sPre & 'v')) If $sTmp > UBound($aStrings) Then Return SetError(5, $sTmp, False) $sValue = $aStrings[$sTmp] Else ; normal value $sValue = __xmlSingleText($oCell, $sPre & 'v') If StringRegExp($sValue, '(?i)\A(?|0x\d+|[-+]?(?>\d+)(?>\.\d+)?(?:e[-+]?\d+)?)\Z') Then $sValue = Number($sValue) ; if number then convert to number type EndIf $aRet[$oCell.GetAttribute("zeile") - $dRowFrom][$oCell.GetAttribute("spalte") - 1] = $sValue Next Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>__xlsx_readCells ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __xlsx_readSharedStrings ; Description ...: import the shared string list from an xml file inside an xlsx-file ; Syntax ........: __xlsx_readSharedStrings(Const $sFile) ; Parameters ....: $sFile - path-string of the shared-string-xml ; Return values .: Success - Return 2D-Array with the worksheet content ; Failure - Return False and set @error to: ; @error = 1 - cannot create XMLDOM-Object ; = 2 - cannot open worksheet file ; = 3 - cannot extract shared string objects out of the xml-structure ; Author ........: AspirinJunkie ; Last changed ..: 2020-07-27 ; ================================================================================================= Func __xlsx_readSharedStrings(Const $sFile) Local $oXML = __xlsx_getXMLObject() If Not $oXML.load($sFile) Then Return SetError(2, 0, False) Local $sPre = $oXML.documentElement.prefix If $sPre <> "" Then $sPre &= ":" Local $oStrings = $oXML.selectNodes('/' & $sPre & 'sst/' & $sPre & 'si') If Not IsObj($oStrings) Then Return SetError(3, 0, False) Local $aRet[$oStrings.length], $i = 0 For $oText In $oStrings $aRet[$i] = $oText.text $i += 1 Next Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>__xlsx_readSharedStrings ; converts excel formatted cell coordinate to array [column, row] Func __xlsx_CellstringToRowColumn($sID) Local $aSplit = StringRegExp($sID, '^([A-Z]+)(\d+)$', 1) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, False) Local $aChars = StringSplit($aSplit[0], '', 3) Local $j, $dV, $aRet[2] = [0, Int($aSplit[1])] For $i = 0 To UBound($aChars) - 1 $j = UBound($aChars) - $i - 1 $aRet[0] += (Asc($aChars[$i]) - 64) * (26 ^ $j) Next Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>__xlsx_CellstringToRowColumn ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __xlsxExcel2Date ; Description ...: convert a excel date-value into an editable form (array of components or formatted string) ; with standard parameters the local date and time format is used ; Syntax ........: __xlsxExcel2Date($dExcelDate[, Const $sType = Default[, Const $iFlags = 0x01[, Const $sFormat = ""[, Const $iFlagsTime = 0[, Const $sFormatTime = ""]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $dExcelDate - excel date value as number or string ; $sType - Default: an array[6]: [year, month, day, hour, minute, second] ; "date": string with formatted date ; "time": string with formatted time ; "datetime": string with formatted date and time ; $iFlags - parameter $iflags of _WinAPI_GetDateFormat() ; $sFormat - parameter $sFormat of _WinAPI_GetDateFormat() ; $iFlagsTime - parameter $iflags of _WinAPI_GetTimeFormat() ; $sFormatTime - parameter $sFormat of _WinAPI_GetTimeFormat() ; Return values .: Success - Return array or string (depending on the selected $sType) ; Failure - Return False and set @error to: ; @error = 1 - invalid value for $sType ; Author ........: AspirinJunkie ; Last changed ..: 2020-08-07 ; ================================================================================================= Func __xlsxExcel2Date($dExcelDate, Const $sType = Default, Const $iFlags = 0x01, Const $sFormat = "", Const $iFlagsTime = 0, Const $sFormatTime = "") Switch $sType Case Default Local $aRet[6], $fTimeRaw = $dExcelDate - Int($dExcelDate) _DayValueToDate(2415018.5 + Int($dExcelDate), $aRet[0], $aRet[1], $aRet[2]) ; process the time $aRet[3] = Floor($fTimeRaw * 24) $fTimeRaw -= $aRet[3] / 24 ; = Mod($fTimeRaw, 1/24) $aRet[4] = Floor($fTimeRaw * 1440) $fTimeRaw -= $aRet[4] / 1440 $aRet[5] = Floor($fTimeRaw * 86400) Return $aRet Case "date" Local $y, $m, $d _DayValueToDate(2415018.5 + Int($dExcelDate), $y, $m, $d) Local $tDateTime = _Date_Time_EncodeSystemTime($m, $d, $y) Return _WinAPI_GetDateFormat(0x0400, $tDateTime, $iFlags, $sFormat) Case "time" Local $h, $min, $s, $fTimeRaw = $dExcelDate - Int($dExcelDate) ; process the time $h = Floor($fTimeRaw * 24) $fTimeRaw -= $h / 24 ; = Mod($fTimeRaw, 1/24) $min = Floor($fTimeRaw * 1440) $fTimeRaw -= $min / 1440 $s = Floor($fTimeRaw * 86400) Return StringFormat("%02d:%02d:%02d", $h, $min, $s) Case "datetime" Local $y, $m, $d, $h, $min, $s, $fTimeRaw = $dExcelDate - Int($dExcelDate) ; process the time $h = Floor($fTimeRaw * 24) $fTimeRaw -= $h / 24 ; = Mod($fTimeRaw, 1/24) $min = Floor($fTimeRaw * 1440) $fTimeRaw -= $min / 1440 $s = Floor($fTimeRaw * 86400) _DayValueToDate(2415018.5 + Int($dExcelDate), $y, $m, $d) Local $tDateTime = _Date_Time_EncodeSystemTime($m, $d, $y, $h, $min, $s) Return _WinAPI_GetDateFormat(0x0400, $tDateTime, $iFlags, $sFormat) & " " & _WinAPI_GetTimeFormat(0, $tDateTime, $iFlagsTime, $sFormatTime) Case Else Return SetError(1,0, False) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>__xlsxExcel2Date ; function to share one single xmldom-object over the functions but without beeing a global variable Func __xlsx_getXMLObject() Local Static $c = 0 Local Static $oX = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLDOM") If $c = 0 Then With $oX .Async = True .resolveExternals = False .validateOnParse = False .setProperty("ForcedResync", False) EndWith $c = 1 EndIf Return $oX EndFunc ;==>__xlsx_getXMLObject #EndRegion xlsx specific helper functions #Region general helper functions Func __unzip($sInput, $sOutput, Const $sPattern = "") If Not FileExists($sInput) Then Return SetError(1, @error, False) $sOutput = StringRegExpReplace($sOutput, '(\\*)$', '') If Not StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sOutput), 'D', 1) Then If Not DirCreate($sOutput) Then Return SetError(1, @error, False) EndIf If FileExists("7za.exe") Then Local $dRet = RunWait(StringFormat('7za.exe x "%s" -o"%s" %s -r -tzip -bd -bb0 -aoa', $sInput, $sOutput, $sPattern), "", @SW_HIDE) Return $dRet = 0 ? True : SetError(2, $dRet, False) Else ; much slower FileCopy($sInput, @TempDir & "\tmp.zip") Local Static $oShell = ObjCreate("Shell.Application") $oShell.Namespace($sOutput).CopyHere($oShell.Namespace(@TempDir & "\tmp.zip").Items, 4 + 16) FileDelete(@TempDir & "\tmp.zip") EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>__unzip ; returns value of a single xml-dom-node and handles errors Func __xmlSingleText(ByRef $oXML, Const $sXPath) Local $oTmp = $oXML.selectSingleNode($sXPath) Return IsObj($oTmp) ? $oTmp.text : SetError(1, 0, "") EndFunc ;==>__xmlSingleText #EndRegion general helper functions
  4. Try this UDF by NHD. I have used it successfully to launch multiple "processes" and works as expected.
  5. From a distance, sounds like you delete an item in LV but did not delete the item from the array you use to fill the LV?
  6. Try adding a Sleep before save?
  7. If I understand you correctly, try this to keep C1 - C10 unlocked: $oExcel.Range("C1:C10").Locked = False With $oWorkbook.ActiveSheet ; set required options here ;.AllowFormattingCells = True ;.AllowInsertingColumns = False ;.AllowDeletingColumns = False .Protect("paswword") EndWith
  8. Wild guess, shouldn't $sPD include the full path, as you did with $file?
  9. I have had this same issue. Use: _WinAPI_RedrawWindow($hRichEdit)
  10. Try $objHTTP.open ("GET", $sDomain, False,$sLoginName & ":" & $sPassword)
  11. Your UDF is much much more complete than what I had been using. Thank you for sharing
  12. @pixelsearch I did something along those lines following melba's input. Thank you much, I appreciate your assistance.
  13. Thank you @pixelsearch, this clarifies it totally
  14. I figured that was the only option. Kinda hard to wrap my head around, I thought a 1D array as in array[4] has 1 column, now I gotta learn it has 0 columns
  15. I see. I have a function B that accepts a 1D or 2D array as parameter. This particular 1D array in the sample code is extracted from a 2D array from another function A. How would I check for the number of columns in function B?
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