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dmob reacted to a post in a topic: read and write xlsx files without Excel
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solved --how to return several values as an array?
dmob replied to jacky998877's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
Create the array before the While loop. Copy the values into the array before Return. -
How I needed this months ago; I use SQLite functions to do same, which is a bit cumbersome at times for simple get/save.. Will defo try this, thank you for sharing.
I had similar problem, searched the forum and found the reasons behind it. In the end I used this lil gem by AspirinJunkie: ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _xlsx_2Array ; Description ...: reads single worksheets of an Excel xlsx-file into an array ; Syntax ........: _xlsx_2Array(Const $sFile [, Const $sSheetNr = 1 [, $dRowFrom = 1 [, $dRowTo = Default]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sFile - path-string of the xlsx-file ; $sSheetNr - number (1-based) of the target worksheet ; $dRowFrom - row number (1-based) where to start the extraction ; $dRowTo - row number (1-based) where to stop the extraction ; Return values .: Success - Return 2D-Array with the worksheet content ; Failure - Return False and set @error to: ; @error = 1 - error importing shared-string list (@extended = @error of __xlsx_readSharedStrings) ; = 2 - error reading cell-values (@extended = @error of __xlsx_readCells) ; = 3 - error unpacking the xlsx-file (@extended = @error of __unzip) ; Author ........: AspirinJunkie ; Last changed ..: 2020-07-27 ; ================================================================================================= Func _xlsx_2Array(Const $sFile, Const $sSheetNr = 1, $dRowFrom = 1, $dRowTo = Default) Local $pthWorkDir = @TempDir & "\xlsxWork\" Local $pthStrings = $pthWorkDir & "xl\sharedStrings.xml" ; correct wrong values for $dRowFrom and $dRowTo If $dRowFrom < 1 Or Not IsInt($dRowFrom) Then $dRowFrom = 1 If $dRowFrom > $dRowTo Then $dRowFrom = 1 $dRowTo = Default EndIf ; how many sheets ;~ Local $sRead = FileRead($sFile) ;~ cw("$sRead: " & $sRead) ;~ If @error Then cw("FileRead.Err: " & @error & " Ext: " & @extended) ;~ Local $aTotSheets = StringRegExp($sRead, "sheet.xml sheet" & $sSheetNr & ".xml", 1) ;~ If @error Then cw("StringRegExp.Err: " & @error & " Ext: " & @extended) ;~ If IsArray($aTotSheets) Then a2c($aTotSheets, "$aTotSheets") ; unpack xlsx-file __unzip($sFile, $pthWorkDir, "shared*.xml sheet.xml sheet" & $sSheetNr & ".xml") If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, False) Local $pthSheet = FileExists($pthWorkDir & "xl\worksheets\sheet.xml") ? $pthWorkDir & "xl\worksheets\sheet.xml" : $pthWorkDir & "xl\worksheets\sheet" & $sSheetNr & ".xml" ; read strings into an 1D-array Local $aStrings = __xlsx_readSharedStrings($pthStrings) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, False) ; read all cells into an 2D-array Local $aCells = __xlsx_readCells($pthSheet, $aStrings, $dRowFrom, $dRowTo) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, False) ; remove temporary data DirRemove($pthWorkDir, 1) Return $aCells EndFunc ;==>_xlsx_2Array #Region xlsx specific helper functions ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __xlsx_readCells ; Description ...: import xlsx worksheet values ; Syntax ........: __xlsx_readCells(Const $sFile, ByRef $aStrings [, $dRowFrom = 1 [, $dRowTo = Default]]) ; Parameters ....: $sFile - path-string of the worksheet-xml ; $aStrings - array with shared strings (return value of __xlsx_readSharedStrings) ; $dRowFrom - row number (1-based) where to start the extraction ; $dRowTo - row number (1-based) where to stop the extraction ; Return values .: Success - Return 2D-Array with the worksheet content ; Failure - Return False and set @error to: ; @error = 1 - cannot create XMLDOM-Object ; = 2 - cannot open worksheet file ; = 3 - cannot extract cell objects out of the xml-structure ; = 4 - cannot determine worksheet dimensions ; = 5 - wrong string id in shared-string value ; Author ........: AspirinJunkie ; Last changed ..: 2020-07-27 ; ================================================================================================= Func __xlsx_readCells(Const $sFile, ByRef $aStrings, Const $dRowFrom = 1, $dRowTo = Default) Local $oXML = __xlsx_getXMLObject() If Not $oXML.load($sFile) Then Return SetError(2, 0, False) ; determine the namespace prefix: Local $sPre = $oXML.documentElement.prefix If $sPre <> "" Then $sPre &= ":" ; select the cell-nodes (but only if they have a value-child) Local $oCells = $oXML.selectNodes('/' & $sPre & 'worksheet/' & $sPre & 'sheetData/' & $sPre & 'row/' & $sPre & 'c[' & $sPre & 'v]') If Not IsObj($oCells) Then Return SetError(3, 0, False) ; determine dimensions: Local $dColumnMax = 1, $dRowMax = 1, $sR, $aCoords For $oCell In $oCells $sR = $oCell.GetAttribute("r") $aCoords = __xlsx_CellstringToRowColumn($sR) $oCell.SetAttribute("zeile", $aCoords[1]) $oCell.SetAttribute("spalte", $aCoords[0]) If $aCoords[0] > $dColumnMax Then $dColumnMax = $aCoords[0] If $aCoords[1] > $dRowMax Then $dRowMax = $aCoords[1] Next ; create output array If $dRowTo <> Default Then $dRowMax = $dRowTo > $dRowMax ? $dRowMax : $dRowTo Local $aRet[$dRowMax - $dRowFrom + 1][$dColumnMax] ; read cell values Local $i = 0, $sTmp, $sValue For $oCell In $oCells $i += 1 Local $dRow = $oCell.GetAttribute("zeile") If $dRow < $dRowFrom Or $dRow > $dRowMax Then ContinueLoop If $oCell.GetAttribute("t") = "s" Then ; value = shared string-id $sTmp = Int(__xmlSingleText($oCell, $sPre & 'v')) If $sTmp > UBound($aStrings) Then Return SetError(5, $sTmp, False) $sValue = $aStrings[$sTmp] Else ; normal value $sValue = __xmlSingleText($oCell, $sPre & 'v') If StringRegExp($sValue, '(?i)\A(?|0x\d+|[-+]?(?>\d+)(?>\.\d+)?(?:e[-+]?\d+)?)\Z') Then $sValue = Number($sValue) ; if number then convert to number type EndIf $aRet[$oCell.GetAttribute("zeile") - $dRowFrom][$oCell.GetAttribute("spalte") - 1] = $sValue Next Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>__xlsx_readCells ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __xlsx_readSharedStrings ; Description ...: import the shared string list from an xml file inside an xlsx-file ; Syntax ........: __xlsx_readSharedStrings(Const $sFile) ; Parameters ....: $sFile - path-string of the shared-string-xml ; Return values .: Success - Return 2D-Array with the worksheet content ; Failure - Return False and set @error to: ; @error = 1 - cannot create XMLDOM-Object ; = 2 - cannot open worksheet file ; = 3 - cannot extract shared string objects out of the xml-structure ; Author ........: AspirinJunkie ; Last changed ..: 2020-07-27 ; ================================================================================================= Func __xlsx_readSharedStrings(Const $sFile) Local $oXML = __xlsx_getXMLObject() If Not $oXML.load($sFile) Then Return SetError(2, 0, False) Local $sPre = $oXML.documentElement.prefix If $sPre <> "" Then $sPre &= ":" Local $oStrings = $oXML.selectNodes('/' & $sPre & 'sst/' & $sPre & 'si') If Not IsObj($oStrings) Then Return SetError(3, 0, False) Local $aRet[$oStrings.length], $i = 0 For $oText In $oStrings $aRet[$i] = $oText.text $i += 1 Next Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>__xlsx_readSharedStrings ; converts excel formatted cell coordinate to array [column, row] Func __xlsx_CellstringToRowColumn($sID) Local $aSplit = StringRegExp($sID, '^([A-Z]+)(\d+)$', 1) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, False) Local $aChars = StringSplit($aSplit[0], '', 3) Local $j, $dV, $aRet[2] = [0, Int($aSplit[1])] For $i = 0 To UBound($aChars) - 1 $j = UBound($aChars) - $i - 1 $aRet[0] += (Asc($aChars[$i]) - 64) * (26 ^ $j) Next Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>__xlsx_CellstringToRowColumn ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __xlsxExcel2Date ; Description ...: convert a excel date-value into an editable form (array of components or formatted string) ; with standard parameters the local date and time format is used ; Syntax ........: __xlsxExcel2Date($dExcelDate[, Const $sType = Default[, Const $iFlags = 0x01[, Const $sFormat = ""[, Const $iFlagsTime = 0[, Const $sFormatTime = ""]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $dExcelDate - excel date value as number or string ; $sType - Default: an array[6]: [year, month, day, hour, minute, second] ; "date": string with formatted date ; "time": string with formatted time ; "datetime": string with formatted date and time ; $iFlags - parameter $iflags of _WinAPI_GetDateFormat() ; $sFormat - parameter $sFormat of _WinAPI_GetDateFormat() ; $iFlagsTime - parameter $iflags of _WinAPI_GetTimeFormat() ; $sFormatTime - parameter $sFormat of _WinAPI_GetTimeFormat() ; Return values .: Success - Return array or string (depending on the selected $sType) ; Failure - Return False and set @error to: ; @error = 1 - invalid value for $sType ; Author ........: AspirinJunkie ; Last changed ..: 2020-08-07 ; ================================================================================================= Func __xlsxExcel2Date($dExcelDate, Const $sType = Default, Const $iFlags = 0x01, Const $sFormat = "", Const $iFlagsTime = 0, Const $sFormatTime = "") Switch $sType Case Default Local $aRet[6], $fTimeRaw = $dExcelDate - Int($dExcelDate) _DayValueToDate(2415018.5 + Int($dExcelDate), $aRet[0], $aRet[1], $aRet[2]) ; process the time $aRet[3] = Floor($fTimeRaw * 24) $fTimeRaw -= $aRet[3] / 24 ; = Mod($fTimeRaw, 1/24) $aRet[4] = Floor($fTimeRaw * 1440) $fTimeRaw -= $aRet[4] / 1440 $aRet[5] = Floor($fTimeRaw * 86400) Return $aRet Case "date" Local $y, $m, $d _DayValueToDate(2415018.5 + Int($dExcelDate), $y, $m, $d) Local $tDateTime = _Date_Time_EncodeSystemTime($m, $d, $y) Return _WinAPI_GetDateFormat(0x0400, $tDateTime, $iFlags, $sFormat) Case "time" Local $h, $min, $s, $fTimeRaw = $dExcelDate - Int($dExcelDate) ; process the time $h = Floor($fTimeRaw * 24) $fTimeRaw -= $h / 24 ; = Mod($fTimeRaw, 1/24) $min = Floor($fTimeRaw * 1440) $fTimeRaw -= $min / 1440 $s = Floor($fTimeRaw * 86400) Return StringFormat("%02d:%02d:%02d", $h, $min, $s) Case "datetime" Local $y, $m, $d, $h, $min, $s, $fTimeRaw = $dExcelDate - Int($dExcelDate) ; process the time $h = Floor($fTimeRaw * 24) $fTimeRaw -= $h / 24 ; = Mod($fTimeRaw, 1/24) $min = Floor($fTimeRaw * 1440) $fTimeRaw -= $min / 1440 $s = Floor($fTimeRaw * 86400) _DayValueToDate(2415018.5 + Int($dExcelDate), $y, $m, $d) Local $tDateTime = _Date_Time_EncodeSystemTime($m, $d, $y, $h, $min, $s) Return _WinAPI_GetDateFormat(0x0400, $tDateTime, $iFlags, $sFormat) & " " & _WinAPI_GetTimeFormat(0, $tDateTime, $iFlagsTime, $sFormatTime) Case Else Return SetError(1,0, False) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>__xlsxExcel2Date ; function to share one single xmldom-object over the functions but without beeing a global variable Func __xlsx_getXMLObject() Local Static $c = 0 Local Static $oX = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLDOM") If $c = 0 Then With $oX .Async = True .resolveExternals = False .validateOnParse = False .setProperty("ForcedResync", False) EndWith $c = 1 EndIf Return $oX EndFunc ;==>__xlsx_getXMLObject #EndRegion xlsx specific helper functions #Region general helper functions Func __unzip($sInput, $sOutput, Const $sPattern = "") If Not FileExists($sInput) Then Return SetError(1, @error, False) $sOutput = StringRegExpReplace($sOutput, '(\\*)$', '') If Not StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sOutput), 'D', 1) Then If Not DirCreate($sOutput) Then Return SetError(1, @error, False) EndIf If FileExists("7za.exe") Then Local $dRet = RunWait(StringFormat('7za.exe x "%s" -o"%s" %s -r -tzip -bd -bb0 -aoa', $sInput, $sOutput, $sPattern), "", @SW_HIDE) Return $dRet = 0 ? True : SetError(2, $dRet, False) Else ; much slower FileCopy($sInput, @TempDir & "\tmp.zip") Local Static $oShell = ObjCreate("Shell.Application") $oShell.Namespace($sOutput).CopyHere($oShell.Namespace(@TempDir & "\tmp.zip").Items, 4 + 16) FileDelete(@TempDir & "\tmp.zip") EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>__unzip ; returns value of a single xml-dom-node and handles errors Func __xmlSingleText(ByRef $oXML, Const $sXPath) Local $oTmp = $oXML.selectSingleNode($sXPath) Return IsObj($oTmp) ? $oTmp.text : SetError(1, 0, "") EndFunc ;==>__xmlSingleText #EndRegion general helper functions
How to run multiple autoit without losing performance?
dmob replied to petrovu4's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
Try this UDF by NHD. I have used it successfully to launch multiple "processes" and works as expected. -
From a distance, sounds like you delete an item in LV but did not delete the item from the array you use to fill the LV?
Try adding a Sleep before save?
If I understand you correctly, try this to keep C1 - C10 unlocked: $oExcel.Range("C1:C10").Locked = False With $oWorkbook.ActiveSheet ; set required options here ;.AllowFormattingCells = True ;.AllowInsertingColumns = False ;.AllowDeletingColumns = False .Protect("paswword") EndWith
HTTP file upload with $oHTTP (anonfile)
dmob replied to AFrenchCroissant's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
Wild guess, shouldn't $sPD include the full path, as you did with $file? -
I have had this same issue. Use: _WinAPI_RedrawWindow($hRichEdit)
Try $objHTTP.open ("GET", $sDomain, False,$sLoginName & ":" & $sPassword)
Your UDF is much much more complete than what I had been using. Thank you for sharing
@pixelsearch I did something along those lines following melba's input. Thank you much, I appreciate your assistance.
Thank you @pixelsearch, this clarifies it totally
I figured that was the only option. Kinda hard to wrap my head around, I thought a 1D array as in array[4] has 1 column, now I gotta learn it has 0 columns
I see. I have a function B that accepts a 1D or 2D array as parameter. This particular 1D array in the sample code is extracted from a 2D array from another function A. How would I check for the number of columns in function B?