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  1. and how about that?i mean dont you have any code to present?
  2. just like I said.. so how will I call these dll and send to it my KeyPress(Spacebar). The virtual key for space bar is 0x20 right? KINDLY SEE THIS
  3. ehm.. waht is this travian??dunno how to play it.
  4. this dinput8.dll is a DirectC DLL, which handles DirectInput. This gives functionality for multimedia input devices such as joysticks.It is also use DirectInput to sink press touch from keyboards.
  5. why dont use sendkeepactive? Global $Runner = False HotKeySet("{F9}", "ShowMe") Func ShowMe() HotKeySet("{F9}", "Paused") SendKeepActive($handle) ToolTip('Script is "Started"',0,0) Do Send("{SPACE DOWN}") Sleep(3000); 5 seconds Send("{SPACE UP}") Sleep(30000); 10 seconds Until $Runner = True EndFunc Func Paused() $Runner = True HotKeySet("{F9}", "ShowMe") while $Runner sleep(10) ConsoleWrite("Paused!"&@CRLF) WEnd EndFunc also how and where did you get the value of $handle?
  6. nope ordinary send keys and controlsend does work coz that program uses dinput8.dll that can be found on windows system..this dll hadles all the sending keys to that particular program..ahmm.. my only problem is how to call that dll and to get the memory of sendinf "Spacebar" so that I can send {SPACE} in given instance.
  7. ehm'... anybody please teach me how to call and use this dll for sending my pseudo keyboard event? My target is to Press Spacebar at a given instance... all i need now is how will I able to use "dinput8.dll" in my script so I can send Keypress.. thanks.
  8. [qoute]All of these functions have wrappers in WinAPI UDF, so don't be lazy and do it yourself. [/qoute] sorry eh'! im just a little kid in au.. thanks for you zedna.
  9. I have this code on C++.. Someone here please translate it to au. // init DC & bmps HWND hWindow = GetDesktopWindow(); HDC DC = GetWindowDC(hWindow); RECT Rect; GetWindowRect(hWindow, &Rect); int nWidth = Rect.Right; int nHeight = Rect.Bottom; HBITMAP hBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(DC, nWidth, nHeight); HDC hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(DC); SelectObject(hMemDC, hBmp); BitBlt(hMemDC, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, DC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); COLORREF nColor = GetPixel(hMemDC, 200, 200)
  10. how will my code goes that be if I would like to send in a hidden window.. ahmm.. or on trhe window using gdi32.dll?? are you aware of it??please teach me..
  11. what if the window is at state of @SW_HIDE? will the control send still works? thanks for the code...
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