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  1. @ AZJIO Just as a matter of interest you may like to look at these: SequoiaView http://w3.win.tue.nl/en/research/research_computer_science/visualization/sequoiaview/about_treemaps/ Disk Space Fan http://www.diskspacefan.com/ br. DeMo.
  2. @ AZJIO Thank you for taking the time and effort to convert you script to english and also for posting it in an archive I have downloaded it and it reads and works fine. br. DeMo.
  3. @ minx, Hi, I was amazed when I came across your posting. I didn't know that AutoIt was capable of doing this sort of thing at all. It seemed like it may be the answer to what I have been looking for for some time now. I downloaded it and played about with it and then I realised "Whoa! I am like a caveman playing about with a smartphone, I can see what it is doing but am unable to comprehend how it does what it does." But picking my way through it I tried to see if it would do as I would like it to and it wouldn't (or more probably, I stuffed up and cannot get it to do what I want!) Perhaps you could tell me if the following is possible? * To have the bezier curve change colour depending upon which direction the link goes in. i.e. in your example clicking on 'Render Framework' node lights up green to 3 nodes (SunX, AmbientLight &SunRed) going 'down' from 'Init' but if I click on any of the 3 nodes they go down further (green) and while I would still like to show those further 'down' links as green etc I would also like to show the 'upward' (back) links as say red or what ever. My Very Limited understanding of the way it behaved when I tinkered with it suggests that it can only display one-way links. I would need it to be able to display 3 types of links (3 colours) 1 for 'Up' links, 2 for 'Down' links & 3 for (Sideways/Parallel) links to a node that has an equivalent weight or value as the node being clicked on. e.g. If it was for instance to display a family tree like the following: [Mam]----[son1]----[Grandson] | | | [son2] [Dad] Then Clicking on: Mam should link blue to Dad, green to Son1 & Son2 Dad should link blue to Mam, green to Son1 & Son2 Son1 should link green to Grandson, Red back to Mam & Dad, then blue to Son2 (My usage will Not be for family trees but it seemed the simplest example of what linking I would like to perform.) Hopefully I have explained it clearly enough. * If the above is possible, how difficult would it be to create a UDF that could be called with the details and it would then display the linkages and return the ID of the node clicked on? Say you had the above data in an array: ID txt Up Same Dwn +----+------+-------+-----------+---------+ | 0 | Mam| | 1 | 2, 3 | +----+------+-------+-----------+---------+ | 1 | Dad | | 0 | 2, 3 | +----+------+-------+-----------+---------+ | 2 |Son1| 0, 1 | 3 | 4 | +----+------+-------+-----------+---------+ | 3 |Son2| 0, 1 | 2 | | +----+------+-------+-----------+---------+ | 4 |Gson| 2 | | | +----+------+-------+-----------+---------+ Then calling the UDF with array ID = 2 would read the array row 2 and populate the node freamework with the title 'Son1' and the other nodes 0, 1, 3, & 4. and colour the link apporpriately. Thank You for the script and for letting me know if the above is possible. br. DeMo.
  4. @AZJIO Hi, I like this idea, it would be great if you could fully emulate the 'scanner' I unfortunately have a problem when I copy and paste your scripts. Everything is in Russian (as I can see from the code boxes here) but when I paste it into SciTE (v3.4.4) all string contents are appearing as '?' (question marks.) (I am running the latest AutoIt and beta, under W7 32, English UK) One other thing, the three code boxes, what filenames are their contents meant to be saved under? Would it be possible for you to upload them in a RAR or Zip, maybe that would get around the problem. Thank You, keep up the good work. br DeMo.
  5. @GraaF1337 You have not been explicit enough in describing what you actually want to acheive, so people have to try and second guess what you asking them to help you with! BrewManNH has a link to in his signature to this, How to ask questions the smart way, you may find it helpful. In the meantime, have you tried to download an 'outline' font, install it and then set the control to that font? Here is a link for a site that supplies FREE fonts, I have linked to the 'outline' fonts section. Good Luck. DeMo.
  6. @guinness Just a note to report that when I downloaded the .ZIP file, WinRAR reported that the archive was corrupt and 7zip tells me that the files in the zip have unknown compression ? I assumed it was Avast screwing up the zip thinking it was malware, so I temporarily switched it off and DL again, still same errors. I then ran "Repair Archive in WinRAR and it rebuilt the zip file which then no longer gave any errors. I don't know if anyone else has had the same experience, may I suggest using an MD5 hash generator on the files to be DL so that users can compare the original MD5's with their DL.[that way if there are 3 or 33 files in the zip, the end-user can checksum them and know thay are unchanged.form your originals.] (I use Checksum by Corz and find it excellent, but there are many available.) Good Luck, DeMo.
  7. @guinness Thanks for sharing. Just one small glitch! You have updated the script in the post but have left the script unchanged in the .ZIP file, plus Example1 updated in the post is different than the one in the zip file (just by the difference of removal of a backslash) This may cause confusion for people like me who download the .ZIP files thinking that it will have all updates/changes in one place. Good Luck, DeMo.
  8. Just as a matter of interest, there is a registry hack that will turn off the "Shortcut to" on desktop shortcuts. You can read about it here http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/remove-shortcut-text-from-new-shortcuts-in-vista/ Good Luck. DeMo.
  9. @guinness I have always stood in amazement at the prodigious amount of your coding output and it's quality, and while I could never figure out how you achieved this I could but scratch my head in wonder... Until now, that is... Your Secret is out, in fact it is obvious once one comes to think of it! There just isn;t enough time in a day or a year for that matter to produce the output you produce, but you have had a secret weapon, you somehow managed to get an extra month per year to do all that coding? PROOF! Follow this link and see the date! the extra month is evident, us mere mortals could never compete with a timelord! http://softwarespot.wordpress.com/misc/whats-new/ Thank you for all your work shared and a Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year to you and all here on the forums. Regards, DeMo.
  10. "Sound Good?", Indeed, it sounds just the ticket. Thank you. DeMo.
  11. Thank you, had a look, then onto GaryC's, I wasn't aware that there were other versions of arraydisplay, kinda gets confusing! don't it
  12. @dickjones007 Apologies for cutting in on your thread like this and if there is somewhere else I should have posted it, please excuse my ignorance. @Melba23 I have a suggestion for a minor but possibly helpful change to arraydisplay: For as long as I can remember it has been a slight nuisance that whenever the arraydisplay window pops up its height is grand But it's width is; well, way too narrow! I always find that I have to drag the window width out to make it more viewable, usually to about 3 X its starting width, I know I could maximise it, but I don't really like it that big either, so it would be great if it started off at 3 - 4 times its current width. So now that I spotted you are wanting suggestions, I thought now's the time to go for it. Apart from just the window width being wider, would it be possible that the column widths be also wider in proportion to the size of the arraydisplay window? i.e. say you had 3 columns with varying lenghts of data per column, then let those column widths fill the new window size in proportion to the length of the contents of the column (obviously capped in width so as not to take up all the space if a column content was very long.) Thank you for all the great work you are doing and I hope this suggestion is of use to many Autoit users. Regards, DeMo.
  13. Hello UEZ, WOW! you fix things and add new bits quicker that I can even get around to downloading, checking and replying... It works fine now, thanks. I have just had a mad idea (Not a feature request or anything, just a mad idea.) what if you added three buttons (Start/Pause/Stop) to the clock (like you find on a stopwatch) and when you press them the program records the start and stop times thus giving the clock the ability to be a programmers/Technicians log of time spent on tasks. i.e. when you click Start it asks you the name of the project you are working on and when you press Pause it logs that time and that way you can take breaks from the task and continue later by UnPausing it and then when finished pressing the Stop button logs the total time spent on the task, that way you can keep track of time spent on tasks for billing purposes etc. Again, thanks for sharing. Regards, DeMo.
  14. Hello UEZ, I see no-one has reported the following (minor) issues... So here goes: A. When the clock is not set TopMost and it goes behind another window, the tooltips will still appear at their appointed positions as if the clock was still upermost? These tooltips interfere with any mouse clicks that need to be performed at those positions. B. As the clock does not come into view with the Alt-Tab combination, the only way to get it topmost again appears to be from the SysTray, but the only options are to 'Reset The Window Position' or 'Exit', neither of which I want to do, instead I just want to easily be able to see the clock again! (Running on W7 Pro x86.) Regards, DeMo.
  15. Hi UEZ, I am running it successfully on an Asus EEE laptop with AMD BIOS (W7 x86) and have not had any problems. If I remember correctly, my desktop PC is also AMD BIOS and has no problems either. May I make bold as to suggest a couple of enhancements? A. Have the clock start up with Windows. B. Have it so that when you right-click on the memory used indicator that the program will flush the memory. Excellent program, thanks for sharing. Regards, DeMo.
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