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Everything posted by Innovative

  1. Hi all! Recently, I've been working on a program that is always running in the background listening to messages from TCP. However, I've encountered a problem, I'm trying to add a tray menu to the program, but I don't know how I am going to make the program listen and handle the tray menu TrayGetMSG() at the same time.. And additionally, I'm thinking of making a GUI too, then i'll have a bigger problem, how do i listen + handle tray menu + handle gui at the same time? I know that autoit is not multithread-enabled, anyone know a workaround or solution?
  2. Hi there, Recently, I had been working on TimerInit() and TimerDiff(), and I met a problem, so after I start a new TimerInit(), after a few mins of running, i need to change the timestamp of the timer and make it run from the time I provided.. Example: TimerInit() at 0s At 5s, I change the timestamp to 1m 17s, I want the timer to continue running on going, 1m 18s, 1m 19s.. and so on.. Anyone knows a solution for this?
  3. 1. This is a general support section, it's a wrong section for you to post a script 2. Wrap codes with [autoit][/autoit] tags to make life easier 3. I can't see the use of this script o.O
  4. Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'shutdown /r', "", @SW_HIDE)
  5. It's already good of you to release the source even though the signature database is empty o.O I hope you'll provide update with the database frequently ..
  6. How can i make something like microsoft with autoit ? Lol, i'm being sarcastic .. From your text i can kinda see that you're a begginer , start on easy things first.. Surf the helpfile ..
  7. From the helpfile, learn to use the helpfile next time ..
  8. Are you afraid that you won't have a place to post your script that you are posting it even before it was ready ?
  9. He means that you can use memory functions to get the point of the timer and read the time from the memory. Search NomadMemory at the example script forums .
  10. I guess everyone using AVG will get this ? You can try adding autoit into the exception list ..
  11. TCPConnect, TCPListen , TCPSend and TCPAccept .
  12. I'm curious to know how it is "better" then the vista's one ?
  13. Perhaps some StringSplit and StringReplace functions from the help file can do that job ?
  14. What is this !! I tried alot of scan on alot of my applications on my computer .. Which includes : .txt files , avast , msnmsgr , explorer.exe .. ALL are detected as "INFECTED" .. I think you need to reconfigure the virus database ..
  15. You mean you want to change a control that is created by another programming lang ? Search AnyGui.au3 at the example sections .
  16. A1 - Isn't that what you wanted ? You wanted to check if connections are available on the pc A2 - Forgotten , if i'm not wrong, try searching rasdial B2 - It is not possible to do that hidden unless rapidshare support that through some commands (i guess that's not supported). However, you can try controlclicking or mouseclicking on the button .. That seems to be abit off-topic ..
  17. A1 : Ping("www.yahoo.com") A2 : I've seen a script from the example section that does this , search for it . B1 : There are no limitations , the loop will keep running until you exit the loop B2 : I don't understand what you're talking about , do you mean to download rapidshare files remotely (as in having a hidden browser) ?
  18. Search WinActivate and Send from the help files .
  19. If i'm not wrong , you're trying to say that you want the script to prompt what to SEND to a window ? If so , $Input = InputBox("Title", "Enter the key you want to send to a specified window?", "{ESC}", "") Send($Input)
  20. Did you read the FAQ thread ? http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=37289
  21. What exactly is your question ? I can't see any questions ..
  22. Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) Opt("TrayAutoPause", 0) at the top of the script
  23. What you need to do is quite easy , create a client-server based application and let the client run on the system that you want to perform the check to see if the task manager is opened . Next , let the server listen to a port, and the client will check if the window exists (stated in 2nd post) and TCPSend with a 'exists' or 'doesn't exists' packet. Not going to feed you with the script , surfing around in the help files will really help .
  24. The actual version of autoit can do this , however, i don't use the ActiveX version , therefore , no idea how . On the actual version , this can be done by the _IENavigate function . However, you'll need to attach to a browser before performing the action by using _IEAttach
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