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Everything posted by tbaror

  1. sorry :-), but again i didnt get it, i need the results from following output below i dont see how its related to "@err" C:\>netstat -es Interface Statistics Received Sent Bytes 3192481472 1396240779 Unicast packets 11421736 11319993 Non-unicast packets 3306209 9774 Discards 0 0 Errors 0 2 <- this section i need to have 2 values Unknown protocols 53351 thank you
  2. Hi, can you explain it? thx
  3. Hello, i using StringRegExp to retrieve data from cmd netstat , i know how to build the expression but i don't now exactly to retrieve the data desired from it. i am sure its something easy and i missed it, i using code below please advice. thanks #include <Constants.au3> #include <Array.au3> dim $InitError [3] ,$netstat $cmd = Run(@ComSpec & " /c netstat -es " , @SystemDir, @SW_SHOW ,$STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) While 1 $netstat = StdoutRead($Cmd) If @error Then ExitLoop Wend $tmp = StringRegExp($netstat, '(?:Errors\s*)([0-9]{1,3})', 2) $tmp2 = StringRegExp($netstat, '(?:Errors\s*[0-9]{1,3}\s*)([0-9]{1,3})', 2) MsgBox(1,"error","errors:"& $tmp &":"&$tmp2 & @CRLF)
  4. Hello All, is there a way to run/execute multiple function in parallel ? if yes could one point me to example. Thanks
  5. Hello, i wonder if anyone had already experience with scripting vSphere PowerCLI If yes i would like to get some examples Thanks
  6. Hello, i am trying to capture file name in a string might be for example "-configfile te56stds -r 8798" or "-configfile te56stds.conf -r 8798" i figure out pattern like example below but i cant get it works please advice Thanks $cliArray = '(?:-configfile) ([.*\..{4}] [.*$])' $cliArra = StringRegExp("-configfile te56stds. -r 8798",$cliArray ,2)
  7. Hello, i am trying to capture file name in a string might be for example "-configfile te56stds -r 8798" or "-configfile te56stds.conf -r 8798" i figure out pattern like example below but i cant get it works please advice Thanks $cliArray = '(?:-configfile) ([.*\..{4}] [.*$])' $cliArra = StringRegExp("-configfile te56stds. -r 8798",$cliArray ,2)
  8. Hi, I need to build a command line utility capturing the cli using $CmdLineRaw and doing interpretation using StringRegExp The cli structure will always begin with - sign followed by letter -w -s etc.. next value # could be up to 9 digit could be with or without space from the "-w999 or -w 999" or word like -configfile or -wizard now i am tackling myself how to create the right expression and insert each command into array?
  9. Hello, i need to write cli utility that the user interaction will be in the same cmd been executed results,help will be kind of console write my question is how can i do it redirect to messages to cmd ? Thanks
  10. Hello, i am trying to set 5 different buffer in same declaration of DllStructCreate but i got null value could someone point me whats wrong in the Structure declaration. Thanks, $size="144380";byte $buffer = "int ["&$size/4&"];int ["&$size/4&"];int ["&$size/4&"];int ["&$size/4&"];int ["&$size/4&"]" For $u = 1 To 5 For $i=0 To $size/4 -1 $data = DllStructSetData($buffer,$u,Random(0,2^31-1,1),$i+1) ;MsgBox(0,"filled data",$data ) Next Next MsgBox(0,"DllStruct","Struct Size: " & DllStructGetSize($buffer) & @CRLF & _ "Struct pointer: " & DllStructGetPtr($buffer) & @CRLF & _ "Data:" & @CRLF & _ DllStructGetData($buffer,1) & @CRLF & _ DllStructGetData($buffer,2) & @CRLF & _ DllStructGetData($buffer,3) & @CRLF & _ DllStructGetData($buffer,4))
  11. Hello, i am writing a code that looping trough several similar variable $buffer1 ,$buffer2 ,$buffer3 ....... my question is it the right way or legal way do it such way loop trough variables ? thanks For $Y = 1 to 8 BuffCreation($buffer&$Y,$size) next
  12. Hello ACS, thanks for you're answer , you right its does have nice example there but i do missing basic understanding of the structure buffer building :-(
  13. Hello, i am trying to figure out for how to work correctly with DllStructCreate for creating correct alignment. What i am trying to achieve is simulate several types of video types , for example i have file that is one frame of "RAWDV_PAL" i would like to create DllStructCreate buffer correctly for it and the write it to file using _WinAPI_ReadFile . i know it must be created using array but not sure how . i have attached the frame file for example. Please advice Thanks, frame1.zip
  14. Hello, i am trying to figure out _WinAPI_WriteFile syntax ,my goal is to create a script that i can determine the write block size and and even throttle IO/SEC or Mbytes/sec ,finally measure disk throughput & latency . each operation will be measured and calculated by TimerInit /TimerDiff i wonder if _WinAPI_WriteFile is the right function to do ,if yes i would like to get help with examples. please advice Thanks
  15. thanks good idea
  16. Hello, I need to test/check in our network disk latency access nas/san , i know there is lots of tools out there but I would like to do custom made script to access disk or remote unc path check if file locked or some other operation and measure (ms) took to read or get status,write etc. any idea or did someone wrote something similar to accomplish this task. Thanks
  17. Hello All, i am trying to write a script that will retrieve on certain period of time backwards for example recent 15 min. is it possible with _EventLog__Read or other function? Thanks
  18. Hello, i am looking into for a function that can copy or duplicate array of 1D in to 2D , is there any ready function out there ?. Thanks
  19. sorry my mistake i found that i did error with syntax its works with unc path
  20. Hello All, i am looking for function or a way for monitoring unc path \\server\share\ for new file creation for example *.dv, i tried to use _FileListToArray function but its doesn't seems to support UNC path. please advice thanks
  21. Hello, i am trying to set new share using code i ported frob Vb script to AutoIt i getting error please advice thanks $strShareName = "Reports" $domainSel = @ComputerName $objfServer = ObjGet("WinNT://" & $domainSel&"/lanmanserver") $objsNewShare = $objfServer.Create("Fileshare", $strShareName) ;' The path you want the share to point to. $objsNewShare.Path = @ScriptDir $objsNewShare.SetInfo
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