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  1. Hello, I have been asked to do a task with following job, read a simple list of peron from XL spreadsheet , next print each one of them in envelop format . My question would be is it possible to do such job and which Autoit objects should i use Please advice Thanks
  2. Hi All, I am trying to add entire folder and files and sub-folder into zip but its not happen the zip is created but stays empty , must be somthing i did worng. please advise #Include <Zip.au3> $Zip = _Zip_Create(@ScriptDir & "\LOGS_.ZIP") _Zip_AddItem($Zip, "C:\pspad\licence_cz (2).txt")
  3. SORRY found it i got lost in some IF THEN Thanks anyway
  4. Hi , yes they are not read-only actually they created by Autoit from prior run, the files are created by run command executing thsark capture and the process is not running to lock the file ,its strange on other machine i am testing (w7) its works smooth.
  5. Hello All, I am writing a script and testing it under different machines Os w7 ,xp and W2k3, on the W7 i have FileDelete & FileMove that's works on other hand not on W2k3 that i am testing with a user administrator both domain and locally any idea what it could be FileDelete(@ScriptDir &"\Traces\*.Pcap") .. . . FileMove ( @ScriptDir & "\*.Pcap" , @ScriptDir &"\Traces\*.*" , 9)
  6. Thanks again great idea i wasn't aware about AdLibRegister surly will use it. I have more question but now for work.
  7. Thanks for the info ,noted
  8. Exactly "minimize time to collect that many file names from a NAS" which seems that the process is stack i wanted to emphasis that by writing its "getting stack".as for the 70,000 limit i am aware of that there is a script that when files getting to certain amount level its getting divided into sub-folders. in fact maybe you can help me with related performance script that i am currently writing i need opinion about certain test i am doing which is using the function GetFileSize and measuring the amount of time its took getting the response from remote storage , if threshold lets say 40ms is reached then alert is triggers. My question would you by chance possibly knows how reliable this function in terms of pure network query spent time or its depends much on local machine cycle time?. BTW the part of my initial function help asking where to get certain list of files and use it as rotation query so wont be used by storage cash. Thanks
  9. Hi All and thanks for the function, The systems i worked with is usually from new Pc to remote storage's shares (Netapp usually) sometimes getting up to 70,000~30,000 files per for folder on Giga network based and those storage's are heavily used for storing HD,DV recording,playback. Thanks
  10. Hello, i am trying to write a function that will first check the amount of files exist in a folder and if its bigger for example 100 files will add only the first 100 files to array. Since the function _FileListToArray i work with could get stack since sometimes i works with folders consist of thousand of files Please advice Thanks
  11. Hello All, I have wrote a script that measure time to get FileGetSize query from remote storage ,normally the network we test is Giga or 100Mbit network and storage are Netapp based. My question is how can i be sure that the query is purely network request and how much time the local system spend on this cycle?. i am asking it since i don't now how this function behave on remote path. Please advice Thanks in advanced $begin = TimerInit() $size = FileGetSize ($fileop) $dif = TimerDiff($begin)
  12. Hello I am trying to mage TreeViewItem with checkbox and single selection only cant find the right GUI Control Styles Please advice Thanks #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <TreeViewConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= $Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 623, 449, 192, 114) $TreeView1 = GUICtrlCreateTreeView(32, 112, 521, 273, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_TREEVIEW,$TVS_CHECKBOXES,$TVS_NOSCROLL,$WS_CLIPSIBLINGS)) $TreeView1_0 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("xzcz", $TreeView1) $TreeView1_1 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("xczx", $TreeView1) $TreeView1_2 = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem("xcz", $TreeView1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd
  13. works thanks
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