Im still trying to extend this installer script, adding new commands to the helper file. I'm in need to unpack a zip in a certain location, install third party exe (ice.msi -> msi seems to be a challenge as it keeps giving me errors) , basically, I want to install mysql, php, apache , ice framework and some other dll's and exes with it. Also inserting a service (I have that code), some registry keys, load up a default db into mysql (ours) and perhaps fire up a vbs script.(which could provide a problem)
I'm fascinated by your approach, it seems very extendible. Hope you dont mind I'm hacking this. I still have issues when trying standalone program. the checkboxes and tree turn into standard ones, not the green ones that look so cute
I'm too bad in autoit to figure out some stuff at this point. A bit stressy as I have 4 days left to come up with a working installer. Thanks for any help anyone can offer in the form of support, advice or even code snippets and more suggestions about Eltorro's installer.
This deserves a topic of its own really.