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  1. I had hell trying to call an MSI installation for the following peculiar reasons: - I can't use ShellExec as it seems to fail all the time, so I tried RunWait but I had the following constraints, example from my app: c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /i "C:\Documents and Settings\glenn\Desktop\scriptplay\Wizard\packages\mysql-essential-5.0.45-win32.msi" /log install_mysql_essential_install.log /passive This is the full call towards the msi installer as passed on to RunWait. Whenever there is a space somewhere in the path of the installer you NEED to doublequote that path. This is what kept on backfiring on me. Like this the installation works like a charm. Now I still need to adapt my program to use a dynamic path given on the command line mentioned above, but I think you catch my drift here. The calling of msiexec.exe is mandatory or it doesn't work. Hope this helps some people not to loose as much time like me. Glenn
  2. I must say, I'm still a bit in the dark here, I can see the contents and the icons fine in the exe with resourcehacker but I'm not knowledable about how to actually add these nice little green ones in the exe. tbh, I find this fairly cucumbersome and I wonder why the code does work when I for example run it from scite... Doesn't anybody here need a exe ? I mean, examples are very nice and learnful but being able to use this in lets call it -disrespectfully sounding- the real world would make this and even more excellent program. Why can't the program find the bmp's on disk ? That's really my problem I guess. The issue here is also that the defaults aren't being respected (you know, main program -> required) when it cant seem to find these bitmaps, that's perhaps even more of an issue to some here. Anyway, if any more insights into this lib is very welcome, again I appreciate all the hard work. I'm just trying to help improve the usability, atleast from my perspective. Glenn
  3. I see what happened, I got acquainted to this package from within an installer I was trying to modify to my needs and it didn't come with a sample file. I've got it now though so I'll look into this now. So the bottom line -so far I can tell- it can't access the bmp's from disk when an exe is being made, correct ? Is this an AutoIT limit ? Thanks for responding so fast, really appreciate this. Glenn
  4. when you build a exe from the script and run it standalone it doesn't work. One user here already pointed that out before but i think noone spotted this. It looks very nice but I really would love to know why that happens. Appreciate the feedback, Glenn
  5. Hi, Im still trying to extend this installer script, adding new commands to the helper file. I'm in need to unpack a zip in a certain location, install third party exe (ice.msi -> msi seems to be a challenge as it keeps giving me errors) , basically, I want to install mysql, php, apache , ice framework and some other dll's and exes with it. Also inserting a service (I have that code), some registry keys, load up a default db into mysql (ours) and perhaps fire up a vbs script.(which could provide a problem) I'm fascinated by your approach, it seems very extendible. Hope you dont mind I'm hacking this. I still have issues when trying standalone program. the checkboxes and tree turn into standard ones, not the green ones that look so cute I'm too bad in autoit to figure out some stuff at this point. A bit stressy as I have 4 days left to come up with a working installer. Thanks for any help anyone can offer in the form of support, advice or even code snippets and more suggestions about Eltorro's installer. This deserves a topic of its own really. Glenn
  6. Hey Eltoro, Great stuff man, I really like it, I was looking for a decent back/next implementation as I had some issues with buttons with Icons on (to hide them). Your program gives me a lot of inspiration. I have one strange issue with it though. not sure if you noticed it but when you build an exe and run that one its complaining about the declaration of various variables, When I add : Global $Debugit Global $Debug in the helper source I get to the next one. I'm just a newbie in this language but I'm getting the pace although I have some vast gaps in my knowledge I'm not even aware about. I need to do various installs from third party products (mysql, apache, php (zip source), another selfmade app made with nullsoft installer , copy a few dlls, register a service and set some registry keys, all in one sort of speak. I have most code but I was strugling with that whole next/back thing, my buttons dissapeard, but the images I used didn't. anyhow, I want to keep it simple. I could use your input on those errors though. Very much appreciated. I'm having fun with it too btw Glenn
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