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Everything posted by greatbrains

  1. Beege, I tried out your new code and it seems to work like a champ with 32-bit. I haven't tried 64-bit, so I can't give you a definite answer there. Thanks for the help! Now if I can just get my HTTP requests to work...
  2. Beege, Thanks for your work on this! I am trying to sign a request to amazon MWS servers and I need to convert the signed HMAC string to Base64. Amazon provides a scratchpad site that I am using to test my algorithm to make sure it is hashing properly and converting to Base64 as well. So far I am doing fine at hashing and encrypting the request strings, but when I use your function to convert to Base64 it does not consistently give me the same output. For example when the hash is: e900fe550acdf319cf68b924f5625323ab89b1954753b2e9e429775e774511f4 then Amazon shows the Base64 to be: 6QD+VQrN8xnPaLkk9WJTI6uJsZVHU7Lp5Cl3XndFEfQ= After running your function 10 times I get the following for each run: 1) 6QD+VQrN8xnPaLkk9WJTI6uJsZVHU7Lp5Cl3XndFEfQ= 2) 6QD+VQrN8xnPaLkk9WJTI6uJsZVHU7Lp5Cl3XndFEfQ= 3) 6QD+VQrN8xnPaLkk9WJTI6uJsZVHU7Lp5Cl3XndFEfS= 4) 6QD+VQrN8xnPaLkk9WJTI6uJsZVHU7Lp5Cl3XndFEfS= 5) 6QD+VQrN8xnPaLkk9WJTI6uJsZVHU7Lp5Cl3XndFEfQ= 6) 6QD+VQrN8xnPaLkk9WJTI6uJsZVHU7Lp5Cl3XndFEfS= 7) 6QD+VQrN8xnPaLkk9WJTI6uJsZVHU7Lp5Cl3XndFEfQ= 8) 6QD+VQrN8xnPaLkk9WJTI6uJsZVHU7Lp5Cl3XndFEfT= 9) 6QD+VQrN8xnPaLkk9WJTI6uJsZVHU7Lp5Cl3XndFEfQ= 10) 6QD+VQrN8xnPaLkk9WJTI6uJsZVHU7Lp5Cl3XndFEfR= So, 50% of the time I am getting the correct conversion, but it is not consistent, and I have no idea what is going on. I am running this with Autoit V3.3.10.2 on Windows 7 32 bit. Any insight as to what I am doing wrong? Thanks.
  3. How is this project coming? I am also very interested in collecting my gmail into autoit. Keep up the good work!
  4. Malu5 or Perkilis or anyone else know how to convert coords collected with WoW ingame Addons such as gatherer or cartographer to coords sniffed from memory? Here is what I have discovered so far: Most AddOns seem to use the GetPlayerMapPosition function to determine coords. The function returns the postion of a unit on the current map posX, posY = GetPlayerMapPosition("unit") posX = X value of the unit position (a proportion between 0 and 1, relative to WorldMapDetailFrame) posY = Y value of the unit position (a proportion between 0 and 1, relative to WorldMapDetailFrame) eg 0.43320921063423, 0.69365233182907 The key word is "current" map. So the coords are localized to the current zone. I understand that the coords sniffed from memory relate to the coordinate system explained in this post http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...st&p=337598 I need to know how to convert from localized zone coords to sniffed coords. A current AddOn called Nauticus has a Maplibrary with some functions that might help. I thought I figured it out with the following function but I can't get it to correlate properly with the zone offsets and scales (in the Maplibrary.lua file). -- translates from zone coordinates to world coordinates. -- returns nil on failure (if the zone is not calibrated) local function MapLibrary_TranslateZoneToWorld(zx, zy, zone) if zone == "World" then return zx, zy end if MapLibrary_ZoneIsCalibrated(zone) then local t = MapLibraryData.translation[zone] return (zx - t.offset_x) / t.scale_x, (zy - t.offset_y) / t.scale_y end return nil end I am currently at a dead end and any help would be greatly appreciated. brain
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