Malu5 or Perkilis or anyone else know how to convert coords collected with WoW ingame Addons such as gatherer or cartographer to coords sniffed from memory? Here is what I have discovered so far: Most AddOns seem to use the GetPlayerMapPosition function to determine coords. The function returns the postion of a unit on the current map posX, posY = GetPlayerMapPosition("unit") posX = X value of the unit position (a proportion between 0 and 1, relative to WorldMapDetailFrame) posY = Y value of the unit position (a proportion between 0 and 1, relative to WorldMapDetailFrame) eg 0.43320921063423, 0.69365233182907 The key word is "current" map. So the coords are localized to the current zone. I understand that the coords sniffed from memory relate to the coordinate system explained in this post I need to know how to convert from localized zone coords to sniffed coords. A current AddOn called Nauticus has a Maplibrary with some functions that might help. I thought I figured it out with the following function but I can't get it to correlate properly with the zone offsets and scales (in the Maplibrary.lua file). -- translates from zone coordinates to world coordinates. -- returns nil on failure (if the zone is not calibrated) local function MapLibrary_TranslateZoneToWorld(zx, zy, zone) if zone == "World" then return zx, zy end if MapLibrary_ZoneIsCalibrated(zone) then local t = MapLibraryData.translation[zone] return (zx - t.offset_x) / t.scale_x, (zy - t.offset_y) / t.scale_y end return nil end I am currently at a dead end and any help would be greatly appreciated. brain