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Everything posted by DfGik

  1. Thanks ! I'll work with it
  2. I have a question on my mind... How did you manage to find the key of the packets(which are encrypted) and then build a packet with the according key to it?
  3. It works like a charm now, thank you Indeed,it didn't compile I needed to put the "Then" instruction after the "if" condition You put parenthesis because of the arithmetics operations order right? Until (TimerDiff($nStart) / 1000) >= 3 No? This community is really great thanks guys
  4. Thank you very much, I'm gonna test it later and keep you tuned Ok So I test It and : - Even if I multiply the frequency by 60 in order to have a minute it considers it as a millisecond I think? - It opens indefinately IE with not the url but with only "http:///"
  5. Sorry The Whole function is Func AchatBat() $frequency = InputBox("Infos","Which Frequency?") $sStart = TimerInit() While(1) $diff = TimerDiff($sStart) if $diff = $frequency _IECreate($oIE,"http://www.somewebsite.com") EndIf WEnd EndFunc
  6. Hi there, How can I in a loop do something like : after X minutes, go to a website for example and then when the same amount X minutes is reached go to the same website? A pseudo code I got is : $start=TimerInit() While(1) $diff = TimerDiff($sStart) if $diff = $frequency _IECreate($oIE,"http://www.somewebsite.com") EndIf WEnd But it doesn't work.. Any Ideas?
  7. Thank you so much ! It works now
  8. Hello the community, I'm new to AutoIT and try to build a kinda small project I'm trying to autologin at http://www.nyleria.royaumes.net/login.php but I can't find the form name in order to use _IEFormGetObjByName Can anyone tell me if he has found it ? And if yes,how please? Thanks in advance Btw,my code looks like this : #include <IE.au3> $oIE = _IECreate() _IENavigate($oIE,"http://www.nyleria.royaumes.net/login.php") $oform = _IEFormGetObjByName($oIE, "styleText") $oLogin = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oIE,"Royaume :") $oPass = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oIE,"Mot de passe :") _IEFormElementSetValue($oLogin,"user") _IEFormElementSetValue($oPass,"pass")
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