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Xbox Modification + AutoIT
MildWarlock replied to MildWarlock's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
OHHHH ill have to try that =) Thanks -
Ok i have a modifyed xbox (origonal). It runs Evox as the dashboard right now. I can change it to linux if i want. Waht i would like to know is if anyone knows if apps written in AutoIT will run on a moded xbox with evox Dash preferably, but even if it will run with linux.
I have an idea, but im not sure how to start. Dont even know if it would be posiable at this point Did anyone ever play with the lazyscript? it was a built in language that allowed you to set up a pre chosen action based on what is happening with just one key press. Not a bot just made twitch play eaiser. On the 2.0 patch it was killed allong with a lot of other things. I miss lazyscript. So my idea is to revive it of sorts. This will rely on 2 parts. First visual ques from the game (i'm going to use Rogue as a example). Someone parrys and now you get the chance to use riposet. Almost imposable without a visual que to do this every time some one parrys, so you end up spamming the ripo key will it fires off, hundred s of other things as well for all classes. So we need a AddOn for the game to display and color code all of theses special events that can happen. I am thinking a small square, or border around the whole game that changes to a unique color on a specific event. Then using Pixel search to find that unique color in that spot and then preform an action when you press a HOTkey coded in autoit. It would require the ability to add in UDF for what to do, where to click, or what button to push when this color is in this pixel. Might have to write macros in game as well to stream line some actions. What do you thing? Possiable?
Nostale Bot - code help
MildWarlock replied to MildWarlock's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
I am writing this at work, and this PC has Au3 blocked (bastards) while I can write it I cannot test it.. The -if- -then- -else- statments seem wrong to me but I can't test it to find out. I was hoping some one would be able to test for me -
This is a NosTale bot written by Labrinth http://forum.cheatengine.org/viewtopic.php...asc&start=0 Nostale is a free MMO http://www.nostale.co.uk/ I added some features to it, but some where ive done somthing wrong. and im not sure what i did. Would some one mind looking over this code. A second pair of eyes usualy helps. Also, is there a command to search for a picture on screen and then force a mouse click on it? #Include <Misc.au3> Opt("WinWaitDelay", 100) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4); <-- exact title Match or it doesnt run the bot Opt("WinDetectHiddenText", 1) Opt("PixelCoordMode", 2); <--- this is why pixel coords was wrng too. Opt("MouseCoordMode", 2);<--- This is why your coords was not right. ;~ Below is how it targets only the game window WinWait("NosTale", "") If Not WinActive("NosTale", "") Then WinActivate("NosTale", "") WinWaitActive("NosTale", "") ;~ Hold END To stop the bot HotKeySet("{END}", "Terminate") $pickupitems = 0 $ColorHP = 0 $ColorLHP = 0 $ColorMP = 0 While $pickupitems = 0 Sleep(1000) Send("{` 20}");use auto pickup;~ Send("{~ 10}");Presses the ~ key 10 times for picking up items $ColorHP = PixelGetColor(150, 36);Dont know if this Loc is valid. Coding at work and dont have access to nostale here so im guessing $ColorLHP = PixelGetColor(130, 36) $ColorMP = PixelGetColor(130, 46);Mana Bar again just a guess on location for now If $ColorHP = 592137 Then;Checking For low HP $ColorHP = 0 Sleep(2000) Send("{c Down}") Sleep(500) Send("{c Up}") Sleep(40000);healing time "how long he sits" 20 seconds Send("{c Down}") Sleep(500) Send("{c Up}") Sleep(1000) If $ColorMP = 592137 Then;Checking For low MP $ColorMP = 0 Sleep(2000) Send("{c Down}") Sleep(500) Send("{c Up}") Sleep(40000);Med time same as healing time "how long he sits" 20 seconds Send("{c Down}") Sleep(500) Send("{c Up}") Sleep(1000) Else Sleep(1000) Send("{Space 2}");use to auto fight pressing Space, 2 times sleep(100) Send ("{q Down}");Skill 1 = Q 2 = W 3 = E Sleep(500) Send ("{q Up}") sleep(100) Send ("{w Down}") Sleep(500) Send ("{w Up}") sleep(100) Send ("{e Down}") Sleep(500) Send ("{e Up}") If $ColorLHP = 592137 Then;Checking For very low HP while fighting $ColorLHP = 0 Sleep(2000) Send("{r Down}") Sleep(500) Send("{r Up}");Helth pot location on toolbar = R Else Sleep(1000) Send("{Space 2}");use to auto fight pressing Space, 2 times Sleep(7000) EndIf EndIf EndIf WEnd ;~ Terminates the bot Func Terminate() $MB_MsgBoxButtons = 5;What buttons that show in messagebox 5 = Retry and Cancel $MB_Cancel = 2;What button is pressed to exit the script 2 = Cancel, If Cancel buton is pushed the script stops. If MsgBox($MB_MsgBoxButtons, "You Stopped the Bot!", "Retry or Cancel the bot?") == $MB_Cancel Then Exit EndIf EndFunc ;==>Terminate in addition to the orgional bot i wanted to add
Been fiddeling with it a bit. Needed word wraping for our longer winded people. edidted Form1 and 2 to be $Form2 = GUICreate($d & ".chat Chatta Chat", 518.5, 300, 357, 270, BitOR($ES_READONLY, $ES_MULTILINE)) Whitch works ok. Made the box a bit longer as some people think that they have to have 'yellow_and_pink_powar_ranjas_unite' for a username and it goes to far over. Only thing that is killin me is that it cuts off the last letter of each line that reaches the border in a multiline message. Maybe you can see somthing I dont. Posted the edited version. $uname = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\ChattaData.chdt", "User", "Name", "Unknown") $chmw = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\ChattaData.chdt", "Sounds", "Sound", 3) $fsize = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\ChattaData.chdt", "Font", "FColor", "00x999999") $fname = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\ChattaData.chdt", "Font", "FName", "Tahoma") ;FileInstall("E:\NewChatMessage1.wav", @ScriptDir & "\NewChatMessage1.wav") ;FileInstall("E:\NewChatMessage2.wav", @ScriptDir & "\NewChatMessage2.wav") ;FileInstall("E:\NewChatMessage3.wav", @ScriptDir & "\NewChatMessage3.wav") AutoItSetOption("TrayAutoPause", 0) #include <GUIConstants.au3> #Include <GuiEdit.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <Array.au3> $show = TrayCreateItem("Show Chatta") $exit = TrayCreateItem("Exit Chatta") $Form3 = GUICreate("Chatta", 169, 173, 281, 168) $newchat = GUICtrlCreateButton("New", 8.5, 8.5, 153, 41, 0) $joinbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Join", 8.5, 56, 153, 49, 0) $opt = GUICtrlCreateButton("Options..", 8.5, 144, 153, 25, 0) $hidewindows = TrayCreateItem("Hide All Windows") $winshiding = 0 GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() $tmsg = TrayGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $newchat GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) ;begin New Chat $d = FileSaveDialog("New Chat", "C:\", "Chatta Chats (*.chat)") If FileExists($d & ".chat") Then MsgBox(0, "Sorry", "You can't replace an existing chat.") Run(@ScriptDir & "\Chatta.exe") Exit EndIf If MsgBox(4, "Open Chat?", "Would you like to open this chat to the public?") = 7 Then IniWrite($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Open", 0) $allowed = InputBox("Chatta Allowed Chatters", "Enter the name of the chatter that you want to be allowed.") IniWrite($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Allowed user 1", $allowed) $allowed = InputBox("Chatta Allowed Chatters", "Enter the name of the second chatter that you want to be allowed.") IniWrite($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Allowed user 2", $allowed) $allowed = InputBox("Chatta Allowed Chatters", "Enter the name of the third chatter that you want to be allowed.") IniWrite($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Allowed user 3", $allowed) $allowed = InputBox("Chatta Allowed Chatters", "Enter the name of the third chatter that you want to be allowed.") Else IniWrite($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Open", 1) EndIf IniWrite($d & ".chat", "Users", "User 1", $uname) $u1 = IniRead($d & ".chat", "Users", "User 1", "") $u2 = IniRead($d & ".chat", "Users", "User 2", "") $u3 = IniRead($d & ".chat", "Users", "User 3", "") $Form2 = GUICreate($d & ".chat Chatta Chat", 518.5, 300, 357, 270, BitOR($ES_READONLY, $ES_MULTILINE)) $TextPut = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8.5, 220, 241, 21) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Global $lr = "" Global $lastsentuser = "" $lrbefore = $lr $gr = 0 $log = 0 $LastSent1 = "" $lr1 = "" $lr2 = "" $lr3 = "" $lr4 = "" $lr5 = "" $lru1 = "" $lru2 = "" $lru3 = "" $lru4 = "" $lru5 = "" $lrc1 = "" $lrc2 = "" $lrc3 = "" $lrc4 = "" $lrc5 = "" $z = "" Global $fc5 Global $fc4 Global $fc4 Global $fc3 Global $fc3 Global $fc2 Global $fc2 Global $fc1 Global $fc1 Global $lrfs Global $fn5 Global $fn4 Global $fn4 Global $fn3 Global $fn3 Global $fn2 Global $fn2 Global $fn1 Global $fn1 global $lrfn $time = @YEAR & @MON & @MDAY & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC While 1 $lr = IniRead($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Last Sent-", "") If $lrbefore <> $lr Then If IniRead(@ScriptDir & "ChattaData.chdt", "Log?", "Log...", 0) = 1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "ChattaData.chdt", "Log?", "Log" & $gr + 1, $lr) $gr = $gr + 1 EndIf $lastsentuser = IniRead($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Last Sent User", "") $lrfn = IniRead($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Last Sent Font Name", "Tahoma") $lrfc = IniRead($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Last Sent Font Color", 000000) $lr5 = $lr4 $lr4 = $lr3 $lr3 = $lr2 $lr2 = $lr1 $lr1 = $lr $lru5 = $lru4 $lru4 = $lru3 $lru3 = $lru2 $lru2 = $lru1 $lru1 = $lastsentuser $fc5 = $fc4 $fc4 = $fc3 $fc3 = $fc2 $fc2 = $fc1 $fc1 = $lrfc $fn5 = $fn4 $fn4 = $fn3 $fn3 = $fn2 $fn2 = $fn1 $fn1 = $lrfn GUICtrlDelete($lrc1) $lrc1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($lru1 & " says: " & $lr1, 8.5, 146, 500, 30) GUICtrlSetFont($lrc1, 8.5, -1, -1, $fn1) GUICtrlSetColor($lrc1, $lrfc) GUICtrlDelete($lrc2) $lrc2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($lru2 & " says: " & $lr2, 8.5, 116, 500, 30) GUICtrlSetFont($lrc2, 8.5, -1, -1, $fn2) GUICtrlSetColor($lrc2, $fc2) GUICtrlDelete($lrc3) $lrc3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($lru3 & " says: " & $lr3, 8.5, 86, 500, 30) GUICtrlSetFont($lrc3, 8.5, -1, -1, $fn3) GUICtrlSetColor($lrc3, $fc3) GUICtrlDelete($lrc4) $lrc4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($lru4 & " says: " & $lr4, 8.5, 56, 500, 30) GUICtrlSetFont($lrc4, 8.5, -1, -1, $fn4) GUICtrlSetColor($lrc4, $fc4) GUICtrlDelete($lrc5) $lrc5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($lru5 & " says: " & $lr5, 8.5, 26, 500, 30) GUICtrlSetFont($lrc5, 8.5, -1, -1, $fn5) GUICtrlSetColor($lrc5, $fc5) If WinActive($d & ".chat Chatta Chat") = 0 Then $text = WinGetText($d & ".chat Chatta Chat") WinSetTitle($d & ".chat Chatta Chat", $text, "You recieved a message.") SoundPlay(@ScriptDir & "\NewChatMessage" & $chmw & ".wav") EndIf If $lastsentuser <> $uname Then TrayTip("Chatta", "New Message from " & $lastsentuser, 3) EndIf EndIf $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE If MsgBox(4, "Delete?", "Would you like to delete this chat? If you have Log Chats on, it will still be there in the chat log.") = 6 Then FileDelete($d & ".chat") GUIDelete($Form2) GUISwitch($Form3) ExitLoop Else GUIDelete($Form2) GUISwitch($Form3) ExitLoop EndIf Case $TextPut $LastSent1 = GUICtrlRead($TextPut) IniWrite($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Last Sent-", $LastSent1) IniWrite($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Last Sent User", $uname) GUICtrlDelete($TextPut) $TextPut = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8.5, 220, 241, 21) ControlFocus($d & ".chat Chatta Chat", "", $TextPut) IniWrite($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Last Sent Font Name", $fname) IniWrite($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Last Sent Font Color", $fsize) EndSwitch $tmsg = TrayGetMsg() Switch $tmsg Case $hidewindows If $winshiding = 1 Then $winshiding = 0 TrayItemSetText($hidewindows, "Hide Windows") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form3) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form2) Else $winshiding = 1 TrayItemSetText($hidewindows, "Show Windows") GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form3) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form2) EndIf EndSwitch $log = IniRead($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Last Sent-", $LastSent1) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "ChattaData.chdt", "Log?", "Log" & $gr + 1, $gr) $lrbefore = $lr WEnd ;end New Chat Case $joinbutton GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) ;begin Join Chat $d = FileOpenDialog("Open Chat", "C:\", "Chatta Chats (*.chat)") If @error = 1 Then MsgBox(0, "Sorry", "ERROR!!! ARGH!!!") Else If IniRead($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Open", 1) = 0 Then If IniRead($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Allowed user 1", "") <> $uname Then If IniRead($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Allowed user 2", "") <> $uname Then If IniRead($d & ".chat", "Chat", "Allowed user 3", "") <> $uname Then MsgBox(0, "Sorry", "This chat is private, and you are not on the allowed-user list.") Run(@ScriptDir & "\Chatta.exe") Exit EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf If IniRead($d , "Users", "User 1", "") <> "" then If IniRead($d , "Users", "User 2", "") <> "" then If IniRead($d , "Users", "User 3", "") <> "" Then If IniRead($d , "Users", "User 4", "") <> "" Then If IniRead($d , "Users", "User 5", "") <> "" Then MsgBox(0, "Sorry!", "This chat is full.") Run(@ScriptDir & "\Chatta.exe") Exit Else IniWrite($d , "Users", "User 5", "") EndIf Else IniWrite($d , "Users", "User 4", "") EndIf Else IniWrite($d , "Users", "User 3", $uname) EndIf Else IniWrite($d , "Users", "User 2", $uname) EndIf Else IniWrite($d , "Users", "User 1", $uname) EndIf $u1 = IniRead($d , "Users", "User 1", "") $u2 = IniRead($d , "Users", "User 2", "") $u3 = IniRead($d , "Users", "User 3", "") $Form1 = GUICreate($d & ".chat Chatta Chat", 500.5, 300, 357, 270, BitOR($ES_READONLY, $ES_MULTILINE)) $TextPut = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8.5, 220, 241, 21) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Global $lr = "" Global $lastsentuser = "" $lrbefore = $lr $gr = 0 $log = 0 $LastSent1 = 0 $time = @YEAR & @MON & @MDAY & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC $LastSent1 = "" $lr1 = "" $lr2 = "" $lr3 = "" $lr4 = "" $lr5 = "" $lru1 = "" $lru2 = "" $lru3 = "" $lru4 = "" $lru5 = "" $lrc1 = "" $lrc2 = "" $lrc3 = "" $lrc4 = "" $lrc5 = "" $z = "" Global $fc5 Global $fc4 Global $fc4 Global $fc3 Global $fc3 Global $fc2 Global $fc2 Global $fc1 Global $fc1 Global $lrfs Global $fn5 Global $fn4 Global $fn4 Global $fn3 Global $fn3 Global $fn2 Global $fn2 Global $fn1 Global $fn1 global $lrfn While 1 If WinActive("You recieved a message.") = 1 Then $text = WinGetText("You recieved a message.") WinSetTitle("You recieved a message.", $text, $d & " Chatta Chat") EndIf $lr = IniRead($d , "Chat", "Last Sent-", "") If @MIN & @SEC > $time Then $time = @YEAR & @MON & @MDAY & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC If FileExists($d) = 0 then MsgBox(0, "Sorry", "The person who created this chat has deleted it.") Run(@ScriptFullPath) Exit EndIf EndIf If $lrbefore <> $lr Then If IniRead(@ScriptDir & "ChattaData.chdt", "Log?", "Log...", 0) = 1 Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "ChattaData.chdt", "Log?", "Log" & $gr + 1, $lr) $gr = $gr + 1 EndIf $lastsentuser = IniRead($d, "Chat", "Last Sent User", "") $lrfn = IniRead($d, "Chat", "Last Sent Font Name", "Tahoma") $lrfc = IniRead($d, "Chat", "Last Sent Font Color", 000000) $lr5 = $lr4 $lr4 = $lr3 $lr3 = $lr2 $lr2 = $lr1 $lr1 = $lr $lru5 = $lru4 $lru4 = $lru3 $lru3 = $lru2 $lru2 = $lru1 $lru1 = $lastsentuser $fc5 = $fc4 $fc4 = $fc3 $fc3 = $fc2 $fc2 = $fc1 $fc1 = $lrfc $fn5 = $fn4 $fn4 = $fn3 $fn3 = $fn2 $fn2 = $fn1 $fn1 = $lrfn GUICtrlDelete($lrc1) $lrc1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($lru1 & " says: " & $lr1, 8.5, 146, 500, 30) GUICtrlSetFont($lrc1, 8.5, -1, -1, $fn1) GUICtrlSetColor($lrc1, $lrfc) GUICtrlDelete($lrc2) $lrc2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($lru2 & " says: " & $lr2, 8.5, 116, 500, 30) GUICtrlSetFont($lrc2, 8.5, -1, -1, $fn2) GUICtrlSetColor($lrc2, $fc2) GUICtrlDelete($lrc3) $lrc3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($lru3 & " says: " & $lr3, 8.5, 86, 500, 30) GUICtrlSetFont($lrc3, 8.5, -1, -1, $fn3) GUICtrlSetColor($lrc3, $fc3) GUICtrlDelete($lrc4) $lrc4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($lru4 & " says: " & $lr4, 8.5, 56, 500, 30) GUICtrlSetFont($lrc4, 8.5, -1, -1, $fn4) GUICtrlSetColor($lrc4, $fc4) GUICtrlDelete($lrc5) $lrc5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($lru5 & " says: " & $lr5, 8.5, 26, 500, 30) GUICtrlSetFont($lrc5, 8.5, -1, -1, $fn5) GUICtrlSetColor($lrc5, $fc5) If WinActive($d & " Chatta Chat") = 0 Then $text = WinGetText($d & " Chatta Chat") WinSetTitle($d & " Chatta Chat", $text, "You recieved a message.") SoundPlay(@ScriptDir & "\NewChatMessage" & $chmw & ".wav") EndIf If $lastsentuser <> $uname Then TrayTip("Chatta", "New Message from " & $lastsentuser, 3) EndIf EndIf $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($Form1) GUISwitch($Form3) ExitLoop Case $TextPut $LastSent1 = GUICtrlRead($TextPut) IniWrite($d , "Chat", "Last Sent-", $LastSent1) IniWrite($d , "Chat", "Last Sent User", $uname) GUICtrlDelete($TextPut) $TextPut = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8.5, 220, 241, 21) ControlFocus($d & " Chatta Chat", "", $TextPut) IniWrite($d, "Chat", "Last Sent Font Name", $fname) IniWrite($d, "Chat", "Last Sent Font Color", $fsize) EndSwitch $tmsg = TrayGetMsg() Switch $tmsg Case $hidewindows If $winshiding = 1 Then $winshiding = 0 TrayItemSetText($hidewindows, "Hide Windows") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form3) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form1) Else $winshiding = 1 TrayItemSetText($hidewindows, "Show Windows") GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form3) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Form1) EndIf EndSwitch $log = IniRead($d , "Chat", "Last Sent-", $LastSent1) $lrbefore = $lr WEnd ;end Join Chat EndIf Case $opt ;begin Options #include <GUIConstants.au3> $Form1 = GUICreate("Chatta Options", 256, 234, 193, 115) $apply = GUICtrlCreateButton("Apply", 8, 176, 113, 49, 0) $cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 128, 176, 121, 49, 0) $unm = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Username:", 8, 8, 55, 17) $unme = GUICtrlCreateInput($uname, 8, 32, 241, 21) $logchats = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Log Chats", 8, 64, 161, 17) $1s = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Message Sound 1", 8, 85) $2s = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Message Sound 2", 8, 105) $3s = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Message Sound 3", 8, 125) $4s = GUICtrlCreateRadio("No Message Sound", 8, 145) $font = GUICtrlCreateButton("Font...", 120, 85) If $chmw = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($1s, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf $chmw = 2 Then GUICtrlSetState($2s, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf $chmw = 3 Then GUICtrlSetState($3s, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf If IniRead(@ScriptDir & "ChattaData.chdt", "Log?", "Log...", 0) = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($logchats, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $sound = 0 $f = _ArrayCreate("") _ArrayAdd($f, "") _ArrayAdd($f, "") _ArrayAdd($f, "") _ArrayAdd($f, "") _ArrayAdd($f, "") _ArrayAdd($f, "") _ArrayAdd($f, "") _ArrayAdd($f, "") _ArrayAdd($f, "") While 1 $nMsg2 = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg2 Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($Form1) GUISwitch($Form3) ExitLoop Case $font $f = _ChooseFont($fname, $fsize) _ArrayAdd($f, "") _ArrayAdd($f, "") _ArrayAdd($f, "") _ArrayAdd($f, "") _ArrayAdd($f, "") _ArrayAdd($f, "") _ArrayAdd($f, "") _ArrayAdd($f, "") _ArrayAdd($f, "") Case $apply IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\ChattaData.chdt", "User", "Name", GUICtrlRead($unme)) If GUICtrlRead($1s) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $sound = 1 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($2s) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $sound = 2 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($3s) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $sound = 3 Else $sound = 0 EndIf If GUICtrlRead($logchats) = $GUI_CHECKED Then IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\ChattaData.chdt", "Log?", "Log...", 1) Else IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\ChattaData.chdt", "Log?", "Log...", 0) EndIf IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\ChattaData.chdt", "Sounds", "Sound", $sound) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\ChattaData.chdt", "Font", "FName", $f[2]) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\ChattaData.chdt", "Font", "FColor", $f[7]) GUIDelete($Form1) GUISwitch($Form3) ExitLoop Case $cancel GUIDelete($Form1) GUISwitch($Form3) ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd ;end Options EndSwitch Switch $tmsg Case $show GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Case $exit Exit EndSwitch WEnd
Cool ill try them out today!
This is great.. Been using it at our helpdesk all week. I do have a wishlist. well a 3 item list =p 1) To have the New/Join window Hide after you use New or join or just not have a item on the start bar. 2) To have a optin on right click of the systray to hide the chat window(s). 3) Not imporatant but would be nice, to have the Systray icon to Flash with an incomming message or pop a tooltip.
Im new at this but ive use autoit 2 but 3 is all sorts of confusing me. How to exit a program after it has ran for 3 hours? Needs to be inserted in to an existing script.