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About Pascal257

  • Birthday 08/26/1990

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Prodigy (4/7)



  1. Yeah, but thats what I meant. A new user should be given an overview of what the page/game is about and maybe what the community has done so far (story snippet/ random story). /Pascal
  2. Maybe you should make it possible to read public stories without login, so new users are able to get a taste of how this works, without having to register? /Pascal
  3. heh, looks familiar to me
  4. hey thanks for that, but there's something wrong. If the file does not exist, there is no @error. Only if you directly call _OpenArchive you get an error. greetings, Pascal
  5. OK first I have to say Brain Pain is just awesome! I thought it wouldn't run with Wine on Linux, but it works pretty great. Some sounds are missing (Like the cool background music while playing) I can only hear some slow melody in the main menu. I would like to see the posibility to end a game while playing it. I had to kill the process to stop a game. Thats some gimmick:
  6. OK I just tested it - it also works with wine! Know I'm able to create a playengine for PPlayer running on Linux ^^ thanks
  7. Does anyone know if this runs with wine? Or if mplayer.exe runs with wine, or how to use system-commands? ^^
  8. holy crap thats just awesome. It works perfectly for me - but I'll try to go another way - with dynamic voiceactivation but I'd like to thank you for this beginning, I'll post my solution when its working pretty good ^^ I'm thinking of another dynamic check: Then the user starts with a low voice and gets louder the player highers the volume and vice versa ^^ just have to see how good it works ^^ greetings, Pascal P.S.: You may give me any email/icq/msn so we can talk in german
  9. omg thats awesome! I'm just thinking about implementing (after understanding how your technology works ^^) the following feature to pplayer: 1 clap: play/pause 2 claps: next song 3 claps: prev song that should be difficult but I'd like to try it ^^ of course you'll get credited for this thanks for this amazing work!
  10. Yes for sure, its actually on my list. But I'm thinking which engine to choose. Normal Playengine (music) of PPlayer is the windows media player object. But I'd like to make PPlayer Wine-compatible so I'm looking into other possibilities like VLC... If someone has a good idea how to manage this feel free to post ^^ greetings, Pascal
  11. Hey there, as somebody may have seen, the redirections now points to www.pplayer.org. This page is the new home of PPlayer and any new news, updates etc will be released there. The Wiki - now for the first time called FAQs is available here (later faqs.pplayer.org). PPlayer is now downloadable with the latest version here (later download.pplayer.org). The board is open for everyone - the bug/feature-tracker will be found there - as some other discussion forums. Im focusing on putting every feature (wiki, bugtracker, featuretracker etc.., cvs, blog) on this one page. So well see us on www.pplayer.org Good bye
  12. And of course the size has nothing to do with download space or traffic NEVER!
  13. Hey there, after a long break and due to some requests here's version BugFixes: Wrong URL on SOngView Deleting many songs sometimes occured an error that is fixed Loading last played songs fixed Added: Lyrics - setting to autoload lyrics Databaseentry after adding a song to playlist Beginning to support Linux - Wine Changed: Lyrics GUI now with CheckBox for the setting Inputs are only readable (getting current songinfo) Skins can now be disabled (not yet in the settings) Versions do now expire after 2 months Last songs are checked for existence (e.g. they were on external harddrive) https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.p...lease_id=570737
  14. I cant understand why you made it closed-source again... to the databasething: try SQL - its really great and not that difficult you can take a look on the SOURCE of my OPENSOURCE-Project PPlayer to get some impressions how to work with SQL http://pplayer.cvs.sourceforge.net/pplayer/ greetings, Pascal
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