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Everything posted by zachzhuff

  1. thxs sounds like good idea took me a few mins to get but it should work
  2. Is it possible to search pixels for for somthing like a button in a game. The button would be multi colored. Its for WoW
  3. thoes didnt really help but thxs anyways I lowered my Windows rez cause it was at 1680, 1050 and WoW's rez that fixed it
  4. I made a script i posted it at bottom and when I use it with WoW the game has pauses like every 3 seconds its really anoying I tried making just While 1 Wend just thoes 2 lines in a script and it did it does anyone know any options that will help this. Oh and will only happen when WoW is in window mode. I also use JotToKey but that doesnt cuase the lag. If anyone is woundering this script is to use WoW with a GamePad it lists the spells and lets u cast them with the arrow keys or D Pad Oh and Im also getting this error when running the script: But I can jsut click continue anyways and it will work [autoit]; WoWPad ; Play WoW with gamepad ; Created By: Frostfel #include <GUIConstants.au3> AutoItSetOption ( "MouseCoordMode", 0 ) ; ############### ; Null Varabiles ; ############### $GUI1 = 0 $SpellNum = 3 $SpellName = 0 $SpellUp = 0 $SpellDown = 0 $CatSel = 1 $mouseon = 0 $mouseoff = 0 $Spell1 = 0 $Spell2 = 0 $Spell3 = 0 $Spell4 = 0 $Spell5 = 0 $Spell6 = 0 $Spell7 = 0 $Spell8 = 0 $Spell9 = 0 $Spell10 = 0 $Spell11 = 0 $Spell12 = 0 $Category = 1 $SpellName1 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell1", "None" ) $SpellName2 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell2", "None" ) $SpellName3 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell3", "None" ) $SpellName4 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell4", "None" ) $SpellName5 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell5", "None" ) $SpellName6 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell6", "None" ) $SpellName7 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell7", "None" ) $SpellName8 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell8", "None" ) $SpellName9 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell9", "None" ) $SpellName10 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell10", "None" ) $SpellName11 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell11", "None" ) $SpellName12 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell12", "None" ) $setfont = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "main", "font", "Arial" ) $spellcolor = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "main", "selcolor", "0x00FF00" ) $spellcoloroff = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "main", "unselcolor", "0xFFFFFF" ) $Category4 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "main", "category1", "None" ) $Category5 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "main", "category2", "None" ) $Category6 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "main", "category3", "None" ) $cat1 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category1", "spell", "None" ) $cat2 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category2", "spell", "None" ) $cat3 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category3", "spell", "None" ) $bindkeyup = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "menuup", "None" ) $bindkeydown = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "menudown", "None" ) $bindkeyleft = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "menuback", "None" ) $bindkeyright = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "menuforward", "None" ) $bindkeyloot = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "loot", "None" ) $bindkeyviewsel = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "viewhold", "None" ) $bindkeycatsel = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "catsel", "None" ) $cast1 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "cast1", "None" ) $cast2 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "cast2", "None" ) $cast3 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "cast3", "None" ) $cast4 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "cast4", "None" ) $cast5 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "cast5", "None" ) $cast6 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "cast6", "None" ) $cast7 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "cast7", "None" ) $cast8 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "cast8", "None" ) $cast9 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "cast9", "None" ) $cast9 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "cast9", "None" ) $cast10 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "cast10", "None" ) $cast11 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "cast11", "None" ) $cast12 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "keybind", "cast12", "None" ) ; ############### ; Null Varabiles End ; ############### Call ( "spellcast" ) ; ############### ; View Hold ; ############### Func viewholdon() MouseDown ( "right" ) EndFunc Func viewholdoff() MouseUp ( "right" ) EndFunc Func viewsel() Select Case $mouseon = 1 $mouseon = 0 $mouseoff = 1 Call ( "viewholdoff" ) Case $mouseoff = 1 $mouseon = 1 $mouseoff = 0 Call ( "viewholdon" ) Case Else $mouseon = 1 $mouseoff = 0 Call ( "viewholdon" ) EndSelect EndFunc ; ############### ; View Hold End ; ############### ; ############### ; GUI Selet ; ############### Func catsel2() Select Case $CatSel = 1 $Category = 1 $CatSel = 2 Send ( $cat1 ) $SpellName1 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell1", "None" ) $SpellName2 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell2", "None" ) $SpellName3 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell3", "None" ) $SpellName4 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell4", "None" ) $SpellName5 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell5", "None" ) $SpellName6 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell6", "None" ) $SpellName7 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell7", "None" ) $SpellName8 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell8", "None" ) $SpellName9 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell9", "None" ) $SpellName10 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell10", "None" ) $SpellName11 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell11", "None" ) $SpellName12 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell12", "None" ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell1, $SpellName1 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell2, $SpellName2 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell3, $SpellName3 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell4, $SpellName4 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell5, $SpellName5 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell6, $SpellName6 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell7, $SpellName7 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell8, $SpellName8 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell9, $SpellName9 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell10, $SpellName10 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell11, $SpellName11 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell12, $SpellName12 ) Case $CatSel = 2 $Category = 2 $CatSel = 3 Send ( $cat2 ) $SpellName1 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell1", "None" ) $SpellName2 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell2", "None" ) $SpellName3 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell3", "None" ) $SpellName4 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell4", "None" ) $SpellName5 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell5", "None" ) $SpellName6 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell6", "None" ) $SpellName7 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell7", "None" ) $SpellName8 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell8", "None" ) $SpellName9 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell9", "None" ) $SpellName10 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell10", "None" ) $SpellName11 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell11", "None" ) $SpellName12 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell12", "None" ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell1, $SpellName1 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell2, $SpellName2 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell3, $SpellName3 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell4, $SpellName4 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell5, $SpellName5 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell6, $SpellName6 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell7, $SpellName7 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell8, $SpellName8 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell9, $SpellName9 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell10, $SpellName10 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell11, $SpellName11 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell12, $SpellName12 ) Case $CatSel = 3 $Category = 3 $CatSel = 1 Send ( $cat3 ) $SpellName1 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell1", "None" ) $SpellName2 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell2", "None" ) $SpellName3 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell3", "None" ) $SpellName4 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell4", "None" ) $SpellName5 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell5", "None" ) $SpellName6 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell6", "None" ) $SpellName7 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell7", "None" ) $SpellName8 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell8", "None" ) $SpellName9 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell9", "None" ) $SpellName10 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell10", "None" ) $SpellName11 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell11", "None" ) $SpellName12 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell12", "None" ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell1, $SpellName1 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell2, $SpellName2 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell3, $SpellName3 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell4, $SpellName4 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell5, $SpellName5 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell6, $SpellName6 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell7, $SpellName7 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell8, $SpellName8 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell9, $SpellName9 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell10, $SpellName10 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell11, $SpellName11 ) GUICtrlSetData ( $Spell12, $SpellName12 ) EndSelect EndFunc ; ############### ; GUI Selet End ; ############### ; ############### ; Loot ; ############### Func loot() MouseUp ( "right" ) MouseClick ( "right" ) MouseDown ( "right" ) EndFunc ; ############### ; Loot End ; ############### ; ############### ; Nav Keys ; ############### Func keyup1() GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell1, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell2, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell3, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell4, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell5, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell6, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell7, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell8, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell9, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell10, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell11, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell12, $spellcoloroff ) Select Case $SpellNum < 3 $SpellNum = 14 Case $SpellNum > 14 $SpellNum = 3 EndSelect If $SpellDown = 1 Then Select Case $SpellNum = 3 $SpellNum = 13 $SpellName = GUICtrlRead ( $SpellNum ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $SpellNum, $spellcolor ) $SpellNum -= 1 $SpellUp = 1 $SpellDown = 0 Case $SpellNum = 4 $SpellNum = 14 $SpellName = GUICtrlRead ( $SpellNum ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $SpellNum, $spellcolor ) $SpellNum -= 1 $SpellUp = 1 $SpellDown = 0 Case Else $SpellNum -= 2 $SpellName = GUICtrlRead ( $SpellNum ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $SpellNum, $spellcolor ) $SpellNum -= 1 $SpellUp = 1 $SpellDown = 0 EndSelect Else $SpellName = GUICtrlRead ( $SpellNum ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $SpellNum, $spellcolor ) $SpellNum -= 1 $SpellUp = 1 $SpellDown = 0 EndIf EndFunc Func keydown1() GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell1, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell2, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell3, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell4, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell5, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell6, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell7, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell8, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell9, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell10, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell11, $spellcoloroff ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $Spell12, $spellcoloroff ) Select Case $SpellNum < 3 $SpellNum = 14 Case $SpellNum > 14 $SpellNum = 3 EndSelect ;MsgBox ( 0, "Test", $SpellNum ) If $SpellUp = 1 Then Select Case $SpellNum = 14 $SpellNum = 4 $SpellName = GUICtrlRead ( $SpellNum ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $SpellNum, $spellcolor ) $SpellNum += 1 $SpellUp = 0 $SpellDown = 1 Case $SpellNum = 13 $SpellNum = 3 $SpellName = GUICtrlRead ( $SpellNum ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $SpellNum, $spellcolor ) $SpellNum += 1 $SpellUp = 0 $SpellDown = 1 Case Else $SpellNum += 2 $SpellName = GUICtrlRead ( $SpellNum ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $SpellNum, $spellcolor ) $SpellNum += 1 $SpellUp = 0 $SpellDown = 1 EndSelect Else $SpellName = GUICtrlRead ( $SpellNum ) GUICtrlSetBkColor ( $SpellNum, $spellcolor ) $SpellNum += 1 $SpellUp = 0 $SpellDown = 1 EndIf EndFunc Func keyleft1() Call ( "catsel2" ) EndFunc Func keyright1() Select ; ### Case $SpellUp = 1 $SpellNum += 1 Select Case $SpellNum = 3 Send ( $cast1 ) Case $SpellNum = 4 Send ( $cast2 ) Case $SpellNum = 5 Send ( $cast3 ) Case $SpellNum = 6 Send ( $cast4 ) Case $SpellNum = 7 Send ( $cast5 ) Case $SpellNum = 8 Send ( $cast6 ) Case $SpellNum = 9 Send ( $cast7 ) Case $SpellNum = 10 Send ( $cast8 ) Case $SpellNum = 11 Send ( $cast9 ) Case $SpellNum = 12 Send ( $cast10 ) Case $SpellNum = 13 Send ( $cast11 ) Case $SpellNum = 14 Send ( $cast12 ) EndSelect $SpellNum -= 1 ; ### Case $SpellDown = 1 $SpellNum -= 1 Select Case $SpellNum = 3 Send ( $cast1 ) Case $SpellNum = 4 Send ( $cast2 ) Case $SpellNum = 5 Send ( $cast3 ) Case $SpellNum = 6 Send ( $cast4 ) Case $SpellNum = 7 Send ( $cast5 ) Case $SpellNum = 8 Send ( $cast6 ) Case $SpellNum = 9 Send ( $cast7 ) Case $SpellNum = 10 Send ( $cast8 ) Case $SpellNum = 11 Send ( $cast9 ) Case $SpellNum = 12 Send ( $cast10 ) Case $SpellNum = 13 Send ( $cast11 ) Case $SpellNum = 14 Send ( $cast12 ) EndSelect $SpellNum += 1 ; ### EndSelect EndFunc ; ############### ; Nav Keys End ; ############### ; ############### ; Catagory GUI ; ############### Func spellcast() $SpellName1 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell1", "None" ) $SpellName2 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell2", "None" ) $SpellName3 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell3", "None" ) $SpellName4 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell4", "None" ) $SpellName5 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell5", "None" ) $SpellName6 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell6", "None" ) $SpellName7 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell7", "None" ) $SpellName8 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell8", "None" ) $SpellName9 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell9", "None" ) $SpellName10 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell10", "None" ) $SpellName11 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell11", "None" ) $SpellName12 = IniRead ( "WoWPad.ini", "category"&$Category, "spell12", "None" ) $GUI22 = GUICreate ( "Spell Cast", 200, 300 ) Opt ( "GUICoordMode",0 ) $Spell1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( $SpellName1, 0, 0, 200, 25, $SS_CENTER ) $Spell2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( $SpellName2, 0, 25, 200, 25, $SS_CENTER ) $Spell3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( $SpellName3, 0, 25, 200, 25, $SS_CENTER ) $Spell4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( $SpellName4, 0, 25, 200, 25, $SS_CENTER ) $Spell5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( $SpellName5, 0, 25, 200, 25, $SS_CENTER ) $Spell6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( $SpellName6, 0, 25, 200, 25, $SS_CENTER ) $Spell7 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( $SpellName7, 0, 25, 200, 25, $SS_CENTER ) $Spell8 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( $SpellName8, 0, 25, 200, 25, $SS_CENTER ) $Spell9 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( $SpellName9, 0, 25, 200, 25, $SS_CENTER ) $Spell10 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( $SpellName10, 0, 25, 200, 25, $SS_CENTER ) $Spell11 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( $SpellName11, 0, 25, 200, 25, $SS_CENTER ) $Spell12 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ( $SpellName12, 0, 25, 200, 25, $SS_CENTER ) GUICtrlSetFont ( $Spell1, 16, 400, 0, $setfont ) GUICtrlSetFont ( $Spell2, 16, 400, 0, $setfont ) GUICtrlSetFont ( $Spell3, 16, 400, 0, $setfont ) GUICtrlSetFont ( $Spell4, 16, 400, 0, $setfont ) GUICtrlSetFont ( $Spell5, 16, 400, 0, $setfont ) GUICtrlSetFont ( $Spell6, 16, 400, 0, $setfont ) GUICtrlSetFont ( $Spell7, 16, 400, 0, $setfont ) GUICtrlSetFont ( $Spell8, 16, 400, 0, $setfont ) GUICtrlSetFont ( $Spell9, 16, 400, 0, $setfont ) GUICtrlSetFont ( $Spell10, 16, 400, 0, $setfont ) GUICtrlSetFont ( $Spell11, 16, 400, 0, $setfont ) GUICtrlSetFont ( $Spell12, 16, 400, 0, $setfont ) GUISetState () ;WinSetOnTop ( "Spell Cast", "", 1 ) While 1 $GUI1 = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $GUI1 = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $GUI1 = $Spell1 Send ( "1" ) Case $GUI1 = $Spell2 Send ( "2" ) Case $GUI1 = $Spell3 Send ( "3" ) Case $GUI1 = $Spell4 Send ( "4" ) Case $GUI1 = $Spell5 Send ( "5" ) Case $GUI1 = $Spell6 Send ( "6" ) Case $GUI1 = $Spell7 Send ( "7" ) Case $GUI1 = $Spell8 Send ( "8" ) Case $GUI1 = $Spell9 Send ( "9" ) Case $GUI1 = $Spell10 Send ( "0" ) Case $GUI1 = $Spell11 Send ( "-" ) Case $GUI1 = $Spell12 Send ( "=" ) EndSelect HotKeySet ( $bindkeyup, "keyup1" ) HotKeySet ( $bindkeydown, "keydown1" ) HotKeySet ( $bindkeyleft, "keyleft1" ) HotKeySet ( $bindkeyright, "keyright1" ) HotKeySet ( $bindkeyloot, "loot" ) HotKeySet ( $bindkeyviewsel, "viewsel" ) HotKeySet ( $bindkeycatsel, "catsel2" ) WEnd EndFunc ; ############### ; Catagory GUI End ; ###############
  5. I cant post in the exapmle scripts section it says Im not allowed to so Im posting this here could a mod plz move it to Exapmle Scripts Simple Version: This program hides the enculded folder on the T Drive the loc must be T:/Math. The default passes are Lock: lock11 and Unlock: unlock11 You can download the easy version at freewebs.com/pr0xy55/aa.aa its aa.aa because my schools block .exe's so rename it when you download it Advance Version: I made this because I wanted to hide programs like Firefox on my schools shared drive. I know there are alot of other ways to do this seemed to work the best because it doesnt need programs installed on the computer or on ur drive and I switch computers alot so I cant install some folder hider on each computer becuase it would take to long. The admins I think search for exes and check them out when it finds them. They dont do anything if they see FireFox installed but they delete it. The reason I use FireFox is becuase it gets by one of there blocks which is the better one so you can get to most sites with FireFox. This program uses 2 ways of hiding the folder 1. Renames the folder Math to Math.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} which will make it look like the control panel button u can try this by makeing a .bat file like this: move "Math" "Math.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Then switch that around to fix it 2. Changes the file attrubets of the file to System, Read Only and Hidin The program uses passwords incase the admins try running it which probly wouldnt matter anyways because the way the program is but I just wanted to learn how to use .ini files and try to learn other stuff with it The default passwords are Lock Pass: lock11 Unlock Pass: unlock11 If you mess somthing up and cant find ur folder run this .bat move "Math.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" "Math" move "ERROR" "Math" attrib -RASH T:/Math /S /D It saves the password in a huge .txt file that has tons of fake line. Thats what I did to encrypt it. It needs to be the one attached cause it checks 2 other keys to make sure someone doesnt delete teh .txt and have the program add it and then theyll see where the password is. For this to work the .txt has to be in the "Math" folder and the Math folder must be on a T Drive so the loc is T:\Math Heres code: ; Hide Folder #include <GUIConstants.au3> $Input1 = 0 $Input2 = 0 $Input3 = 0 $Input4 = 0 $Input5 = 0 $lockpass = Random ( 100000000, 999999999 ) $inifile = "error.error.error" $okexit = 0 $nullvar = 0 ; First Check $inifilelock = FileExists ( "T:\Math.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}\Vocab13.txt" ) $inifileunlock = FileExists ( "T:\Math\Vocab13.txt" ) Select Case $inifilelock = 1 $inifile = "T:\Math.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}\Vocab13.txt" Case $inifileunlock = 1 $inifile = "T:\Math\Vocab13.txt" Case Else $okexit = MsgBox ( 0, "Error", "File 1 missing" ) Exit 0 EndSelect $inifilelock2 = IniRead ( $inifile, "717640.101910417", "357038.467019632", $lockpass ) If $inifilelock2 = "746164.895379353" Then $nullvar = 0 Else $okexit = MsgBox ( 0, "Error", "File 2 missing" ) Exit 0 EndIf $lock = IniRead ( $inifile, "3779100318355734", "2128060844889226", $lockpass ) $unlock = IniRead ( $inifile, "5197810365530348", "1776860615536133", $lockpass ) Func IniCheck() $inifilelock = FileExists ( "T:\Math.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}\Vocab13.txt" ) $inifileunlock = FileExists ( "T:\Math\Vocab13.txt" ) Select Case $inifilelock = 1 $inifile = "T:\Math.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}\Vocab13.txt" Case $inifileunlock = 1 $inifile = "T:\Math\Vocab13.txt" Case Else $okexit = MsgBox ( 0, "Error", "File 1 missing" ) Exit 0 EndSelect $inifilelock2 = IniRead ( $inifile, "717640.101910417", "357038.467019632", $lockpass ) If $inifilelock2 = "746164.895379353" Then $nullvar = 0 Else $okexit = MsgBox ( 0, "Error", "File 2 missing" ) Exit 0 EndIf EndFunc ; Section, Key ; "3779100318355734", "2128060844889226", ; "5197810365530348", "1776860615536133" Opt ( "GUICoordMode",2 ) GUICreate ( "Math", 105, 80 ) $Input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput ( "", 5, 5, 100 ) ; 3 $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton ( "Enter Password", -98, 25, 95 ) $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton ( "Change Password", -95, 0, 95 ) GUISetState () While 1 $GUI = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $GUI = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit 0 Case $GUI = $Button1 Call ( "PasswordA" ) Case $GUI = $Button2 Call ( "SetPass" ) EndSelect Wend Func PasswordA() Call ( "IniCheck" ) $lock = IniRead ( $inifile, "3779100318355734", "2128060844889226", $lockpass ) $unlock = IniRead ( $inifile, "5197810365530348", "1776860615536133", $lockpass ) $Password = GUICtrlRead ( 3 ) Select Case $Password = $lock Call ( "DirLock" ) Exit 0 Case $Password = $unlock Call ( "DirUnlock" ) Exit 0 Case $Password = "reset4321" IniWrite ( $inifile, "3779100318355734", "2128060844889226", "lock11" ) IniWrite ( $inifile, "5197810365530348", "1776860615536133", "unlock11" ) MsgBox ( 0, "Password", "Passwords reset to Lock: lock11 Unlock: unlock11" ) Case Else Call ( "ExitPass" ) EndSelect EndFunc Func SetPass() Call ( "IniCheck" ) GUICreate ( "Change Pass", 221, 118 ) ; Old Unlock Pass GUICtrlCreateLabel ( "Old Unlock Password:", 5, 5, 115 ) $Input2 = GUICtrlCreateInput ( "", 0, -23, 100 ) ; 4103 ; New Unlock Pass GUICtrlCreateLabel ( "New Unlock Password:", -215, 5, 115 ) $Input3 = GUICtrlCreateInput ( "", 0, -23, 100 ) ; 4105 ; Old Lock Pass GUICtrlCreateLabel ( "Old Lock Password:", -215, 5, 115 ) $Input4 = GUICtrlCreateInput ( "", 0, -23, 100 ) ; 4107 ; New Lock Pass GUICtrlCreateLabel ( "New Lock Password:", -215, 5, 115 ) $Input5 = GUICtrlCreateInput ( "", 0, -23, 100 ) ; 4109 ; Set Pass $Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton ( "Set Password", -150, 2, 95 ) GUISetState () ; Pass While 2 $GUI2 = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $GUI2 = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit 0 Case $GUI2 = $Button3 Call ( "CheckPass" ) EndSelect Wend EndFunc Func CheckPass() Call ( "IniCheck" ) $Pass1o = GUICtrlRead ( 4103 ) $Pass2o = GUICtrlRead ( 4107 ) $unlock = IniRead ( $inifile, "3779100318355734", "2128060844889226", $lockpass ) $lock = IniRead ( $inifile, "5197810365530348", "1776860615536133", $lockpass ) If $Pass1o = $lock Then If $Pass2o = $unlock Then Call ( "ChangePass" ) Else MsgBox ( 0, "Error", "One of the old passwords are wrong" ) EndIf Else MsgBox ( 0, "Error", "One of the old passwords are wrong" ) EndIf EndFunc Func ChangePass() Call ( "IniCheck" ) $Pass1n = GUICtrlRead ( 4105 ) $Pass2n = GUICtrlRead ( 4109 ) IniWrite ( $inifile, "3779100318355734", "2128060844889226", $Pass2n ) IniWrite ( $inifile, "5197810365530348", "1776860615536133", $Pass1n ) $lock = IniRead ( $inifile, "3779100318355734", "2128060844889226", $lockpass ) $unlock = IniRead ( $inifile, "5197810365530348", "1776860615536133", $lockpass ) $ShowPass1 = "Passwords changed to Lock Password: " $ShowPass2 = " Unlock Password: " MsgBox ( 0, "Password", $ShowPass1&$lock&$ShowPass2&$unlock ) EndFunc Func DirLock() Call ( "IniCheck" ) ProcessClose ( "ie.exe" ) ProcessClose ( "ff.exe" ) ProcessClose ( "firefox.exe" ) ProcessClose ( "internet.exe" ) ProcessClose ( "ie.exe" ) DirMove ( "T:\Math.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}", "T:\ERROR", 1 ) DirMove ( "T:\Math", "T:\Math.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}", 1 ) FileSetAttrib ( "T:\Math.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}", "+RASH" ) EndFunc Func DirUnlock() Call ( "IniCheck" ) DirMove ( "T:\Math", "T:\ERROR", 1 ) DirMove ( "T:\Math.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}", "T:\Math", 1 ) FileSetAttrib ( "T:\Math", "-RASH" ) EndFunc Func ExitPass() MsgBox ( 0, "Password", "Wrong Password" ) Exit 0 EndFunc
  6. thxs and all of u who posted the send command I alrdy know the AutoIt commands I wanted to know if there was a different way of sending it which I guess there isnt EDIT: anyone know a good place to find example sources of a C++ or VB pixel bot so that I see how they are made
  7. I tried searchin around to find this but can someone tell me if useing a keyboardhook to send A-Z keys on the keyboard would make it so that I could send keys to games using NProtects Gamegaurd. If it can if anyone knows of a AutoIt keyboard and mouse hook that works with mouse mov and clicks and can send keys A-Z and F1-F12 and if anyone knows something that would use a different method to pixel search casue gamegaurd stops that too. I know C++ would do all this but C++ is way to much for me and would take too long to learn Thxs for help
  8. wow nice bot like how you use the binary color to get loc
  9. This is the bets I can think of dont know why the send key wont work $key = 0 While 1 HotKeySet ( "f", "Holdkey" ) WEnd Func Holdkey() If $key = 0 Then ;Send ( "{CTRLDOWN}" ) MouseDown ( "left" ) $key = 1 Else ;Send ( "{CTRLUP}" ) MouseUp ( "left" ) $key = 0 EndIf EndFunc kinda like what sleeply said execpt it changes a varaibe from 0 to 1
  10. Is there anyway to search pixels an alternate way in games like FlyFF you cannot use pixelsearch it comes as the whole game being black. Does anyone know another way other then C++ which Im horrible at mybe something with Diretcx or somethin
  11. thxs been messin with XUnleased and it sucks
  12. thxs 4 this
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