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Everything posted by toomaya

  1. I try your proposition but that does not work. I join the error message below : >Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\test.au3" C:\test.au3 (9) : ==> Unable to execute the external program.: Run('"' & @WindowsDir & '\Notepad.exe"') Le service ne peut pas être démarré parce qu'il est désactivé ou qu'aucun périphérique activé ne lui est associé. Thank you. Toomaya
  2. I try also with the working directory. I try also with the notepad.exe on c:\windows. On my notebook, I have well the notepad.exe on d:\ and c:\windows. I read some share that I am not alone to have this probleme on notebook but I do not find any more the article. If you have another ideas. Thank you for helping me. Toomaya PS : my english is not good, sorry.
  3. Hello, I did not find the solution on this forum, could you help me ? I have a simple script with the Runasset command : RunAsSet("toto","","toto") Run("d:\notepad.exe") The user toto is a local account. On my PC this script is ok and on my notebook HP the script is not ok and I have an error : unable to execute the external program. When I remove the line RunAsSet on the notebook, it's ok. The two PC have Windows XP SP2, with the same version of AutoIt. I don't understand the difference. Did you encounter this problem ? Thank you for your help. Toomaya
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