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Everything posted by Starf0x

  1. Hi coffeeturtle, I've circumvented this by not using upx as compression of the executable during compilation. Cheers, Starf0x
  2. Hi, So if I look at the code, where do you want the name and age to appear? If it is in the input boxes, (eitherway) you should use different variables for the function key send. Cheers.
  3. Hi Flaterik, It might be a better idea to see why the program needs admin rights and open these area's for the normal user. Regards, Starf0x
  4. http://bfy.tw/Dlzv
  5. Don't keep us in suspense, what are you planning to do? Cheers, Starf0x
  6. Hi, My suggestion would be to adapt the file description, rather easy. Cheers.
  7. Hi, I use ISN Studio (for AutoIT) has an builtin versioning control. Cheers.
  8. Hi, I'm a big fan of portability, so all my programs contain ini files. I've written an app for my current customer which save s the password in the ini file (encrypted). Keep in mind, AutoIT can be decompiled, so the seed for encrypting the password can easily be read. Registry is not my forte, just because then the 'config' file of windows would be even bigger to read at startup. Have Fun.
  9. That was rude caskka.
  10. Or you can do this: #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=Sqllite.dll, RT_RCDATA, BIN_DLL ; This file is added during compilation. #include <ResourcesEx.au3> _Resource_SaveToFile('Sqllite.dll', 'BIN_DLL') ; This must be done at startup Cheers, Starf0x
  11. Just show the code, and we'll help. Cheers, Starf0x
  12. I use: #include <File.au3> Func _WriteErrorLog($ErrorMessage) Local $Logfile = @WorkingDir & "\" & @ScriptName & ".log" Local $errorFile = $Logfile Local $LogTime = @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($errorFile, 9) FileWriteLine($hFileOpen, $LogTime & " " & $ErrorMessage & @CRLF) FileClose($hFileOpen) EndFunc ;==>WriteErrorLog Cheers, Starf0x
  13. Send you a message and posted on your forum
  14. Of course this is possible, what would hinder you to do this? Create the AutoIT App and add it as an scheduled task. Cheers, Starf0x
  15. See, I was stuck, how obvious could it be. Thank You Water. Cheers, Starf0x
  16. Hi, I'm a bit stuck (my brains might be hanging in a loop). Here's my dillema, what if there is no command line parameters are given? Global $aCmdLine = _WinAPI_CommandLineToArgv($CmdLineRaw) I've tried this, and more: If UBound($aCmdLine) - 1 < 1 Then ConsoleWriteError(@CRLF & "For more information use: " & @ScriptName & " /?" & @CRLF) Exit EndIf This works, the program doesn't continue, but doesn't show the ConsoleWrite, I've tried sleeps etc... Cheers, Starf0x
  17. Hi, Your Forum errors: Your message contains too few characters. [phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/message_parser.php on line 86: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead So I'm posting this here: Hi, I have a problem to run USkin, have a look: #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=0 #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=n #include "MyIncludes\_UskinLibrary.au3" _Uskin_LoadDLL() #include "MyIncludes\Safari.au3" _USkin_Init(_Safari(True)) #include "Form\frmMain.isf" Is this because I use .isf files? Kind Regards, Alim
  18. You're welcome. Thanks for sharing so others also have a chance for an solution. Cheers, Starf0x
  19. Think about this, you said the last digits are different the rest is the same: " erwin Data Modeler" So do a check to see if that piece of text exists, and then you have the filename.
  20. Use: StringInStr ( "string", "substring" [, casesense = 0 [, occurrence = 1 [, start = 1 [, count]]]] ) Kind Regards, Starf0x
  21. By controlling the control, an example of your code would be appreciated. Starf0x
  22. Or: Run($sServer & $sParms, $sWorkingDir) No need to run any DOS Command.
  23. I don't know which editor you use, but if it is scite, press Ctrl+t in the code window. It cleans it a bit. Cheers, Starf0x
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