Ok, the issue:
I have a dynamic IP address, and it changes rather frequently, which creates an issue with my FTP server...
once or twice a day I plan to have it E-mail me the current IP address...
The script's skeleton as of now,
>Determines IP,
>Creat's Text File to that Effect,
>Send's Text File Via E-Mail,
I plan to make this an executable that is timed for twice a day using the standard windows tasks,
I'm thinking there is a work around for the text file itself, but it has been so long since I did any kind of AutoIt script work, I don't remember the exact e-mail commands...
Before you tell me there are sites out there that will host a domain and forward it to a dynamic ip, I know this, that is a method I am looking into, but not yet happy with using...
It seems to me that this script from back when I was writing smaller programs could be used to determine the IP address, but is there an easier way? Is the IP stored anywhere that a function might be able to just call on it? or do I need to use my old
Run>cmd prompt> blah blah> cut+paste function?< @IPAddress1
any input would be great,
also I remember reading a topic that nearly spelled out how to E-mail as a background process... Does anyone know where I might find this old topic?
Much Thanks,