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  1. I know I dealt with this before, I am nearly certain, that I put in a line, to re-define the value, by ading 1 to the value, in other words like... $var = 1 Blah Blah $var = $var + 1 Blah Blah $var = $var +1 Obviously my syntax is all wrong, but until one of the experts on here can help you, I'v done my best...
  2. wow... http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...amp;hl=blat.exe does anyone have this non-compiled, or am I stuck using some-ones hidden script?
  3. Ok, the issue: I have a dynamic IP address, and it changes rather frequently, which creates an issue with my FTP server... THE PLAN! once or twice a day I plan to have it E-mail me the current IP address... The script's skeleton as of now, >Determines IP, tylo> >Creat's Text File to that Effect, >Send's Text File Via E-Mail, http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...c=33498&hl= I plan to make this an executable that is timed for twice a day using the standard windows tasks, I'm thinking there is a work around for the text file itself, but it has been so long since I did any kind of AutoIt script work, I don't remember the exact e-mail commands... Before you tell me there are sites out there that will host a domain and forward it to a dynamic ip, I know this, that is a method I am looking into, but not yet happy with using... It seems to me that this script from back when I was writing smaller programs could be used to determine the IP address, but is there an easier way? Is the IP stored anywhere that a function might be able to just call on it? or do I need to use my old Run>cmd prompt> blah blah> cut+paste function?< @IPAddress1 any input would be great, also I remember reading a topic that nearly spelled out how to E-mail as a background process... Does anyone know where I might find this old topic? Much Thanks, Jake
  4. alright it's giving me an error with the first function, and then after I took the _ out it complained about an end function =\??
  5. this is a good point, I guess out of habbit, when first started the script I was planning on opeinging a URL and using a right click function, but then I came across this premade function, wich is truely simpler, so I guess it isnt nessasary, but more than anything I guess I just want to make sure that nothing is going to give away the sorce of the new wallpaper, I guess I'll just hide the tray icon, and take that out, thank you... any other comments? I should note that this is the first I'v used AutoIt since last december when I wrote a book keeping program for our drivers... very usefull but I cant find the sorce now It took a GUI for our drivers and created a text file, e-mailed the text file (and for some drivers a gps history file ) and then was re-compiled into an excell spread sheet... it pretty much guarantees DOT compliance... Not that any of that has to do with this =\? I guess my quetion now is am I using this correctly, and is this working?
  6. If someone wouldn't mind taking a look at this, its a hastily written script, but I think it does what it needs to, its obviously a basic beta version, but until I get this working 100% I am not going to add other Functions, simple put a picture in bmp format in windows directory... let me know how it goes, Thanks
  7. I could be doing this wrong, but without saving all the pages it links to, this is not an affective way to use this without an internet connection. thanks for the help though...
  8. I recently switched to a mac, because they make the best laptops, and a laptop is ideal for a collage student, anyways... I love autoit v3, the only issue is now I have no way to read my help file. I can use my room mates computer to compile without issue... The quest: I ask if anyone has done this, or anyone would be willing to do this: I do believe that the help file is not a .exe, wich is very helpful, I ask that someone either post it as a seprate entity, or even as a pdf or something... anything, actually if one of the createres wants help in this matter, I am more that willing to begin construction of a pdf version... This might actually be fun, so if no such file exists, I will (with permission) begin the creation... Let me know please...
  9. I second that...
  10. assighn the keys u need to be blocked to some bs function hotkey... so if u do enter the keys... it will just sleep 100 also ctrl alt del cannot be blocked, ever, so dont do it... unless u manually go into bios and change them... but even then your just switching the keys... try removing them entirly? flathead scredriver... GFG
  11. only diffrence im seeing is placment of functions... anyone see something I missed? btw thanks I SEE IT! GUICtrlRead THAK YOU!
  12. maybe you could help me understand why mine is not working? I have an idea... I think maybe... MAYBE its reading the variables before I type them in... so if there blank to sart and it never re-reads them, then input_# is always blank? thoughts?
  13. GOT IT! nvm... knew issues now but there legistic not knoldege wow i butchered the spellin on alot of this topic =\
  14. THAT IS THE SUPPORT TOPIC! I decided to post this here because alot of people in support dont nessasarily understand gui's... I apreciate all help
  15. I'm just lookin for help on the gui variables and writing them to a file for now
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