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bar code boy

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Everything posted by bar code boy

  1. Dear Mr. Toaster, If I used the above in a section of code what whould it look like? I need to disable the Windows key on a computer. Bar Code Boy
  2. Hi, Because I am new and trying to learn AutiIt3 I am trying to understand if this is what you are asking for? #NoTrayIcon HotKeySet("{PGUP}", "_LeftClick") HotKeySet("{PGDN}", "_RightClick") While 1 Sleep(1000) WEnd Func _LeftClick() MouseDown("left") Sleep(2);Set delay to whatever meets your needs MouseUp("left") EndFunc Func _RightClick() MouseDown("Right") Sleep(2);Set delay to whatever meets your needs MouseUp("Right") EndFunc Bar Code Boy
  3. With great fear and trepidation I enter the hallowed halls of this forum for I know what happens to one who does not search for the answers to life first before asking those who are far more knowledgeable than I. Please have mercy on this poor ignorant fool. So after days of searching the forum for my answer I come to you with my question which is: I have a GUI input that I wish to erase the masked password text entered into it when the OK button is clicked. (Please have pity on me for am but a week old in AutoIt world.) $Input_1 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 5, 1, 300, 40, $ES_PASSWORD) ;creation of input field GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1,0x00FF00) ; Green GUISetFont(14,800) Lines-O-Code Lines-O-Code Lines-O-Code Lines-O-Code $Input_1 = '' GUICtrlSetData($Input_1,"",'') 1. I have tried several combinations for things to reset the data in the GuiCtrlCreateInput area back to (nul) but I have not been successful. 2. I have tried to highlight the un-erased text and type in the password again but this time my input is not accepted. Since this probably has a simple solution I did not post more of the code. If anyone needs to see more of it please ask. Thanks so very much for your help, Bar code boy
  4. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!!! I have been searching for 2 days why the interactive tutorial would not work.
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