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Everything posted by billymccoy

  1. I found out. I tried ObjCreate instead of DllCall, but I also had some problems with the variable type of the window handle. Well... you asked for some code, so here you are, and working now. Thank you! ; ###################################### HotKeySet("{F5}", "GetText") HotKeySet("{F6}", "ClearText") HotKeySet("{F7}", "Close") Global $notepad Global $inicpos Run ( "notepad.exe" ) if @OSLang = 0416 then ; Portuguese - BR WinWait ( "Sem título - Bloco de notas", "" ) $notepad = WinGetHandle ( "Sem título - Bloco de notas", "" ) $close_title = "Bloco de notas" $close_text = "Deseja salvar as alterações?" elseif @OSLang = 0409 then ; English - US WinWait ( "Untitled - Notepad", "" ) $notepad = WinGetHandle ( "Untitled - Notepad", "" ) $close_title = "Notepad" $close_text = "Do you want to save the changes?" endif $inicpos = WinGetPos( $notepad ) WinMove ( $notepad, "", $inicpos[0], $inicpos[1], 400, 200 ) ControlSend ( $notepad, "", "Edit1", _ "Press F5 to capture the text" & @LF & _ "Press F6 to clear this area" & @LF & _ "Press F7 to quit the script" & @LF _ "(F7 will restore previous size)" & @LF ) while WinExists ( $notepad ) = 1 sleep ( 100 ) if WinExists ( $close_title, $close_text ) then WinMove ( $notepad, "", _ $inicpos[0], _ $inicpos[1], _ $inicpos[2], _ $inicpos[3] ) while WinExists ( $close_title, $close_text ) = 1 sleep ( 100 ) wend endif wend exit func GetText() WinActivate ( $notepad ) $pos = WinGetPos( $notepad ) $x = 6 + $pos[0] $y = 44 + $pos[1] $w = 372 $h = 114 $handle = String ( $notepad ) $handle = Int ( $handle ) $obj = ObjCreate("TCaptureX.TextCaptureX") $text = $obj.GetTextFromRect ( $handle, $x, $y, $w, $h ) ClipPut ( $text ) MsgBox ( 0, "Text", $text ) endfunc func ClearText() ControlSetText ( $notepad, "", "Edit1", "" ) endfunc func Close() WinMove ( $notepad, "", _ $inicpos[0], _ $inicpos[1], _ $inicpos[2], _ $inicpos[3] ) WinClose ( $notepad ) exit endfunc ; ######################################
  2. Hello everyone. I'm trying to use TextCaptureX (http://www.deskperience.com/textcapture/) to capture text from any window automatically. I want to set my AutoIT script to call TextCaptureX DLLs, and I really don't know what I am doing wrong. The demo version comes with some examples of applications (VB, JScript, C++ etc...), and they work fine. I know that the DLLCall and ObjCreate AutoIT functions can be very tricky to use, so I still don't know if the problem is with AutoIT or with my brain. Please, if anyone is familiar with TextCaptureX and already used it along with AutoIT, give me a hand. And I would also like some other ideas for text capture softwares with API, SDK etc... Thank you!
  3. Go to www.winholdem.net/winpp and read about WinPP. The client-side application will "push" the desired window via LAN to the server-side application. Maybe it can help you.
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