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Everything posted by dark_jedi

  1. WinGetState() would be useful if only it returned something for flashing window.
  2. I know winlist() and have used it. How do I use API GetClassName do I have to #include <windows.h> or something like this?
  3. I want to record all the window titles of only a certain class. I can see what the class is from the AUTOITINFO program. How can I record them all.
  4. I need to know which window is flashing out of many.
  5. How would WinActive() help me with detecting if a window title is flashing?
  6. How would I monitor window titles and detect if the are flashing and return the title of the flashing window? Thanks
  7. first of all the code below outputs the same thing as if you not the if statement $a="foobar" $b=1 if $a==$b Then MsgBox(0,"","Matched") else MsgBox(0,"","Didnt Match") endif second of all how do you not understand what im asking... how are the string and number being compared? most languages will not allow you to compare a string and number. I read in help file that a string will default to 0 in certain situations or take the first numbers if they are present.
  8. how do string and number comparisons work such as $a="foobar" $b=1 if not $a==$b Then MsgBox(0,"no","foobar does not==1") if $a==$b Then MsgBox(0,"yes","foobar==1") which by the way when i run the script neither if statement gets executed which seems impossible.
  9. Is there an easy way or option to send keys all at once instead of typing each key? Is there an easy way or option to send keys all at once instead of typing each key? Is there an easy way or option to send keys all at once instead of typing each key? So, Send("hello") would not have to type each key just paste it.
  10. That will work but why doesn't this? This will not work for some reason. \< means match beginning \> means match end if StringRegExp("1",'\<\d\>',0) Then MsgBox(0,"yes","matched") EndIf [\code] I believe there are some bugs in the \< but \> works
  11. this would be very helpful. plz post server and room if you know of one.
  12. the string has to be only a number not a number found in the string. I dont want matches to abc1. Basically, only a number nothing else in sting.
  13. I'm trying to match a single number and nothing else, this is what I got so far. obviously this does not work. if StringRegExp("1",'\<\d\>',0) Then MsgBox(0,"yes","matched") EndIf but, if i try '\d\>' it matches it but then it will match anything that ends with a digit.
  14. Read the help file on Exit [return code]
  15. Things such as something not working right like window not responding, stop spamming my thread
  16. To know if something went wrong while executing my autoit program.
  17. How do I get the return code of an autoit script I have tried: echo %ERRORLEVEL% in the ms-dos prompt but it gives me 0 every time here is my autoit code: MsgBox(0,"hello","world") Exit(1) What I would really like is for a perl program to execute an autoit program and get back some responses such as: @response=`autoit.exe parm1 parm2`; but I would settle for the return code.
  18. cool, looks like it might work with beta, if not then beta has regular expressions which is what i needed. As a suggestion new version should allow you to execute any program and store its output in a variable in one line of code. such as $output='program.exe parm1 parm2' that would make autoit godly
  19. stdoutread doesn't even look like a valid function. I'm using autoit3. closest thing i can find is: Run ( "filename" [, "workingdir" [, flag]] ) But this will not return the output of the program that you run. Anymore ideas?
  20. control commands don't look like they will do it. Does anyone know if this is possible and how to do it?
  21. I would like to get inputs from executing a perl program inside my autoit script. Is this possible? something like this $input='program.pl'
  22. When something goes wrong (Such as an infinite loop) I would like to be able to stop my script. Is there a way to stop executing the script. In c++ crl+c will end your console program. So, if you are in an infinite loop or for any reason you can stop the proram. Something like this would be nice. Thanks.
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