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Everything posted by imacrazyballoono

  1. I want to make a program that can connect to a server and communicate with other people using the same program. What would I have to know/do in order to do this?
  2. So what I have to do is make a loop that reads them until it gets an error? On a related note, is there a way to make a key in an ini? or would i have to use filewrite?
  3. Is there a way to check how many keys there are in a specified section? For example, if i wanted to make a program that had to make a new key in a specified section, but then had to go back and read it.
  4. it helped a lot thanks. So I would just put dim $color[6] at the top and then it would work? so like this: dim $color[6] $time = 1 do $mult = $time * 2 $num = $time * 10 $left = 958 - $num $color[$time] = $mult $time = $time + 1 until $time = 5 MsgBox( 0, "", $color[1] ) MsgBox( 0, "", $color[2] ) MsgBox( 0, "", $color[3] )
  5. I read the documentation on dim, it is very confusing. Can someone show me how it works?
  6. Can I a loop that is something like this? Look at line 6, I want the variable to be one more each time it goes through the loop. I.E. first time variable would be $color[1]. Second would be $color[2] and so on. $time = 1 do $mult = $time * 2 $num = $time * 10 $left = 958 - $num $color[$time] = $mult $time = $time + 1 until $time = 5 MsgBox( 0, "", $color[1] ) MsgBox( 0, "", $color[2] ) MsgBox( 0, "", $color[3] )
  7. I should probably change it to an ini file just to make sure there are no repercussions.
  8. I'm not sure, but it works. Does the format matter of the file as long as the text inside the file is the same?
  9. I have no idea what I or you did, but it works now. My original script works. Thanks for your help.
  10. Now its just being stupid. I logged off the account and changed permissions on the file then logged back into it and it doesnt give the "error opening the file" error. I ran this script and it worked fine with not errors. Why is it not working??? The second script is the one that isn't workng $time = IniRead("C:\Program Files\Timer\config.txt", "default", "time", "0") if $time = 0 then MsgBox(4096, "Result", "time not found") endif $file = fileopen("C:\Program Files\Timer\timer.txt", 2) filewrite($file, $time) fileclose($file) $time = IniRead("C:\Program Files\Timer\config.txt", "default", "time", "0") If $time = 0 Then MsgBox(4096, "Result", "time not found") $file = FileOpen("C:\Program Files\Timer\timer.txt", 2) If $file <> "-1" Then FileWrite($file, $time) FileClose($file) Else MsgBox( 0, "", "Error opening the file" ) EndIf FileWrite($file, $time) FileClose($file)
  11. do you need an endif after the first, or only, if statement? EDIT: it gave the error, does that mean it is a permission thing?
  12. I need this script to be run when the user logs in. I dont think its a permissions error. Ill go get the error right now. EDIT: Line 14 filewrite($file, $time) error: invalid file handle used.
  13. just a limited user. I think that is the problem. When i run the script on my admin account, it works fine, but when i run the same one on the limited one, it gives an error.
  14. For some reason that I dont know, the filewrite part of this script will not work in a non admin account. Why? $time = IniRead("C:\Program Files\Timer\config.txt", "default", "time", "0") if $time = 0 then MsgBox(4096, "Result", "time not found") endif $file = fileopen("C:\Program Files\Timer\timer.txt", 2) filewrite($file, $time) fileclose($file)
  15. For anyone who cares, I ended up just having it continuously writing it to a file. do $file = fileopen("C:\Documents and Settings\other\My Documents\Stuff\timer.txt", 0) $time = filereadline($file) fileclose($file) MsgBox(4096, "Test", $time) $time = $time - 1 $file2 = fileopen("C:\Documents and Settings\other\My Documents\Stuff\timer.txt", 2) FileWriteLine($file, $time) fileclose($file) until $time < 0
  16. Just wondering, why do you need a shorter script?
  17. How can I make the script write to a file just before it logs of or shutdowns?
  18. Instead I used: $time = 20 do ToolTip("You have " & $time & " minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) $time = $time - 1 until $time = 0
  19. I tried to link it, but it gave the error: Unable to execute external program. run("C:\WINDOWS\System32\nusrmgr.cpl")
  20. I am trying to make a script to change the password of the account and then log off. Right now, it is only possible if there is a shortcut to the user control panel on the desktop in the top left hand corner. I want to make it not be dependant on that. Script: #NoTrayIcon $zero = 0 if $zero = 0 then ;sleep(1200000) ToolTip("You have 20 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 19 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 18 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 17 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 16 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 15 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 14 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 13 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 12 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 11 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 10 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 9 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 8 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 7 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 6 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 5 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 4 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 3 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 2 minutes", 0, 0) sleep(60000) ToolTip("You have 1 minute", 0, 0) sleep(60000) endif WinMinimizeAll() mousemove( 41, 48, 0) sleep(150) MouseClick("left", 41, 48, 2) sleep(1000) send("{TAB}") send("{TAB}") send("{TAB}") sleep(1000) send("oldpass") send("{TAB}") send("newpass") send("{TAB}") send("newpass") send("{ENTER}") sleep(100) send("oldpass") send("{TAB}") send("newpass") send("{TAB}") send("newpass") send("{ENTER}") Shutdown(0) mousemove( 41, 48, 0) sleep(150) MouseClick("left", 41, 48, 2) sleep(1000) send("{TAB}") send("{TAB}") send("{TAB}") sleep(1000) I want to replace the second code with a "run" command.
  21. Ok, that didnt work, i had to sit for about 5 minutes pressing tab and using hotkeys. = ) anyway. alt + s didnt stop it.
  22. I tried that, it didnt loop. Ill post it. HotKeySet("{ALT}s", "_exit") $rnd1 = Random ( 0, 700) $rnd2 = Random ( 0, 700) MouseMove($rnd1, $rnd2, 1) sleep(300) Func _exit() Exit EndFunc
  23. Wow, thanks that seemed too easy. So just to make sure, if i follow this, it will do the script until i press it? so it will loop it?
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