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no calltips in SciTe light for functions with _underscore
linus replied to linus's topic in AutoIt Technical Discussion
Pragmatically spoken, yes. But a user friendly installer would/should support also cut-down version as it's included in latest au3-package. -
Hi, I am currently working on a new release of the UDF au3irrlicht2. Its setup is adding calltips to SciTe - and it would be nice to have this also compatible with SciTe light. But seems any calltip definition in au3.api is ignored if it begins with an underscore (which are all UDF functions ...). Everything ok with full SciTe, and also ok with SciTe light included in AutoIt installer - but unfortunately NOT ok with SciTe light included in latest AU3 installer Wondering if this a known error; and if there is maybe a workaround so I can keep au3irrlicht2 compatible with latest au3 installer? Thanks for any advice!
Hi bogQ, Reason to include constants.au3 in every sub-include again was to allow usage of only some of the au3Irr2 sub-includes instead of everything (as done by the main include). But at top of constants.au3 there is an "#includeOnce", so in fact constants are only included one time when compiling. Not sure what you mean - original help files ARE included (see "freeBasic wrapper docs" in au3Irr2 help file)? Hm, better handling of 64 bit was one thing on my todo for final 2.05. Amongst other things ... Problem since months: completely no time for this (too much family, too much job, too much other things). Don't know if or when it will change ... So don't know what's best for au3Irr2 - Hope for better times ... Leave it completely to others (JRowe seems to be definetly out, but maybe smashly, or ...) ... Retire as some kind of release provider (if some other continue work on sources, especially providing some more help content) ... BTW: thanks to you and those other few actives for keeping this thread alive
Hi monoscout999, adding requireadmin would also mean no more chance to run examples as non-admin. Not a good idea. Admin rights are only needed one time to merge the help - so why not right-click and "run as admin"? Merging help files requires re-compiling of the original autoit help file. Nothing to explain in two lines, but if really interested you can dig yourself into it: all required files, scripts and some readme is on the project page.
Nah - found it also some mins ago. Spending help time for nuts ... Who cares
you are placing the camera inside the model. Try $CAMERA = _IrrAddCamera( [somethingGreaterThenModelSize],0,0, 0,0,0 ). Maybe worth to spend also a night (again) with e.g. example 004 to get some basic understanding of principle usage
With visible usage of it in mind I would say: yes, it's dead. Don't think an update would change anything about this: already 2.04 has a quiete complete feature list, lots of example code and some basic documentation. But feel free to bring it back to life with a cool small project, it may be the missing motivation for new dev activity around this UDF OK, to be serious: I wish I would have some time again to to some 3D programming for fun. If this will happen, it will be also a reason to polish the UDF. In the meantime: why not use what is already there?
Well at least I have to find myself a free weekend to complete the 2.05 (your previous work on dev version + basic IrrKlang support + extending help for it + of course building the package). Maybe with some good-old-times-sunday-morning-coffee-disturbing At least January, I promise. And when seeing some cool things done with this baby, I am sure it will motivate to have also a look on some deeper things (e.g. .dll stuff) BTW: Mine is not a game but a new sequencer - nothing better than doing a bad never finished track after a day of work ) @boqQ: nah - branch'ing was a joke - you know I prefer the team thing. And of course smashly has rights on the project - he did good things on help, examples and funcs (and gave me back some of those lost motivation). End of laudation
Hi smashly, still alive - and still too busy combined with same old thing we mailed about: not too much usage to see to feel motivation (again) to put those limited hours into it. Means CURRENTLY, not at all! @bogQ: Yep; MIT - theoretically possible to create a branch. Also possible to join in - lot's of things open
1) Start read following postings and finally 2) Sketchup creates texture dir together with mesh export - otherwise check export options.
Right if you have both a working BMW and a Beetle in your garage - wrong if both need a lot of work until getting you somewhere - and you'll have just two hands. Better to decide what car is the best and make it ready to ride
Very good idea! Would say Irrlicht/IrrlichtWrapper has a lot of pros, but just from a very little knowledge of 3impact. Screenshots and written feature list of 3impact are impressive, but not enough to really judge. So would be great if you do/start a serious comparison! At least not a question of vanity but of efficiency: if both would/could target identical needs it would be stupid to divide available man power, right? At least one suitable 3D engine is enough for au3, no matter what it's name is.
Nah, was just joking But educational sounds good - keep concept small, make it working, add some nice comments, and we'll have something more for the coming \demo dir of au3Irr2 ...?! 2) Damned. So I wasn't wrong (but wanted to be )
Thanks in return - always nice to see people using au3Irr2 (and still in anticipation to see something finished; but ok, all those started nextGen FPS should take some years to finish ) Well, maybe we can complete this 64bit-thing: 1) you have 64bit and when running the example scripts without any changes it crashes, right? 2) what happens if you add #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n to the top of au3Irrlicht2.au3, then run example script exactly same way as before - hopefully it works?
very great if this could be one of those rare moments I like to hear this But compare with Über-noob sounds cute - Norwegian? You have to pass a constant to _IrrGUISetColor instead of the GUI element; try _IrrGUISetColor($EGDC_BUTTON_TEXT, 255, 255, 255, 255) Valid constants are not in help file, but you can look for enum IRR_GUI_COLOR_ELEMENT in \include\au3Irr2_Constants.au3.
Maybe interesting for the ones keen on using Sketchup ... 1) would say it's currently NOT possible to load COLLADA files exported from Sketchup - because with current wrapper (0.7.7) it's not possible to set a needed irrLicht attribute for this (details: search here for COLLADA_CREATE_SCENE_INSTANCES) 2) Some of you can maybe help themselves with export to .obj from their legal copies of Sketchup Pro 3) For the poor one's with the free Sketchup, this seems also to work: >> EXPORTED from Sketchup8 to COLLADA (.dae) with options: NO edges - triangulate ALL surfaces - ALL hidden geometry - NO component's structure - export of TEXTURES (option names translated from my German Sketchup) >> IMPORTED resulting .dae as static mesh into demo version of CopperCube2.2 >> EXPORTED this as Irrlicht scene (.irr). Irrlicht scene export will also work when demo version expires! That's it; now _IrrLoadScene can be used to add everything to the scene manager. No guarantees nor support for this. Updates for workaround of course welcome.
Sure, up to you. Especially because you don't reveal that error message
_IrrSetNodeMaterialFlag( $SceneNode, $IRR_EMF_LIGHTING, $IRR_OFF ) - just open, read & learn from example 003 ... Forgive me, but don't you think it would be better to understand the very basics before playing with the advanced things?? Anyway, to answer your second question: Sketchup's export gave me a file structure with .obj, .mtl and a subdir with textures. Copied this structure, loaded the .obj and everything was fine (means: textured).
Load the mesh, set lightning to false, that's it. Textures applied to .obj are loaded automatically (if at right place, have a look into output of SciTe )
1) and 2) are clear - but the trap where severals get into 3) would be the comfortable way; but it's only working for compiled scripts. Or am I wrong?
Any chance/idea/suggestion to get rid of this top-10-question? Have no 64bit so help is welcome. @trancexx: Compliments from one of the masters - goes down like honey ( and I mean it )
If you are interested in using the dev version see here - you'll need an subversion client for this, best I know is TortoiseSVN. But be aware - dev version means it's a dev version. Definetly not recommended for usage without fun to figure out independently how uncomplete things work (and why (yet) not!!) @smashly: great to see you doing support inside this thread; I am alive but VERY short on time
Hi BiliyomKi & bogQ, was mainly a remark because posted V2 will not work for others when refering to non-existing ressources. If any mesh can be used, why not ;FOR 'Third Person Shooter' LOOK $FrontNode = _IrrAddMeshToScene( _IrrGetMesh("../media/wedge.obj")) $BackNode = _IrrAddMeshToScene( _IrrGetMesh("../media/wedge.obj")) then everything is working at once. BTW: much nicer movement in V2 - looking forward to V3
So you will not post out from jail someday, great About 64bit: so this #directive is only for compiled scripts? If there is no way to automatically set 32bit also for F5ing I could at least add a check into IrrStart ... If you can figure something out about doing this automatically (you are the 64bit man ), pls let me know! Hi E1M1, it's not a problem with 32bit dll's but with accessing them from 64bit version of au3. So pls try kaotkbliss tip and give some feedback if it works, thanks!