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  1. Ty for answer and nice scrip free to use help me aloot @RTFC
  2. Thank its much better I just use encrypt with cckey 6 for my c drive then i need fix missing object and [] on my array Then it only run on my desktop since use c drive serial Now how to change c drive serial wihout use code encrypt because if i use code encrpy and put other serial on cckey 6 I need refix the object and [] on my array again
  3. Ty @RTFC and yes idid tested backtranslate version of my script its work well just delete some part using object But when i encryp and obfuscation my scrip also work but run slower already try encrpy only no nest also already try obfuscation only still make my scrip run slower And for my object "<Global $catton = objcreate("catton.aplication")>"
  4. Hii @RTFC i have problem with my scrip object not found And other scrip some my funcion didnt work after encryp but isee on codescanner log no error/issue found pls help if u have free time
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