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  1. I tried WebDriver before but it is too slow and buggy (after that i started learn JS for firefox). speed is too important for me so on FF57 . is it possible send mesage to MozRepl with autoit and MozRepl send message to my extension? and how it works reverse
  2. "water" well i made an extension to fill form but web designer prevented filling form by addons . so i try using auto it to fill them but need connection between autoit and the extension. "noellarkin" so i must install MozRepl on my firefox . then send message with autoit to MozRepl and MozRepl send the message to my extension? i want use latest version of firefox . is it possible?
  3. hey . is it possible send message to firefox extension and receive too? what is simplest way
  4. i found the founction to do that WinSetOnTop thanks all
  5. hey i made a simple form with GUI . i want lock this form and prevent it go to back ground or atleast with mouse movement come foreground again as i found after i click on another layer like a web browser my form go to back ground and wont come back top again (not manual) #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> $Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 100, 620, 10, 10) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYUP GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNORMAL) EndSwitch WEnd please show me a way to keep my form on top ( it is necessary to click on another layer too)
  6. this is the source cod i copied from page <div class="input-item" data-v-11184d92=""><label class="label"><!---->your email:</label><input autocomplete="off" class="ltr green" type="email" placeholder=" please enter valid address" value="abcd@gmail.com"><p class="errors"><ul></ul></p></div> I try to write some thing on this email field . do this cod is corroct?    Local $sSession = _MY__WD_SetupFireFox(False)      Local $sElement = _WD_FindElement($sSession, $_WD_LOCATOR_ByTagName, "your email")     Local $sText = _WD_SetElementValue($sSession, $sElement, 'abcd@y.com') after my firefox apear nothing change in that field
  7. I see Thank you very much❤️ i cant link you the site address but i send a picture like it . the red part will remain the same all time .is it tag name? Global Const $_WD_LOCATOR_ByTagName = "tag name" so i can use this const to locate those fileds and write on them?
  8. hello . i have two question please help me question 1: in "_WD_FindElement" function what are defined constant $_WD_LOCATOR_* for allowed values I cant find them any where question 2 : can i use field names to locate an element and fill them? because site owner change all elements properties every time to avoid using add-ons to fill fields. only name of fields ( text) will remain unchanged
  9. thank you you helped me much and saved my time too you share you knowledge for free. i hope best things for you❤️
  10. WOW. nice man . you are my hero . thanks very much is it possible work with internet page on firefox and get field properties and fill them automatic with autoit? is it possible show me a function to get fields properties and then fill specefic field BEST REGARDS
  11. thanks for response i made some simple program to push keys with autoit. can show me an example or a function so i can use it to send a copied text to a string variable?
  12. nothing i checked functions for strings but cant find a function for transform text from out side to inside of my program
  13. hey I need copy string from an opened internet page and bring it to my program and use it how i must do it . for example i press CTRL + A then CTRL + C and how transfer it to a string variable inside my program thanks
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