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Everything posted by forger

  1. Sorry for replying so late As herewasplato says, shouldn't the text from message boxes be recognized in vista? Or it should be at least mentioned for which operating systems they work or not, especially for useful commands such as WinWaitActive
  2. Hello, I think I found a bug related to windows vista and a tutorial in autoit help file I opened autoit help file > AutoIt v3 > Tutorials > simple notepad automation and pasted the full script at the end of the tutorial in an autoit script file: Run("notepad.exe") WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad") Send("This is some text.") WinClose("Untitled - Notepad") WinWaitActive("Notepad", "Do you want to save") Send("!n") The problem is that it doesn't work with "Do you want to save" text string. It works in Windows XP though!
  3. Yeah all I need is 5 serial keys lol I have windows xp professional and windows 98 se at the moment, I'll start testing and categorizing as soon as I finish my exams (august hopefully!)
  4. the question is stated after that part, PsaltyDS. I was looking for a list of autoit macros where they are set categorized as Windows NT-specific and non. It could be a feature idea for future versions too I guess heh
  5. heh, so i'll keep using the $homedrive
  6. anyone?
  7. I had some problems with my script when it was tested on windows 98 SE. @HomeDrive didn't work as expected I wanted the system drive letter of the partition where windows was installed, so I used instead: $homedrive = StringLeft(@WindowsDir,2) Can you specify in the help file which macros are windows-specific and which are not? I mean which are for Windows NT only and which are not. Also, is there a @SystemDrive macro I could use instead?
  8. does anyone know how to convert a random/any ip range to as much cidr blocks necessary? there's ought to be some processing with a while loop but i just don't know how to process it. the idea is to make the ip into 4 binary octets and start comparing values :S but.. that's just about it from me Example: into as much cidr blocks necessary (that'd be the result) Any ideas are welcome
  9. What thatsgreat2345 meant is that you don't need to put "" & in front of a variable ControlSend ($window, "", "", $send1) Um don't you have to add a Control ID or ClassNameNN in order to send it somewhere in that window you want? Use the "autoit window info" to find that: Start Menu > Programs > AutoIt v3 Also, make sure your window is running
  10. Each function ends somewhere. Wherever you want a message that one stage is finished, you can either put it at the end of the function (one line *before* EndFunc) or after you call the function(one line *after* the call) You kind of answered that yourself:
  11. um.. not organized comes to mind try tidy up the look a bit
  12. .matt 's "31337" solution results to an error The right coding would be: MsgBox(0, "This is a title", "This is the text you want") or use a sound: SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & "\media\ding.wav",1) Both explained in AutoIt's help file (Look for them under the Index tab)
  13. @slightly_abnormal: Sorry, but JdeB is right :\ I killed the link anyway, thanks for the response
  14. I agree on that,but can someone at least pm me with the decoded source? It's not one server, not one channel and not one bot. I found a server that had around 300-400 bots so I want to put an end to this, hence I need the source :\
  15. I'm sorry to bring this up again, v1 is resolved, but v2 and v3 are still pending and crawling in the servers. I'd be grateful if someone decode the source for 2 and 3. I've reuploaded the sources: -removed ... have the source - Again I warn: don't download it if you don't know what you're doing. Thanks!
  16. You can add comments next to each array item e.g. ;$array[0][0] = PID $array[0][0] = $variableforpid ;or $array[0][0] = $variableforpid;=PID I guess you're right, but I'm happier with comments
  17. hash tables? I don't know if this is what you need, but try this: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...ndpost&p=150781
  18. I pass in variables. if the key & value variables are empty, then sometimes it could come out like "=". My exact question is shouldn't IniWrite function detect that somehow?
  19. I knew this was going to happen lol, um.. OK I'm not at home unfortunately, and my scripts are on the other hard disk :\ With Dim $name = "name", $nvalue = "mary", $surname = "surname", $svalue = "johnson", $emptykey = "", $emptyvariable = "" IniWrite("blah.ini","bluh",$name,$nvalue) IniWrite("blah.ini","bluh",$surname,$svalue) IniWrite("blah.ini","bluh",$emptykey,$emptyvariable) a blah.ini is created: That's what I mean by blank key, it just adds an equal sign there. Now if I use IniDelete("blah.ini","bluh",$emptykey) this is left: meaning it only deletes the empty key when I pass the $emptykey field in IniDelete. For IniWrite: I expected it not to create the line with the equal sign. What's the point of creating it if the key is empty? For IniDelete: I wanted it to delete the whole section even when I pass the empty variable.
  20. hey, I don't know if it's supposed to work this way, but if I use IniWrite(blah.ini,bluh,"","") IniDelete(blah.ini,bluh,"") The iniwrite creates the file, the section, a blank key containing a blank value. And inidelete doesn't clear the bluh section, but tries to clear an empty one (if I understood the meaning of the blank key). I have to use IniDelete(blah.ini,blah) Is anyone using a blank key? Hence can you fix the IniWrite and IniDelete somehow to check if a key entry is blank and not create the key nor try to delete it? I guess I could use some extra script lines on my behalf, but I don't see the point of creating/trying to delete a blank key Yet I use variables, something like this: IniDelete($inifile2del, $inisection2del, $inikey2del) and it would save me a bunch of lines where i check if $inikey2del = "" and overcome it. Cheers!
  21. something = ? Antivirus is used for one reason: PROTECTION That something you say sounds illegal. If you don't like the way your antivirus works, use another one
  22. Well.. another lamer has chosen the bad way. I'm in an irc-security mailing list and saw a message about an autoit bot. Maybe someone already contacted an admin, or jon himself, so I guess this post would be deleted/closed if that's the case. > The botmaster was JohnWayne [asd@d006150.adsl.hansenet.de] JohnWayne > > The majority of the bots were connecting from Taiwan and Hong Kong IPs > with a few from Poland, Malaysia and the US as well. I've uploaded the executable files so you can decode them if possible and give me some more info about how they work or who to contact in order to stop them, since i'm not an expert The following zipped file contains malware executables. DO NOT RUN IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. www.se ndspa ce.com/file /m8m rrc remove the spaces. Password: pm me (I will only give it to trustworthy persons, the rest will not receive a reply.) The upload will be killed once this is confirmed to be resolved.
  23. oh yeah! It WORKS You just saved me bandwidth It takes a while to generate it, but it works! Edit: I tested an exe without using the BinaryString and it still works
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