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Everything posted by kmps

  1. Yes,I want a bmp where I can "see" the text written.I just want to transfer a .txt file into .bmp file and people can see the text on the bmp file just like they see .txt file.
  2. Can any guy tell me how to write text to a BMP image file with Autoit 3? thanks a lot
  3. when I used autoit3 v3.2.3.14 (beta),the function can work well
  4. I had test on my two PCs (one is Windows 2000 pro sp4,the other is windows xp sp2),the same problem occured.please refer to the attachment jpg screenshot
  5. my Autoit 3 version:v3.2.4.9 when I used the function,I could just get blank string.it's not like this when I used ver v3.2.2.0 #include <string.au3> $ok=_StringEncrypt(1,"ok123sdf","1sfsfafs23",3)
  6. sorry,maybe my explain is not so clear.my question is :if there's a function which can be used to verify the local account's password (not AD's account) after the PC is add to a Domain. I had tried to use the following function under my XP Pro SP2,but unfortunately,for my script run as the system service using system account not the normal user account,this function can not work probably.And under my Windows 2000 Pro or even my Windows XP Pro SP1,this function can work well. Func _CheckUserPass($sUsername, $sPassword, $sComputerName) Local $iCheck = True Opt("RunErrorsFatal", 0) RunAsSet($sUsername, $sComputerName, $sPassword, 0) Run(@ComSpec & " /c echo checking password...", @TempDir, @SW_HIDE) If @error Then $iCheck = False RunAsSet() Opt("RunErrorsFatal", 1) Return $iCheck EndFunc And the below function,under my XP PRO SP2,before I add my PC into a domain,it can work well.but after into domain,it failed to complete the password verification Func CheckPassword($userid, $passwordbak) Local $useridobjhd $useridobjhd = ObjGet("WinNT://" & @ComputerName & "/" & $userid) $useridobjhd.ChangePassword ($passwordbak, $passwordbak) Return @error EndFunc ;==>CheckPassword
  7. Hello,would u please tell me how to use your function: UserValidate()? for example:On my Windows XP sp2,there's a local user account named "normaluser",and my computername is "CHPC",how to call your function to judge this account's password is correct or not? UserValidate(@computername???,"normalouser",$password,???) and what's a group??? Anyway,thanks a lot
  8. Hello, I met a strange problem when using the below function to check the windows user password is correct or not. before I joined the PC into Domain,I can use it to verify local account user's password correct or not if @error<>0 then password is not correct else correct endif but after I joined the PC into Domain,even I input the correct password,it returned @error<>0 Func CheckPassword($userid, $passwordbak) Local $useridobjhd $useridobjhd = ObjGet("WinNT://" & @ComputerName & "/" & $userid) $useridobjhd.ChangePassword ($passwordbak, $passwordbak) Return @error EndFunc ;==>CheckPassword
  9. Please make sure your service "secondary logon" running on your notebook.
  10. sorry,maybe I hadn't explain clearly what I wants. The password I wants to verify is the Windows account passwords,and in this process,all should be automatic and no input dialog needed. anyway thank you!
  11. Hello, I am trying to write a script to make sure the users NT account password is not blank or something like "abc","123"... If any good man can tell me,how to do that? On Error Resume Next Set objNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network") strComputer = objNetwork.ComputerName strPassword = "password" Set colAccounts = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & "") colAccounts.Filter = Array("user") For Each objUser In colAccounts objUser.ChangePassword strPassword, strPassword If Err = 0 or Err = -2147023569 Then Wscript.Echo objUser.Name & " is using the password " & _ strpassword & "." End If Err.Clear Next just like above but with Autoit 3 not Windows Script language thx a lot!
  12. Hello, I am trying to write a script to make sure the users NT account password is not blank or something like "abc","123"... If any good man can tell me,how to do that? On Error Resume Next Set objNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network") strComputer = objNetwork.ComputerName strPassword = "password" Set colAccounts = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & "") colAccounts.Filter = Array("user") For Each objUser In colAccounts objUser.ChangePassword strPassword, strPassword If Err = 0 or Err = -2147023569 Then Wscript.Echo objUser.Name & " is using the password " & _ strpassword & "." End If Err.Clear Next just like above but with Autoit 3 not Windows Script language thx a lot!
  13. Hello, I am now trying to write a script to set NTFS rights automatically,any good man can tell me how I can deal with it without using GUI? thanks a lot!
  14. hello, I want to write a GINA dll to replace the Microsoft's GINA msgina.dll,is it possible with AUTOIT?
  15. I am now writting a server-client GUI script,but how can I get the client's IP on the server when it's connected with my server computer?
  16. thank you,but there's still another problem,how to judge it's a reboot(not Power off) or a shutdown(Power off)? and Further more,for Windows 2000 users,there's no command "shutdown" to use either. Can Autoit get some system message when the Windows is going to shutdown and reboot?
  17. but I don't know how to judge when to run this command to pause the reboot of Windows. such as If Windowsreboot()=1 or Windowsshutdown=1 then run("shutdown -a") EndIf
  18. I am now writting a script which runs as Windows Service background (using SYSTEM account),and now I hope it can pause the reboot or shutdown of Windows so that it can finish some job before reboot or shutdown of Windows.Any good man can tell me how to get this.thanks a lot!
  19. I'm now trying to make a Input dialog GUI script of myself: $InputDialogHd=GUICreate($caption,200,85,-1,-1,$WS_DLGFRAME) $EditPassWordHd=GUICtrlCreateInput("",10,12,179,20,BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_INPUT,$ES_PASSWORD)) $ButtonOkHd=GUICtrlCreateButton("ok",15,38,50,23) $ButtonCancelHd=GUICtrlCreateButton("cancel",136,38,50,23) GUISetState() While 1 ... WEnd And I want the above dialog can act like this:once I had finished input my password and press "ENTER" key the button "ok" will be clicked by default just the same happend as I use the function InputBox() please tell me how I can get that act,thank you!
  20. hello,thank you very much.the Sleep solved my problem.
  21. Hello, I am now writing a script running backgroud as a windows service,and now I disables the TrayOnEventMode and just uses the function traygetmsg() to deal with the things every 5 mins but I found in this model my script's CPU's utilization will get too much sometimes,any good man can tell me if I switch to enable the TrayOnEventMode will solve the problem?and How to define the timer event function in this mode? thanks a lot!
  22. I found this command couldn't run correctly under Windows XP.and I solved it by run Microsoft's DEVCON.EXE (Google can find it and download it) devcon.exe disable =net pci\* devcon.exe enable =net pci\*
  23. solved,thank you so much!
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