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Everything posted by McGod

  1. $array = StringRegExp('Required Level: 40', '\A(?i)Required Level: (.+?)', 3) Only returns a 4. Something wrong with my (.+?) ? Replacing the + with a * gives me nothing:(
  2. Replace Func _IRCPing($ret) If $ret = "" Then Return -1 TCPSend($irc, "PONG " & $ret & @CRLF) If @error Then MsgBox(1, "irc.au3", "Server has disconnected.") Return -1 EndIf Return 1 EndFunc with Func _IRCPing($irc, $ret) If $irc = -1 Then Return 0 If $ret = "" Then Return -1 TCPSend($irc, "PONG " & $ret & @CRLF) If @error Then MsgBox(1, "irc.au3", "Server has disconnected.") Return -1 EndIf Return 1 EndFunc
  3. Use a StringSplit($Array, "|")
  4. That is NOT an autoit script, PE Explorer tells all!
  5. Oh and don't forget, it also analyzes processes and process names for suspicious words. I.E. Don't name your bot WoWHack or WoW anything, or World of or Warcraft or anything to do with WoW or Blizzard in any way. Best way is to have a launcher exe that generates a random filename for the real program, copies it to a temp directory, and then exits itself. Then the real program can pull data in .ini files or whatever from the registry or a specific directory. They cannot do this anymore.
  6. it works:) Big thanks!
  7. Im trying to parse a ÿc1 string, the 1 is the character im trying to get, although it could be anywhere within a string like Example ÿc5 ]]]]]]]]]] Preserved Head ÿc;- Which I would parse to be able to get the 5 and ; in the array. I've tried Local $sStats = StringRegExp($sStat[$i], "(?i)ÿc[0-9][;][:][+][']", 1, 1) Local $sStats = StringRegExp($sStat[$i], "(?i)ÿc[0-9;:+']", 1, 1) Local $sStats = StringRegExp($sStat[$i], "(?i)ÿc[0-9][;:+']", 1, 1)
  8. I need something that will go [0-9:;+'] (Like 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,:,;,+,') In a StringRegExp bracket, but it doesnt work:( Can anyone figure out a way of doing it?
  9. I ended up declaring it in a one dim array then spliting it, and Kurt the project will be open source.
  10. Its a group project called D2Au3, I figured it out guys it works fine:D
  11. Made it Over the last couple nights. (Used Hero Editor to make item with 30 stats then used a autoit memory reader to get stats to text) I think I figured a way of doing this tho:D
  12. MAX_LINESIZE 4095 Maximum size for a line of script. STRBUFFER 4095 Size of a general string buffer. Its in the 5000's:/ I gotta figure a way of splitting it without alot of effort (I REALLY don't want to have to go through 100 lines of array)
  13. It is about 108 in the first subscript and three in the second, any of the help autoit gives gets cut off because of the massive size of the array. Anyone see anything wrong with it minus the fact that it doesn't work!
  14. Better edit 3)
  15. Same, as for warey people, I looked around (Unable to get actual bot tho), the installer came up clean on jotti and I didn't find any suscpious while surfing through PE Explorer(Except for references to wininet.dll but it's prob just the installers feature) Manadar: #391894
  16. My post was back in May.
  17. Look @ ControlSend & ControlClick.
  18. It isn't fully available, but anyone with a hacked decompiler can do it:/ Your going to have to mod Diablo II's floor tiles so that there like Blue, then you follow the Blue to find the Den of Evil.
  19. Yes, check the Examples, or use Search for Memory in Example Scripts. http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...9&hl=Memory
  20. $x = GetNum () Func GetNum() Return 7 EndFunc $x now has 7 in it.
  21. No, you see I have a string ['0', '1', '2'] I want to convert it to an array so string->array So that I dont have to parse the [[ then manually loop it into an array.
  22. Assign("s", "['0', '1', '2']") #include <Array.au3> _ArrayDisplay($s) Something that can take literal ['0', '1', '2'] and convert it to an array.
  23. Your best bet is to make a GUI msgbox, then array the handles.
  24. very tricky, but possible. Your best bet to go at this is to create a GUI that appears when someone clicks the tray icon. There's an example somewhere in the Example Scripts you could use.
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