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  1. I have a workplace GUI that has a search field function that pulls up customer records to allow changes. I am attempting to 1)LOGIN 2)Enter Search field, enter a number and then {ENTER} 3)change specific field once customer record loads. I have very limited experience in GUI manipulation but I am able to login using the below: #include <IE.au3> Const $navOpenInNewTab = 0x0800 Dim $oIE = _IECreate('http://asag.xxxxxxx.com/ASAG/index.htm') Call ("RacksheetSignIn") Func RacksheetSignIn () Local $username = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE,"uname") Local $password = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE,"pword") $oIE.Navigate2('http://asag.xxxxxxx.com/apps/RackSheets/LogInSAG/login.asp',2048) _IEFormElementSetValue ($username, "xxxxxxx") _IEFormElementSetValue ($password, "xxxxxxx") Send('{Enter}') EndFunc However I can't seem to use the _IEGetObjByName or Mouseclick to focus on the search field to allow me to enter my search criteria. When I "inspect element" in the Search field I get the attached: Any help would be MUCH appreciated
  2. Correct. neither site logs in , no user name , password etc. ....sorry not sure about " full output from Scite? "
  3. so back to opening each window but not able to login
  4. disregard that "error" I fixed it. I don't have access to the full output window
  5. The page opens and it open 3 tabs with the correct address but it does not login on either the 2nd or 3rd tab....the only "error" is : --> IE.au3 T3.0-2 Warning from function _IEAttach, $_IESTATUS_NoMatch
  6. Also, there is not login on the initial page (oIE).....only on the other 2 tabs
  7. I m Func LoginSite1() Local $username = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE2,"uname") Local $password = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE2,"pword") _IEFormElementSetValue ($username, "xxxxxxx") _IEFormElementSetValue ($password, "xxxxxxx") ; Need form object here ;_IEFormSubmit($oIE2) Local $oForm = _IEFormGetCollection($oIE2, 0) _IEFormSubmit($oForm) EndFunc Func LoginSite2() Local $domain = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE3,"NF_CustomerID") Local $User_Name = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE3,"NF_UserName") Local $Password = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE3,"NF_Password") _IEFormElementSetValue ($domain, "yyyyyy") _IEFormElementSetValue ($User_Name, "yyyyyy") _IEFormElementSetValue ($Password, "yyyyyy") ; Need form object here ;_IEFormSubmit($oIE3) Local $oForm = _IEFormGetCollection($oIE3, 0) _IEFormSubmit($oForm) EndFunc eant to mention that I had tried that.....same issue.....this is my revied script with the $oIE2 & $oIE3
  8. Thanks again but I'm obviously still missing something....this still opens each tab but doesn't login. #include <IE.au3> Const $navOpenInNewTab = 0x0800 Local $oIE, $oIE2, $oIE3 $oIE = _IECreate('http://asag.xxxxx.com/ASAG/index.htm') $oIE.Navigate2('http://asag.xxxxx.com/apps/xxxxx/LogInSAG/login.asp', $navOpenInNewTab) $oIE.Navigate2('https://soa1gui.xxxxx.biz/gateway/NFServlet;jsessionid=1E3B8F6520DE0A1EC914A8ABB7E86341?NFH_MessageId=&NFH_Page=%2fpages%2fsearch%2fsearch.jsp', $navOpenInNewTab) $oIE2 = _IEAttach("http://asag.xxxxx.com/apps/xxxxx/LogInSAG/login.asp", "URL") $oIE3 = _IEAttach("'https://soa1gui.xxxxx.biz/gateway", "URL") ;LoginSite1() ;LoginSite2() ;LoginSite3() Func LoginSite1() Local $username = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE,"uname") Local $password = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE,"pword") _IEFormElementSetValue ($username, "xxxxx") _IEFormElementSetValue ($password, "xxxxx") ; Need form object here Local $oForm = _IEFormGetCollection($oIE, 0) _IEFormSubmit($oForm) EndFunc Func LoginSite2() Local $domain = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE2,"NF_CustomerID") Local $User_Name = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE2,"NF_UserName") Local $Password = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE2,"NF_Password") _IEFormElementSetValue ($domain, xxxxx") _IEFormElementSetValue ($User_Name, "xxxxx") _IEFormElementSetValue ($Password, "xxxxx") ; Need form object here Local $oForm = _IEFormGetCollection($oIE, 0) _IEFormSubmit($oForm) EndFunc
  9. d'oh...so I think I got that, they do all open but still not able to login on either tab Here's what I've got now: #include <IE.au3> Const $navOpenInNewTab = 0x0800 Local $oIE, $oIE2, $oIE3 $oIE = _IECreate('http://asag.xxxxx.com/ASAG/index.htm') $oIE.Navigate2('http://asag.xxxxx.com/apps/xxxxx/LogInSAG/login.asp', $navOpenInNewTab) $oIE.Navigate2('https://soa1gui.xxxxx.biz/gateway/NFServlet;jsessionid=1E3B8F6520DE0A1EC914A8ABB7E86341?NFH_MessageId=&NFH_Page=%2fpages%2fsearch%2fsearch.jsp', $navOpenInNewTab) $oIE2 = _IEAttach("http://asag.xxxxx.com/apps/xxxxx/LogInSAG/login.asp", "URL") $oIE3 = _IEAttach("'https://soa1gui.xxxxx.biz/gateway", "URL") ;LoginSite1() ;LoginSite2() ;LoginSite3() Func LoginSite1() Local $username = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE,"uname") Local $password = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE,"pword") _IEFormElementSetValue ($username, "xxxxx") _IEFormElementSetValue ($password, "xxxxx") ; Need form object here _IEFormSubmit($oIE2) EndFunc Func LoginSite2() Local $domain = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE2,"NF_CustomerID") Local $User_Name = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE2,"NF_UserName") Local $Password = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE2,"NF_Password") _IEFormElementSetValue ($domain, xxxxx") _IEFormElementSetValue ($User_Name, "xxxxx") _IEFormElementSetValue ($Password, "xxxxx") ; Need form object here _IEFormSubmit($oIE3) EndFunc
  10. Thanks , and not to be stupid, but, I'm not sure what to put for ... ; Need form object here _IEFormSubmit()
  11. I am trying to script the opening of multiple tabs in IE with each tab having a separate login/password. I have been able to make a successful script that will open 3 separate IE sessions with the correct webpage and login or a script that will open 3 tabs in one session (which I want) but will not login. I have tried _IECreate, IEAttach etc. This is the script I am currently using . #include <IE.au3> Const $navOpenInNewTab = 0x0800 Dim $oIE = _IECreate('http://asag.xxxxxxx.com/AAAA/index.htm') ;$o_IE.Navigate2('http://asag.xxxxxxx.com/apps/yyyyyyy/LogInSAG/login.asp', $navOpenInNewTab) ;$o_IE.Navigate2('http://asag.xxxxxxx.com/apps/yyyyyyy/LogInSAG/login.asp', $navOpenInNewTab) Call ("YYYYYYYSignIn") Func YYYYYYYSignIn () Local $username = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE,"uname") Local $password = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE,"pword") $oIE.Navigate2('http://asag.xxxxxxx.com/apps/xxxxxxx/LogInSAG/login.asp',2048) _IEFormElementSetValue ($username, "xxxxxxx") _IEFormElementSetValue ($password, "xxxxxxx") Send('{Enter}') EndFunc Call ("xxxxxxxSignIn") Func xxxxxxxSignIn () __IENavigate($oIE, "https://soa1gui.xxxxxxx.biz/gateway/NFServlet;jsessionid=1E3B8F6520DE0A1EC914A8ABB7E86341?NFH_MessageId=&NFH_Page=%2fpages%2fsearch%2fsearch.jsp", 1, 0x800) Local $domain = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE,"NF_CustomerID") Local $User_Name = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE,"NF_UserName") Local $Password = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE,"NF_Password") _IEFormElementSetValue ($domain, xxxxxxx") _IEFormElementSetValue ($User_Name, "xxxxxxx") _IEFormElementSetValue ($Password, "xxxxxxx") ;Send('{Enter}') EndFunc
  12. I am attempting to run an Autoit.exe with schtasks every weekday @ 9:05 am. I have the below C:\>SchTasks /Create /TN "P10Run" /TR "O:\AUTOIT\P40 Run.au3" /SC WEEKLY /D MON, TUE,WED,THU,FRI /ST 09:05:00 SUCCESS: The scheduled task "P10Run" has successfully been created. I also did a "test" run : C:\>Schtasks /Run /TN "P10Run SUCCESS: Attempted to run the scheduled task "P10Run". But when I run my query to verify success my "Last Result" seems to indicate that the script did not run: C:\>SCHTASKS /QUERY /FO LIST /V /TN "P10RUN" Folder: \ HostName: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TaskName: \P10RUN Next Run Time: N/A Status: Could not start Logon Mode: Interactive only Last Run Time: 6/14/2017 9:08:56 AM Last Result: -2147024894 Author: xxxxxxx Task To Run: O:\AUTOIT\P40 Run.au3 Start In: N/A Comment: N/A Scheduled Task State: Enabled Idle Time: Disabled Power Management: Stop On Battery Mode, No Start On Batterie s Run As User: xxxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx Delete Task If Not Rescheduled: Enabled Stop Task If Runs X Hours and X Mins: 72:00:00 Schedule: Scheduling data is not available in this f ormat. Schedule Type: Weekly Start Time: 9:05:00 AM Start Date: 6/14/2017 End Date: N/A Days: MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI Months: Every 1 week(s) Repeat: Every: Disabled Repeat: Until: Time: Disabled Repeat: Until: Duration: Disabled Repeat: Stop If Still Running: Disabled C:\> Is there something missing in my command? Also is there a better way to make sure that the script does in fact sun successfully? Thanks In Advance!
  13. Danyfirex: This worked PERFECTLY!. I have never seen s StrngFormat like this and, I would've probably NEVER found it on my own. MANY Thanks
  14. I have established how to get tomorrows date however I can't seem to figure out how to format the date into my required format of MM/DD/YYYY. I have this: $today=_DateToDayValue(@YEAR,@MON,@MDAY) Dim $Y, $M, $D $tomorrow=_DayValueToDate($today+1, $Y, $M, $D) The _DateToDayValue seems to have a fixed format. I've also tried a : $vardate = _DateAdd( 'd',1, _NowCalcDate()) with a "StringSplit" and/or StringFormat but the _NowCalcDate seems to also be fixed to a YYYY/MM/DD format. I'm sure I'm missing something simple but am at a loss. Any help would be MUCH appreciated
  15. Thanks to all , this is perfect!
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