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Everything posted by dv8

  1. Have you tried asking Google about "An attempt was made to reference a token that does not Exist"?
  2. Hello everyone! Apparently, the last time I've been here was 13 years ago! How time flies... What made me come back is the Microsoft's stupid decision to remove the QuickLaunch from Windows 11. On all the previous versions I used to have a QuickLaunch toolbar on my taskbar and had all the shortcuts for my different projects neatly arranged in sub-folders. After this feature was removed, I tried the ExplorerPatcher but at some point it started getting flagged by the Defender. And it added a lot more things that were not necessary for me. I only needed the QuickLaunch. So after a lot of frustration i decided to make my own and remembered the dear old AutoIt! The script below uses an INI file with the same name to get which folder you want to use as a QuickLaunch and creates a 5px by 5px simple GUI at the top left corner of the screen, which sits on top of the other windows. The GUI has a menu with sub-menus and items corresponding to the sub-folders and the .lnk files in the QuickLaunch folder. It tracks the position of the mouse and when it gets to the top-left corner it clicks on the GUI to display the menu. Since it loads the folder only once at the start, there is a CRTL+ALT+R hotkey combination to quickly restart the app and reload the shortcuts if you have made any changes. CTRL+ALT+X is for exiting the app. When compiled, the executable is a little over 1MB and uses about 8-9MB of RAM I'm sharing it here hoping it would be as useful to you as it is to me. Best wishes for the new 2025 from Bulgaria! Edit: Forgot to mention it uses the ModernMenu UDF by Holger Kotsch QuickLaunch.ico QuickLaunch.ini QuickLaunch.au3 ModernMenuRaw.au3
  3. Thank you Jos, I just edited my first post and added a detailed description of how to achieve the goal set there. I hope it will be easy to understand by anyone. Thank you Melba23. I just noticed that when I started adding the solution in the first post, but Jos had already changed it for me. Anyway, I'll know better next time. Again, thank you all for the help!
  4. Hmm, I thought I'll be able to change the topic title as an author, but I can't find this option. I would like to ask someone from the moderators or admins group to add a "(RESOLVED)" at the end of the topic title. Thank you.
  5. Jos, once again, a huge THANK YOU for your efforts and for the /MO Obfuscator option. This final Beta works like a charm! I consider My Goal in the first post achieved and I'll update the topic name, adding (RESOLVED) at the end. I'll also prepare a detailed explanation for the others who may encounter this issue and update my first post, so they won't have to go through all 57 posts to find the solution. And many thanks to all others, who took part in the process of achieving this goal!
  6. Yeap, I'm aware of this limitation, that's why I posted my next post. The problem is that in this particular situation, this long line is generated by the Obfuscator. The initial code (before obfuscation that is) is compiling just fine with Aut2Exe. In this particular case it is easy to fix this problem, by using the BrewManNH's approach, because the line contains a long string. But in some cases this approach may not be suitable and the obfuscation with /MO may generate similar long lines and making the code uncompilable, even though the initial source is compilable.
  7. I think BrewManNH was right when he said "...If you have such long lines/strings then you're not going to be able to use /mo..." What Obfuscator is currently doing is concatenating lines that were deliberately split into smaller parts in order to pass through the compiler. And this concatenation is adding more characters to this long line (a few "& " in this particular example), making it even longer and it fails. So this is pointless. Again as BrewManNH stated, a simple workaround for me would be to use a few string variables to brake the long string and then concatenate these variables in the final string like this: $String1="Part 1 of the long string..." $String2="Part 2 of the long string..." ... $CountriesList=$String1&$String2&...And I'm more than willing to do that now if it will get me to my goal.
  8. Now back to my 3 issues... Jos, the latest Beta update solved the problem with the popping Obfuscator GUI, so there is no need for me to make an example script any more. However the Aut2Exe error: Line 28930 (File "D:ProjectsAutoITWeb2AutoTrafficRobot_Obfuscated.au3"): $CountriesList="Afghanistan (AF)|Aland Islands (AX)|Albania (AL)|Algeria (DZ)|American Samoa (AS)|Andorra (AD)|"& "Angola (AO)|Anguilla (AI)|Antarctica (AQ)|Antigua and Barbuda (AG)|Argentina (AR)|Armenia (AM)|"& "Aruba (AW)|Australia (AU)|Austria (AT)|Azerbaijan (AZ)|Bahamas (BS)|Bahrain (BH)|Bangladesh (BD)|"& "Barbados (BB)|Belarus (BY)|Belgium (BE)|Belize (BZ)|Benin (BJ)|Bermuda (BM)|Bhutan (BT)|Bolivia (BO)|"& "Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)|Botswana (BW)|Bouvet Island (BV)|Brazil (BR)|British Indian Ocean Territory (IO)|"& "British Virgin Islands (VG)|Brunei (BN)|Bulgaria (BG)|Burkina Faso (BF)|Burundi (BI)|Cambodia (KH)|"& "Cameroon (CM)|Canada (CA)|Cape Verde (CV)|Cayman Islands (KY)|Central African Republic (CF)|Chad (TD)|"& "Chile (CL)|China (CN)|Christmas Island (CX)|Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CC)|Colombia (CO)|Comoros (KM)|"& "Congo (CG)|Cook Islands (CK)|Costa Rica (CR)|Croatia (HR)|Cuba (CU)|Cyprus (CY)|Czech Republic (CZ)|"& "Democratic Republic of Congo (CD)|Denmark (DK)|Disputed Territory (XX)|Djibouti (DJ)|Dominica (DM)|"& "Dominican Republic (DO)|East Timor (TL)|Ecuador (EC)|Egypt (EG)|El Salvador (SV)|Equatorial Guinea (GQ)|"& "Eritrea (ER)|Estonia (EE)|Ethiopia (ET)|Falkland Islands (FK)|Faroe Islands (FO)|Federated States of Micronesia (FM)|"& "Fiji (FJ)|Finland (FI)|France (FR)|French Guyana (GF)|French Polynesia (PF)|French Southern Territories (TF)|"& "Gabon (GA)|Gambia (GM)|Georgia (GE)|Germany (DE)|Ghana (GH)|Gibraltar (GI)|Greece (GR)|Greenland (GL)|Grenada (GD)|"& "Guadeloupe (GP)|Guam (GU)|Guatemala (GT)|Guinea (GN)|Guinea-Bissau (GW)|Guyana (GY)|Haiti (HT)|"& "Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands (HM)|Honduras (HN)|Hong Kong (HK)|Hungary (HU)|Iceland (IS)|India (IN)|"& "Indonesia (ID)|Iran (IR)|Iraq (IQ)|Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone (XE)|Ireland (IE)|Israel (IL)|Italy (IT)|"& "Ivory Coast (CI)|Jamaica (JM)|Japan (JP)|Jordan (JO)|Kazakhstan (KZ)|Kenya (KE)|Kiribati (KI)|Kuwait (KW)|"& "Kyrgyzstan (KG)|Laos (LA)|Latvia (LV)|Lebanon (LB)|Lesotho (LS)|Liberia (LR)|Libya (LY)|Liechtenstein (LI)|"& "Lithuania (LT)|Luxembourg (LU)|Macau (MO)|Macedonia (MK)|Madagascar (MG)|Malawi (MW)|Malaysia (MY)|Maldives (MV)|"& "Mali (ML)|Malta (MT)|Marshall Islands (MH)|Martinique (MQ)|Mauritania (MR)|Mauritius (MU)|Mayotte (YT)|"& "Mexico (MX)|Moldova (MD)|Monaco (MC)|Mongolia (MN)|Montserrat (MS)|Morocco (MA)|Mozambique (MZ)|Myanmar (MM)|"& "Namibia (NA)|Nauru (NR)|Nepal (NP)|Netherlands (NL)|Netherlands Antilles (AN)|New Caledonia (NC)|New Zealand (NZ)|"& "Nicaragua (NI)|Niger (NE)|Nigeria (NG)|Niue (NU)|Norfolk Island (NF)|North Korea (KP)|Northern Mariana Islands (MP)|"& "Norway (NO)|Oman (OM)|Pakistan (PK)|Palau (PW)|Palestinian Occupied Territories (PS)|Panama (PA)|Papua New Guinea (PG)|"& "Paraguay (PY)|Peru (PE)|Philippines (PH)|Pitcairn Islands (PN)|Poland (PL)|Portugal (PT)|Puerto Rico (PR)|Qatar (QA)|"& "Reunion (RE)|Romania (RO)|Russia (RU)|Rwanda (RW)|Saint Helena and Dependencies (SH)|Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN)|"& "Saint Lucia (LC)|Saint Pierre and Miquelon (PM)|Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VC)|Samoa (WS)|San Marino (SM)|"& "Sao Tome and Principe (ST)|Saudi Arabia (SA)|Senegal (SN)|Serbia and Montenegro (CS)|Seychelles (SC)|Sierra Leone (SL)|"& "Singapore (SG)|Slovakia (SK)|Slovenia (SI)|Solomon Islands (SB)|Somalia (SO)|South Africa (ZA)|"& "South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands (GS)|South Korea (KR)|Spain (ES)|Spratly Islands (PI)|Sri Lanka (LK)|"& "Sudan (SD)|Suriname (SR)|Svalbard and Jan Mayen (SJ)|Swaziland (SZ)|Sweden (SE)|Switzerland (CH)|Syria (SY)|Taiwan (TW)|"& "Tajikistan (TJ)|Tanzania (TZ)|Thailand (TH)|Togo (TG)|Tokelau (TK)|Tonga (TO)|Trinidad and Tobago (TT)|Tunisia (TN)|"& "Turkey (TR)|Turkmenistan (TM)|Turks And Caicos Islands (TC)|Tuvalu (TV)|Uganda (UG)|Ukraine (UA)|United Arab Emirates (AE)|"& "United Kingdom (UK)|United Nations Neutral Zone (XD)|United States (US)|United States Minor Outlying Islands (UM)|"& "Uruguay (UY)|US Virgin Islands (VI)|Uzbekistan (UZ)|Vanuatu (VU)|Vatican City (VA)|Venezuela (VE)|Vietnam (VN)|"& "Wallis and Futuna (WF)|Western Sahara (EH)|Yemen Error: Unterminated string. still appears when the obfuscated script is ran trough it. Try with the last example I posted.
  9. Melba23, Yes you are right, it wasn't. And I never mentioned Mods in my statement so don't take it personally... And you are right again! I do apologize for that statement. It was out of line.
  10. Thank you Valik, for your reply and the detailed explanation. That's how I like the replies, detailed, firm and straight to the point. Some of the MVPs and members here should learn from yours and Jos's example, not just try to increase their posts number. At least I now know why these line numbers are in the error reports and how you feel about them and my feature request. This saved both me (to add the request) and you (to reject it ) some time. So now I'll put all my efforts to try and help Jos to make it work right in the Obfuscator, because I'm sure this feature will be useful to may others. As Jos stated: "...this is asked a zillion time by now..." Thanks again!
  11. Thank you Jos! I'll let you know the results of the tests with the latest Beta and prepare an example for you. Have a nice evening.
  12. Melba23, I did not misunderstood. I'm trying to work with Jos to make the Obfuscator more useful to the AutoIt community without the need for this community to change their code. To be honest, If I have to change my code in order to achieve my goal, I won't do it. I'd rather try to write my own tool instead of ruining code written and developed for more than 3 years. Here is how I see it: This is a perfectly good working code (see the example above). It meets all the requirements of AutoIt and compiles just fine. What you are saying is that I need to reformulate this code in order to be able to achieve my goal. This situation is like if you have a perfectly good table and the goal is to to put it through a bit narrower door. I'm saying "tilt the table", you are saying "dismantle the table and then put it together again in a different shape". That's how it looks to me. Anyway, let me prepare the other example for Jos now, because I'll most likely not be around for the weekend.
  13. My wife is mad at me now, because I'm missing my dinner. Give me 20-30 minutes and I'll be back with another example for the other issues.
  14. This is just an example I had ready. It can be any string. Please realize that the point here is not to fix my code or make it cleaner or easier. I like just the way it is. The pint is to achieve My goal (See the first post for more details).
  15. Here you go: ;Try to compile it first with the one line string and see what happens ;Then comment the one line string and uncomment the broken one and try to compile with it #Region #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile=LongStrings.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Obfuscator=Y #Obfuscator_Parameters=/mergeonly #EndRegion $CountriesList="Afghanistan (AF)|Aland Islands (AX)|Albania (AL)|Algeria (DZ)|American Samoa (AS)|Andorra (AD)|Angola (AO)|Anguilla (AI)|Antarctica (AQ)|Antigua and Barbuda (AG)|Argentina (AR)|Armenia (AM)|Aruba (AW)|Australia (AU)|Austria (AT)|Azerbaijan (AZ)|Bahamas (BS)|Bahrain (BH)|Bangladesh (BD)|Barbados (BB)|Belarus (BY)|Belgium (BE)|Belize (BZ)|Benin (BJ)|Bermuda (BM)|Bhutan (BT)|Bolivia (BO)|Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)|Botswana (BW)|Bouvet Island (BV)|Brazil (BR)|British Indian Ocean Territory (IO)|British Virgin Islands (VG)|Brunei (BN)|Bulgaria (BG)|Burkina Faso (BF)|Burundi (BI)|Cambodia (KH)|Cameroon (CM)|Canada (CA)|Cape Verde (CV)|Cayman Islands (KY)|Central African Republic (CF)|Chad (TD)|Chile (CL)|China (CN)|Christmas Island (CX)|Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CC)|Colombia (CO)|Comoros (KM)|Congo (CG)|Cook Islands (CK)|Costa Rica (CR)|Croatia (HR)|Cuba (CU)|Cyprus (CY)|Czech Republic (CZ)|Democratic Republic of Congo (CD)|Denmark (DK)|Disputed Territory (XX)|Djibouti (DJ)|Dominica (DM)|Dominican Republic (DO)|East Timor (TL)|Ecuador (EC)|Egypt (EG)|El Salvador (SV)|Equatorial Guinea (GQ)|Eritrea (ER)|Estonia (EE)|Ethiopia (ET)|Falkland Islands (FK)|Faroe Islands (FO)|Federated States of Micronesia (FM)|Fiji (FJ)|Finland (FI)|France (FR)|French Guyana (GF)|French Polynesia (PF)|French Southern Territories (TF)|Gabon (GA)|Gambia (GM)|Georgia (GE)|Germany (DE)|Ghana (GH)|Gibraltar (GI)|Greece (GR)|Greenland (GL)|Grenada (GD)|Guadeloupe (GP)|Guam (GU)|Guatemala (GT)|Guinea (GN)|Guinea-Bissau (GW)|Guyana (GY)|Haiti (HT)|Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands (HM)|Honduras (HN)|Hong Kong (HK)|Hungary (HU)|Iceland (IS)|India (IN)|Indonesia (ID)|Iran (IR)|Iraq (IQ)|Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone (XE)|Ireland (IE)|Israel (IL)|Italy (IT)|Ivory Coast (CI)|Jamaica (JM)|Japan (JP)|Jordan (JO)|Kazakhstan (KZ)|Kenya (KE)|Kiribati (KI)|Kuwait (KW)|Kyrgyzstan (KG)|Laos (LA)|Latvia (LV)|Lebanon (LB)|Lesotho (LS)|Liberia (LR)|Libya (LY)|Liechtenstein (LI)|Lithuania (LT)|Luxembourg (LU)|Macau (MO)|Macedonia (MK)|Madagascar (MG)|Malawi (MW)|Malaysia (MY)|Maldives (MV)|Mali (ML)|Malta (MT)|Marshall Islands (MH)|Martinique (MQ)|Mauritania (MR)|Mauritius (MU)|Mayotte (YT)|Mexico (MX)|Moldova (MD)|Monaco (MC)|Mongolia (MN)|Montserrat (MS)|Morocco (MA)|Mozambique (MZ)|Myanmar (MM)|Namibia (NA)|Nauru (NR)|Nepal (NP)|Netherlands (NL)|Netherlands Antilles (AN)|New Caledonia (NC)|New Zealand (NZ)|Nicaragua (NI)|Niger (NE)|Nigeria (NG)|Niue (NU)|Norfolk Island (NF)|North Korea (KP)|Northern Mariana Islands (MP)|Norway (NO)|Oman (OM)|Pakistan (PK)|Palau (PW)|Palestinian Occupied Territories (PS)|Panama (PA)|Papua New Guinea (PG)|Paraguay (PY)|Peru (PE)|Philippines (PH)|Pitcairn Islands (PN)|Poland (PL)|Portugal (PT)|Puerto Rico (PR)|Qatar (QA)|Reunion (RE)|Romania (RO)|Russia (RU)|Rwanda (RW)|Saint Helena and Dependencies (SH)|Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN)|Saint Lucia (LC)|Saint Pierre and Miquelon (PM)|Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VC)|Samoa (WS)|San Marino (SM)|Sao Tome and Principe (ST)|Saudi Arabia (SA)|Senegal (SN)|Serbia and Montenegro (CS)|Seychelles (SC)|Sierra Leone (SL)|Singapore (SG)|Slovakia (SK)|Slovenia (SI)|Solomon Islands (SB)|Somalia (SO)|South Africa (ZA)|South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands (GS)|South Korea (KR)|Spain (ES)|Spratly Islands (PI)|Sri Lanka (LK)|Sudan (SD)|Suriname (SR)|Svalbard and Jan Mayen (SJ)|Swaziland (SZ)|Sweden (SE)|Switzerland (CH)|Syria (SY)|Taiwan (TW)|Tajikistan (TJ)|Tanzania (TZ)|Thailand (TH)|Togo (TG)|Tokelau (TK)|Tonga (TO)|Trinidad and Tobago (TT)|Tunisia (TN)|Turkey (TR)|Turkmenistan (TM)|Turks And Caicos Islands (TC)|Tuvalu (TV)|Uganda (UG)|Ukraine (UA)|United Arab Emirates (AE)|United Kingdom (UK)|United Nations Neutral Zone (XD)|United States (US)|United States Minor Outlying Islands (UM)|Uruguay (UY)|US Virgin Islands (VI)|Uzbekistan (UZ)|Vanuatu (VU)|Vatican City (VA)|Venezuela (VE)|Vietnam (VN)|Wallis and Futuna (WF)|Western Sahara (EH)|Yemen (YE)|Zambia (ZM)|Zimbabwe (ZW)" #CS $CountriesList="Afghanistan (AF)|Aland Islands (AX)|Albania (AL)|Algeria (DZ)|American Samoa (AS)|Andorra (AD)|"& _ "Angola (AO)|Anguilla (AI)|Antarctica (AQ)|Antigua and Barbuda (AG)|Argentina (AR)|Armenia (AM)|"& _ "Aruba (AW)|Australia (AU)|Austria (AT)|Azerbaijan (AZ)|Bahamas (BS)|Bahrain (BH)|Bangladesh (BD)|"& _ "Barbados (BB)|Belarus (BY)|Belgium (BE)|Belize (BZ)|Benin (BJ)|Bermuda (BM)|Bhutan (BT)|Bolivia (BO)|"& _ "Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)|Botswana (BW)|Bouvet Island (BV)|Brazil (BR)|British Indian Ocean Territory (IO)|"& _ "British Virgin Islands (VG)|Brunei (BN)|Bulgaria (BG)|Burkina Faso (BF)|Burundi (BI)|Cambodia (KH)|"& _ "Cameroon (CM)|Canada (CA)|Cape Verde (CV)|Cayman Islands (KY)|Central African Republic (CF)|Chad (TD)|"& _ "Chile (CL)|China (CN)|Christmas Island (CX)|Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CC)|Colombia (CO)|Comoros (KM)|"& _ "Congo (CG)|Cook Islands (CK)|Costa Rica (CR)|Croatia (HR)|Cuba (CU)|Cyprus (CY)|Czech Republic (CZ)|"& _ "Democratic Republic of Congo (CD)|Denmark (DK)|Disputed Territory (XX)|Djibouti (DJ)|Dominica (DM)|"& _ "Dominican Republic (DO)|East Timor (TL)|Ecuador (EC)|Egypt (EG)|El Salvador (SV)|Equatorial Guinea (GQ)|"& _ "Eritrea (ER)|Estonia (EE)|Ethiopia (ET)|Falkland Islands (FK)|Faroe Islands (FO)|Federated States of Micronesia (FM)|"& _ "Fiji (FJ)|Finland (FI)|France (FR)|French Guyana (GF)|French Polynesia (PF)|French Southern Territories (TF)|"& _ "Gabon (GA)|Gambia (GM)|Georgia (GE)|Germany (DE)|Ghana (GH)|Gibraltar (GI)|Greece (GR)|Greenland (GL)|Grenada (GD)|"& _ "Guadeloupe (GP)|Guam (GU)|Guatemala (GT)|Guinea (GN)|Guinea-Bissau (GW)|Guyana (GY)|Haiti (HT)|"& _ "Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands (HM)|Honduras (HN)|Hong Kong (HK)|Hungary (HU)|Iceland (IS)|India (IN)|"& _ "Indonesia (ID)|Iran (IR)|Iraq (IQ)|Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone (XE)|Ireland (IE)|Israel (IL)|Italy (IT)|"& _ "Ivory Coast (CI)|Jamaica (JM)|Japan (JP)|Jordan (JO)|Kazakhstan (KZ)|Kenya (KE)|Kiribati (KI)|Kuwait (KW)|"& _ "Kyrgyzstan (KG)|Laos (LA)|Latvia (LV)|Lebanon (LB)|Lesotho (LS)|Liberia (LR)|Libya (LY)|Liechtenstein (LI)|"& _ "Lithuania (LT)|Luxembourg (LU)|Macau (MO)|Macedonia (MK)|Madagascar (MG)|Malawi (MW)|Malaysia (MY)|Maldives (MV)|"& _ "Mali (ML)|Malta (MT)|Marshall Islands (MH)|Martinique (MQ)|Mauritania (MR)|Mauritius (MU)|Mayotte (YT)|"& _ "Mexico (MX)|Moldova (MD)|Monaco (MC)|Mongolia (MN)|Montserrat (MS)|Morocco (MA)|Mozambique (MZ)|Myanmar (MM)|"& _ "Namibia (NA)|Nauru (NR)|Nepal (NP)|Netherlands (NL)|Netherlands Antilles (AN)|New Caledonia (NC)|New Zealand (NZ)|"& _ "Nicaragua (NI)|Niger (NE)|Nigeria (NG)|Niue (NU)|Norfolk Island (NF)|North Korea (KP)|Northern Mariana Islands (MP)|"& _ "Norway (NO)|Oman (OM)|Pakistan (PK)|Palau (PW)|Palestinian Occupied Territories (PS)|Panama (PA)|Papua New Guinea (PG)|"& _ "Paraguay (PY)|Peru (PE)|Philippines (PH)|Pitcairn Islands (PN)|Poland (PL)|Portugal (PT)|Puerto Rico (PR)|Qatar (QA)|"& _ "Reunion (RE)|Romania (RO)|Russia (RU)|Rwanda (RW)|Saint Helena and Dependencies (SH)|Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN)|"& _ "Saint Lucia (LC)|Saint Pierre and Miquelon (PM)|Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VC)|Samoa (WS)|San Marino (SM)|"& _ "Sao Tome and Principe (ST)|Saudi Arabia (SA)|Senegal (SN)|Serbia and Montenegro (CS)|Seychelles (SC)|Sierra Leone (SL)|"& _ "Singapore (SG)|Slovakia (SK)|Slovenia (SI)|Solomon Islands (SB)|Somalia (SO)|South Africa (ZA)|"& _ "South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands (GS)|South Korea (KR)|Spain (ES)|Spratly Islands (PI)|Sri Lanka (LK)|"& _ "Sudan (SD)|Suriname (SR)|Svalbard and Jan Mayen (SJ)|Swaziland (SZ)|Sweden (SE)|Switzerland (CH)|Syria (SY)|Taiwan (TW)|"& _ "Tajikistan (TJ)|Tanzania (TZ)|Thailand (TH)|Togo (TG)|Tokelau (TK)|Tonga (TO)|Trinidad and Tobago (TT)|Tunisia (TN)|"& _ "Turkey (TR)|Turkmenistan (TM)|Turks And Caicos Islands (TC)|Tuvalu (TV)|Uganda (UG)|Ukraine (UA)|United Arab Emirates (AE)|"& _ "United Kingdom (UK)|United Nations Neutral Zone (XD)|United States (US)|United States Minor Outlying Islands (UM)|"& _ "Uruguay (UY)|US Virgin Islands (VI)|Uzbekistan (UZ)|Vanuatu (VU)|Vatican City (VA)|Venezuela (VE)|Vietnam (VN)|"& _ "Wallis and Futuna (WF)|Western Sahara (EH)|Yemen (YE)|Zambia (ZM)|Zimbabwe (ZW)" #CE MsgBox(64,"List",$CountriesList)
  16. Yeap, I realize that, but this will still be an issue for anyone who do not know about it. I think for now the best way would be Jos to remove this new option and I'll use the additional script he gave me to concatenate the broken lines in the obfuscated script, after the compilation is complete. However I'm currently on the "Feature requests" page and reading the rules. I plan to add this feature request for Aut2Exe.
  17. OK, I tested it and found a few issues... 1. Eve though I'm using the #Obfuscator_Parameters=/mergeonly option, it still reports the same errors as if I'm using the /SF=1 option. If it is only merging the files, why are these reported? Can they still cause issues? 2. These errors are no longer reported in the console. Instead there is a huge prompt GUI window which stops the process until a button is pressed. 3. In my original source I have a line which is 3982 characters long (it has a long string inside) and compiles normally. However, the Obfuscator gave me this error for that line: !File contains records longer than 2047 .. stopping process. So I went and broke this line with the _ character. I compiled it normally and it ran OK. However, when put through the obfuscator again, obviously it concatenates these broken lines again, but saves the '& ' concatenation characters and the additional quotes that I added when I broke the long string, and the row gets even longer in the obfuscated file (4126 characters). This now causes the Aut2Exe to error with: "ERROR: Unterminated string" because it only takes the first 4094 characters from it... I hope I explained it clear.
  18. Jos, Thank you VERY MUCH! I'll definitely give it a try and I'll prepare a post with a detailed description of what the users should do if they have the same problem, so they won't have to go through what I've been during the last couple of days...
  19. Oops, I missed that Sorry. My head is spinning already. I've been on this issue for 2 days, 12 hours a day. EDIT: OK, that's is a match! 33778 it is! So what this basically does is it only strips the unused variables and nothing else, right? There is no chance any of these functions that are broken with /CF=1 to make any trouble, right?
  20. Yes, I have tried these parameters and the issues are not reported and the script functionality is not broken, BUT the line numbers do not match! The compiled EXE reports line 33778 and the error line in the obfuscated source is 34223. Quite a big difference.
  21. That's what I'm talking about - It (the compiler) changes. Whatever we come up with now, it may not work tomorrow after the next update... I'm seriously putting this feature request. But I'll keep working on the code above...
  22. I was not aware that you can use the #include <myincludefile.au3> directive to include files from the script folder. I thought only #include "myincludefile.au3" is used for local includes. OK, I'll account for this in the next modification... Thanks for letting me know.
  23. Manadar, I hope you see now that this is not exactly a 10 minutes process and it involves A LOT of guessing what exactly Aut2Exe does. And imagine that we manage to guess it right and make this program match the line numbers, then the next version of Aut2Exe is changed due to a bug fix, then what? Start the guessing game again? And since Aut2Exe already does what we are trying to do here, I don't see why we can't use this in our advantage. I believe it won't be too much of a trouble for the developer to add some kind of command line switch (/DumpSource for example) and once the Aut2Exe gets to the point where the whole source is prepared for compilation, it checks for that switch and dumps the source into InputFilename_Dump.au3 for example. So I would like to put this a feature request. I believe it is reasonable and will make finding bugs in the compiled scripts a lot easier.
  24. BrewManNH - It does include the #Include "filename.au3" files. Check again... Manadar - we are getting closer. I stripped the empty lines and left the #include-once directives. The reported line number was 35427 and the actual line is now 39207. Only about 3800 lines more to get rid of. Here is the new version. ;Au3CodeAppender.au3 ;Written by dv8 on Feb. 24 2012 ;Any suggestions and improvements are welcome! #Include <string.au3> If $CmdLine[0]=1 AND FileExists($CmdLine[1]) Then $SourceFile=$CmdLine[1] Else ConsoleWrite("ERROR: The input file does not exist!"&@CRLF) Exit EndIf ConsoleWrite(StringTrimRight(@ScriptFullPath,4)&".ini"&@CRLF) GLOBAL $IncludeLibrariesPath=INIRead(StringTrimRight(@ScriptFullPath,4)&".ini","General","IncludeLibrariesPath","") If $IncludeLibrariesPath<>"" AND StringRight($IncludeLibrariesPath,1)<>'' Then $IncludeLibrariesPath&='' If Not FileExists($IncludeLibrariesPath) Then ConsoleWrite("ERROR: The IncludeLibrariesPath ("&$IncludeLibrariesPath&") does not exist. Please set it in the INI file."&@CRLF) Exit EndIf GLOBAL $IncludedFiles="" ;This is to keep track of the included files so they do not get included twice. GLOBAL $NewContent="" RecursiveAddFile($SourceFile) $DestFile=FileOpen(StringTrimRight($SourceFile,4)&"_Merged.au3",2) FileWrite($DestFile,$NewContent) FileClose($DestFile) Func RecursiveAddFile($File) ConsoleWrite("Currently adding: "&$File&@CRLF) $tmp=StringSplit($File,"") $SourceFileName=$tmp[$tmp[0]] $SourceFilePath=$tmp[1]&'' For $i=2 To $tmp[0]-1 $SourceFilePath&=$tmp[$i]&'' Next $F=FileOpen($File,0) While 1 $Line=FileReadLine($F) If @error<>0 Then ExitLoop If StringStripWS($Line,8)="" Then ContinueLoop ElseIf StringLeft(StringStripWS($Line,1),1)=';' Then ContinueLoop ElseIf StringLower(StringLeft(StringStripWS($Line,1),8))="#include" AND StringLower(StringLeft(StringStripWS($Line,1),13))<>"#include-once"Then $TrimmedLine=StringStripWS(StringTrimLeft($Line,8),3) ConsoleWrite("Found #include "&$TrimmedLine&@CRLF) If StringInStr($TrimmedLine,'<') AND StringInStr($TrimmedLine,'>') Then $aName=_StringBetween($TrimmedLine,"<",">") $FileN=StringStripWS($aName[0],3) $FileToAdd=$IncludeLibrariesPath&$FileN If Not StringInStr($IncludedFiles,$FileToAdd) Then $IncludedFiles&=$FileToAdd&"|" RecursiveAddFile($FileToAdd) Else ConsoleWrite("Skipping: "&$FileToAdd&" (Already added)"&@CRLF) EndIf ElseIf StringInStr($TrimmedLine,'"') AND StringInStr($TrimmedLine,'"') Then $aName=_StringBetween($TrimmedLine,'"','"') $FileN=StringStripWS($aName[0],3) $FileToAdd=$SourceFilePath&$FileN If Not StringInStr($IncludedFiles,$FileToAdd) Then $IncludedFiles&=$FileToAdd&"|" RecursiveAddFile($FileToAdd) Else ConsoleWrite("Skipping: "&$FileToAdd&" (Already added)"&@CRLF) EndIf ElseIf StringInStr($TrimmedLine,"'") AND StringInStr($TrimmedLine,"'") Then $aName=_StringBetween($TrimmedLine,"'","'") $FileN=StringStripWS($aName[0],3) $FileToAdd=$SourceFilePath&$FileN If Not StringInStr($IncludedFiles,$FileToAdd) Then $IncludedFiles&=$FileToAdd&"|" RecursiveAddFile($FileToAdd) Else ConsoleWrite("Skipping: "&$FileToAdd&" (Already added)"&@CRLF) EndIf Else ConsoleWrite("ERROR: Unrecognized #Include line ("&$Line&")"&@CRLF) FileClose($F) Exit EndIf Else $NewContent&=$Line&@CRLF EndIf Wend FileClose($F) EndFunc
  25. Guys, do you read the posts at all? This is frustrating. I said: "This program generates a new YourScriptName_Merged.au3 script with no #include directives, which contains all the include files that were referred in the main script." You are also welcome to try it and give any suggestions...
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