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  1. I'm trying to install some setup stuff on Win10. One part of the script requires just regular user privileges but the other requires admin privileges. When I run it from the Autoit Editor it works like a champ. When I build it, Windows slaps the admin stamp on it and then when I attempt to run the part that only requires regular users....it gets all hosed up. Is there a way to remove #RequireAdmin? I've tried RunAs(username, "", myPassword, "", "cmd.exe", "") but that never seems to work. Can someone help me out?
  2. Is it possible for AutoIt to execute LALT+LSHIFT+NUMLOCK? I've attempted the following: ;To show the desktop Send("{RWIN down}") Send("{d}") Send("{RWIN up}") WinWait(2) ;just to make sure the desktop is activated. ControlClick("", "",1[,button="left"[, clicks=2 [, x [, y]]]] ) Send("{LALT down}") Send("{CLT down}") Send("{DELETE down}") ;Send("{LSHIFT down}") ;Send("{NUMLOCK}") ;Send("{NUMLOCK}") ;Send ("{LALT up}") ;Send("{LSHIFT up}") This should bring up the MouseKeys dialog...but I'm getting nothing. Thanks for any help!
  3. Thanks for that...I'll dig into it.
  4. I have a super simple login screen I'm trying to access that is written in java. My java testing tools can't access the login screen because it's a modal window. So I figured I'd see if AutoIt can manipulate 'something' on it. I can enter text within the text boxes for user name and password. But I can't see to click on the login button. I've tried just tabbing to it and hitting the enter key (as I really wouldn't have to be completely interacting with the frame). But that didn't work. I was hoping to throw it some coordinates and just double click in that relative area, but when I get the whole " ==> Subscript used on non-accessible variable.:" when I attempt to use ControlGetPos() I'm assuming because it can't truly interact with the Java frame. So I'm kind of stuck here...can't use AutoIt, can't use a Java automation testing tool to do this due to the modal issues. Does anyone have any ideas? My code is below though I think it's less to do with code and more what AutoIt can and can't do. #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Local $hWnd = WinActivate("[CLASS:sunawtframe]", "Login") Local $aPos = ControlGetPos($hWnd, "[CLASS:SUNAWTFRAME]", "Login") Local $myXPos = $aPos[0] + 420 Local $myYPos = $aPos[1] + 270 Send("guest") Send("{TAB}") Send("guest") Send("{TAB}") ;Tried Control Click it failed ControlClick($hWnd, "", "Login") ;Tried Mouse Click and that failed MouseClick("Left", $myXPos, $myYPos, 2) Thanks for any help!
  5. Hello, I'm new to AutoIt and I'm just messing around making a hello world program with VS using Autoit. The line I'm attempting to write is: Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); I've split it up and have made progress to get this: Console.WriteLine("Hello World") < notice no semicolon How do escape characters work, what are they, etc?? This is what I've scripted up so far: Send("Console.WriteLine(") Send("""Hello World""") Send("")"") Send('"";""') Thanks for any help!
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