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About Rammanan

  • Birthday January 26

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Wayfarer (2/7)



  1. Hi all, Can anyone help me on this . Currently i'm write to .txt file. How to change it to Array. For $i = 0 To $Num $open = FileOpen("C:\temp\recipe.txt",1) $MYEditText = _GUICtrlListBox_ClickItem ($LHandle,$i) $MyWantedText1 = ControlGetText($Handle,"","") $MyWantedText1 = StringStripWS($MyWantedText1, 1) $MyWantedText1 = StringStripWS($MyWantedText1, 2) $file = FileWrite($open,$MyWantedText1 & @CRLF) ;(Write test at .txt) FileClose($open) Next Thanks
  2. Hi @Danp2 Thanks. Problem solve
  3. HI expert, I have a string that looks like this: MY_NAME_IS_TOM How to split this to multiple string. Example like this Example; $1 =("MY") $1 =("NAME") $1 =("IS") $1 =("TOM") Please advise on this,. Thanks
  4. @Bert I asking advice for convert using autoit.😃
  5. Hi experts, Can anyone advice how to convert PDF file to Excel format. Without using any third part software.
  6. This machine don't have any network or database connection.
  7. @spudw2k This software run on Machine. So follow company policy i cannot share the app name.
  8. Hi all, Can anyone help on this?
  9. please refer the attachment. Once scan bar code it will show information at Directory,Device Data No and ID.
  10. @spudw2k ControlGetHandle correct. because function ControlSetText can write text at text box. Problem is if i using bar code scanner once scan it will show information that we want. But using Autoit it can write text into text box but not show information that we want. anything i need add after controlSetText?
  11. Hi all, I need some advice. I have application that allowed input text only with bar code scanner (we cannot enter text using keyboard). After scan bar code it will show some details. Now i try automate this application. I try function ControlSetText to input text. It work but after enter the text it not show details that we want. If using with bar code scanner after scan it will auto show the details we want. Please advise.
  12. @FrancescoDiMuro Thanks so much it working 🙏
  13. @Nine i have attach the file. I check using notepad++ but no space show recipe.txt
  14. recipe.txt file look like this. No space
  15. 1d array right? But still get -1
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