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Showing content with the highest reputation since 09/01/2011 in Files

  1. Version


    Extensive library to control and manipulate Microsoft Active Directory. Threads: Development - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki Previous downloads: 30467 Known Bugs: (last changed: 2020-10-05) None Things to come: (last changed: 2020-07-21) None BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort
    73 points
  2. water




    Extensive library to control and manipulate Microsoft Outlook. This UDF holds the functions to automate items (folders, mails, contacts ...) in the background. Can be seen like an API. There are other UDFs available to automate Outlook: OutlookEX_GUI: This UDF holds the functions to automate the Outlook GUI. OutlookTools: Allows to import/export contacts and events to VCF/ICS files and much more. Threads: Development - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort KNOWN BUGS (last changed: 2020-02-09) None
    51 points
  3. Trong

    Image Search UDF

    Version 2021.8.30.2


    Use MouseClick() need: #RequireAdmin Dll is already integrated in UDF ! ; #INDEX# =============================================================== ; Title .........: ImageSearch ; AutoIt Version : 3.x ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Check image Appears or Not and Return the position of an image on the desktop ; Author(s) .....: Dao Van Trong - TRONG.LIVE ; ======================================================================= ; #CURRENT# ============================================================= ; _ImageSearch ; _ImageSearch_Area ; _ImageSearch_Wait ; _ImageSearch_WaitArea ; ======================================================================== ;========================================================================= ; ; Author:...........: AutoIT VietNam : Dao Van Trong - TRONG.LIVE ; Description:......: Check image Appears or Not ; Find and return the position of an image on the desktop ; Syntax:........... _ImageSearch_Area, _ImageSearch ; Parameter(s):..... $_ImagePath: The image to locate on the desktop ; May be a list of image by delimited by "|" ; i.e: $_ImagePath = "image1.bmp|image2.bmp|image3.bmp" ; $P_x1 $P_y1: Position of 1st point ; $P_x2 $P_y2: Position of 2nd point - Default is last botton right of desktop ; $_Tolerance: 0 for no tolerance (0-255). Needed when colors of image differ from desktop. e.g GIF ; $_CenterPos: boolen. True will return $array[1] x $array[2] is center of image found. ; False will return top-left position ; Return Value(s):.. Return an array has 3 item ; On Success: $array[0] 1 ; On Failure: $array[0] 0 ; DLL not found or other error: $array[0] -1 ; $array[1] x $array[2]: position of image what found on desktop ; ; Note:............. Use _ImageSearch to search the entire desktop ; _ImageSearch_Area to specify a desktop region to search ; $_ImagePath with more item need more time appear on screen before function can detect. ; Decrease sleep time in the loop to detect faster. But less performance. I.e CPULoad increased ; ;======================================================================== EG 1: ;~ Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ;~ #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y ;~ #AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=y #RequireAdmin #include "_ImageSearch_UDF.au3" HotKeySet("{Esc}", "_Exit") ; Press ESC for exit Func _Exit() Exit 0 EndFunc ;==>_Exit Global Const $Ask_On_Found = 0 Global Const $Mouse_Move_On_Found = 1 Global Const $Mouse_Click_On_Found = 0 Global Const $iSleep_Time=500 Global $sCount = 0, $_Image_1 = @ScriptDir & "\example.bmp" ; First, use this function to create a file bmp, maybe a desktop icon for example') MsgBox(64 + 262144, 'ImageSearch', 'At first, create a file bmp,' & @CRLF & 'photos that will search on the screen!') _ImageSearch_Create_BMP($_Image_1) ConsoleWrite("! Search for images: " & $_Image_1 & @CRLF & '! Searching on the screen ...' & @CRLF) While 1 ToolTip('(Press ESC for EXIT) Searching ...', 1, 1) Sleep($iSleep_Time) $sCount += 1 Local $return = _ImageSearch($_Image_1) If $return[0] = 1 Then ConsoleWrite('- [' & $sCount & '] Image found:' & " X=" & $return[1] & " Y=" & $return[2] & @CRLF) If $Mouse_Move_On_Found Then MouseMove($return[1], $return[2]) Sleep($iSleep_Time) EndIf If $Mouse_Click_On_Found Then MouseClick("left", $return[1], $return[2]) ToolTip('(Press ESC for EXIT) - [' & $sCount & "] Image found:" & " X=" & $return[1] & " Y=" & $return[2], 1, 1) If $Ask_On_Found Then Local $ask = MsgBox(6 + 262144, 'Success [' & $sCount & ']', 'Image found:' & " X=" & $return[1] & " Y=" & $return[2]) If $ask = 2 Or $ask = 3 Or $ask = 5 Or $ask = 7 Then Exit ;No, Abort, Cancel, and Ignore If $ask = 10 Then _ImageSearch_Create_BMP($_Image_1) ; Continue ;Try Again EndIf EndIf Sleep(200) WEnd Video demo: [+] When any problem or error occurs, please make sure that:- Downloaded and used the latest version.- Set screen Screen Scale and layout = 100%- Installed display driver.- Tried turning off the antivirus- Full installation: Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2005->2022 [+] You can download the AIO version of the Visual C++ Redistributable here: -> https://www.mediafire.com/file/0ak8dcj9mdn7nyq/VisualCppRedist_AIO_2005-2022_x86_x64_%5Btrong.live%5D.zip/file -> FOR Windows XP: https://www.mediafire.com/file/5m5lnr1kfg73tc9/VisualCppRedist_AIO_2005-2019_x86_XP_%5Btrong.live%5D.zip/file <!> Password for Extract: trong.live [+] The last full version of SCITE4AutoIT supports windows XP: https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite/download/archive/v19.1127.1402.0-SciTE4AutoIt3.exe
    22 points
  4. water

    Task Scheduler



    Extensive library to control and manipulate Microsoft Task Scheduler Service. Please check this site for the implementation status! Please check the History.txt file in the archive for the changelog. Please check the WIKI for details about how to use the UDF. BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort KNOWN BUGS (last changed: 2021-02-03) None Things to come (last changed: 2021-02-03) None
    17 points
  5. BBs19

    MetroGUI UDF

    Version 5.1


    Features: Create modern looking borderless and resizable GUIs with control buttons (Close,Maximize/Restore,Minimize, Fullscreen, Menu) True borderless, resizeable GUI with full support for aerosnap etc. Many color schemes/themes included. See MetroThemes.au3 for more details. 2 type of Windows 8/10 style buttons. Modern checkboxes, radios, toggles and progressbar. All buttons, checkboxes etc. have hover effects! Windows 10 style modern MsgBox. Windows 10/Android style menu that slides in from left.
    17 points
  6. Version v3.3.16.1


    This is the current stable version of AutoIt. What's new: Changelog. Main AutoIt download page (for AutoIt and other tools like the script editor).
    16 points
  7. Version 1.2


    I wrote an introductory text for new programmers to learn how to code using AutoIt. It follows along with the help file for the most part – but provides additional context and attempts to connect all the information in a cohesive way for someone without any programming experience. I find the help file to be an AMAZING resource and the text I wrote in no way reflects any opinion to the contrary. Rather, it was created from the perspective of someone who struggled early on with the most basic concepts and thought that a hand-holding guide could be useful. I was also inspired by code.org who is trying to encourage people to learn to code. I thought – what better way than to use free tools that you can download at any time with access to an amazing community? If only there was a guide to walk people through it … Full discussion about the file can be found here: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/174205-introductory-learn-to-program-text-using-au3/
    16 points
  8. Version v2.4.0


    Encryption / Decryption / Hashing / Signing Purpose Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) is Microsoft's long-term replacement for their CryptoAPI. Microsoft's CNG is designed to be extensible at many levels and cryptography agnostic in behavior. Although the Crypt.au3 UDF lib that is installed with AutoIt3 still works well, the advapi32.dll functions that it uses have been deprecated. In addition the Crypt.au3 UDF lib, as it is currently written, has a very limited ability to decrypt AES data that was not encrypted using Crypt.au3 functions. That is because Crypt.au3 functions do not allow you to specify an actual key or initialization vector (IV). It only lets you specify data to be used to derive a key and uses a static IV. This UDF was created to offer a replacement for the deprecated functions used by Crypt.au3. According to Microsoft, deprecated functions may be removed in future release. It was also created to allow more flexibility and functionality in encryption/decryption/hashing/signing and to expand the ability for users to implement cryptography in their scripts. Description This UDF implements some of Microsoft's Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) Win32 API functions. It implements functions to encrypt/decrypt text and files, generate hashes, derive keys using Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2), create and verify signatures, and has several cryptography-related helper functions. The UDF can implement any encryption/decryption algorithms and hashing algorithms that are supported by the installed cryptography providers on the PC in which it is running. Most, if not all, of the "magic number" values that you would commonly use to specify that desired algorithms, key bit lengths, and other magic number type values, are already defined as constants or enums in the UDF file. To flatten the learning curve, there is an example file that shows examples of all of the major functionality. This example file is not created to be an exhaustive set of how to implement each feature and parameter. It is designed to give you a template or guide to help you hit the ground running in terms of using the functions. I have tried to fully document the headers of all of the functions as well as the code within the functions themselves. As of v1.4.0, there is also a Help file that includes all of the functions, with examples. Current UDF Functions Algorithm-Specific Symmetric Encryption/Decryption Functions _CryptoNG_AES_CBC_EncryptData _CryptoNG_AES_CBC_DecryptData _CryptoNG_AES_CBC_EncryptFile _CryptoNG_AES_CBC_DecryptFile _CryptoNG_AES_ECB_EncryptData _CryptoNG_AES_ECB_DecryptData _CryptoNG_AES_GCM_EncryptData _CryptoNG_AES_GCM_DecryptData _CryptoNG_3DES_CBC_EncryptData _CryptoNG_3DES_CBC_DecryptData _CryptoNG_3DES_CBC_EncryptFile _CryptoNG_3DES_CBC_DecryptFile Generic Symmetric Encryption/Decryption Functions _CryptoNG_EncryptData _CryptoNG_DecryptData _CryptoNG_EncryptFile _CryptoNG_DecryptFile Hashing Functions _CryptoNG_HashData _CryptoNG_HashFile _CryptoNG_PBKDF2 Asymmetric (Public/Private Key) Cryptography Functions _CryptoNG_ECDSA_CreateKeyPair _CryptoNG_ECDSA_SignHash _CryptoNG_ECDSA_VerifySignature _CryptoNG_RSA_CreateKeyPair _CryptoNG_RSA_CreateKeyPairEx _CryptoNG_RSA_EncryptData _CryptoNG_RSA_DecryptData _CryptoNG_RSA_SignHash _CryptoNG_RSA_VerifySignature Misc / Helper Functions _CryptoNG_CryptBinaryToString _CryptoNG_CryptStringToBinary _CryptoNG_GenerateRandom _CryptoNG_EnumAlgorithms _CryptoNG_EnumRegisteredProviders _CryptoNG_EnumKeyStorageProviders _CryptoNG_LastErrorMessage _CryptoNG_Version Related Links Cryptography API: Next Generation - Main Page Cryptography API: Next Generation - Reference Cryptography API: Next Generation - Primitives Cryptography API: Next Generation - Cryptographic Algorithm Providers
    15 points
  9. Version 0.2024.9.16


    This is @Yashied's most excellent control viewer, modified by me, based on the code @boomingranny posted. There are 2 forum entries, one shows active and the other depreciated, and not seen @Yashied since March 2016, so I feel is OK to post this, tho, i'd take it down upon request. PS: Do run as Admin if available, as it may not do what you need without the rights.
    11 points
  10. water




    The F1 key in SciTE displays the documentation for the word on which the cursor is located. Up to now this was only available for AutoIt. But times change and we change with them Now with Advanced.Help ANY CHM help file (Compressed HTML Help) can be called with the F1 key. The only prerequisite: All function names have to start with the same identifier (like _AD_, _OL_ etc.). This tool, created by BugFix from the german forum and the help of Musashi, allows custom CHM help files to be included in SciTE. The existing help key is used to call either the AutoIt help or the corresponding custom help. Depending on which keyword the cursor is currently on. For unknown keywords the AutoIt help is called. For AutoIt a separate window is opened and for the user-defined UDFs another window is opened, so you can work with both helps at the same time. The ZIP file contains an installation guide in German (Install_Deutsch.txt) and English (Install_English.txt) in which the installation and configuration is described in detail. Most CHM help files come with UDFs you can download from this forum section (AD, OutlookEX, TaskScheduler). In addition we have added the preliminary release of the WebDriver help file. The most current CHM help file is now only distributed with the WebDriver UDF. BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort Known Bugs: (last changed: 2022-07-20) None
    11 points
  11. water

    PowerPoint UDF



    Extensive library to control and manipulate Microsoft PowerPoint. Threads: Help & Support, Wiki BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort
    11 points
  12. Version


    zPlayer is a standalone, intuitive, and fully functional media player. Built to suit my purpose, it is customizable to your taste. zPlayer is powered by winmm.dll, an integral part of Windows. Features No 3rd Party Dependencies: Utilizes only Windows components and standard AutoIt UDFs. Universal Playback: Supports all digital media formats, provided proper codecs are installed. Independent Video Window: Separate video window with a minimal GUI for music. Versatile Loading Options: Load files, folders, or an audio CD for playback. Marquee Style Display: Long file names are displayed in smooth, infinite marquee style. Smart Playlists: Automatically generated playlists and easy-to-make custom playlists. Hidden Playlist: Playlist is hidden by default but available on demand in shuffled or sorted formats. Context Menus: Options include Play This File, File Properties, Search Internet, Go to This Folder, Move Playlist Item, and Remove from Playlist. Interactive Interface: Double-click any item to play it, search strings in the playlist, and use hotkeys for most functions. Playback Controls: Forward, backward, pause, and change folder. Repeat Functions: A-B repeat, current file repeat, and multiple-file repeat. Volume Control: Increase, decrease, or mute sound volume, synchronized with Windows volume mixer. Unmutes audio device on startup. Playback Environment Save: Save playback environment on session termination and resume in the next session. Resume Playback: Option to resume playback from where it was left off, with audio fade-in. Efficient Performance: Very low CPU and memory usage. Technical Information The script runs or compiles in x64 mode. To change this setting, comment out #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=Y. The attached zPlayer.exe was compiled in x64 mode and is not flagged by Windows Defender as malicious. Compiling to x86 may result in false positive flags by Windows Defender. Feedback If you find an error, please download the latest version, as it may already be corrected. Otherwise, I would appreciate it if you could kindly let me know. zPlayer-NoUI.au3 The download section includes zPlayer-NoUI.au3. This is an abbreviated version of zPlayer, which is a music player controlled by hotkeys only, without a GUI. Note: zPlayer was tested to work in Windows 10 and 11. It should work in Windows 7, too. I would like to know if there is any compatibility problem.
    9 points
  13. Version 0.1.0


    ATTENTION! THIS IS STILL WORK IN PROGRESS! This is the modified version of MrCreatoR's "Simple Library Docs Generator". It allows to create CHM help files that look like the AutoIt help file. In additon this CHM files can then be used with Advanced.Help. This a very early alpha version - so it is miles away from being perfect. It's just something for you to play with. The documentation is in the making and will be published as soon as possible. BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort
    8 points
  14. water




    Extensive library to control and manipulate Microsoft Excel charts. Written by GreenCan and water. Theads: General Help & Support - Example Scripts BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort KNOWN BUGS (last changed: 2017-07-21) None. The COM error handling related bugs have been fixed.
    8 points
  15. Version v1.4.0


    Purpose (from Microsoft's website) The HTTP Server API enables applications to communicate over HTTP without using Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS). Applications can register to receive HTTP requests for particular URLs, receive HTTP requests, and send HTTP responses. The HTTP Server API includes SSL support so that applications can exchange data over secure HTTP connections without IIS. Description There have been several times in the past that I wanted to either retrieve information from one of my PCs or execute commands on one of my PCs, whether it was from across the world or sitting on my couch. Since AutoIt is one of my favorite tools for automating just about anything on my PC, I looked for ways to make to make it happen. Setting up a full blown IIS server seemed like overkill so I looked for lighter weight solutions. I thought about creating my own AutoIt UDP or TCP server but that just wasn't robust enough, Then I found Microsoft's HTTP Server API and it looked very promising. After doing a little research into the APIs, I found that it was flexible & robust enough to handle just about any of the tasks that I required now and in the future. So a while back I decided to wrap the API functionality that I needed into an AutoIt UDF file to allow me to easily create the functionality I needed at the time. It has come in very handy over the years. Of course it wasn't all wrapped up with a nice little bow like it is now. That only happened when I decided to share it with anyone else who could use it or learn from it. The example file that I included is a very granular example of the steps required to get a lightweight HTTP Server up and listening for GET requests. The UDF is a wrapper for the Microsoft APIs. That means to do anything over and above what I show in the example, one would probably have to have at least a general knowledge of APIs or the ability to figure out which APIs/functions to use, what structures and data is needed to be passed to them, and in what order. However, the UDF gives a very solid foundation on which to build upon. Of course, if anyone has questions about the UDF or how to implement any particular functionality, I would probably help to the extent that I could or point you in the right direction so that you can figure out how to implement your own solution. The APIs included in the UDF are the ones that I needed in the past to do what I needed to do. If any additional APIs need to be added to the UDF file, please make those suggestions in the related forum topic. Being that this is basically an AutoIt wrapper for the Microsoft API functions, there's no need to create AutoIt-specific documentation. All of the UDF functions, structures, constants, and enumerations are named after their Microsoft API counterparts. Therefore, you can refer to Microsoft's extensive documentation of their HTTP Server API. As stated earlier, if there is one or more APIs that you find yourself needing for your particular solution, please suggest it in the related Example Scripts forum topic. Related Links Microsoft HTTP Server API - Start Page Microsoft HTTP Server API - API v2 Reference Microsoft HTTP Server API - Programming Model
    7 points
  16. water




    Built on top of the OutlookEX UDF it offers some often needed extended functionality (import/export ics/vcf/csv files etc.) (former name: iCal UDF). Note: This is a beta version - script breaking changes may occur at any time! Prerequisite: OutlookEX UDF. Details about all functions can be found in the Wiki. ICS (iCalendar) import - Import iCal events from an ICS file to an Outlook calendar VCF (vCard) import - Import vCard contacts to an Outlook contacts folder CSV import - Import data from a CSV file and create Outlook items in a specified folder Export - Export Outlook items (contacts, appointments) in VCF, ICS, CSV or Excel format Links: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545 (ICS - iCalendar) https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6350 (VCF - vCard) Threads: General Help & Support Known Bugs: (last changed: 2019-01-22) None Things to come: (last changed: 2022-01-25) Support for EML mails (email contents as plain text in MIME format) will be added BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort
    7 points
  17. Version 3.4


    The CodeScannerCrypterBundle (ca. 2.9 MB unzipped) contains the following UDFs and utilities: CodeScanner: analyse AutoIt script structure and content, identify potential issues, generate MCF data files CodeCrypter: front-end GUI for the MCF library, for script encryption (without storing the decryption key(s) in the script!) MetaCodeFile UDF (MCF library): for analysis and user-defined alterations of AutoIt script structure and content MCFinclude.au3: #include this UDF in any AutoIt script that you wish CodeCrypter to process CryptoNG, by TheXman; encryption UDF using Bcrypt dll calls (32/64-bit; various algorithms) StoreCCprofile.au3/readCSdatadump.au3/helloworld.au3: auxiliary utilities and example script HowToCodeCrypt.pdf: a simple guide in five steps CodeCrypterFAQ.pdf: questions and answers, partly based upon exchanges in the CodeCrypter thread. MetaCodeTutorial.pdf: the MCF engine explained; useful for encryption, GUI translation, code translation, and much more... Please follow the links for additional information.
    6 points
  18. Jon

    AutoIt v3.3.15.4 Beta


    AutoIt: - Changed: PCRE regular expression engine updated to 8.44. - Added: doc pages about ControlID/Handle and String/Encoding. - Added #2375: SetError(), SetExtended() doc precision. - Added #3780: WinSetTitle() on notepad.exe is reverted when the windows get focus starting Windows 19H1 !!! - Added #3222: Doc precision for statement with 2 FileInstall(). - Added: ConsoleWrite() preserves the @error and @extended. - Added: ConsoleWriteError() preserves the @error and @extended. - Added #2938: Add "GetCount" to ControlCommand() - Added #3539: FileGetTime() UTC. - Added #3808: ProgressOn()/ProgressSet() - size of the progress window - Fixed: Missing Opt("SetExitCode", 1) and AutoIt3 Exit codes in doc. - Fixed #3211: Doc precision for hwnd parameter in Pixel*() functions. - Fixed #3774: Doc precision about Null keyword comparison. - Fixed #3579: DllStructGetData() doc precision. - Fixed #3823: Language Reference - Variables typo. - Fixed #3021: bad obj calling. - Fixed #3106: StringIsFloat() doesn't accept a valid FP exponent. - Fixed #3135: StdioClose memory leak. - Fixed #3165: Call UBound Array[0] AutoIt Crash. - Fixed #3167: Com error handler not called. - Fixed #3179: Number() failure with lower case hex. - Fixed #3182: MouseMove() on multiple screens. - Fixed #3232: Issue when parsing scientific notation literals. - Fixed #3659: InetClose() always false. - Fixed #3682: GuiCtrlCreatePic() with h=0 and w=0. - Fixed #3701: Crash with array 2^24. - Fixed #3710: @OSVersion for Server 2019. - Fixed #3743: [LAST] and WinWaitClose(), WinExists(), WinGetHandle(), etc. - Fixed #3772: int64 = -9223372036854775808 not handled properly. - Fixed #3778: ToolTip() position. - Fixed #3789: FileRead() on big ANSI file (1Gb). - Fixed #3790: UCS2 compare empty string. - Fixed #3807: GUISetIcon() in taskbar. - Fixed #3809: WinGetTitle() on windows created with _WinAPI_CreateWindowEx(). - Fixed #3817: Double to Int64 conversion. AutoItX: - Fixed: run*() showflag default SW_SHOWNORMAL. Aut2Exe: - Fixed #2383: Aut2exe GUI dropped files. - Added #3684: Aut2exe title with version. Au3Check: - Fixed #3785: Crash if too many includes. Au3info: - Added #3938: DPI scaling Support. UDFs: - Changed: Updated used Excel constant enumerations in ExcelConstants.au3 to Excel 2016. - Added #3514: _GUICtrlTreeView_GetLastItem() (Thanks Crazzy). - Added #3611: _GUICtrlListView_SetBkHBITMAP() (Thanks Alofa). - Added #3695: _SQLite_Display2DResult() 2 additional parameters $sDelim_Col and $sDelim_Row. - Added #3675: WinNET.au3 $tagNETRESOURCE: Add constants. - Added #3740: _ChooseColor() support Custom colors (Thanks argumentum). - Added #3547: _FormatAutoItExitCode() and _FormatAutoItExitMethod(). - Added #3696: _ArrayFromString(). - Added #3771: ColorConstants.au3 now include all W3C extended colors. THIS IS A small SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGE - Added #3739: _Array2DCreate(). - Added #3550: _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr() support 2 new formats to return GMT or ISO8601 format. - Added: _WinAPI_CreateProcess() example. - Added #3804: _GUICtrlMenu_CreateMenu() example to demonstrate menuclick non blocking. - Added #3806: _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawString() with AlphaColor font. - Added #3811: _SQLite_Startup() new parameter to allow return AutoIt Type variables by _SQLite_FetchData(). - Added: _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices() optimisation (Thanks pixelsearch). - Added: _WinAPI_GetProcessName() and _WinAPI_GetParentProcessName() doc example (Thanks argumentum). - Added #3813: _MemGlobalRealloc(). - Added #3816: _WinAPI_ReadDirectoryChanges() example with magic number. - Fixed #3819: _FileCountLines() can use file handle. - Added: SpeedUp display and sorting of ArrayDisplay() and _DebugArrayDisplay() (Thanks LarsJ). - Fixed #3647: _GDIPlus_ImageResize() ghost border. - Fixed #3650: _GDIPlus_ImageResize() off by one. - Fixed #3633: _GUICtrlRichEdit_GotoCharPos() does not detect end of text. - Fixed #3765: _FileWriteLog() using Handle Cannot insert atvthe beginning, just set @extended. - Fixed #3776: __EventLog_DecodeDesc(). - Fixed: _GUICtrlListView_SetItemChecked() regression and more GUIListview.au3 functions. - Fixed: _WinAPI_CreateEvent() return error on already define $sName. - Fixed: use "wstr" for "ptr" with Null value. - Fixed #3791: _ArrayDisplay() sort arrow. - Fixed #3805: $tagRID_DEVICE_INFO_KEYBOARD definition. - Fixed #3810: _ArrayUnique not handling "Default" for Parameter $iIntType. - Fixed: _WinAPI_DragQueryFileEx() $iflag behavior when mix drag (Thanks pixelsearch). - Fixed #3812: _DateTimeSplit() returning @error. - Fixed #3814: $PAGE_ connstants for _WinAPI_CreateFileMapping(). - Fixed #3821: _WinAPI_OemToChar() with string greater than 65536 crash. - Fixed: _Now(), _NowCalc(), ... date time coherency when call just on hour change. (Thanks argumentum). - Fixed #3824: _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamToFile(), _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamFromFile() default encoding doc. - Fixed #3825: beta regression for $tagEDITSTREAM in x64.
    6 points
  19. 109,417 downloads

    A Tutorial for new people * Over 19 InterActive GUI's * Over 50 Step-by-Step Scripts * Verbal Instructions * Complete with Demonstrations. * and Answers * Exe Format for New People Written completely with AutoIt to Demonstrate some of the Capabilities of AutoIt May not Work with Windows 98 ( tested once = fail) Re-Testing is now possible ( Click "Search Help" then type in "me dummy, you fix" ) Enjoy!!! Valuater 8)
    6 points
  20. Version build 2016-05-07


    Some Graphical Examples using GDI+ Vol. II (33 examples) This is the continuation of "Some Graphical Examples using GDI+ Vol. I". Have fun.
    6 points
  21. c.haslam


    Version 1.15.4


    cDebug.au3 includes four main debugging UDFs: _GuiDebug(), _ConsDebug(), _ClipDebug() and _FormatValsForDebug(). They all dump the values of all AutoIt subtypes and expressions, in a structured manner, including nested arrays (up to 3 dimensions) and slices of them, and even DLL structs and maps. It is an alternative to a graphical debugger, offering GUI output. The format for calling the UDFs has been designed to make coding a call as convenient and fast as possible, minimizing coding effort and the chances of errors: the $name argument is often the same as the variables arguments, enclosed in quote marks. For DLL structures, if you specify a tag, cDebug checks for differences between it and what it detects. If you only specify a structure variable, it can report the structure it detects, with the values of elements. It does much more than MsgBox(), ConsoleWrite() and _ArrayDisplay(), in a definitely user-friendly manner, and does its best to avoid hiding your code in SciTE. #include cDebug no maps.au3 or cDebug.au3 at the top of your script. If you #include cDebug.au3 (the version with maps) #include #AutoIt3Wrapper_Version=B before #include cDebug.au3 It is fully documented in . During debugging and development of new features, the current version is used to debug the upcoming version, so there is much testing, even so bugs are always possible, particularly in new features, such as reporting elements of maps whose keys match a regular expression. Bug reports and suggestions are welcome. These UDFs have been in regular use for some years. Because when cDebug was developed, maps were a use at your own risk feature, there are two streams of cDebug: cDebug.au3 reports maps, so to use it you must be running a version of AutoIt that supports maps, e.g., and #include cDebug.au3 cDebug no maps.au3 does not report maps, so you can be running any recent version of AutoIt, e.g., and #include cDebug no maps.au3 The only difference between the two streams is that map-reporting code is commented out in cDebug no maps.au3 . These functions are documented in cDebug.pdf A teaser This script: #AutoIt3Wrapper_Version=B ; beta or greater is mandatory for cDebug.au3 #include "cDebug.au3" Local $seasons[] $seasons.summer = 'May to September' $seasons.spring = 'April' $seasons.fall = 'October to November' $seasons.winter = 'December to March' Local $aCats[3][3] = [['jack','black',3],['suki','grey',4],[$seasons,'','']] Local $i = 1 Local $tStruct = DllStructCreate('uint') DllStructSetData($tStruct,1,2018) _GuiDebug('At line '&@ScriptLineNumber,'$cats,jack is,$cats[..][$i],$i,hex,structure{uint}', _ $aCats,$aCats[0][2],$aCats,$i,Hex(-$i),$tstruct) produces: Acknowledgements Melba23, Kafu, ProgAndy, jchd
    6 points
  22. Jon

    AutoIt v3.3.15.5 Beta

    5,747 downloads (27th February, 2022) (Beta) AutoIt: - Added #3826: GUI "On event" While loop precision. - Added: Doc Symbolic constants for MouseGetCursor(), GUISetCursor() $MCID_*. - Added #3849: @OSVersion for Windows 11 and Server 2022. - Fixed #3836: FileExits trailing quotation mark. - Fixed #3844: Right bracket does not register as a hotkey. - Fixed #3830: GUICtrlSetResizing $GUI_DOCKBOTTOM fullscreen. - Fixed #3831: GUICtrlSetPos $GUI_DOCKHCENTER. - Fixed #2696: StringRegExp non-participating groups. - Fixed #2866: Regread x64 remote from x86. - Fixed #3667: empty continuation line. - Fixed #3760: oversized Number conversion. - Fixed #3215: GUICtrlCreateUpdown Show-Hide. UDFs: - Added: $ARRAYDISPLAY_NUMERICSORT for selected column for _ArrayDisplay() and _DebugArrayDisplay(). - Added: _GUICtrlEdit_SetPadding(). - Added: _WinAPI_ShellExecuteEx() Doc example. - Fixed #3828: SetError(), SetExtended() broken doc links. - Fixed #3827: _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem() outside listview area. - Fixed #3835: Magic numbers in GDIPlus doc. - Fixed #3833: _WinAPI_RegisterRawInputDevices() $iCount. - Fixed #3842: -StringToArray() default parameter doc precision. - Fixed #3846: missing $LVKF_* constants definition. - Fixed #3847: _GUICtrlEdit_ShowBalloonTip() crash in _WinAPI_MultiByteToWideChar(). - Fixed #3848: _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray() no error detection in multicolumn. - Fixed #3850: _WinAPI_GetDriveNumber() does return - 1 as partition number. - Fixed #3852: _ArrayToString() speed optimization. - Fixed: Constants for _WinAPI_GetCursorInfo(). - Fixed: Debug.au3 when stripping. - Fixed #3861: RunAs() doc remark.
    5 points
  23. Version 3.1.0


    Here is an UDF for managing printers. Features are : - add, remove or rename a printer - add or remove a driver - add or remove a TCP/IP printer port - add or remove a LPR printer port - connect to a remote printer - enum printers and there configuration and properties - pause resume or cancel all jobs of a printer - checks if a printer exists - print a test page - set the default printer
    5 points
  24. careca

    Beats Player

    Version 4.66


    Music player, supports most known filetypes and flac, with a low memory and processor usage, designed to be used in the traybar, drag-drop files/folders to listview, save and load playlists, 5 recent folders (stores last imported folders), playback available with media keys, 1 click in tray icon to hide/show, double click title bar to hide to tray, and much more. It was made for me, and my needs, but im open to sugestions. Modifier key: +Arrows Up/Down Change volume, +P Pause/Resume, Play from start if stopped, +S Stops playback, +Arrows Left/Right Jump to previous/next track, +numbers 1,2,3.. being 1=10%, 2=20% etc and 0 being 100% volume of the player, (not numpad) (modifier key can be changed in the menu.) None of this would be possible without the help of the community! Coment or send PM for suggestions of improvement or issues you have. Thank ya'll.
    5 points
  25. Version 2.0.0


    On one/multiple big sheet(s) you get users (columns) and groups (rows). The list is sorted descending by number of members so you get the users with most groups and the groups with most members on top of the page. You can filter by (multiple) samaccountname(s), department or you can create your own LDAP query filter. You can filter the resulting list of groups using a Regular Expression. Version 2.0 uses maps so at the moment it requires the latest beta version of AutoIt! BTW: If you like this tool please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort
    5 points
  26. Version 1.0.2


    Added the ability to load a custom CSS file where you can change the look of help pages as you would with any html file displaying in Internet Explorer. Also, all external links open in your default browser. Replace the v3.3.16.1 CHM with the one in the ZIP along with the CSS file of your choosing to the same folder the CHM is at.
    4 points
  27. Version v1.7.4


    This UDF brings the power and flexibility of jq to AutoIt scripts. jq is an open-source, powerful, and flexible command-line based JSON processor. As it says on their website, jq is like 'sed' for JSON. jq can be used for the simplest of tasks like retrieving JSON objects and values (parsing), to very advanced JSON processing using its numerous built-in functions and conditional processing. Its built-in functions can handle math, selection, conditional processing, mapping, object and array manipulation, flattening, reduction, grouping, and much more. You can even create your own jq functions. You can learn more about jq and even play with it in real-time, using jq's online jq playground, all on their website. Here and some helpful links to get you more familiar with jq, what can be done with it, its built-in functions, and its syntax. jq Home Page: https://jqlang.github.io/jq/ jq Manual: https://jqlang.github.io/jq/manual/ jqWiki (FAQ, Cookbook, Advanced Topics) https://github.com/jqlang/jq/wiki jq is a single 32 or 64 bit executable that has no other dependencies. Just like using the SQLite UDF, the only requirement to use this UDF is that the jq executable reside in a location in which the UDF can execute it. The latest win32 & win64 versions have been included in the UDF download. You can always get newer versions from the jq website. jq at a high level Like 'sed', jq reads JSON in, either through STDIN or one or more files, processes it thru one or more "filters", and outputs the results. You can, optionally, supply "options" that affect how it reads the input, where it gets its "filters", and how it writes its output. It looks a little like this: JSON ---> jq processor (using supplied filters and options) ---> Output So in jq lingo, you basically use "Filters" to tell jq what you want it to do. So in the UDF file, that is why the main functions ( _jqExec() and _jqExecFile() ) refer to filters and options. Please make note that jq works with relatively strict JSON. This means that all JSON read must be conform to the standard. Luckily, jq is pretty good at identifying where a format error exists in non standard JSON. The jq UDF There are 2 main funtions in the UDF file, _jqExec and jqExecFile. With these 2 functions, you can pretty much do anything that jq can do. The only difference between to two functions is whether the JSON is supplied by a string or a file. The 2 primary functions simply call the jq executable with the supplied information, after properly formatting the parameters. There are additional functions in the UDF to easily pretty-print your json, compact-print your json, dump the json data with its associated paths, and see if specific JSON keys exist, but they all just execute the _jqExec or _jqExecFile function with the proper filter. There are also a couple of extra functions to display what version of the UDF and jq executable you are currently using. There are also a couple of functions to enable and disable logging of jq information for debugging purposes. Most of the jq UDF file functions return an @error if unsuccessful. Some also include @extended info. Please see the actual function headers for more information on their usage and return values. The 2 primary functions below just format your jq request and pass it on the jq executable. The functions will also properly escape double quotes (") that are used in the filter. For most simple tasks, you just need to supply the JSON source and a filter. _jqExec($sJson, $sFilter, $sOptions = Default, $sWorkingDir = Default) Or _jqExecFile($sJsonFile, $sFilter, $sOptions = Default, $sWorkingDir = Default) Using jq in your script As stated earlier, the jq executable must reside somewhere where the script can locate and execute it. The _jqInit() function always has to be executed before any jq processing occurs. _jqInit() merely locates the executable or uses the supplied path. It also clears any previous debug log. The jq UDF folder contains a jq example script that has several examples to how to do some of the most common JSON processing tasks. Here are a few examples to get you started: How to pretty-print some JSON #include "jq.au3" ;Initialize jq environment _jqInit() If @error Then Exit ConsoleWrite("ERROR: Unable to initialize jq - @error = " & @error & @CRLF) $sJson = '{"fruits":[{"Apple":{"color":"Red","season":"Fall"}}, {"Banana":{"color":"Yellow","season":"Summer"}}]}' $sCmdOutput = _jqPrettyPrintJson($sJson) ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Pretty-Print JSON" & @CRLF & $sCmdOutput & @CRLF) How to compact-print some JSON #include "jq.au3" ;Initialize jq environment _jqInit() If @error Then Exit ConsoleWrite("ERROR: Unable to initialize jq - @error = " & @error & @CRLF) $sJson = '{ "fruits" : [{"Apple" : {"color":"Red","season":"Fall"}}, {"Banana":{"color":"Yellow","season":"Summer"}}]}' $sCmdOutput = _jqCompactPrintJson($sJson) ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Compact-Print JSON" & @CRLF & $sCmdOutput & @CRLF) Dump JSON data (paths and values) #include "jq.au3" ;Initialize jq environment _jqInit() If @error Then Exit ConsoleWrite("ERROR: Unable to initialize jq - @error = " & @error & @CRLF) $sJson = '{ "fruits" : [{"Apple" : {"color":"Red","season":"Fall"}}, {"Banana":{"color":"Yellow","season":"Summer"}}]}' $sCmdOutput = _jqDump($sJson) ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Dump JSON paths and values" & @CRLF & $sCmdOutput & @CRLF) How to GET JSON values #include "jq.au3" ;Initialize jq environment _jqInit() If @error Then Exit ConsoleWrite("ERROR: Unable to initialize jq - @error = " & @error & @CRLF) $sJson = '{"Apple" : {"color":"Red","season":"Fall"}, "Banana":{"color":"Yellow","season":"Summer"}}' $sFilter = '.Banana.color' $sCmdOutput = _jqExec($sJson, $sFilter) ConsoleWrite("Get color of banana" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Input: : " & _jqCompactPrintJson($sJson) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Filter : " & $sFilter & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Output : " & $sCmdOutput & @CRLF) or #include "jq.au3" ;Initialize jq environment _jqInit() If @error Then Exit ConsoleWrite("ERROR: Unable to initialize jq - @error = " & @error & @CRLF) $sJson = '{"Apple" : {"color":"Red","season":"Fall"}, "Banana":{"color":"Yellow","season":"Summer"}}' $sFilter = 'getpath(["Banana", "color"])' $sCmdOutput = _jqExec($sJson, $sFilter) ConsoleWrite("Get color of banana" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Input: : " & _jqCompactPrintJson($sJson) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Filter : " & $sFilter & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Output : " & $sCmdOutput & @CRLF) Check for the existence of a key #include "jq.au3" ;Initialize jq environment _jqInit() If @error Then Exit ConsoleWrite("ERROR: Unable to initialize jq - @error = " & @error & @CRLF) $sJson = '{"Apple":{"color":"Red","season":"Fall"}, "Banana":{"color":"Yellow","season":"Summer"}}' $sFilter = '.Banana | has("color")' $sCmdOutput = _jqExec($sJson, $sFilter) ConsoleWrite("Check for existence of color key within Banana object" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Input: : " & _jqCompactPrintJson($sJson) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Filter : " & $sFilter & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Output : " & $sCmdOutput & @CRLF) Count of how many Items in an object #include "jq.au3" ;Initialize jq environment _jqInit() If @error Then Exit ConsoleWrite("ERROR: Unable to initialize jq - @error = " & @error & @CRLF) $sJson = '{"Apple":{"color":"Red"}, "Banana":{"color":"Yellow","season":"Summer"}}' $sFilter = '.Banana | length' $sCmdOutput = _jqExec($sJson, $sFilter) ConsoleWrite("How many items in the Banana object" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Input: : " & _jqCompactPrintJson($sJson) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Filter : " & $sFilter & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Output : " & $sCmdOutput & @CRLF) How to PUT/Create/Modify JSON #include "jq.au3" ;Initialize jq environment _jqInit() If @error Then Exit ConsoleWrite("ERROR: Unable to initialize jq - @error = " & @error & @CRLF) $sInput = "" $sFilter = 'setpath(["Apple","color"];"Red") | setpath(["Banana","color"];"Yellow") | setpath(["Banana","season"];"Summer")' $sOptions = '-n' ;required if no input supplied $sCmdOutput = _jqExec($sInput, $sFilter, $sOptions) ConsoleWrite("Update/Create JSON" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Filter : " & $sFilter & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Output : " & @CRLF & $sCmdOutput & @CRLF) List all of the fruits (top-level keys) #include "jq.au3" ;Initialize jq environment _jqInit() If @error Then Exit ConsoleWrite("ERROR: Unable to initialize jq - @error = " & @error & @CRLF) $sJson = '{"Apple":{"color":"Red"}, "Banana":{"color":"Yellow","season":"Summer"}}' $sFilter = 'keys | .[]' $sCmdOutput = _jqExec($sJson, $sFilter) ConsoleWrite("List all top-level keys (fruits)" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Input : " & $sJson & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Filter : " & $sFilter & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Output : " & @CRLF & $sCmdOutput & @CRLF) Calculate the sum of all of the objects' price * qty #include "jq.au3" ;Initialize jq environment _jqInit() If @error Then Exit ConsoleWrite("ERROR: Unable to initialize jq - @error = " & @error & @CRLF) $sJson = '[{"id":1,"price":20.00,"qty":10},{"id":2,"price":15.00,"qty":20.25},{"id":3,"price":10.50,"qty":30}]' $sFilter = 'map(.price * .qty) | add' $sCmdOutput = _jqExec($sJson, $sFilter) ConsoleWrite("Calculate the sum of all of the objects' price * qty" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Input : " & $sJson & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Filter : " & $sFilter & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Output : " & $sCmdOutput & @CRLF) The examples above, and the ones in the example files, merely scratch the surface of what jq can do. It may look intimidating at first but it really isn't that bad once you start playing with it. You can find several more examples and play around with them or create your own using jqPlayground. If you have any questions regarding the UDF, or how to perform a certain task using jq, I'll try my best to answer them. Since jq has been around for a while now, there's also several jq-related questions and answers on StackOverflow.
    4 points
  28. water




    Extensive library to control and manipulate Microsoft Outlook. This UDF holds the functions to automate the Outlook GUI. There are other UDFs available to automate Outlook: OutlookEX: Automates the processing of items (folders, mails, contacts ...) in the background. Can be seen like an API. OutlookTools: Allows to import/export contacts and events to VCF/ICS files. Theads: Development - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki Known Bugs: (last changed: 2020-03-27) None Things to come: (last changed: 2020-03-27) None BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort
    4 points
  29. Version 0.2019.12.12


    My fine tuned High Contrast theme, came from the need of a better "Dark Mode", that is still not there yet. Okay, let's use a "High Contrast Theme", but then again, the available colors to tweak are quite limited. So I'm like But since we can code: Behold !, an expanded theme color chooser 😁 And none of the changes, add or remove anything to the OS. Is just color tweaking. ...is incomplete as far as I would like it to be but, fully functional at this stage. ( I'll continue as time permits )
    4 points
  30. Version 2018.05.24


    Dbug is graphical debugger for AutoIt. Project started by @Heron in 2009 and now supported by @asdf8 and @valdemar1977. Features Debug the complete script or just parts of it Display run status (line number of currently executed function) GUI default always-on-top in the upper right corner for comfortable debugging WM_NOTIFY and WM_COMMAND hook to prevent interference with possible message handlers Display scope, type and value of variables, expressions, macro's and constants (global AND function local) Execute commands in an immediate window. Can be expressions, functions and assignments Detailed display of array, struct and object variables Dynamic display of variable value in the source code (under cursor) Array table viewer with ability to view the sub-arrays, the correct handling of macro @Error, @Extended and other changes OEM and ANSI console output Conditional breakpoints Saving settings and debugging state and much more... How to use Extract from downloaded archive _Dbug.au3 to your Autoit include dir Add #include <_Dbug.au3> in to your code and run code Before compile or buid comment or remove #include <_Dbug.au3> from your code
    4 points
  31. Version


    ADAT is a tool to simplify common AD administration tasks. Every administration task has its own tab. It is easy to add new functions (tabs) to the tool. Some often used functions are already available: list users, computers, OUs. File ADAT.ini can be customized to hold the AD logon information if necessary. Known Bugs: 2018-03-07: If the Script started from SciTE works but the "Process" button in the compiled exe does not do anything then please add the following line at the top of your script: #Au3Stripper_Ignore_Funcs=Process_Tab* BTW: If you like this tool please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort
    4 points
  32. TheDcoder

    Process UDF

    Version 1.3


    Hello Everyone , Are you tired of searching the forum for getting both the exit code & the stdout output? Then your are in the right place! With this UDF you can get the both output & exit code of the command or the console app! Or you can get the exit code of another process without having to use RunWait... Features: 1. Simple & Lightweight (15 KB) 2. Detailed comments & description 3. Flexible functions with many optional parameters A BIG THANKS TO PsaltyDS for the functions! 2 of the (main) functions in the UDF are his work List of functions:
    4 points
  33. 49,788 downloads

    Ver 1.3.7 Feb. 12, 2007 Includes... * a fully functional executable program demonstrating all current XSkin Functions * All includes/UDF Files * 40+ Skins * 20+ Buttons * HTML Help File ... Enjoy!!! Valuater 8)
    4 points
  34. Version v1.3.5


    Create / Test / Learn JSON Processing jqPlayground is an interactive, jq-based, tool created using AutoIt. The purpose of the tool is to help in the creation, testing, and understanding of JSON filters/queries used in the processing of JSON datasets. Internally, it uses the jq UDF for all JSON processing. The dot and bracket notation access in jq are similar to other existing AutoIt JSON parsing UDFs and tools. Therefore, jqPlayground can be used as a general purpose testing & learning tool, regardless of the ultimate UDF or utility you choose to use. jqPlayground comes with numerous examples to help you see and understand how it can be used for simple parsing and much more advanced JSON processing. You can modify and play with the example filters or you can create and test your own. CONFIGURATION The only requirement needed to run jqPlayground is that it can find a jq executable. JQ executables can be found on the JQ website on the home page, its download section, or as a part of my JQ UDF in the AutoIt Downloads section. The latest jq executables have been included in the zip file. jqPlayground will look for the jq executable in the following order of precedence: 1. If a jqPlayground.ini file exists in the script directory, it will get the path to the jq executable under to following section and key: [CONFIG] JqExePath=<full path to jq exe> 2. A jq-win32.exe or jq-win64.exe, depending on the OS, in the script directory. 3. A jq.exe in the script directory. USAGE The interface is pretty simple and straight forward. Paste, load or write whatever JSON you want to play with in the INPUT section. Paste or write whatever parsing or processing filter(s) you want to test in the FILTER section. If necessary, you can select or enter any jq-specific flags you want. Then, either press the RUN button, F5 or CTRL+ENTER to execute your filter. You will see the output in the OUTPUT section. If your command was not successful, you will see the error message generated by JQ in the output section. There are also numerous examples that can be selected from EXAMPLES dropdown list. Upon selecting an example, it populates the filter, flags, and input as necessary. It then executes the example, showing the output in the OUTPUT section. The examples use one of 2 JSON datasets. BOOKS is a small, simple, JSON dataset that contains a catalog of book information. The NFL JSON dataset is much larger and complex. It is a snapshot of NFL game information during week 1 of the 2018 regular season. Some of the NFL JSON dataset examples really show off the speed and processing capabilities of JQ. If you want to dump the full path of every scalar JSON value in your JSON dataset, you can type "dump" in the FILTER section and press F5, CTRL+ENTER or the RUN button. The output is the same as the jqDump() function in the jq UDF. "Dump" is not a jq filter command. It is a special command that I added to help those new to JSON understand how to access a given JSON value using dot-notation. Lastly, right below the output section, you will see the time it took to execute your filter. This can be useful to those in which timimg is a major concern. jqPlayground HotKeys -------------------- Open the online jq manual - F1 Run the jq filter - F5 or Ctrl+Enter Clear/reset all fields - Alt+C Load a JSON from a file - Alt+L Save your current session - Ctrl+S Load a saved session - Ctrl+L Special Commands (Enter and run in filter) ------------------------------------------ dump - List full path of every scalar JSON value clear - Clear/reset all fields (same as Alt+C) USEFUL LINKS jq Home Page: https://jqlang.github.io/jq/ jq Manual: https://jqlang.github.io/jq/manual/ jq Downloads: https://jqlang.github.io/jq/download/ jq Tutorial: https://jqlang.github.io/jq/tutorial/ jq Wiki: https://github.com/jqlang/jq/wiki
    3 points
  35. RTFC


    Version 5.5


    Eigen4AutoIt Features: free, fast matrix computing environment for Windows (runs under Wine on Linux and Mac) built upon the robust Eigen code base (open-source), with many enhancements simple, intuitive functions, with extensive online documentation supports integer, single, and double precision, in real and complex matrices Tutorials with scripts, plus Test scripts for each function section easily exchange data between native binary files (.mat) and ASCII, Excel, and Xbase files, or AutoIt arrays 32-bit (x86-mode) and 64-bit (x64-mode) support in x64-mode, matrices can be any size that fits into available virtual memory (>4GB), and can be shared between processes over one thousand alias wrappers for flexibility and ease-of-use The Eigen4AutoIt thread is here: This computing environment allows you to do matrix I/O (memory & files), matrix arithmetic, transformation, reduction, and decomposition, solve systems of linear equations, and perform statistics. Most functions can act on integer, real, or complex matrices (or the latter's real/imaginary parts separately). Much of the actual complexity of using Eigen in its native C++ environment has been hidden for AutoIt users, through extensive bounds and error checks, an intuitive function-naming convention, a large help file, and detailed tutorials and test examples.
    3 points
  36. argumentum


    Version 1.2020.7.6


    An example with Parent / child / child / children ... . It show examples of use GUIRegisterMsg(), etc. Read more about it on the thread.
    3 points
  37. Version 1.5.0


    A gui splash screen. Themed after the famous MS Office Suite. Three colours to choose from, Red, Blue and Green. You can change the labels to your own application. Animated side scrolling dots just like MS does. Also bundled with this is the KODA form. So you can open up and see the basic structure of this splash screen.
    3 points
  38. mLipok

    CertUtil UDF

    Version 0.0.3


    It is the fruit of my last job. You can easily manage certificates in Windows. Remark: Still beta so please make a comment in Support topic:
    3 points
  39. Jon

    AutoIt Script-o-matic


    This is the AutoIt's version of Microsoft Scriptomatic tool by SvenP. If you don't know what Scriptomatic is, see: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcen...s/scripto2.mspx This version is written in AutoIt script AND it produces an AutoIt script ! Requirements: - AutoIt version (or higher) - Some knowledge about WMI Have fun!
    3 points
  40. Version 0.0.1


    This is an experimental AutoIt-to-machine code compiler, written in AutoIt, JavaScript and C. Make sure you have GCC installed and configured within CompileIt before using.
    3 points
  41. wakillon




    Mp3SilenceRemover can trim a bunch of mp3 files that have silence at the beginnings and ends, automatically. Script scans each file for when the sound starts and ends, by detecting a pre-determined silence threshold, then reencode them without silent parts found. Usefull if you want use mp3 files for a mix or avoid long silences between tracks. Multiple settings are available for preserving mp3 quality. Mp3Gain can be used for avoid a too big difference in sound level between 2 tracks. Main Id3 Tags can be preserved and the fade at end of the track too. Script use : bass.dll, bassenc.dll, bassext.dll, tags.dll, lame.exe and mp3gain.exe.
    3 points
  42. 15,397 downloads

    This is the easy way to have great looking pictures with text as buttons... that change colors when you hover over or click on them ****** New 8/2008 ****** add your own buttons!!! ( click the forum topic link below ) 8)
    3 points
  43. Version 0.2024.3.2


    ..so I have to help someone and remember how to get the session ID, then remember how to shadow. All from a command prompt. Not cool. So I wrote this, Is coded for Windows in English. May work in other languages too. ( as long as "qwinsta" runs, this should work ) It now calls wtsapi32.dll For this to work as intended, uncheck "noPrompt", or make the changes to the group policy, only if you know what you are doing. ( I will not aid anyone on how what, as I'm not qualified ) This is for when all works as you wish, but have to use the command line to shadow a user ( and everyone is in a hurry ). This gives you a list of users to just click to help the user on a remote session, by guiding them ( view ) or interacting with the desktop ( control ). I do not advise to change anything on your system, nor to use this, but if you find it useful, then, it is a very practical utility. I did not post in the examples forum as is not an example worth posting. It grabs the text out of qwinsta Calls wtsapi32.dll and runs mstsc. Not a noteworthy example.
    2 points
  44. argumentum


    Version 0.2024.1.6


    The reason for this you can read at https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/196727-set-microphone-for-playback-device/ Runs on it's own without user interaction needed. When you "Select a playback device", it will select the corresponding microphone, or leave it as is, if one is not matched. It was coded on my PC ( a Windows 10 ), I have no more PCs to test if it will work on other configurations but by right-click the tray icon, a context menu will give you the option to see the list array of devices found and that may serve to aid in case this program need to be tweaked to better fit other setups. It did not run on a VM of WinXP, so if your OS is old, it may very well not have support for the COM calls this program uses to operate. I should also advise to run and/or compile with v3.3.14.5. "OnEvent" is too slow in newer versions for this code.
    2 points
  45. Version 1.1


    AutoIt Loader is basically an AutoIt environment loader that allows you to fully use AutoIt as a portable development environment. The idea is to load all the necessary AutoIt resources into the system while you work with it (there is an option to add it to autorun), allowing you to use AutoIt as if it was installed in the system, without conflict with another installed AutoIt version. The main ability is to change AutoIt version in a few clicks, and after changing the version, the whole environment adjusts to work with this version. It is also possible to “download” (update) new versions to the development environment, either from an official source or from another source on your PC. After unloading (exit from loader from system tray), all resources and registry entries are cleared completely, leaving no traces. The loader includes 4 of the most popular and critical versions of AutoIt, which were published by the largest number of changes. Also, the loader has a module called AutoIt Tools (see screenshots), which has a number of tools and utilities that are necessary for development in my opinion. AutoIt Tools loaded with the loader (can be disabled), and appears when the mouse cursor is in the lower left corner of the screen. The menu of this module is dynamic, and it can be very easily changed using built-in editor, which is called from the context menu of the module (RMB). As a base code editor was used SciTE assembly by Yashied, in my opinion the most functional and portable of those that I have seen.
    2 points
  46. Version 1.2


    This small, well-annotated example script solves sudoku puzzles with simple, powerful bitmask functions applied on a massive scale, demonstrating both common solving techniques and highly-optimised brute-force, using Eigen4AutoIt's (E4A) logical functions toolkit. No advanced maths is required, just basic logic.
    2 points
  47. TheDcoder




    See this thread for info:
    2 points
  48. mLipok


    Version 3.6


    In April 5, 2013 I ask @Lazycat he answer: Then I change this tool a little. Now I back to this and make bigger changed. Here is new version. Update History: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 2018/11/07 v3.0 * Changed: AU3Check compilant - mLipok * Changed: almost all Variables renamed - mLipok * Added: "Delete RegExp Results" - mLipok * Added: support for dual monitor - mLipok * Added: "full screen mode" - mLipok = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 2018/11/08 v3.1 * Added: colors for each Edit control - used GUICtrlSetBkColor() - mLipok * Added: FullScreen option (Checkbox + INI + Remarks in Tip) - mLipok * Added: _IsChecked() - mLipok * Changed: WinMove() - change size of window using: WindowWidth and WindowHeight - mLipok = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 2018/11/13 v3.2 * Added: If $bFullScreen Then GUICtrlSetFont() - mLipok * Added: WM_COMMAND , $EN_CHANGE - prevent CPU overheat - mLipok = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 2018/11/29 v3.3 * Changed: $_g_idCheckbox_Clear - also clear $_g_idEdit_Result - mLipok * Changed: ClearResult If GUICtrlRead($_g_idEdit_MatchText) = '' Or GUICtrlRead($_g_idEdit_MatchText) = '' - mLipok * Fixed: prevention CPU overheat - If $iGuiMsg <> 0 Then $_g_bWasAChange = True - any GUI change will fire RegExp result refresh - mLipok * Fixed: Top possition of $_g_idLabel_Dummy control - mLipok * Added: support for TabSwitch - CTRL+TAB and CTRL+SHIFT+TAB - mLipok = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    2 points
  49. Version


    ADCU displays two Active Directory users and their group membership in two listviews. You can filter and export the data to Excel, Outlook mail and the clipboard. Before running the script you need to change file AD-Tools.ini and function _Check_Access in AD-Tools_User.au3. BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort Needs to be run with the latest AutoIt production version (>= Needs to be run with the latest version of the AD UDF (>=
    2 points
  50. wakillon

    Puzzle Game



    Move Puzzle pieces where you want by drag&drop as a real puzzle.
    2 points
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