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Showing content with the highest reputation since 09/01/2011 in File Comments
Learn To Program Using FREE Tools with AutoIt
autoautoauto and 2 others reacted to mLipok for a file
3 points -
Same issue with error but only on a fresh Win10 machine. ! Dll not found or Call Dll error ! The script works just fine on an existing Win10 computer but if you run this on a fresh installed Win10 machine 32 or 64bit this is the error you get. Same script, same files, same locations. There is clearly some kind of pre-requisite to use the DLL Call. If there is any debug method I can provide this information.2 points
RdpShadow utility
ioa747 reacted to argumentum for a file
1 point -
1 point
1 point
CryptoNG UDF - Cryptography API: Next Generation
Colduction reacted to TheXman for a file
1 point -
zPlayer - a small audio and video player based on winmm.dll
seadoggie01 reacted to CYCho for a file
@seadoggie01 That's right. I used to have an input box at the start of the program to define the file types. But I deleted it because I thought it was so rarely used. Now you can define them by editing the zPlayer.ini file as memntioned in the Help. Once in there, it will remain there unless you edit the ini file again. I will have to elaborate this in the readme.txt. Thank you for pointing that out. And thanks for your positive review.1 point -
zPlayer - a small audio and video player based on winmm.dll
CYCho reacted to seadoggie01 for a file
1 point -
AutoIt error logger (AUERLO) UDF
Earthshine reacted to user4157124 for a file
1 point -
argumentum reacted to BigDaddyO for a file
1 point -
Great program. Thank you VERY MUCH for it. I prefer _AD_GetObjectAttribute by email address as it's easier to remember to my users and is unique for each user at my work. so instead of FQDN or sAMAccountName I use email address so I added the following line in Func _AD_GetObjectAttribute($sObject, $sAttribute) below line: If StringMid($sObject, 3, 1) = "=" Then $sProperty = "distinguishedName" ; FQDN provided I added: if StringInStr($sObject, "@") > 0 then $sProperty = "mail" Thanks again for the great work!1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
meoit reacted to TheAutomator for a file
wakillon, --------------------------- Water Effect on a BMP with WaterCtrl.dll Example: AutoIt3_x64.exe - Invalid install copy. --------------------------- Temp WaterCtrl.dll is not suitable for Windows or it contains an error. Try to install using the original installation media program or contact your system administrator or software vendor for support. --------------------------- OK --------------------------- I use windows 7 home premium 64 bit. Can you help me get this to work? Thanks, TheAutomator.1 point -
1 point