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Anything is possible when you put your mind to it and have some time to burn. 🙂 preview version: https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite/download/beta_SciTE4AutoIt3/addincludes/AutoIt3Wrapper.au3 It scans for any potential Include files *.au3 file that contain a Func names with format _*.au3 and *Constants*.au3 files for Global Const $vars defined in these paths: @Scriptpath @Scriptpath\include @AutoIt3Dir\include Any defined private include directories in RegRead("HKCU\Software\AutoIt v3\Autoit", "Include") It takes a couple of seconds for me to read all include files for UDFs & Vars and then depending on the script size again a few seconds to check if any #include is required and found/known. Maybe some can try it to see how it performs on their systems.2 points
FileExplorer Treeview and Listview (TreeListExplorer)
Kanashius reacted to WildByDesign for a topic
Thank you for the quick update. You came up with a very efficient method to handle that. The difference is literally night and day. Great work!1 point -
FileExplorer Treeview and Listview (TreeListExplorer)
SOLVE-SMART reacted to Kanashius for a topic
Hi @WildByDesign, thanks for providing so much feedback, thats really helpful. I was going one directory deeper, then was shown. So if you open the Windows folder, the content of all direct child directories in that folder were loaded, basically C:\Windows\* was loaded, but NOT deeper, e.g. C:\Windows\System32\*. So the depth would be current+1. I solved that now, by only looking, if there is any folder/file in that sub directory, without actually loading and adding all folders/files to the TreeView. Instead I add a dummy child, so the Expand button is shown, but the complete content of that folder is only loaded, when expanding the item. So for every child, only FileFindFirstFile is called, instead of _FileListToArray (2x, once for folders, once for files) and there is always only one child added and not all folders/files. With the latest update (v2.2.0) the opening of a folder (Tested with C:\Windows) is pretty much instant for me.1 point -
FileExplorer Treeview and Listview (TreeListExplorer)
WildByDesign reacted to Kanashius for a topic
@WildByDesign I've added it (for both Tree- and ListView for consistency). I did it by adding a new callback for $sCallbackOnSelectionChange and renaming the old one to $sCallbackOnClick (which is what it really was... never thought about the keyboard). Yeah, the UDF is a littlebit more complex now, with all the maps and stuff To get a folder: ; Get the data for the view Local $mView = $__TreeListExplorer__Data["mViews"][$hWndFrom] ; Get Root (always ends with \), by accessing the system, the view is in, and getting its root value Local $sRoot = $__TreeListExplorer__Data.mSystems[$mView.iSystem].sRoot ; Get Folder (Folders always end with \) Local $sFolder = __TreeListExplorer__TreeViewGetRelPath($mView.iSystem, $hWndFrom, $hItem) Local $sPath = $sRoot & $sFolder I have one global map for all data (to avoid lots of global variables): $__TreeListExplorer__Data. In this map, there is different stuff saved. Among others, there is a Map with all Systems and a Map with all Views. The system data also contains a map with all views belonging to that system. The Map with all views is only for easier/faster access without having to iterate over all systems (For WinProc and when adding a view, to check, if its already in a system). So you can get the view data with the Tree-/ListView handle. In this data, there is a "iSystem" field, with the ID of the system, the view belongs to. With this ID you can then access the right system and read its values, like "sRoot" and "sFolder". The UDF is very data driven. So just changing something in the $__TreeListExplorer__Data and calling __TreeListExplorer_OpenPath($hSystem, __TreeListExplorer_GetPath($hSystem), True) may already work (if you do not touch the wrong stuff ). If you would like to get a better look, feel free to use the ToString UDF to inspect the content of $__TreeListExplorer__Data.1 point -
richedit text color
TheAutomator reacted to Nine for a topic
Here to reset consolas when it gets deleted : #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GuiRichEdit.au3> Opt("MustDeclareVars", True) Global $idEdit Example() Func Example() Local $hForm = GUICreate('MiniText', 300, 400, Default, Default, $WS_POPUP) GUISetBkColor(0) $idEdit = _GUICtrlRichEdit_Create($hForm, '', 0, 0, 300, 400, -1, 0) SetRichEdit($idEdit) GUISetState() GUIRegisterMsg($WM_COMMAND, WM_COMMAND) While True Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd _GUICtrlRichEdit_Destroy($idEdit) EndFunc ;==>Example Func WM_COMMAND($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) If $idEdit = $lParam And _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetFont($lParam)[1] <> "consolas" Then SetRichEdit($lParam) Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WM_COMMAND Func SetRichEdit($idCtrl) _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetFont($idCtrl, 12, "consolas") _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharColor($idCtrl, 0xffffff) _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetBkColor($idCtrl, 0x202020) _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetRECT($idCtrl, 20, 20, 280, 380) EndFunc ;==>SetRichEdit1 point -
richedit text color
TheAutomator reacted to Nine for a topic
It is just a wrapper to create in a standardized way a rich edit. You can add color to the wrapper if you want to. Another solution, you could simply block ctrl-a ?1 point -
Sometimes I see posts where people are complaining about the 32kb limit on IniReadSetion. I never did understand why you would have a section that was 32kb's... One of my string parsing functions reads and writes to an ini, well for the first time ever, the section was 34.x kbs and I couldn't understand for the longest time (about 10 trials of re-writing different things) why I wasn't getting all the values... Just bits and pieces it seemed. I never check for anything other than if IniReadSection is an array... But then I thought to look at the size... and their lay the problem. I wrote a really slow IniReadSection for someone else 2 or so months ago that had this problem, and to be honest, it was 2000 times slower than the current released one that Valik wrote... This didn't suite my needs either, as every second counts ... So I wrote another one, This one isn't near as fast as Valiks for obvious reasons, but it did the trick 20x's faster than the last one I wrote. Hope it helps someone... Update: - 2011/05/18 - SmOke_N Changed: _IniReadSectionEx() - Changed all existing functions; hopefully more proficient; thanks llewxam Old Code: ; New code with changes, be sure to test if you have doubts. I only moderately tested. ; The IniRead* functions now accept a passed string ( like from a FileRead() or ClipPut() etc... ) ; change added - SmOke_N - 2011/05/18 Func _IniDeleteEx($s_file, $s_section, $s_key = "") If Not FileExists($s_file) Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) Local $i_size = FileGetSize($s_file) Local $i_delete = 0 If $i_size < 31 Then $i_delete = IniDelete($s_file, $s_section, $s_key) Return SetError(@error, 0, $i_delete) EndIf ; is file read only If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($s_file), "R") Then Return SetError(-2, 0, 0) EndIf Local $s_fread = FileRead($s_file) ; find out if section exist, if so get data Local $s_secpatt = "(?si)(?:^|\v)(\h*\[\h*\Q" $s_secpatt &= $s_section $s_secpatt &= "\E\h*\].*?)(?:\z|\v\v?\[)" Local $a_data = StringRegExp($s_fread, $s_secpatt, 1) Local $f_dataexists = Not @error If Not $f_dataexists Then Return 1 Local $h_open, $i_write = 0 If $s_key = "" Then If $s_fread = $a_data[0] Then $h_open = FileOpen($s_file, 2) If $h_open = -1 Then Return SetError(-3, 0, 0) FileClose($h_open) Return 1 EndIf $s_fread = StringReplace($s_fread, $a_data[0], "", 1, 1) $h_open = FileOpen($s_file, 2) If $h_open = -1 Then Return SetError(-3, 0, 0) $i_write = FileWrite($h_open, $s_fread) FileClose($h_open) If Not $i_write Then Return SetError(-4, 0, 0) Return 1 EndIf ; since we stop at cr/lf then lets just split Local $a_lines If StringInStr($a_data[0], @CRLF, 1, 1) Then $a_lines = StringSplit(StringStripCR($a_data[0]), @LF) ElseIf StringInStr($a_data[0], @LF, 1, 1) Then $a_lines = StringSplit($a_data[0], @LF) Else $a_lines = StringSplit($a_data[0], @CR) EndIf Local $a_key, $f_found = False, $s_write Local $s_keypatt = "\h*(?!;|#)(.*?)\h*=" For $iline = 1 To $a_lines[0] If $a_lines[$iline] = "" Then ContinueLoop $a_key = StringRegExp($a_lines[$iline], $s_keypatt, 1) If @error Or $s_key <> $a_key[0] Then $s_write &= $a_lines[$iline] & @CRLF ContinueLoop EndIf $f_found = True Next If Not $f_found Then Return 1 $s_fread = StringReplace($s_fread, $a_data[0], $s_write) Local $h_open = FileOpen($s_file, 2) $i_write = FileWrite($h_open, $s_fread) FileClose($h_open) Return $i_write EndFunc ; change added - SmOke_N - 2011/05/18 Func _IniWriteEx($s_file, $s_section, $s_key, $s_value) If Not $s_file Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) Local $f_exists = FileExists($s_file) If Not $f_exists Then FileClose(FileOpen($s_file, 2)) EndIf Local $i_write = 0 Local $i_size = FileGetSize($s_file) / 1024 ; if the file is smaller than 32kb, no need for regex If $i_size <= 31 Then $i_write = IniWrite($s_file, $s_section, $s_key, $s_value) Return SetError(@error, 0, $i_write) EndIf ; is file read only If $f_exists Then If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($s_file), "R") Then Return SetError(-2, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf Local $s_fread = FileRead($s_file) Local $s_write = "" ; find out if section exist, if so get data Local $s_secpatt = "(?si)(?:^|\v)(\h*\[\h*\Q" $s_secpatt &= $s_section $s_secpatt &= "\E\h*\].*?)(?:\z|\v\v?\[)" Local $a_data = StringRegExp($s_fread, $s_secpatt, 1) Local $f_dataexists = Not @error Local $s_write = "" ; if section doesn't exist; append If Not $f_dataexists Then If $s_fread Then If StringRight($s_fread, 2) <> @CRLF Then $s_write &= @CRLF EndIf EndIf $s_write &= "[" & $s_section & "]" & @CRLF $s_write &= $s_key & "=" & $s_value & @CRLF Return FileWrite($s_file, $s_write) EndIf ; since we stop at cr/lf then lets just split Local $a_lines If StringInStr($a_data[0], @CRLF, 1, 1) Then $a_lines = StringSplit(StringStripCR($a_data[0]), @LF) ElseIf StringInStr($a_data[0], @LF, 1, 1) Then $a_lines = StringSplit($a_data[0], @LF) Else $a_lines = StringSplit($a_data[0], @CR) EndIf Local $a_key, $f_changed = False Local $s_keypatt = "\h*(?!;|#)(.*?)\h*=" For $iline = 1 To $a_lines[0] If $a_lines[$iline] = "" Then ContinueLoop $a_key = StringRegExp($a_lines[$iline], $s_keypatt, 1) If @error Or $s_key <> $a_key[0] Then $s_write &= $a_lines[$iline] & @CRLF ContinueLoop EndIf $f_changed = True $s_write &= $s_key & "=" & $s_value & @CRLF Next If Not $f_changed Then If StringRight($s_fread, 2) <> @CRLF Then $s_write &= @CRLF EndIf $s_write &= $s_key & "=" & $s_value & @CRLF EndIf $s_fread = StringReplace($s_fread, $a_data[0], $s_write) Local $h_open = FileOpen($s_file, 2) $i_write = FileWrite($h_open, $s_fread) FileClose($h_open) Return $i_write EndFunc ; change added - SmOke_N - 2011/05/18 Func _IniReadSectionNamesEx($v_file) If Not $v_file Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) Local $f_exists = FileExists($v_file) Local $i_size, $a_secs If $f_exists Then $i_size = FileGetSize($v_file) / 1024 ; if the file is smaller than 32kb, no need for regex If $i_size <= 31 Then $a_secs = IniReadSectionNames($v_file) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) If Not IsArray($a_secs) Then Return SetError(-2, 0, 0) Return $a_secs EndIf EndIf Local $s_fread If Not $f_exists Then ; string of data was passed $s_fread = $v_file Else $s_fread = FileRead($v_file) EndIf Local $s_secpatt = "(?m)(?:^|\v)\h*\[\h*(.*?)\h*\]" Local $a_secsre = StringRegExp($s_fread, $s_secpatt, 3) If @error Then Return SetError(-3, 0, 0) Local $i_ub = UBound($a_secsre) Local $a_secret[$i_ub + 1] = [$i_ub] For $isec = 0 To $i_ub - 1 $a_secret[$isec + 1] = $a_secsre[$isec] Next Return $a_secret EndFunc ; change added - SmOke_N - 2011/05/17 Func _IniReadSectionEx($v_file, $s_section) If Not $v_file Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) Local $f_exists = FileExists($v_file) Local $i_size, $a_secread If $f_exists Then $i_size = FileGetSize($v_file) / 1024 ; if the file is smaller than 32kb, no need for regex If $i_size <= 31 Then $a_secread = IniReadSection($v_file, $s_section) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) If Not IsArray($a_secread) Then Return SetError(-2, 0, 0) Return $a_secread EndIf EndIf Local $s_fread If Not $f_exists Then ; string of data was passed $s_fread = $v_file Else $s_fread = FileRead($v_file) EndIf ; data between sections or till end of file Local $s_datapatt = "(?is)(?:^|\v)(?!;|#)\h*\[\h*\Q" $s_datapatt &= $s_section $s_datapatt &= "\E\h*\]\h*\v+(.*?)(?:\z|\v\h*\[)" Local $a_data = StringRegExp($s_fread, $s_datapatt, 1) If @error Then Return SetError(-3, 0, 0) ; sanity check for inf people If Not StringInStr($a_data[0], "=", 1, 1) Then Return SetError(-4, 0, 0) EndIf ; since we stop at cr/lf then lets just split Local $a_lines If StringInStr($a_data[0], @CRLF, 1, 1) Then $a_lines = StringSplit(StringStripCR($a_data[0]), @LF) ElseIf StringInStr($a_data[0], @LF, 1, 1) Then $a_lines = StringSplit($a_data[0], @LF) Else $a_lines = StringSplit($a_data[0], @CR) EndIf ; prevent capturing commented keys Local $a_key, $a_value Local $s_keypatt = "\h*(?!;|#)(.*?)\h*=" Local $s_valpatt = "\h*=\h*(.*)" Local $a_secs[$a_lines[0] + 1][2], $i_add = 0 For $iline = 1 To $a_lines[0] $a_key = StringRegExp($a_lines[$iline], $s_keypatt, 1) If @error Then ContinueLoop $s_valpatt = "\h*=\h*(.*)" $a_value = StringRegExp($a_lines[$iline], $s_valpatt, 1) If @error Then ContinueLoop If StringLeft($a_key[0], 1) = '"' And StringRight($a_key[0], 1) = '"' Then $a_key[0] = StringTrimLeft(StringTrimRight($a_key[0], 1), 1) EndIf If StringLeft($a_value[0], 1) = '"' And StringRight($a_value[0], 1) = '"' Then $a_value[0] = StringTrimLeft(StringTrimRight($a_value[0], 1), 1) EndIf $i_add += 1 $a_secs[$i_add][0] = $a_key[0] $a_secs[$i_add][1] = $a_value[0] Next If Not $i_add Then Return SetError(-5, 0, 0) ; cleanup return array ReDim $a_secs[$i_add + 1][2] $a_secs[0][0] = $i_add Return $a_secs EndFunc ; change added - SmOke_N - 2011/05/18 Func _IniReadEx($v_file, $s_section, $s_key, $v_default = -1) If Not $v_file Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) If $v_default = -1 Or $v_default = Default Then $v_default = "" EndIf Local $f_exists = FileExists($v_file) Local $i_size, $s_read If $f_exists Then $i_size = FileGetSize($v_file) / 1024 ; if the file is smaller than 32kb, no need for regex If $i_size <= 31 Then $s_read = IniRead($v_file, $s_section, $s_key, $v_default) Return $s_read EndIf EndIf Local $s_fread If Not $f_exists Then ; string of data was passed $s_fread = $v_file Else $s_fread = FileRead($v_file) EndIf ; data between sections or till end of file Local $s_datapatt = "(?is)(?:^|\v)(?!;|#)\h*\[\h*\Q" $s_datapatt &= $s_section $s_datapatt &= "\E\h*\]\h*\v+(.*?)(?:\z|\v\h*\[)" Local $a_data = StringRegExp($s_fread, $s_datapatt, 1) If @error Then Return SetError(-2, 0, 0) ; sanity check for inf people If Not StringInStr($a_data[0], "=", 1, 1) Then Return SetError(-3, 0, 0) EndIf ; since we stop at cr/lf then lets just split Local $a_lines If StringInStr($a_data[0], @CRLF, 1, 1) Then $a_lines = StringSplit(StringStripCR($a_data[0]), @LF) ElseIf StringInStr($a_data[0], @LF, 1, 1) Then $a_lines = StringSplit($a_data[0], @LF) Else $a_lines = StringSplit($a_data[0], @CR) EndIf ; prevent capturing commented keys Local $a_key, $a_value, $s_ret Local $s_keypatt = "\h*(?!;|#)(.*?)\h*=" Local $s_valpatt = "\h*=\h*(.*)" For $iline = 1 To $a_lines[0] $a_key = StringRegExp($a_lines[$iline], $s_keypatt, 1) If @error Then ContinueLoop If StringLeft($a_key[0], 1) = '"' And StringRight($a_key[0], 1) = '"' Then $a_key[0] = StringTrimLeft(StringTrimRight($a_key[0], 1), 1) EndIf If $a_key[0] <> $s_key Then ContinueLoop $s_valpatt = "\h*=\h*(.*)" $a_value = StringRegExp($a_lines[$iline], $s_valpatt, 1) If @error Then ContinueLoop If StringLeft($a_value[0], 1) = '"' And StringRight($a_value[0], 1) = '"' Then $a_value[0] = StringTrimLeft(StringTrimRight($a_value[0], 1), 1) EndIf $s_ret = $a_value[0] ExitLoop Next If Not $s_ret Then Return $v_default Return $s_ret EndFuncIf you're interested in Ini encryption, you might take a look at this thread: I might integrate these with the IniCrypt.au3 at some future time if I don't get bug feedback from the above.1 point