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  1. that means it goes to line 52 and doesn't know what $sourceFolder is. and this happens because $confirmCreate is not 6 (otherwise it would know)
    1 point
  2. Full screen in VLC vs. zPlayer: VLC zPlayer
    1 point
  3. Yeap. I can work on this to make this function publicly available as part of wd_helper.au3
    1 point
  4. Sorry, @DocumentsDir should have been - @MyDocumentsDir Libraries are ultimately shortcut files with the extension .library-ms files and can be located in @AppDataDir & '\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries. You can use something like the following and it will open to that location ShellExecute('Explorer.exe', @AppDataDir & '\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries\Pictures.library-Ms') The file itself is actually xml, if you use a parser you can grab the <simplelocation>><url>knownfolder:{Guid} you can view a list of Guids and there locations here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb882665(v=vs.110).aspx
    1 point
  5. try this MsgBox(262144, '', Sec2Time(175)) Func Sec2Time($nr_sec) $sec2time_hour = Int($nr_sec / 3600) $sec2time_min = Int(($nr_sec - $sec2time_hour * 3600) / 60) $sec2time_sec = $nr_sec - $sec2time_hour * 3600 - $sec2time_min * 60 Return StringFormat('%02d:%02d:%02d', $sec2time_hour, $sec2time_min, $sec2time_sec) EndFunc ;==>Sec2Time
    1 point
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