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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/2024 in all areas

  1. What's New in Version 0.2024.9.16 fix: added @pixelsearch's array, fixing missing static styles. The A3X compile, is in a way a show of how it'd be. As an example. Files download are in the files section.
    2 points
  2. Hi everybody 1) When I ran the following script, a style name was missing : #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> MsgBox($MB_TOPMOST, "Standard MessageBox", _ "MessageBox text is written into this Static Control." & @crlf & _ "The style of this control is always (?) 0x50022080") Global Const $Style_Static[18][2] = _ [[0x1000, 'SS_SUNKEN'], _ [0x0400, 'SS_RIGHTJUST'], _ [0x0200, 'SS_CENTERIMAGE'], _ [0x0100, 'SS_NOTIFY'], _ [0x0080, 'SS_NOPREFIX'], _ [0x0012, 'SS_ETCHEDFRAME'], _ [0x0011, 'SS_ETCHEDVERT'], _ [0x0010, 'SS_ETCHEDHORZ'], _ [0x000C, 'SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP'], _ [0x000B, 'SS_SIMPLE'], _ [0x0009, 'SS_WHITEFRAME'], _ [0x0008, 'SS_GRAYFRAME'], _ [0x0007, 'SS_BLACKFRAME'], _ [0x0006, 'SS_WHITERECT'], _ [0x0005, 'SS_GRAYRECT'], _ [0x0004, 'SS_BLACKRECT'], _ [0x0002, 'SS_RIGHT'], _ [0x0001, 'SS_CENTER']] ; ; [0x0000, 'SS_LEFT'] 2) So back to work (msdn & Winuser.h) to add 11 missing styles to the Static control list, now we got them all : Global Const $Style_Static[29][2] = _ [[0xC000, 'SS_WORDELLIPSIS'], _ [0x8000, 'SS_PATHELLIPSIS'], _ [0x4000, 'SS_ENDELLIPSIS'], _ [0x2000, 'SS_EDITCONTROL'], _ [0x1000, 'SS_SUNKEN'], _ [0x0800, 'SS_REALSIZEIMAGE'], _ [0x0400, 'SS_RIGHTJUST'], _ [0x0200, 'SS_CENTERIMAGE'], _ [0x0100, 'SS_NOTIFY'], _ [0x0080, 'SS_NOPREFIX'], _ [0x0040, 'SS_REALSIZECONTROL'], _ [0x0012, 'SS_ETCHEDFRAME'], _ [0x0011, 'SS_ETCHEDVERT'], _ [0x0010, 'SS_ETCHEDHORZ'], _ [0x000F, 'SS_ENHMETAFILE'], _ [0x000E, 'SS_BITMAP'], _ [0x000D, 'SS_OWNERDRAW'], _ [0x000C, 'SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP'], _ [0x000B, 'SS_SIMPLE'], _ [0x000A, 'SS_USERITEM'], _ [0x0009, 'SS_WHITEFRAME'], _ [0x0008, 'SS_GRAYFRAME'], _ [0x0007, 'SS_BLACKFRAME'], _ [0x0006, 'SS_WHITERECT'], _ [0x0005, 'SS_GRAYRECT'], _ [0x0004, 'SS_BLACKRECT'], _ [0x0003, 'SS_ICON'], _ [0x0002, 'SS_RIGHT'], _ [0x0001, 'SS_CENTER']] ; ; [0x0000, 'SS_LEFT']
    2 points
  3. Draygoes

    ISN AutoIt Studio

    Small suggestion. Perhaps make some tutorial videos on the general use of the product. I got a bit confused when using the Form Builder, when adding code to a button. I double clicked the button, clicked save, then saved it as an au3 script for good measure. Upon running the form it launched the MSGbox code that I had included when the form loaded. I had interpreted it as an on button click action rather than a form load action. I know better now, but that is why I suggested the above. Thank you for all the work you have put into this project. If I knew enough about autoit to help I would do so. Instead, I would like to help by testing from an end user point of view if that will work.
    1 point
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