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  1. They will only be back after i have a better idea why a crash could be happening for @donnyh13 and a fix for that. The fiddling can only happen when i know what to fiddle with.
    2 points
  2. That seems to have fixed it @argumentum, thank you! I installed two windows updates also (KB3035126;KB3126587), but they were just security updates., I'm thinking it was the VC_Redis. Thanks for the update @Jos, Scite seems much quicker now. Edit: My display issues seems gone too, the ones I had to set technology to 0 for.... Not sure which thing fixed it now.... 🤔 Edit2: Tried the Old Scite and my Display issue is still gone. VC_redist must have fixed it also. 🙄
    1 point
  3. This dll seems to be the problem file mentioned in my crash too....
    1 point
  4. I took some screenshots of "Additional Information" ... not sure if it will help. I also clicked Debug, and this came up.
    1 point
  5. Unfortunately that leads to "it worked on my PC" kind of rhetoric. Other than: The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. x86: https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x86.exe x64: https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe it should work no matter what. ( I got the above when running for the 1st time and those are the links I used ) Maybe updating the VC_redist files would fix it. That would be a good thing to know.
    1 point
  6. None of mine show blocked. So I don't think that's the issue.
    1 point
  7. ... if the user forgets to unblock the files downloaded containing executable flies, using those files will be a problem even if a warning comes up at the moment the EXE is run and is approved by the user, the DLLs are still blocked. And that could cause such an event as with his crash. I know this by personal experience. I'm very wise now 😇 @Jos, so, ..are you gonna fiddle with that compile some more or is it good for others to try it out. Haven't seen them back in the beta folder.
    1 point
  8. mr-es335

    WinMove Issues

    ioa747, To begin with, I am not sure what you mean by "...what made you think of this?"...I am not exactly sure what "this" is referring to? I ran across this problem awhile back..not really knowing what was triggering the issue. I see now, that it was more-than-likely due to a change-out of a video card. • I just performed a test on my "test system" and "Yes!", changing out a video card, does reset the titlebar by disabling the "Display the full path in the title bar (Classic theme only)" setting! I do hope that this answers your question?
    1 point
  9. Using Chrome v128.0.6613.85 with Chromedriver 127.0.6533.120 works, so this combination could be used as temporary workaround. For me however this only a potential workaround because all my scripts automatically check and download the newest Chromedriver paired with Chrome automatically when executed ☹️ Console ouput using the v127 webdriver: _WD_Option ==> Success [0] : Parameters: Option=Driver Value=chromedriver.exe _WD_Option ==> Success [0] : Parameters: Option=Port Value=9515 _WD_Option ==> Success [0] : Parameters: Option=DriverParams Value=--verbose --log-path="..\Autoit\Chromedriver Webdriver Tester\chrome.log" _WD_GetFreePort ==> Success [0 / 9515] : Parameters: MinPort=9515 MaxPort=Default _WD_IsLatestRelease ==> Success [0] : True _WD_Startup: OS: WIN_10 X64 19045 _WD_Startup: AutoIt: _WD_Startup: Webdriver UDF: 1.3.1 (Up to date) _WD_Startup: WinHTTP: (Download latest source at <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dragana-r/autoit-winhttp/master/WinHttp.au3>) _WD_Startup: Driver: chromedriver.exe (64 Bit) _WD_Startup: Params: --verbose --log-path="..\Chromedriver Webdriver Tester\chrome.log" _WD_Startup: Port: 9515 _WD_Startup: Command: "chromedriver.exe" --verbose --log-path="..\Autoit\Chromedriver Webdriver Tester\chrome.log" _WD_Startup ==> Success [0] _WD_CapabilitiesAdd ==> Success [0] : Successfully used [alwaysMatch] with specified browser: chrome _WD_CapabilitiesAdd ==> Success [0] : Successfully added capability _WD_CapabilitiesAdd ==> Success [0] : Successfully added capability __WD_Post ==> Success [0] : HTTP status = 200 _WD_CreateSession ==> Success [0] : 67aa435790af892f26341bd9b796f6de __WD_Post ==> Invalid argument [5] : HTTP status = 400 _WD_Navigate ==> Invalid argument [5] : Parameters: URL=******
    1 point
  10. Ah ok. I am naming older version with their release, but the latest version is always the same filename without version indication.
    1 point
  11. Yes, v5.5.2.0 . I got it right away. After @donnyh13 complain then I installed it. >"C:\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\AutoIt3.exe" "C:\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.au3" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "C:\AutoIt3\Examples\GUI\SampleControls.au3" /UserParams +>19:33:08 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper (pid=4436) 23.402.1150.10 from:SciTE.exe ( Keyboard:00000409 OS:WIN_11/2009 CPU:X64 OS:X64 Environment(Language:0409) CodePage:0 utf8.auto.check:4 +> SciTEDir => C:\AutoIt3\SciTE UserDir => C:\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper >Running AU3Check ( from:C:\AutoIt3 input:C:\AutoIt3\Examples\GUI\SampleControls.au3 +>19:33:08 AU3Check ended. rc:0 >Running:(\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\AutoIt3\Examples\GUI\SampleControls.au3" +>Setting Hotkeys...--> Press Ctrl+Alt+Break to Restart. --> Press Ctrl+BREAK to Stop. > +>19:33:11 AutoIt3 ended. rc:0 +>19:33:11 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished. all good as far as running an example file and checking the "About" window. No crash, all runs.
    1 point
  12. Any specific settings you are using in the SciTEUser.properties i should test with?
    1 point
  13. It was more like a starter example without the GUI part so I didn't run the code but I am glad it worked.
    1 point
  14. Tested x86 and x64 in a new PC. All works without any issues. 👍
    1 point
  15. Hi everybody I never used the 4th button of MsgBox, so I wanted to try it to see if this "Help" button was simple to use. Here is what I scripted so far, simple but that's a start : #include <AutoItConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Global $hGUI = GUICreate("My Gui", 500, 300) GUISetState() GUIRegisterMsg($WM_HELP, "WM_HELP") MsgBox(BitOr($MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE, $MB_HELP, $MB_TOPMOST), "Click Help button", "Text", 0, $hGUI) ToolTip("") ;=========================================== Func WM_HELP($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam If $hWnd = $hGUI Then ToolTip("- Cancel means..." & @CR & " etc..." & @CR & @CR & _ "- Try Again means..." & @CR & " etc..." & @CR & @CR & _ "- Continue means..." & @CR & " etc...", Default, Default, "", 0, $TIP_BALLOON) EndIf Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WM_HELP This was the normal behavior of the 4th button, but personnaly I'm using it in a "non-normal" way, as shown in the pic below, where a click on the 4th button closes the MsgBox and lets the user know that the 4th button was clicked I'll explain in another (already existing) post how I did that, in case some users are interested, with this kind of pic & new explanations to come, the problem is I modify the explanations daily ! Thanks to @funkey for his post found here
    1 point
  16. 'C:\Program Files"\tecweb\tecweb1001.zip' Why is there a doubleqoute in the string? Does the script have write access as in general the "C:\program Files" requires admin rights?
    1 point
  17. #include <String.au3> #include <array.au3> #Include "ZLIB.au3" ; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/128962-zlib-deflateinflategzip-udf/page/2/#comments Extract_Embedded_Files_from_PDF_Documents() func Extract_Embedded_Files_from_PDF_Documents() dim $fileopendialog = FileOpenDialog("","", "Pdf(*.pdf)") if @error then return seterror (1,"","") dim $file = FileOpen($fileopendialog,16) dim $chars_binary=fileread($file) FileClose($file) dim $chars_string=BinaryToString($chars_binary) dim $array_0[0][2] dim $array_1[0][2] dim $stringsplit=stringsplit($chars_string,"endobj",1+2) for $a=0 to ubound($stringsplit)-1 $stringsplit[$a]=stringreplace($stringsplit[$a],chr(10),"",1) if stringleft($stringsplit[$a],2)="3 " then dim $_StringBetween_obj=_StringBetween($stringsplit[$a],"3 0 obj","") if not @error Then dim $_StringBetween_stream=_StringBetween($_StringBetween_obj[0],"stream"&@lf,@lf&"endstream") Dim $Decompressed = _ZLIB_Uncompress($_StringBetween_stream[0]) $chars_string=BinaryToString($Decompressed) dim $_StringBetween=_StringBetween($chars_string,"<<",">>") for $b=0 to ubound($_StringBetween)-1 dim $cell_0,$cell_1 $_StringBetween[$b]=stringreplace($_StringBetween[$b],chr(10),"") if stringleft($_StringBetween[$b],4)="/F (" then dim $_StringBetween_1=_StringBetween($_StringBetween[$b],"(",")") if not @error then $cell_1=$_StringBetween_1[0] dim $_StringBetween_0=_StringBetween($_StringBetween[$b],"<</F "," 0 R") if not @error then $cell_0=$_StringBetween_0[0] dim $aFill[1][2] = [[$cell_0, $cell_1]] _arrayadd($array_1,$aFill) endif next endif endif dim $_StringBetween_obj=_StringBetween($stringsplit[$a]," 0 obj"&chr(10)&"<<"&chr(10)&"/DL ","") if not @error Then dim $checksum=_StringBetween($stringsplit[$a],"/CheckSum (",")"&@lf) dim $_StringBetween_stream=_StringBetween($_StringBetween_obj[0],"stream"&@lf,@lf&"endstream") if not @error Then dim $StringToBinary=StringToBinary ($_StringBetween_stream[0]) Dim $Decompressed = _ZLIB_Uncompress($StringToBinary) $chars_string=BinaryToString($Decompressed) dim $StringInStr=StringInStr($stringsplit[$a]," ") dim $stringleft=stringleft($stringsplit[$a],$StringInStr-1) $stringleft=StringStripWS($stringleft,8) dim $aFill[1][2] = [[$stringleft, $chars_string]] _arrayadd($array_0,$aFill) endif endif next dim $dircreate=$fileopendialog&".Extract_Embedded_Files" dim $filecreate=false for $i=0 to ubound($array_0)-1 for $a=0 to ubound($array_1)-1 if $array_0[$i][0]=$array_1[$a][0] then if not FileExists($dircreate) then dircreate($dircreate) dim $filewrite = FileOpen($dircreate&"\"&$array_1[$a][1],2+16) filewrite($filewrite,$array_0[$i][1]) fileclose($filewrite) $filecreate=true continueloop endif next next if $filecreate=true then shellexecute($dircreate) endfunc
    1 point
  18. ; #STRUCTURE# =================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: $tagHELPINFO ; Description ...: Contains information about an item for which context-sensitive Help has been requested ; Fields ........: Size - The structure size, in bytes ; ContextType - The type of context for which Help is requested. This member can be one of the following values: ; HELPINFO_WINDOW = 1: Help requested for a control or window. ; HELPINFO_MENUITEM = 2: Help requested for a menu item. ; CtrlID - The identifier of the window or control if ContextType is HELPINFO_WINDOW, ; or identifier of the menu item if ContextType is HELPINFO_MENUITEM ; ItemHandle - The identifier of the child window or control if ContextType is HELPINFO_WINDOW, ; or identifier of the associated menu if ContextType is HELPINFO_MENUITEM. ; ContextID - The help context identifier of the window or control. ; PointX - X position that of the mouse at the time the event occurred ; PointY - Y position that of the mouse at the time the event occurred ; Author ........: funkey ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Global Const $tagHELPINFO = "uint Size;int ContextType;int CtrlID;handle ItemHandle;dword ContextID;int PointX;int PointY" Global Const $MB_HELP = 0x4000 Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Global $Toggle = False #Region Help GUI Global $hGuiHelp = GUICreate("Help-GUI", 220, 100, -1, -1, 0x80880000, 0x00000088) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFE1) ;tooltip color GUICtrlCreateLabel("Help for abort button", 10, 10) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Help for retry button", 10, 30) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Help for ignore button", 10, 50) #EndRegion Help GUI Global $hGui = GUICreate("Main Application") GUISetOnEvent(-3, "_Exit") GUIRegisterMsg(0x0053, "_Help") ;WM_HELP Global $Button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Show MsgBox", 50, 50) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_Show_MsgBox") GUISetState() While 1 Sleep(20000) WEnd Func _Help($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $tInfo, $ContextType, $CtrlID, $ItemHandle, $ContextID, $X, $Y $tInfo = DllStructCreate($tagHELPINFO, $lParam) $ContextType = DllStructGetData($tInfo, "ContextType") $CtrlID = DllStructGetData($tInfo, "CtrlID") $ItemHandle = HWnd(DllStructGetData($tInfo, "ItemHandle")) $ContextID = DllStructGetData($tInfo, "ContextID") $X = DllStructGetData($tInfo, "PointX") $Y = DllStructGetData($tInfo, "PointY") ConsoleWrite("ContextType: " & $ContextType & @CR) ConsoleWrite("CtrlID: " & $CtrlID & @CR) ConsoleWrite("ItemHandle: " & $ItemHandle & @CR) ConsoleWrite("ContextID: " & $ContextID & @CR) ConsoleWrite("PointX: " & $X & @CR) ConsoleWrite("PointY: " & $Y & @CR & @CR) Local $aPos = ControlGetPos($ItemHandle, "", $CtrlID) $Toggle = Not $Toggle If $Toggle Then _ClientToScreen($ItemHandle, $aPos[0], $aPos[1]) WinMove($hGuiHelp, "", $aPos[0], $aPos[1] + $aPos[3]) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGuiHelp) Switch StringRight(@OSLang, 2) Case "07" ;german ControlSetText($ItemHandle, "", $CtrlID, "Schließe Hilfe") Case "09" ;english ControlSetText($ItemHandle, "", $CtrlID, "Close Help") EndSwitch Else GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hGuiHelp) Switch StringRight(@OSLang, 2) Case "07" ;german ControlSetText($ItemHandle, "", $CtrlID, "Hilfe") Case "09" ;english ControlSetText($ItemHandle, "", $CtrlID, "Help") EndSwitch EndIf EndFunc Func _Show_MsgBox() Local $ret = MsgBox($MB_HELP + 2 + 48, "Hello","What do you want to do?", 0, $hGui) ConsoleWrite($ret & @cr) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hGuiHelp) $Toggle = False EndFunc ; Convert the client (GUI) coordinates to screen (desktop) coordinates Func _ClientToScreen($hWnd, ByRef $x, ByRef $y) Local $stPoint = DllStructCreate("int;int") DllStructSetData($stPoint, 1, $x) DllStructSetData($stPoint, 2, $y) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "ClientToScreen", "hwnd", $hWnd, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stPoint)) $x = DllStructGetData($stPoint, 1) $y = DllStructGetData($stPoint, 2) ; release Struct not really needed as it is a local $stPoint = 0 EndFunc ;==>_ClientToScreen Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc I hope someone can need this.
    1 point
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