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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/2024 in all areas

  1. What I really dislike about python is how many files a simple program will write to disk, because of all the dependencies and libraries it's using which are also writing to disk. Running a python program, for example webtorrent cli, and checking later on with software for reading overwritten data, it is almost a thousand various python files that were deleted. That annoys me for some reason. When I run a program, I like when it's just a tool and it does something simple. But these python and javascript and other package managed languages that effortlessly summon a million other python programs and their dependencies and their specific versions... I can't fully explain why it annoys me but it just seems really sloppy and bad. There is beauty in a compiled program that doesn't rely on other things, but this view does not seem supported by python developers, I guess is a good way to put it. I also don't like how there is no end statements (or closing bracket equivalents for code depth) in python. It looks ugly in my opinion, visually unbalanced, and I rely on those end statements to parse stuff. Lua in my opinion is like a prettier version of python because of the end statements it has.
    1 point
  2. This is working for me : ConsoleWrite(_WinAPI_GetProcessName(_WinAPI_GetParentProcess (_WinAPI_GetParentProcess (@AutoItPID))) & @CRLF) gives : WindowsTerminal.exe or explorer.exe or Scite.exe
    1 point
  3. Introduction ImGui is a popular library written by ocornut, it can make awesome user interface based on directx. It is being used by many big apps/games. The UI is nice and flexible, easy to use because of frame-by-frame drawing. So I decided to convert the entire ImGui library to AutoIt At first it's just an experiment, i converted some basic draw functions of imgui, compile to a dll, then using DllCall in autoit to call the functions. I was testing to see how much FPS i can get in autoit, and i was expected a low FPS, since autoit is slow. Suprisingly, the FPS turned out to be so high, it works really fast, even when drawing 1000 buttons at the same time. Features More than +270 functions converted from ImGui (compiled dll). Has 90% of the capability of what you can do in C++; Usable ImGuiIO and ImGuiStyle, so you can set whatever configurations you like. Preview Usage #include <WinAPI.au3> #include "ImGui.au3" ; Create a window Local $hwnd = _ImGui_GUICreate("AutoIt ImGui", 1024, 768) _WinAPI_ShowWindow($hwnd) ; Set style color _ImGui_StyleColorsLight() ;~ _ImGui_StyleColorsDark() Local $f_value = 5 While 1 ; when the user click close button on the window, this will return false if Not _ImGui_PeekMsg() Then Exit ; must call _ImGui_BeginFrame() _ImGui_Begin("Another window") _ImGui_Text("Hello there..") If _ImGui_Button("click me") Then $f_value = 5 _ImGui_SliderFloat("slider", $f_value, 2, 20) If _ImGui_IsItemHovered() Then _ImGui_ToolTip("what r u doing?") _ImGui_End() ; must call _ImGui_EndFrame() Wend Remark Most of the functions were converted automatically. I haven't tested all of them yet, if some function doesn't work for you, please tell me. Still missing some features of ImGui, please tell me if you needed any. Run \tools\imgui-au3-setup.au3 to add _ImGui functions to SciTE auto-complete. Source Code Require: DirectX GitHub: imgui-autoit
    1 point
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