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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2024 in all areas

  1. Execute function (see help file) will do the boolean logic for the whole statement Assign function (see help file) will set each variable to True/False StringReplace function will replace each var with $var inside a statement You need to create a loop to assign in alternance each var to true/false edit : Local $aVar = ["KV", "MH", "TV"] Local $sStatement = "((KV = TRUE) AND (MH = FALSE)) OR (TV = TRUE)" Local $nVar = UBound($aVar), $sList, $bRes $sStatement = StringRegExpReplace($sStatement, "([A-Z]+ =)", "\$\1") ConsoleWrite($sStatement & @CRLF) For $i = 0 To (2 ^ $nVar) - 1 $sList = "" For $j = 0 To $nVar - 1 Assign($aVar[$j], BitAND($i, 2 ^ $j) ? True : False) $sList &= $aVar[$j] & " = " & Eval($aVar[$j]) & @TAB Next $bRes = Execute($sStatement) ConsoleWrite($sList & ":: " & $bRes & @CRLF) Next
    2 points
  2. Thanks for explaining and sorry to be a pain, but I am trying to avoid some pain we experienced in the old days.
    1 point
  3. Hello, If you have to struggle with multiple localizations (languages) of windows, then wrap it as a powershell script addressing the always constant well known SID S-1-5-32-555 for the local group of "remote desktop Users" (e.g. in German the name is "Remotedesktopbenutzer") $sid = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier("S-1-5-32-555") $group = $sid.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]) $groupName = $group.Value.Split('\')[1] $userName = "yourUsername" Add-LocalGroupMember -Group $groupName -Member $userName
    1 point
  4. Version 1.6.0 has just been released. This release adds snippets for loops, function declarations and UDF sections. Please let me know your experiences good or bad if you use it , Thanks
    1 point
  5. An update to the related debug extension (1.2.0 ) Colors in output based on the first character on a line, like what it does with SciTE. Partially, so this is only for single characters. By default "!" is red, ">" is blue, "-" is orange and "+" is green. Characters and colors can be changed via the setting "autoit3.output.colors", or disabled, if you just set it to an empty object. For anyone that does not know, the extension currently only runs scripts and displays the output. Actual debugging is the goal if i ever finish a working AutoIt3 parser.
    1 point
  6. Information Update 7-25-2024 Good news everyone! It's official! The RPGenerator hiatus is slated to END October 2024! 🎉 New development and production will start Fall 2024. The zCore IRC bot software, that I've designed in Python, is now in a stable and operational state, the software is not 100% finished (what software is truly finished?), but the features and workings currently are complete, functional and stable. This will be used for the RPGenerator hub bot. Additional features and what not for this software will be updated over time and will not hinder the production of new RPGenerator stuff. (In fact, I'm anticipating that RPGenerator development will lead to some new features/additions in the IRC software!) ✨ The IRC Software being used (GitHub repo): http://github.com/m0de-60/zcore Approximated RPGenerator project build chart: ▶️ Create basic game flow and game/story content (already started but official development won't begin until October) ▶️ Create a basic Game Hub Bot with zCore IRC software (already started but official development won't begin until October) ▶️ Create an IRC Core in AutoIt (this will be far simpler than zCore, and be used for the main IRC control of Autoit programs.) ▶️ Develop a universal communication protocol and game protocol for all RPGenerator programs (Python, mIRC and Autoit) to communicate with each other via IRC and DCC ▶️ Completely recode animation/gfx system for RPGenerator in Autoit (start fresh) ▶️ Create GUI based user client for windows users in Autoit ▶️ Create a mIRC script that is loosely based off the Autoit client ▶️ Create RPGStudio, a Autoit program that will allow for users to create and edit game content (characters, items, etc) PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT THE OFFICIAL FLOW CHART, BUT AN APPROXIMATION. CHANGES TO PLANS MAY OCCUR. MORE INFO TO BE POSTED BEFORE OR BY OCTOBER 2024.
    1 point
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