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@Danp2Using your link I added _WD_CapabilitiesAdd("args","disable-search-engine-choice-screen") to my script and the search engine selection pop-up, does not pop-up anymore Thanks! WD_CapabilitiesStartup() _WD_CapabilitiesAdd("alwaysMatch", "chrome") _WD_CapabilitiesAdd("w3c", True) _WD_CapabilitiesAdd("excludeSwitches", "enable-automation") _WD_CapabilitiesAdd("useAutomationExtension", false) _WD_CapabilitiesAdd("prefs","credentials_enable_service", False) _WD_CapabilitiesAdd("args","disable-search-engine-choice-screen") $sDesiredCapabilities = _WD_CapabilitiesGet()1 point
Another AutoIt extension for Visual Studio Code
argumentum reacted to genius257 for a topic
In vscode press F1 and type "open settings json" you can the choose user or workspace settings to open/edit. in here you can add a key "autoit3.installDir" with the value equal to your AutoIt path, for example: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AutoIt3". The backslashes need to be escaped with a backslash. You can use the extensions tab in the primary side bar (default located on the left) and search for either "genius257.autoit" or "genius257.autoit3-debug", depending on your needs. If you downloaded the vsix file manually instead, you press F1 and type "install extension from location", locate the vsix file and select it.1 point -
I can hear you Jos, the Scripts you are having to maintain are very complex for sure to keep running correctly. I'm not sure if you're asking everyone, or mainly Michal, if the latter, then sorry for the below 2 cents. I can't speak from too much experience with both, but for what it's worth.... I have, of course used Scite for all of my AutoIt coding, and have grown fond and used to it, even having a few custom lua scripts to help make life easier. I have also used VSCode, for other projects and like many of its features. There are definitely pro's and Con's to both. I do like Scite for its simple layout, and plain display, just the necessities, and better performance (for me, anyway). Plus smaller download size. VSCode is handy for its many available plugins, and customization, but bigger install file size. Plus, a con for me, though not an impossibility, is Windows 7 isn't supported any more, so no more updates, but the rest still works fine, until they decide to cut something off. How many features do you think would be lost if the switch was done? i.e. Keywords,(Emmet, I see), Header creator, tidy, "Smart" AutoComplete and call tips, etc., would they still be able to be integrated/re-created to work? I can see some would be as there are already a few people who have done VSCode plugins, Logan and Genius257, probably a few others, but just curious the extent. I haven't explored those plugins much. What about custom LUA scripts? That would be made more complex, I suppose, and be another language? ConsoleWrite etc., usage for debugging would probably change too? Overall I would miss Scite. But if the features, or at least the main features could be added to VSCode too, I think the switch could be tolerable, if it makes it easier on you and the other devs to maintain. Sorry, not much input. Maybe others will have more insightful comments.1 point
Resize GUI & controls font
SOLVE-SMART reacted to pixelsearch for a topic
Hi everybody The purpose of this post is to indicate how simple it is to change your "too small" Gui for a bigger one, resizing (or not) the associated controls font. 1) SampleControls.au3 The original example is found in AutoIt package (subfolder ..\Example\GUI) and displays its GUI like this : 2) "SampleControls (resizable Gui).au3" [ based on SampleControls.au3 ] If you want to enlarge the Gui because it appears too small depending on your screen resolution, here are the changes to apply, where the Gui is resizable but the control fonts are unchanged : ; Added ; ----- #include <StaticConstants.au3> ; center the label control #include <WindowsConstants.au3> ; $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW Opt("GUIResizeMode", $GUI_DOCKAUTO) ;0 = (default) keep default control resizing , <1024 = any type of resizing ; Modified ; -------- ; GUICreate("Sample GUI", 400, 400) GUICreate("Sample GUI", 400, 400, -1, -1, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW) ; GUICtrlCreateLabel("Green" & @CRLF & "Label", 350, 165, 40, 40) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Label", 350, 165, 40, 40, BitOr($SS_CENTERIMAGE, $SS_CENTER)) 3) "SampleControls (resizable Gui & fonts).au3" [ based on "SampleControls (resizable Gui).au3" ] If you want to enlarge the Gui AND resize the controls font so they appear bigger, here are the changes to apply : ; Added ; ----- Global $hGUI, $iGUIInitSizeW = 400, $iLast_DummyControl $iLast_DummyControl = GUICtrlCreateDummy() ; just before GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) GUIRegisterMsg($WM_SIZE, "WM_SIZE") Func WM_SIZE($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $iMsg, $wParam If $hWnd = $hGUI Then Local Static $iFontSize_Old = 0 Local $iParentW = BitAND($lParam, 0xFFFF) ; low word (new width of the client area) ; Local $iParentH = BitShift($lParam, 16) ; high word (new height of the client area) Local $iFontSize = Int(2 * (.5 + (8 * $iParentW / $iGUIInitSizeW))) / 2 If $iFontSize_Old <> $iFontSize Then For $i = 3 To $iLast_DummyControl - 1 ; 1st control in GUI is always 3 GUICtrlSetFont($i, $iFontSize) Next $iFontSize_Old = $iFontSize EndIf EndIf Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WM_SIZE ; Modified ; -------- ; GUICreate("Sample GUI", 400, 400, -1, -1, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW) $hGUI = GUICreate("Sample GUI", $iGUIInitSizeW, 400, -1, -1, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW) Below, a bolder font appears when more resizing is applied to the GUI : I just tried all this on a personal script and the results looked fine, hope it will be same for you. Big thanks to @Melba23 for his script, found here Mods, I don't know where this post should be placed on the Forum. Please move it if you think its place isn't the appropriate one, thanks.1 point -
Found the solution (described here: stackoverflow) I need to add the following step to ptrex old topic: $oRDP.AdvancedSettings8.EnableCredSspSupport = true Script example: #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> $host = "IP Address" ;<<<<<<< enter here the host name or ip address ;Remote Desktop ActiveX Control Interfaces -> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa383022(v=VS.85).aspx $hGUI = GUICreate("RDP Embedded Sessions", 952, 675, -1, -1, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS + $WS_CLIPCHILDREN) $oRDP = ObjCreate("MsTscAx.MsTscAx") ;http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa381344(v=VS.85).aspx $oRDP_Ctrl = GUICtrlCreateObj($oRDP, 64, 44, 800, 600) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKALL) GUICtrlSetStyle($oRDP_Ctrl , $WS_VISIBLE) $oRDP.DesktopWidth = 1366 $oRDP.DesktopHeight = 768 $oRDP.Fullscreen = 768 $oRDP.ColorDepth = 32 $oRDP.AdvancedSettings2.RedirectDrives = True ; Sollen die Laufwerke mitgenommen werden $oRDP.AdvancedSettings2.RedirectPrinters = False ; Sollen die Drucker mitgenommen werden $oRDP.AdvancedSettings2.RedirectPorts = False ; Ports wie LPT1 etc $oRDP.AdvancedSettings2.RedirectSmartCards = False ; SmartCards für Authentifizierung $oRDP.AdvancedSettings2.EnableAutoReconnect = False $oRDP.AdvancedSettings2.allowBackgroundInput = False $oRDP.AdvancedSettings2.ConnectionBarShowRestoreButton = False $oRDP.AdvancedSettings3.SmartSizing = True $oRDP.AdvancedSettings5.AudioRedirectionMode = 0 $oRDP.AdvancedSettings2.ClearTextPassword = "Password" ; <<<<<<< enter here the user password $oRDP.AdvancedSettings8.EnableCredSspSupport = true $oRDP.Server = $host $oRDP.UserName = "Username" ;<<<<<<< enter here the user name $oRDP.Domain = "domain" ;<<<<<<< enter here the domain name $oRDP.ConnectingText = "Connecting to " & $host $oRDP.DisconnectedText = "Disconnected from " & $host $oRDP.StartConnected = True $oRDP.Connect() GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) ;~ ConsoleWrite($oRDP.GetErrorDescription() & @CRLF) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $oRDP.Disconnect() Exit EndSwitch WEnd Hope this post is useful to someone else. regards Peppe1 point