"Once upon a time ..." than I've made the following:
But now exist a new version of the "quricol.dll" for 32 and 64 bit. All parameters can be used now.
In the old thread you can see, that is implemented with the help of @TheXman . Thanks for that.
Then I revised the GUI and I came up with new possibilities. This has now resulted in a much more powerful tool, which is why I decided to create a new thread on this topic.
There are 3 components:
This is the base UDF that need for all. You can write your own applications by using it.
This is the graphical User Interface to deal with all functions of the UDF.
As a special feature, you have a preview that can be enlarged.
This is the Commandline Interface.
With the exception of HBITMAP generation, which is not required on the command line, you can perform all functions of the UDF to generate QR codes.
Here more in detail:
QRCreator.au3 - functions
Generates the QR-Code as PNG file for the passed text.
Generates the QR-Code as BMP file for the passed text.
Creates a HBITMAP handle for the QR-Code for the passed text.
Don't forget to delete it, if no more need (_WinAPI_DeleteObject(HBITMAP)).
Copies the QR-Code picture for the passed text to the clipboard.
Generates a default filename (QR_YYYYMMDD_hhmmss)
Asks for the result of the last call (_QR_getHBitmap/_QR_copyToClipboard/_QR_generateBMP/_QR_generatePNG)
Gets a structure with: .success(1/0) .error(@error) .width .type(B/C/[F/R]) .output(hBMP/''/fullpath) .margin .sizept .corrlevel
Types(.type): B (HBITMAP), C (Clipboard), F (File created), R (resized file created)
The following parameters will used:
The text to encode. Full unicode is supported.
$_sPathOut (ONLY: _QR_generatePNG und _QR_generateBMP)
The full path of the file to create. If only a filename has passed the @ScriptDir will used.
Without a filename the default filename will used (QR_YYYYMMDD_hhmmss).
If the filename exists, it will get a suffix (1..n) until it's unique.
The QR-Code margin in px
Size of the points in the QR-Code (1-4, depends by the correction level)
If a wrong value is passed, it will corrected by the script.
The used correction level (0-3). Allows to read a QR-Code if some parts damaged.
$_iOutSize (ONLY: _QR_generatePNG und _QR_generateBMP)
As a new feature you can pass a target size for created file.
The size of the file depends by used correction level and the size of created points.
If you pass a value for width (and so for heigth too), the default by the dll created file will resized for this size.
If the passed size is to small it raises an error.
$_iScale (ONLY: _QR_copyToClipboard)
Also new is the ability to scale up the QR-Code copied to clipboard.
It's a factor for linear scaling, based on the default creation size by the dll call.
All information for the actions you've done will shown in the statusbar of the GUI.
But this is my own statusbar, that allows formatting. I've attached them too.
available command line parameters
NEW: Passing multi-line text via command line
break=Placeholder character for a line break (default is ^)
Must only be set if the default value is not to be used. For single-line text that contains the default placeholder, set "break=none"!
If break is set, this must always be the first parameter!
text=Text for encoding
file=path/filename[.ext] - If ommited, the default will used: @HomeDrive & @HomePath & "\QR_YYYYMMDD_hhmmss"
type=png,bmp,clip - If ommited, 'png' will used. With clip runs CopyToClipboard.
or combined png/bmp If file has .ext and type is passed but is different to .ext than will used type
width=int - (and height) initializes a resizing of the default created QR-Code
Resizing fails, if passed size is smaller as the default generated file.
REMARK: Only for file creation
scale=int - Factor for up scaling the QR-Code
REMARK: Only for CopyToClipboard
margin=4 - The margin around the QR-Code in px (Default = 4)
corrlevel=0 - Up to 7%, 15%, 25% or 30% damage [0, 1, 2, 3]. (Default = 0)
sizept=2 - The size of the painted pixel itself. The value depends on the correction level.
Only the smallest point size can be used for the largest correction level.
The value will corrected automatically, if wrong.
return values
comma separated string with:
RESULT='FullFilePath' or 'CLIPBOARD'
SIZE=width x heigth
SIZEPT=The really used (may be corrected) size of point
MARGIN=The used margin size
CORRLEVEL=The used correction level
You find all the stuff also in the function headers.
So that you get an impression, here are a few pictures.