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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/2024 in all areas

  1. Kanashius

    Wifi QRCode generator

    This script allows the generation of qrcodes to automatically log into wifi networks, like newer smartphones support. With the wifi ssid and password provided a qcode is created. Additionally, the password can be created with a desired length. The wifi ssid and password are written below the qrcode using a font (Consolas) to be able to better differentiate between the characters (O/0,...). The font, fontsize,..., as well as other settings can be configured in data\config.ini after the first execution. WifiQRCodeGenerator.zip WifiQRCodeGenerator-Executable.zip
    3 points
  2. bdr529

    delete %temp% files

    RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'rd /S /q %temp%', "", @SW_HIDE)
    2 points
  3. This may help. Taken from the CryptoNG Purpose statement:
    1 point
  4. water

    OutlookEX UDF

    Werde ich prüfen, sobald ich etwas Zeit finde und Outlook unter Windows 11 🥵 korrekt funktioniert!
    1 point
  5. Kanashius

    QRCode generator cli

    This script allows the usage of the QRCode UDF (QRCode UDF) from the console. It allows the output of a QRCode to the console or as image file. When creating an image, another image can be provided to automatically draw into the middle of the qrcode. The size will be automatically adjusted depending on the "error correction level" The newest version is 1.1 Man page: Changelog: QRCodeGenerator-CLI.zip QRCodeGenerator-CLI-Executable.zip QRCodeGenerator-CLI_v1.1.zip QRCodeGenerator-CLI-Executable_v1.1.zip
    1 point
  6. Kanashius

    QRCode UDF

    This QRCode UDF makes it possible to generate QRCodes and create an image or print it to the console. It provides functions to create a 2D-Boolean-Array of the QRCode, get a Bitmap (_GDIPlus) of that QRCode or to draw it directly at a GraphicsContext (_GDIPlus). To achieve this, I created a .dll in rust, which uses the "QR Code generator library (Rust)" by Project Nayuki (https://www.nayuki.io/page/qr-code-generator-library). Currently the following functions are included in the UDF: _QRCode_StartUp - Startup needed before using most other functions (Includes _GDIPlus_Startup) _QRCode_Shutdown - Shutdown should be called at the and to clean up (Includes _GDIPlus_Shutdown) _QRCode_GetQRCode - Generate a QRCode as 2D-Boolean-Array, where the first index = lines, the second index=cols, normally False=White, True=Black _QRCode_GetBitmap - Creates a GDIPlus-Bitmap with the QRCode _QRCode_DrawQRCode - Draws a QRCode on a provides GDIPlus-GraphicsContext _QRCode_DrawQRCodeFast - Same as _QRCode_DrawQRCode, but without error checks and requires brushes for the colors to be provided (=> higher FPS) _QRCode_ConsoleWrite - Print the QRCode to the console _QRCode_GetSize - Get the size of the generated QRCode _QRCode_GetECLMaxLoss - Get the maximum allowed loss before the qrcode becomes unreadable (decimal multiplier) Possible error correction levels: $_QRCode_ECL_LOW = 1 $_QRCode_ECL_MEDIUM = 2 $_QRCode_ECL_QUARTILE = 3 $_QRCode_ECL_HIGH = 4 - Default Here is an example, how the UDF could be used: Another example can be found with the QRCodeGenerator-cli: QRCode generator cli That is a console application with detailed possibilities for settings to generate qrcodes from the commandline. While developing in rust, I first created a .exe instead of the .dll. Calling the .exe and parsing the result was relatively slow (~1 sec), so I ditched that for the .dll. You can find the created .exe in the files as Rust-Executable (QRCode-Wrapper-Console-Rust-Exe.zip). It is a commandline utility to be called with a text with the corresponding qrcode being written to the console with 0 (white), 1 (black), 2 (new line). With --human the qrcode will be printed humanreadable and with --errorlvl low/medium/quartile/high, the error correction level can be provided. But this appilcation is inferior to the QRCodeGenerator-cli mentioned above and is just included for completeness. Files: The QRCode UDF with all needed files: qrcode.zip The Rust-Sourcecode of the .dll and .exe: QRCode-Dll-Exe-Rust-Src.zip The Rust-Executable: QRCode-Wrapper-Console-Rust.zip QRCode-Wrapper-Console-Rust-Exe.zip qrcode.zip QRCode-Dll-Exe-Rust-Src.zip
    1 point
  7. ioa747

    delete %temp% files

    #include <File.au3> _RemoveAll(@TempDir, "*", 0, 1) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _RemoveAll($dir, $sMask = "*", $iReturn = 0, $iRecur = 0, $sProgress = "Progress") If StringRight($dir, 1) <> "\" Then $dir &= "\" $aList = _FileListToArrayRec($dir, $sMask, $iReturn, $iRecur) If Not IsArray($aList) Then ConsoleWrite($dir & " = Invalid input path" & @CRLF) Return Else ProgressOn($sProgress, "0% completed") Local $nProgress, $sFilePath, $sAttrib For $i = 1 To $aList[0] $sFilePath = $dir & $aList[$i] If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sFilePath), "D") = 0 Then ;~ FileDelete($sFilePath) ConsoleWrite($i & ") FileDelete: " & $sFilePath & @CRLF) Else ;~ DirRemove($sFilePath, $DIR_REMOVE) ConsoleWrite($i & ") DirRemove: " & $sFilePath & @CRLF) EndIf $nProgress = Int($i / $aList[0] * 100) ProgressSet($nProgress, "", $nProgress & "% completed") Next EndIf EndFunc ;==>_FindAllFilez ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 point
  8. Defeating MITM attack can be done relatively efficiently, but always require parties to establish a previous common convention. Say you Rurorita and me jchd want to exchange secretly. I've snail-mailed you the following: Dear Rurorita, mardi 27 avril 20jchd21 I look forward meeting you face to face. Until then let's talk together using my DH UDF and let's hash our DH exchanges with SHA2. The hash keys could be the personalized date of our exchanges. Engage brain and let's try it right now! Warm regards. You can infer we're going to use the current GMT date in French with the century followed by our own pseudo as SHA2 passphrase. Today I'll be using mercredi 12 mai 20jchd21 and you'll use mercredi 12 mai 20Rurorita21. Such a convention is simple to use and strong enough, well, unless your real name is Snowden and mine Navalny. We can even change this convention during our first secret exchange or any time later. The shield to use always depends on the worst kind of bullet you can reasonably expect to be thrown at you and the value of the secret, thing or person behind the shield.
    1 point
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