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Function not working with array
JonJablonowski reacted to Andreik for a topic
No. These are dimensions of an array not arguments of a function.1 point -
Function not working with array
JonJablonowski reacted to Andreik for a topic
In first example you are calling Clicking with a single parameter and below your function has at least 2 mandatory parameters ($x, $y) out of 4 parameters. Isn't this self explanatory? If you want to use the first example then your function should look like this: Local $aClicks[3][4] = [[100, 100, "Test", 1000] _ , [200, 200, " Test2", 1500] _ , [200, 200, " Test3", 2000]] Clicking($aClicks) Func Clicking($aClicks) ; Your code here EndFunc Or if you want to preserve your original function with 4 parameters you can do something like this: Local $aClicks[3][4] = [[100, 100, "Test", 1000] _ , [200, 200, " Test2", 1500] _ , [200, 200, " Test3", 2000]] ClickingArray($aClicks) Func ClickingArray($aClicks) For $Index = 0 To UBound($aClicks) - 1 Clicking($aClicks[$Index][0], $aClicks[$Index][1], $aClicks[$Index][2], $aClicks[$Index][3]) Next EndFunc Func Clicking($x, $y, $s = "", $z = 1000) ; Your original function EndFunc1 point -
WebDriver - Get <html>
SOLVE-SMART reacted to argumentum for a topic
Bet it does. But I need to interact with a site and fake a user working in it. Nowadays the source loads a boatload of JS scripts and that is the page instead of the html in the source. Welcome to the future1 point -
WebDriver - Get <html>
SOLVE-SMART reacted to argumentum for a topic
... ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & '--- >' & _WD_GetSource($__g_sSession) & '< ---' & @CRLF & @CRLF) ... That did it.1 point -
I used Sciter several times. You can make interesting user interfaces but it doesn't support all modern CSS. I am interested also to find a new way to embed a web application in a GUI without installing too many third party software.1 point
Which possibilities do we have to embed a HTML page into a AutoIt GUI?
SOLVE-SMART reacted to genius257 for a topic
Hi @SOLVE-SMART. The AutoIt-HTTP-Server will only work as a backend, but should be able to be used with CEF with no problem, i would think But depending on when CEF allows in terms of API with AutoIt, it may be sufficient just to inject HTML and JavaScript, and observe events or changes. I have never used CEF, and have not made a deep dive, so it would depend on how well AutoIt can interact with the Chrome instance created.1 point -
Sciter is a HTML/CSS renderer and layout manager. you can make powerfull html gui. you need sciter-x.dll from Sciter SDK you can also download HtmLayout Demo for see lot of exemples of use. (run browse.exe in bin folder and open htm file in html_samples) #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Sciter-Constants.au3> #include-once Global $aHLelementsfound = 0 Global $Sciterdll = 0 Global $SciterRef = 0 Global $HandleWindowsAttachEvent = 0 Global $SciterEvHandler = 0 Global $aHLDOM_error[7] Global $sciterhtml $aHLDOM_error[0] = "function completed successfully" $aHLDOM_error[1] = "invalid HWND" $aHLDOM_error[2] = "invalid HELEMENT" $aHLDOM_error[3] = "attempt to use HELEMENT which is not marked by Sciter_UseElement()" $aHLDOM_error[4] = "parameter is invalid, e.g. pointer is null" $aHLDOM_error[5] = "operation failed, e.g. invalid html in SciterSetElementHtml()" $aHLDOM_error[6] = "Dllcall error" ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StStartup ; Description....: Initialize Sciter ; Syntax.........: _StStartup($dll = "Sciter-x.dll") ; Parameters.....: $dll - Path to sciter DLL [Optional] ; ; Return values..: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StStartup($dll = "Sciter-x.dll") ;ok $SciterRef += 1 If $SciterRef > 1 Then Return 1 $Sciterdll = DllOpen($dll) If $Sciterdll = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StCreate ; Description....: Create Sciter Windows ; Syntax.........: _StCreate($x = 0, $y = 0, $w = 100, $h = 50) ; Parameters.....: $x - [Optional] ; $y - [Optional] ; $w - [Optional] ; $h - [Optional] ; ; Return values..: Success - Sciter window handle. ; Failure - 0 ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StCreate($x = 0, $y = 0, $w = 100, $h = 50) ;ok If $x = -1 Then $x = @DesktopWidth / 2 - ($w/2) If $y = -1 Then $y = @DesktopHeight / 2 - ($h/2) $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "wstr", "SciterClassNameW") If @error Then Return 0 $ClassName = $result[0] $SciterHwnd = _WinAPI_CreateWindowEx(BitOR($WS_EX_LAYERED,$WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW ), $ClassName, "", BitOR($WS_VISIBLE,$WS_popup,$WS_CLIPCHILDREN), $x, $y, $w, $h,0) Return $SciterHwnd EndFunc ;==>_StCreateGui ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StIncGui ; Description....: Create Sciter Windows as child of $ParentGui ; Syntax.........: _StIncGui($ParentGui, $x = 0, $y = 0, $w = 100, $h = 50) ; Parameters.....: $ParentGui - Handle of parent Gui ; $x - [Optional] ; $y - [Optional] ; $w - [Optional] ; $h - [Optional] ; ; Return values..: Success - Sciter window handle. ; Failure - 0 ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StIncGui($ParentGui, $x = 0, $y = 0, $w = 100, $h = 50) ;ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "wstr", "SciterClassNameW") If @error Then Return 0 $ClassName = $result[0] $SciterHwnd = _WinAPI_CreateWindowEx(0, $ClassName, "", BitOR($WS_CHILD, $WS_VISIBLE,$WS_CLIPCHILDREN), $x, $y, $w, $h,$ParentGui) Return $SciterHwnd EndFunc ;==>_StIncGui ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StLoadFile ; Description....: Load HTML file. ; Syntax.........: _StLoadFile($STHwnd, $file) ; Parameters.....: $STHwnd - Sciter window handle. ; $file - File name of an HTML file. ; ; Return values..: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StLoadFile($STHwnd, $file) ;ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "BOOL", "SciterLoadFile", "HWND", $STHwnd, "wstr", $file) If @error Then Return 0 Return $result[0] EndFunc ;==>_StLoadFile ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StLoadHtml ; Description....: Load HTML from memory. ; Syntax.........: _StLoadHtml($STHwnd, $String) ; Parameters.....: $STHwnd - Sciter window handle. ; $String - HTML to load. ; ; Return values..: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StLoadHtml($STHwnd, $String) ;ok $StringSize = StringLen($String) $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "BOOL", "SciterLoadHtml", "HWND", $STHwnd, "str", $String, "UINT", $StringSize, "str", @ScriptDir) If @error Then Return SetError(@error,0,0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_StLoadHtml ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StGetRootElement ; Description....: Get root DOM element of HTML document. ; Syntax.........: _StGetRootElement($STHwnd) ; Parameters.....: $STHwnd - Sciter window handle. ; ; Return values..: Success - Return root element. ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: Root DOM object is always a 'HTML' element of the document. ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StGetRootElement($STHwnd) ;ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterGetRootElement", "HWND", $STHwnd, "ptr*", "") If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return $result[2] EndFunc ;==>_StGetRootElement ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StGetElementHtml ; Description....: Get Html of the element. ; Syntax.........: _StGetElementHtml($el, $outer = 1) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle ; $outer - BOOL, if TRUE will return outer HTML otherwise inner. [Optional] ; ; Return values..: Success - Return Html of element ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StGetElementHtml($el, $outer = 1) ;ok $sciterhtml = "" $LPCBYTE_RECEIVER = DllCallbackRegister("SciterByteCallback", "ptr", "str;UINT;ptr") $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterGetElementHtmlCB", "ptr", $el, "BOOL", $outer, "ptr", DllCallbackGetPtr($LPCBYTE_RECEIVER), "ptr", "") If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) DllCallbackFree($LPCBYTE_RECEIVER) Return $sciterhtml EndFunc Func SciterByteCallback($byte,$num,$prm) $sciterhtml = BinaryToString($byte,4) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StSetElementHtml ; Description....: Set inner or outer html of the element. ; Syntax.........: _StSetElementHtml($el, $html, $where) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle ; $html - string containing html text ; $where - possible values are: ; 0: replace content of the element ; 1: insert html before first child of the element ; 2: insert html after last child of the element ; 3: replace element by html, a.k.a. element.outerHtml = "something" ; 4: insert html before the element ; 5: insert html after the element ; ; Return values..: Success - Return 1 ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: Value 3,4 and 5 for $where do not work for inline elements like ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StSetElementHtml($el, $html, $where = 0) ;ok $htmllen = StringLen($html) $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterSetElementHtml", "ptr", $el, "str", $html, "DWORD", $htmllen, "UINT", $where) If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_StSetElementHtml ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StGetElementText ; Description....: Get inner text of the element ; Syntax.........: _StGetElementText($el) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle ; ; Return values..: Success - return text element ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StGetElementText($el) ;ok $sciterhtml = "" $LPCWSTR_RECEIVER = DllCallbackRegister("SciterWSTRCallback", "ptr", "wstr;UINT;ptr") $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterGetElementTextCB", "ptr", $el, "ptr", DllCallbackGetPtr($LPCWSTR_RECEIVER), "ptr", "") If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) DllCallbackFree($LPCWSTR_RECEIVER) Return $sciterhtml EndFunc Func SciterWSTRCallback($wstr,$num,$prm) $sciterhtml = $wstr EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StSetElementText ; Description....: Set inner text of the element. ; Syntax.........: _StSetElementText($el, $String) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle ; $String - Innertext ; ; Return values..: Success - Return 1 ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StSetElementText($el, $String) ;ok $len = StringLen($String) $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterSetElementText", "ptr", $el, "wstr", $String, "UINT", $len) If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_StSetElementText ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StGetChildrenCount ; Description....: Get number of child elements. ; Syntax.........: _StGetChildrenCount($el) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle which child elements you need to count ; ; Return values..: Success - Return number of child elements ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StGetChildrenCount($el) ;ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterGetChildrenCount", "ptr", $el, "UINT*", "") If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return $result[2] EndFunc ;==>_StGetChildrenCount ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StGetFocusElement ; Description....: Get focused DOM element of HTML document. ; Syntax.........: _StGetFocusElement($hwnd) ; Parameters.....: $hwnd - Sciter windows handle ; ; Return values..: Success - Return focus element or 0 if no focus ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: To set focus on element use _StSetElementState($el, $STATE_FOCUS,0) ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StGetFocusElement($hwnd) ;ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterGetFocusElement", "HWND", $hwnd, "ptr*", "") If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return $result[2] EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StGetElementState ; Description....: Get state bits, see ELEMENT_STATE_BITS in "Sciter-constants.au3" ; Syntax.........: _StGetElementState($el) ; Parameters.....: $el - Dom element handle ; ; Return values..: Success - Return Statebits ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StGetElementState($el) ;ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterGetElementState", "ptr", $el, "UINT*", "") If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return $result[2] EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StSetElementState ; Description....: Set state bits, see ELEMENT_STATE_BITS in "Sciter-constants.au3" ; Syntax.........: _StSetElementState($el, $stateToSet, $stateToClear = 0, $upt = 1) ; Parameters.....: $el - Dom handle element ; $stateToSet - ; $stateToClear - [Optional] ; $upt - [Optional] ; ; Return values..: Success - Return 1 ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StSetElementState($el, $stateToSet, $stateToClear = 0, $upt = 1) $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterSetElementState", "ptr", $el, "UINT", $stateToSet, "UINT", $stateToClear, "BOOL", $upt) If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return 1 EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StGetNthChild ; Description....: Get handle of Nth child element. ; Syntax.........: _StGetNthChild($el, $nth) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle ; $nth - number of the child element ; ; Return values..: Success - Return handle of the child element ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StGetNthChild($el, $nth) ;ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterGetNthChild", "ptr", $el, "UINT", $nth-1, "ptr*", "") If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return $result[3] EndFunc ;==>_StGetNthChild ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StGetParentElement ; Description....: Get parent element. ; Syntax.........: _StGetParentElement($el) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle which parent you need ; ; Return values..: Success - Return handle of the parent element ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StGetParentElement($el) ;ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterGetParentElement", "ptr", $el, "ptr*", "") If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return $result[2] EndFunc ;==>_StGetParentElement ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StGetAttributeCount ; Description....: Get number of element's attributes. ; Syntax.........: _StGetAttributeCount($el) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle ; ; Return values..: Success - Return number of element attributes. ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StGetAttributeCount($el) ;ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterGetAttributeCount", "ptr", $el, "UINT*", "") If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return $result[2] EndFunc ;==>_StGetAttributeCount ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StGetNthAttribute ; Description....: Get value of any element's attribute by attribute's number. ; Syntax.........: _StGetNthAttribute($el, $nth) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle ; $nth - number of desired attribute ; ; Return values..: Success - Return Array with name and value of attribute. $return[0] = name, $return[1] = value ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StGetNthAttribute($el, $nth);ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterGetNthAttribute", "ptr", $el, "UINT", $nth, "str*", "", "wstr*", "") If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Dim $aRet[2] $aRet[0] = $result[3] $aRet[1] = $result[4] Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>_StGetNthAttribute ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StGetAttributeByName ; Description....: Get value of any element's attribute by name. ; Syntax.........: _StGetAttributeByName($el, $AttName) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle ; $AttName - attribute name ; ; Return values..: Success - Return attribute value ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StGetAttributeByName($el, $AttName);ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterGetAttributeByName", "ptr", $el, "str", $AttName, "wstr*", "") If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return $result[3] EndFunc ;==>_StGetAttributeByName ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StSetAttributeByName ; Description....: Set attribute's value. ; Syntax.........: _StSetAttributeByName($el, $AttName, $value) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle ; $AttName - attribute name ; $value - new attribute value or 0 if you want to remove attribute. ; ; Return values..: Success - Return 1 ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StSetAttributeByName($el, $AttName, $value) ;ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterSetAttributeByName", "ptr", $el, "str", $AttName, "wstr", $value) If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_StSetAttributeByName ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StClearAttributes ; Description....: Remove all attributes from the element. ; Syntax.........: _StClearAttributes($el) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle ; ; Return values..: Success - Return 1 ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StClearAttributes($el) ;ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterClearAttributes", "ptr", $el) If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_StClearAttributes ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StGetElementIndex ; Description....: Get element index. ; Syntax.........: _StGetElementIndex($el) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle ; ; Return values..: Success - Return index of element ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StGetElementIndex($el) ;ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterGetElementIndex", "ptr", $el, "UINT*", "") If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return $result[2] EndFunc ;==>_StGetElementIndex ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StGetElementType ; Description....: Get element's type. ; Syntax.........: _StGetElementType($el) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle ; ; Return values..: Success - Return Type of element ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: For <div> return will be set to "div". ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StGetElementType($el) ;ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterGetElementType", "ptr", $el, "str*", "") If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return $result[2] EndFunc ;==>_StGetElementType ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StGetStyleAttribute ; Description....: Get element's style attribute. ; Syntax.........: _StGetStyleAttribute($el, $StyleName) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle ; $StyleName - name of the style attribute ; ; Return values..: Success - Return value of the style attribute. ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StGetStyleAttribute($el, $StyleName);ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterGetStyleAttribute", "ptr", $el, "str", $StyleName, "wstr*", "") If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return $result[3] EndFunc ;==>_StGetStyleAttribute ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StSetStyleAttribute ; Description....: Set element's style attribute. ; Syntax.........: _StSetStyleAttribute($el, $StyleName, $StyleValue) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle ; $StyleName - name of the style attribute ; $StyleValue - value of the style attribute. ; ; Return values..: Success - Return 1 ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StSetStyleAttribute($el, $StyleName, $StyleValue);ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterSetStyleAttribute", "ptr", $el, "str", $StyleName, "wstr", $StyleValue) If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_StSetStyleAttribute ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StCreateElement ; Description....: Create new element, the element is disconnected initially from the DOM. ; Syntax.........: _StCreateElement($tag, $txt = "") ; Parameters.....: $tag - html tag of the element e.g. "div", "option", etc. ; $txt - initial text of the element or "". text here is a plain text. [Optional] ; ; Return values..: Success - Return handle of element ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StCreateElement($tag, $txt = "");ok If $txt <> "" Then $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterCreateElement", "str", $tag, "wstr", $txt, "ptr*", "") Else $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterCreateElement", "str", $tag, "ptr", "", "ptr*", "") EndIf If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return $result[3] EndFunc ;==>_StCreateElement ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StInsertElement ; Description....: Insert element at index position of parent. ; Syntax.........: _StInsertElement($el, $elparent, $index) ; Parameters.....: $el - Handle element ; $elparent - Handle element of parent ; $index - position of the element in parent collection. ; ; Return values..: Success - Return 1 ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: It is not an error to provide index greater than elements count in parent - it will be appended. ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StInsertElement($el, $elparent, $index);ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterInsertElement", "ptr", $el, "ptr", $elparent, "UINT", $index) If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return 1 EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StSelectElements ; Description....: Return Array of elements in a DOM that meets specified CSS selectors. ; Syntax.........: _StSelectElements($el, $CssSel) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle ; $CssSel - comma separated list of CSS selectors, e.g.: div, id, div[align="right"]. ; ; Return values..: Success - Return Array of elements, $return[0] : number of element. ; Failure - Return 0 if no element found else Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: See list of supported selectors: http://terrainformatica.com/Sciter/selectors.whtm ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StSelectElements($el, $CssSel);ok $handle = DllCallbackRegister("StElementsCallback", "BOOL", "ptr;ptr") Dim $aHLelementsfound[1] $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterSelectElementsW", "ptr", $el, "wstr", $CssSel, "ptr", DllCallbackGetPtr($handle), "ptr", "") If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) DllCallbackFree($handle) $HLelementsCount = UBound($aHLelementsfound) If $HLelementsCount = 1 Then Return 0 $aHLelementsfound[0] = $HLelementsCount-1 Return $aHLelementsfound EndFunc ;==>_StSelectElements Func StElementsCallback($el, $param) Local $iUBound = UBound($aHLelementsfound) ReDim $aHLelementsfound[$iUBound + 1] $aHLelementsfound[$iUBound] = $el EndFunc ;==>_StElementsCallback ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StSelectParent ; Description....: Find parent of the element by CSS selector. ; Syntax.........: _StSelectParent($el, $CssSel, $depth = 0) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle ; $CssSel - comma separated list of CSS selectors, e.g.: div, id, div[align="right"]. ; $depth - if depth == 1 then it will test only element itself. ; Use depth = 1 if you just want to test he element for matching given CSS selector(s). ; depth = 0 will scan the whole child parent chain up to the root. [Optional] ; ; Return values..: Success - Return parent of the element. ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StSelectParent($el, $CssSel, $depth = 0) ;ok $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterSelectParentW", "ptr", $el, "wstr", $CssSel, "UINT", $depth, "ptr*", "") If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return $result[4] EndFunc ;==>_StSelectParent ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StDeleteElement ; Description....: Delete element. ; Syntax.........: _StDeleteElement($el) ; Parameters.....: $el - DOM element handle ; ; Return values..: Success - Return 1 ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: After call to this function $el will become invalid. ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StDeleteElement($el) $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterDeleteElement", "ptr", $el) If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_StDeleteElement ;~ EXTERN_C HLDOM_RESULT HLAPI SciterShowPopup (HELEMENT hePopup, HELEMENT heAnchor, UINT placement) ;~ Shows block element (DIV) in popup window. ;~ Func _StShowPopup($Sciterdll, $el, $anchor, $placement) ;~ $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterShowPopup", "ptr", $el, "ptr", $anchor, "UINT", $placement) ;~ If @error Then Return 0 ;~ Return 1 ;~ EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StWindowAttachEventHandler ; Description....: Attach/Detach ElementEventProc to the Sciter window. ; Syntax.........: _StWindowAttachEventHandler($hwnd, $func, $events) ; Parameters.....: $hwnd - HWND of Sciter windows ; $func - Function to receive events (need two params eg: $func($ev, $arrayparam) ; $events - Events you want receive (see remarks) ; can be : ;~ $HANDLE_INITIALIZATION : attached/detached ;~ $HANDLE_MOUSE : mouse events ;~ $HANDLE_KEY : key events ;~ $HANDLE_FOCUS : focus events, if this flag is set it also means that element it attached to is focusable ;~ $HANDLE_SCROLL : scroll events ;~ $HANDLE_SIZE : size changed event ;~ $HANDLE_DATA_ARRIVED : requested data () has been delivered ;~ $HANDLE_BEHAVIOR_EVENT : secondary, synthetic events: BUTTON_CLICK, HYPERLINK_CLICK, etc. ;~ $HANDLE_METHOD_CALL : behavior specific methods ;~ $HANDLE_EXCHANGE : system drag-n-drop events ;~ $HANDLE_ALL : all of them ; Return values..: Success - Return 1 ; Failure - Return -1, @error is set. (see $aHLDOM_error[@error] for details) ; Remarks........: For Uppercase type see "Sciter-Constants.au3" ; $HANDLE_MOUSE : $ret[12]=[MOUSE_EVENTS, target el, curs xpos el rel, curs ypos el rel, curs xpos doc rel, curs ypos doc rel, MOUSE_BUTTONS, KEYBOARD_STATES, CURSOR_TYPE, is on icon, el dragged, DRAGGING_TYPE] ; $HANDLE_KEY : $ret[4]=[KEY_EVENTS, target el, key code, KEYBOARD_STATES] ; $HANDLE_FOCUS : $ret[4]=[FOCUS_EVENTS, target el, focus by click, cancel] ; $HANDLE_SCROLL: $ret[4]=[SCROLL_EVENTS, target el, scroll pos, 1 if vert scroll] ; $HANDLE_BEHAVIOR_EVENT : $ret[5]=[BEHAVIOR_EVENTS, target el, source el, EVENT_REASON or EDIT_CHANGED_REASON, data] ; =============================================================================================================== Func _StWindowAttachEventHandler($hwnd, $func, $events) $HandleWindowsAttachEvent = DllCallbackRegister("HLEvHandler", "BOOL", "ptr;ptr;UINT;ptr") $result = DllCall($Sciterdll, "int", "SciterWindowAttachEventHandler", "HWND", $hwnd, "ptr", DllCallbackGetPtr($HandleWindowsAttachEvent), "ptr", "", "UINT", $DISABLE_INITIALIZATION+$events) If @error Then Return SetError(6,0,-1) If $result[0] <> 0 Then Return SetError($result[0],0,-1) $SciterEvHandler = $func Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_StWindowAttachEventHandler Func HLEvHandler($tag,$el,$ev,$prm) $ap = -1 $a = DllStructCreate("UINT cmd", $prm) $cmd = DllStructGetData($a, "cmd") $a = 0 If $cmd > 32768 Then Return If $ev = $HANDLE_MOUSE Then $str = "UINT cmd;ptr target;DWORD posx;DWORD posy;DWORD pos_documentx;DWORD pos_documenty;UINT button_state;UINT alt_state;UINT cursor_type;BOOL is_on_icon;ptr dragging;UINT dragging_mode" $ap = getstructdata($str,$prm) EndIf If $ev = $HANDLE_KEY Then $str = "UINT cmd;ptr target;UINT key_code;UINT alt_state" $ap = getstructdata($str,$prm) EndIf If $ev = $HANDLE_FOCUS Then $str = "UINT cmd;ptr target;BOOL by_mouse_click;BOOL cancel" $ap = getstructdata($str,$prm) EndIf If $ev = $HANDLE_SCROLL Then $str = "UINT cmd;ptr target;int pos;BOOL vertical" $ap = getstructdata($str,$prm) EndIf If $ev = $HANDLE_BEHAVIOR_EVENT Then $str = "UINT cmd;ptr heTarget;ptr he;UINT reason;ptr data" $ap = getstructdata($str,$prm) EndIf If $ev = $HANDLE_METHOD_CALL Then $str = "UINT cmd;ptr heTarget;ptr he;UINT reason;ptr data" $ap = getstructdata($str,$prm) EndIf Execute ($SciterEvHandler&"("&$ev&",$ap)") EndFunc Func getstructdata($str,$prm) $a = DllStructCreate($str, $prm) $b = StringSplit ( $str, ";") Dim $ret[$b[0]] For $i = 0 To $b[0]-1 $ret[$i] = DllStructGetData($a,$i+1) Next Return $ret EndFunc changelog : 0.2 : Add _StDebug() for display css/html error in scite console. Correct some error in Sciter-constants Add taskbar and title param in _StCreate Add skin gui exemple 0.1 : First releaseCalltips: _StStartup ($dll = "Sciter-x.dll") Initialize Sciter (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StCreate ($x = 0, $y = 0, $w = 100, $h = 50) Create Sciter Windows (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StIncGui ($ParentGui, $x = 0, $y = 0, $w = 100, $h = 50) Create Sciter Windows as child of $ParentGui (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StLoadFile ($STHwnd, $file) Load HTML file. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StLoadHtml ($STHwnd, $String) Load HTML from memory. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StGetRootElement ($STHwnd) Get root DOM element of HTML document. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StGetElementHtml ($el, $outer = 1) Get Html of the element. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StSetElementHtml ($el, $html, $where) Set inner or outer html of the element. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StGetElementText ($el) Get inner text of the element (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StSetElementText ($el, $String) Set inner text of the element. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StGetChildrenCount ($el) Get number of child elements. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StGetFocusElement ($hwnd) Get focused DOM element of HTML document. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StGetElementState ($el) Get state bits, see ELEMENT_STATE_BITS in "Sciter-constants.au3" (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StSetElementState ($el, $stateToSet, $stateToClear = 0, $upt = 1) Set state bits, see ELEMENT_STATE_BITS in "Sciter-constants.au3" (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StGetNthChild ($el, $nth) Get handle of Nth child element. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StGetParentElement ($el) Get parent element. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StGetAttributeCount ($el) Get number of element's attributes. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StGetNthAttribute ($el, $nth) Get value of any element's attribute by attribute's number. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StGetAttributeByName ($el, $AttName) Get value of any element's attribute by name. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StSetAttributeByName ($el, $AttName, $value) Set attribute's value. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StClearAttributes ($el) Remove all attributes from the element. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StGetElementIndex ($el) Get element index. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StGetElementType ($el) Get element's type. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StGetStyleAttribute ($el, $StyleName) Get element's style attribute. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StSetStyleAttribute ($el, $StyleName, $StyleValue) Set element's style attribute. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StCreateElement ($tag, $txt = "") Create new element, the element is disconnected initially from the DOM. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StInsertElement ($el, $elparent, $index) Insert element at index position of parent. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StSelectElements ($el, $CssSel) Return Array of elements in a DOM that meets specified CSS selectors. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StSelectParent ($el, $CssSel, $depth = 0) Find parent of the element by CSS selector. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StDeleteElement ($el) Delete element. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>) _StWindowAttachEventHandler ($hwnd, $func, $events) Attach/Detach ElementEventProc to the Sciter window. (required: #include <Sciter-UDF.au3>)Sciter-UDF.7z1 point
Tried this and it wasn't very effective except once. Is there some sort of event handler that checks if you type anything in to the input it sets focus to the button. That sounds like what the style does but doesn't seem to work. $CheckID = GUICtrlCreateButton("Validate", 426, 140, 85, 21, 0) GUICtrlSetState($CheckID, $GUI_FOCUS)1 point