Even simpler solution with regex:
#include <Array.au3>
$sString = FileRead("The.Girl-UTF.srt")
$aSplit = _regex_split($sString, "\R{2,}")
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name ..........: _regex_split
; Description ...: separates a string of separators described by a regular expression.
; The separators are not part of the result strings.
; Syntax ........: _regex_split($sString, $sSplitPattern)
; Parameters ....: $sString - string, which should be split
; $sSplitPattern - regular expression which defines the separation pattern.
; $dFlag - Flag for StringSplit()
; Return values .: 1D-Array containing the substrings split based on the separators.
; Author ........: AspirinJunkie
; Modified ......: 2023-03-23
; Example .......: $aSplit = _regex_split("Hello:world:foo://:bar", ':(?!\/\/)')
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _regex_split($sString, Const $sSplitPattern, Const $dFlag = 3)
Return StringSplit( _
StringRegExpReplace($sString, $sSplitPattern, Chr(0)), _
Chr(0), $dFlag)