@cag8f when you start shareX, by default the active tool is 'select and move' which does not have the option 'Tool Options'
for this reason when I start the example I start it with r 'Rectangle' to make sure it has the option 'Tool Options'
(or whatever tool you want, which has the option 'Tool Options')
e.g. when i choose 'Rectangle' the screen position of 'Tool Options' is circa 1322, 37
when i choose 'Text (Background)' the screen position of 'Tool Options' is circa 1322, 37
when i choose 'Text (Outline)' the screen position of 'Tool Options' is circa 1296, 37
when i choose 'Line' the screen position of 'Tool Options' is circa 1296, 37
Local $hWnd = WinWait("ShareX - Editor menu", "", 3)
ConsoleWrite("$hWnd: " & $hWnd & @CRLF)
;~ ;first click Tool Rectangle
ControlClick($hWnd, "", "WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.1a52015_r6_ad11", "left", 1, 220, 16)
;Then click Tool Options
ControlClick($hWnd, "", "WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.1a52015_r6_ad11", "left", 1, 869, 16)
Sleep (200)
;get value from 'BorderSize'
$Result = Int(ControlGetText("[CLASS:WindowsForms10.Window.808.app.0.1a52015_r6_ad1]", "", "WindowsForms10.EDIT.app.0.1a52015_r6_ad11"))
;here we have some difference 'CLASS:WindowsForms10.Window.20808.app.' VS 'CLASS:WindowsForms10.Window.808.app.' *** <--
;~ $Result = ControlGetText('[CLASS:WindowsForms10.Window.20808.app.0.1a52015_r6_ad1]', '', '[CLASS:WindowsForms10.EDIT.app.0.1a52015_r6_ad11; INSTANCE:1]')
;Then send esc to 'ShareX - Editor menu' to close the 'Tool Options'
;print result
ConsoleWrite("$Result = " & $Result & @CRLF)
ℹ️ because I have ShareX version 15, and among the screenshots you sent us, the only difference I noticed is that for you it is _r6_ and for me it is _r22_
for the 'Window.20808.app' in line 16 I didn't see any data and I don't know but the pattern doesn't match so check it